

The Committee of Council have also had under their consideration the inadequacy of their present means of rendering the Inspection of Schools which have been aided by the Parliamentary Grant effectual for its object, inasmuch as there has hitherto been one Inspector only appointed for all the Schools in connexion with the National Society and the Established Church throughout England and Wales; and another for the Schools in connexion with. the British and Foreign School Society.

Their Lordships will therefore recommend to Her Majesty to appoint, as soon as may be, such an additional number of Inspectors as will be sufficient to ensure a periodical inspection in the most populous and manufacturing districts, once, at least, in every half year, of those Schools connected with the National Society or the Established Church which have been aided by the public grants.

In like manner their Lordships will provide for a periodical inspection of the Schools in connexion with the British and Foreign School Society in those districts.

Their Lordships cannot doubt that the effects of such a system of Inspection will be the Improvement of the Schools visited, as well as an increase of local efforts to promote Elementary Education; and they will thereby be enabled hereafter to determine whether it may not be expedient to provide, in a similar manner, for a periodical Inspection of other districts.


Their Lordships are prepared to give full effect to that portion of the Order of the 3rd of June, 1839, which contemplates the making of larger grants towards the erection of Schools in poor and populous places than are required elsewhere; and they will, in all cases whatever, consider the amount of grant to be made without reference to the plan of any proposed School having