
your gracious acceptance, and most readilie offer to your approved judgment, whether this cause, so much despised and disgraced, doe not wrongfully suffer many imputacions.

whom, were the colony well provided, then might tryall be made what lyeth hidden in the wombe of the ground. The land might yearlie abound with corne and other provisions for man's sustentationbuildings, fortifications and shipping might be reared, wrought and framed-commodities of divers

First, to meete with an objection commonly used amongst many men, who search truthes no farther then by common reports, namely, how is it possi-kinds might be yearly reaped and sought after, and ble Virginia can now be so good, so fertile a countrey, so plentifullie stored with food and other commodities? Is it not the same still it was when men pined with famine? Can the earth now bring forth such a plentifull increase? Were there not governors, men and meanes to have wrought this heretofore? And can it now, on the suddaine, be so fruitfull? Surely, say they, these are rather bates to catch and intrapp more men into woe and miserie, then otherwise can be imagined. These, with many as frivolous, I have heard instigated, and even reproachfullie spoken against Virginia. To answeare whom, (the most parte of them incredulous worldlings-such as believe not, unless they feele the goodnes of the Lord sensiblie to touch them,) though it be not much materiall, yet let them know, 'tis true, Virginia is the same it was, I meane for the goodnes of the seate, and fertileness of the land, and will no doubt so contynue to the world's end,—a countrey as worthy good report, as can be declared by the pen of the best writer. A countrey spacious and wide, capable of many hundred thousands of inhabitants. For the soil most fertile to plant in, for ayre fresh and temperate, somewhat hotter in summer, and not altogether so cold in winter as in England, yet so agreeable it is to our constitutions, that now 'tis more rare to heare of a man's death then in England amongst so many people as are there resident. For water, most wholesome and verie plentifull, and for fayre navigable rivers and good harbours, no countrey in christendom, in so small a circuite, is so well stored. For matter fit for buildings and fortifications, and for building of shipping, with everie thing thereto apperteyning, I may boldly avouch scarce anie or no countrey knowne to man is of itself more abundantly furnished. Theis things (may some say,) are of great consequence toward the settling of a plantation, but where are the beasts and cattle to feede and cloth the people? I confesse this is a mayne want; yet some there are already, as neate cattle, horses, mares and goates, which are carefullie preserved for increase. The nomber whereof, hereafter shalbe sett downe in a particular note by themselves. There are also great store of hoggs, both wild and tame, and poultrie great plentie, which every man, if they will, themselves may keepe. But the greatest want of all is least thought on, and that is good and sufficient men, as well of birth and qualitie, to command soldiers, to march, discover and defend the countrey from invasions, as also artificers, laborers, and husbandmen, with

many things (God's blessinge contynuing,) might come with ease to establish a firme and perfect common weale. But to come again to the matter, from which I have a little straied, and to give a more full answeare to the objectors, may you please to take notice, that the beginning of this plantation was governed by a president and councell, aristocratically. The president yearlie chosen out of the councell, which consisted of twelve persons. This government lasted about two years, in which tyme such envie, dissentions and jarres were daily sowne amongst them, that they choaked the seed and blasted the fruits of all men's la bors. If one were well disposed and gave good advisement to proceed in the business-others, out of the malice of their hearts, would contradict, interdict, withstand and dash all. Some rung out and sent home too loud praises of the riches and fertilness of the country, before they assayed to plant, to reape or search the same; others said nothing, nor did any thing thereunto; all would be keisars, none inferior to other. Some drew forward, more backward-the vulgar sort looked for supplie out of England-neglected husbandry— some wrote-some said there was want of food, yet sought for none-others that would have sought could not be suffered; in which confusion much confusion yearlie befell them, and in this government happened all the miserie. Afterward a more absolute government was graunted, monarchially, wherein it still contynueth, and although for some few years it stood at a stay, especially in the manuring and tilling of ground, yet men spent not their tyme idely nor improfitably, for they were daily employed in palazadoing and building of townes, impaling grounds and other needful busi nesses, which is now both beneficiall to keepe the cattle from ranging, and preserveth the corne safe from their spoile. Being thus fitted and prepared to sow corne, and to plant other seeds and fruits in all the places of our habitations,—one thing, notwithstanding, much troubled our governor, namely, enmitie with the Indians; for, however well we could defend ourselves, townes and seates from any assaulte of the natives, yet our cattle and corne lay too open to their courtesies, and 100 subject to their mercies: whereupon a peace was concluded, which still continueth so firme, that our people ycarely plant and reape quietly, and travell in the woods a fowling and a hunting as freely and securely from feare of danger or treache rie as in England. The great blessings of God have followed this peace, and it, next under him, hath

Now that your highnes may with the more ease understand in what condition the colony standeth, I have briefly sett downe the manner of all men's several imployments, the number of them, and the several places of their aboad, which places or seates are all our owne ground, not so much by conquest, which the Indians hold a just and law full title, but purchased of them freely, and they verie willingly selling it.

The places which are now possessed and inhabited are sixe.


1. Henrico and the lymitts
2. Bermuda Nether
3. West and Sherley
4. James Towne
5. Kequoughtan

6. Dales-Gift

Members belonging to ye Bermuda Towne, a place so called there, by reason of the strength of the situation, were it indifferJently fortified.

The generall mayne body of the planters are divided into

1. Officers. 2. Laborers. 3. Farmors.

bredd our plentie-everie man sitting under his fig [ much less in quantitie then a shire in England tree in safety, gathering and reaping the fruits of By this meanes plentie and prosperitie dwelleth their labors with much joy and comfort. But a amongst them, and the feare and danger of famine question may be demanded what these fruits are- is clean taken away, wherewith the action hath a for such as the countrey affordeth naturally (for long time suffered injurious defamations. varietie and goodnes) are comparable to the best in christendom, (growing wild as they doe,)- pass them over, other discourses having largely manifested them to the view of the world. But for the people's present labors they have Indian wheate, called mays in the West Indies, pease and beanes, English wheate, peas, barley, turnips, cabbages, pumpions, West Indian and others, carretts, parsnips, and such like, besides hearbs and flowers, all of our English seede, both for pleasure and for the kitchen, so good, so fruitful, so pleasant and profitable, as the best made ground in England can yield. And that your Ma'tie may know what two men's labor, with spade and shalve only, can manure in one year, fiftie pounds in money was offered for their cropp, which they refused to take; for hempe and flax, none better in England or Holland-silkewormes, some of ther labors, and lasts of other good and vendible commodities were now brought home. Likewise tobacco, (though an esteemed weed,) very commodious, which there thriveth so well, that no doubt but after a little more triall and expense in the curing thereof, it will compare with the best in the West Indies. For fish and fowle, deere and other beasts, reports and writinge have rather been too sparing then prodigall. About two years since, Sir Thomas Dale, (whose worth and name, in concluding this peace, and managing the affairs of this colony, will out last the standing of this plantation,) found out two seasons in the year to catch fish, namely, the spring and the fall. He himself tooke no small paines in the tryall, and at one hall with a scryne caught five thousand three hundred of them, as bigg as codd. The least of the residue or kind of salmon trout, two foote long; yet durst he not adventure on the mayne skull for breaking his nett. Likewise, two men with axes and such like weapons, have taken and kild neere the shoare and brought home fortie as great as codd in two or three howers space, so that now there is not so great plentie of victualls in anie one of the forenamed kind yearlie with small paines to be gotten in any part of England amongst so few people as are there resident. And, whereas, heretofore we were constrayned yearely to go to the Indians and intreate them to sell us corne, which made them esteeme verie basely of us-now the case is altered; they seeke to us-come to our townes, sell their skins from their shoulders, which is their best garments, to buy corne-yea, some of their pettie kings have this last yeare borrowed four or five hundred bushells of wheate, for payment whereof, this harvest they have mortgaged their whole countries, some of them not

The officers have the charge and care as well over the farmors as laborers generallie—that they watch and ward for their preservacions; and that both the one and the other's busines may be daily followed to the performance of those imployments, which from the one are required, and the other by covenant are bound unto. These officers are bound to maintayne themselves and families with food and rayment by their owne and their servants' industrie.

The laborers are of two sorts. Some employed onely in the generall works, who are fedd and clothed out of the store-others, specially artificers, as smiths, carpenters, shoemakers, taylors, tanners, &c., doe worke in their professions for the colony, and maintayne themselves with food and apparrell, having time lymitted them to till and manure their ground.

The farmors live at most ease-yet by their good endeavours bring yearlie much plentie to the plantation. They are bound by covenant, both for themselves and servants, to maintaine your v Ma'tie's right and title in that kingdom, against all foreigne and domestique enemies. To watch and ward in the townes where they are resident. To do thirty-one dayes service for the colony, when they shalbe called thereunto-yet not at all tymes, but when their owne busines can best spare them. To maintayne themselves and families with food and rayment-and every farmor to pay yearlie into the magazine, for himself and every man servant, two barrells and a half a piece of their best Indian wheate, which amounteth to twelve bushells and a halfe of English measure.

Thus briefly have I sett downe every man's par- are one hundred and nineteen-which seate conticular imployment and manner of living; albeit, teyneth a good circuite of ground-the river runlest the people-who generallie are bent to covett ning round, so that a pale running cross a neck of after gaine, especially having tasted of the sweete land from one parte of the river to the other, maof their labors should spend too much of their keth it a peninsula. The houses and dwellings of tyme and labor in planting tobacco, knowne to the people are sett round about by the river, and them to be verie vendible in England, and so all along the pale, so farr distant one from the neglect their tillage of corne, and fall into want other, that upon anie alarme, they can succor and thereof, it is provided for-by the providence second one the other. These people are injoyned and care of Sir Thomas Dale-that no farmor or by a charter, (being incorporated to the Bermuda other-who must maintayne themselves-shall towne, which is made a corporacoun,) to effect plant any tobacco, unles he shall yearely manure, and performe such duties and services whereunto set and maintayne for himself and every man ser- they are bound for a certain tyme, and then to vant two acres of ground with corne, which doing have their freedome. This corporacoun admitt they may plant as much tobacco as they will, els no farmors, unles they procure of the governor all their tobacco shalbe forfeite to the colony-by some of the colony men to be their servants, for which meanes the magazin shall yearely be sure whom (being no members of the corporacoun,) to receave their rent of corne; to maintayne those they are to pay rent corne as other farmors of this who are fedd thereout, being but a few, and manie kind-these are about seventeen. Others also others, if need be; they themselves will be well comprehended in the said number of one hundred stored to keepe their families with overplus, and and nineteen there, are resident, who labor genereape tobacco enough to buy clothes and such rallie for the colonie; amongst whom some make other necessaries as are needeful for themselves pitch and tarr, potashes, charcole and other works, and houshold. For an easie laborer will keepe and are maintayned by the magazin-but are not and tend two acres of corne, and cure a good store of the corporacoun. At this place (for the most of tobacco-being yet the principall commoditie part) liveth capten Peacdley, deputy marshal and the colony for the present yieldeth. For which, deputy governor. Mr. Alexander Whitaker, as for other commodities, the councell and com (sonne to the reverend and famous divine, Dr. pany for Virginia have already sent a ship thither, Whitaker,) a good divine, hath the ministerial furnished with all manner of clothing, houshold charge here. stuff and such necessaries, to establish a magazin there, which the people shall buy at easie rates for their commodities-they selling them at such prices that the adventurers may be no loosers. This magazin shalbe yearelie supplied to furnish them, if they will endeavor, by their labor, to maintayne it which wilbe much beneficiall to the planters and adventurers, by interchanging their commodities, and will add much encouragement to them and others to persevere and follow the action with a constant resolution to uphold the


At West and Sherley Hundred (seated on the north side of the river, lower then the Bermudas three or four myles,) are twenty-five, commanded by capten Maddeson-who are imployed onely in planting and curing tobacco,-with the profitt thereof to clothe themselves and all those who labor about the generall business.

At James Towne (seated on the north side of the river, from West and Sherley Hundred lower down about thirty-seven myles,) are fifty, under the command of lieutenant Sharpe, in the absence of capten Francis West, Esq., brother to the right

The people which inhabite the said six severall ho'ble the Le. Lawarre,-whereof thirty-one are places are disposed as followeth :

At Henrico, and in the precincte, (which is seated on the north side of the river, ninety odd myles from the mouth thereof, and within fifteen or sixteen myles of the falls or head of that river, being our furthest habitation within the land,) are thirty-eight men and boyes, whereof twenty-two are farmors, the rest officers and others, all whom maintayne themselves with food and apparrell. Of this towne one capten Smaley hath the command in the absence of capten James Davis. Mr. Wm. Wickham minister there, who, in his life and doctrine, give good examples and godly instructions to the people.

farmors; all theis maintayne themselves with food
and rayment. Mr. Richard Burd minister there
a verie good preacher.

At Kequoughtan (being not farr from the mouth of the river, thirty-seven miles below James Towne on the same side,) are twenty-whereof eleven are farmors; all those also maintayne themselves as the former. Capten George Webb commander. Mr. Wm. Mays minister there.

At Dales-Gift (being upon the sea, neere unto Cape Charles, about thirty myles from Kequoughtan,) are seventeen, under the command of one lieutenant Cradock; all these are fedd and maintayned by the colony. Their labor is to make salt At Bermuda Nether Hundred, (seated on the and catch fish at the two seasons aforementioned. south side of the river, crossing it and going by So the nomber of officers and laborers are two land, five myles lower then Henrico by water,) | hundred and five.

The farmors 81; besides woe

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Theis severall places are not thus weakly man'd, as capable of no greater nomber, (for they will maintayne many hundreds more,)—but because no one can be forsaken without losse and detriment to all. If then so few people, thus united, ordered and governed, doe live so happily, every one partaking of the others labor, can keepe in possession so much ground as will feed a far greater nomber in the same or better condition; and seeing too, too many poore farmors in England worke all the yeare, rising early and going to bed late, live penuriously, and much adoe to pay their landlord's rent, besides a daily karking and caring to feed themselves and families, what happiness might they enjoy in Virginia, were men sensible of theis things, where they may have ground for nothing, more than they can manure; reape more fruits and profitts with half the labor, void of many cares and vexacions, and for their rent a matter of small or no moment, I leave to your singular judgment and consideracoun, nothing doubting, but He (who, by his infinite goodnes, with so small means, hath settled these poore and weake beginnings so happily,) will animate, stirr up and encourage manie others cheerefully to undertake this worke, and will assuredly add a daily strength to uphold and maintayne what he hath already begun.

men and children, in everie place some-which | God, (for what were we before the gospell of in all amounteth to three hundred and fifty-one Christ shined amongst us?) and cannot better expersons a small nomber to advance so great a press our duties and thankfulness for so great worke. mercies, then by using such meanes to them, as it pleased him to lend unto others to bring our forefathers and us into the waies of trueth,-it is much to be mourned and lamented how lightlie the workes of God are now a days generallie regarded, and less sought after; but the worke of the world, as though they were eternall, hungered for, and thirsted after with insatiable greedines. But should we well consider, examine and search into ourselves, what we were, and now are, there can be no heart, (if not hardened as the nether mill stone,) but would even break itself to pieces, and distribute to manie poore soules some parte thereof, to purge them from their lees of synne, and to sette them in the right pathes of holines and righteousnes, to serve the King of Heaven; by which meanes and God's holy assistance, no doubt they will soone be brought to abandon their old superstitions and idolatries, wherein they have been nursed and trayned from their infancies, and our greatest adversaries shall not taunt us with this reproach," Whom of you have you wonne to christianitie?" What a crowne of glorie shalbe sett upon their heads who shall faithfullie labor herein, I leave to the enjoying of them, who shall endeavour unfeynedly to meritt the same. Finallie, as Caleb and Joshua in the verie heate of grudgings, murmurings, and assemblies of the children of Israell, stood stoutlie for the Lord's cause, commending the goodnes of the land they discovered, to the faces of their oppressors, and the easines to obtain it even to the perill of their lives, so many right ho❜ble and worthie personages, both here and in Virginia, (whom generallie the most parte withdrew themselves, that the action was almost sunck downe in forgetfulnes,) have mightiNow, to drawe to a conclusion of this my poore lie upheld this christian cause-for God, even our oblacon, I would crave your Highnes' patience a owne God, did helpe them. For neither evill relittle longer-and that you would turne your ports, nor slanders, nor murmurings, nor backheart to a more heavenly meditacoun, wherein bitings of others, nor any disaster, did once dismay much joy and comfort is to be reaped and found, or hinder them from upholding thereof with their of all such as shall truly, sincerely and unfeynedly good reports, incouragements, and meanes yearelie seeke to advance the honor of God, and to propa- sent to the planters, to nourish life and being in gate his gospell. There is no small hope by pietie, this zealous worke. I beseech God to raise up clemencie, curtesie and civill demeanor, (by which many more such, so zealous for God's glory, to meanes some are wonne to us alreadie,) to convert forward the same-we have tasted of some fruits and bring to the knowledge and true worship of thereof. There are no great nor strong castles, Jesus Christ thousands of poore, wretched and nor men like the sons of Anack, to hinder our misbelieving people, on whose faces a good chris- quiet possession of that land. God's hand hath tian cannot looke without sorrow, pittie and com- been mightie in the preservacoun thereof hitherto; passion, seing they beare the image of our Hea- what need we then to feare, but to goe up at once venlie Creator, and we and they come from one as a peculiar people, marked and chosen by the and the same mould, especiallie we knowing that finger of God, to possess it, for undoubtedly he is they, merely through ignorance of God and Christ, with us. And as for murmurers, slanderers and doe run headlong, yea, with joy, into destruction backsliders, a due porcoun shalbe given them for and perpetuall damnation,--for which knowledge their reward. So the blessings of Caleb and we are the more bound and indebted to Almightie Joshua shall fall upon all those that constantly

Seeing then this languishing action is now brought to this forwardness and strength, no person but is provided for, either by their owne or others labors, to subsist themselves for food, and to be able to rayse commodities for clothing and other necessaries, envy it selfe, poysoned with the venom of aspes, cannot wound it.

persevere to the end. Thus, craving your gracious | Farewell! and when joy is alive in thy bowers, pardon for my rude boldnes, beseaching God to send you the fulnes of his blessings in this world and in the world to come, I rest,

Your highnes' most faithful and loyall subject,

[blocks in formation]

Thy vow is in Heaven! the words thou hast spoken,
Have sprung from thy heart to be never repealed;
But as tender a tie has forever been broken

As that which thy trusting devotion has sealed:
Though Fancy her gayest of colors is weaving,
To picture thy future with visions of bliss,-

I know thou dost think of the home thou art leaving,
And bright though another, thou sighest for this.

I would not o'ershadow thy pathway of roses;
And fain would I suffer and sorrow alone,
Lest the grief that the harp of my spirit discloses,
Should wake into sadness the chords of thine own:
But the heart cannot stifle its throbbings of anguish;
The floods of the spirit will gush from their cell;
In the shade of my brow thy bright flow'rs may languish,
But gloom it must wear, as I bid thee farewell.

I have watch'd the young bloom of thy beauties awaken,
As wakes the gay life of the clustering vine,
And thought, when the temple of home should be shaken
Thy graces would mantle its mouldering shrine;
But another has come-and the hours are winging
Their flight to the goal that must doom us to part,
Yet I know that thy tenderest fibres are clinging,
Still firmly and fond, to thy place in my heart.
My heart was a fountain-and 'neath it there flourished
A flower bedewed with its tenderest flow;
My heart was an altar-and on it was nourished

A flame, that no love but a daughter's can know :
But the flower and flame to another are given,
And in his horizon new glories may shine;

Yet, blind to the star that has dawned in his heaven,
I know but, a Pleiad has fallen from mine.

And pleasure is gilding thy cup to the brim ; When life's verdure is crowned with the sunniest flowers Then, double thy rapture by sharing with him; But, oh! should thy moments in sorrow be numbered,

And waters of bitterness over thee flowRemember the breast where thine infancy slumbered, And turn to that bosom the tide of thy woe.

God's blessing go with thee-the hand of another
Is leading thee forth from the home of thy youth;
But time's teachings will show thee the love of a mother,
Is matchless in fervor-unrivall'd in truth.

God grant that the tears from my heart's fountain welling,

May freshen the bloom of life's pathway, to thee; Another's! my heart is with agony swelling

Be as faithful to him as thou hast been to me.

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Notwithstanding I have written four letters to you, since I have had the pleasure of one from you, I cannot forbear to acquaint you of the late very distressing scenes that have taken place, at and near Petersburg. We were not, as I wrote you, visited by Arnold, in his first expedition into the country, but General Phillips, coming to Portsmouth with a reinforcement, enabled them to come up the river, with about 2,500, at a time when the militia were all discharged to about 1000. On Wednesday, the 24th, they approached Petersburg, by the way of my White-Hall plantation, (a) where they halted in the heat of the day, and refreshed; then proceeded at about two o'clock, to advance in two columns--one by the old road, leading to the church, (b) the other along the lane and across the ravine at Miller's old mill; here they received a fire from Captain which was supposed to do execution, but only a JauHouse of Bsk. (c) county, at the head of forty militia, ger (d) was known by us to have been killed. Capt. House continued to retreat and fire, until he came to Taylor's mill, where he joined Col. Dick, at the head of 300 picked militia, who kept up a constant fire, and prevented their taking the heights for upwards of half an hour, but attaining these, they, with cannon and three times the force, dislodged Dick from his ground, but, notwithstanding, he made a regular and steady retreat through Blandford, and formed behind a battalion posted at Bollingbrook warehouse, (e) their right extending to Mrs. Bolling's gate, (ƒ) their left to the

(a) In the county of Prince George, a few miles from Petersburg.

(b) Blandford Church. (c) Brunswick.

(d) German soldier.

(e) Where now stands the City Point Rail-Road depot. (ƒ) At the foot of the hill in front of Bollingbrook house.

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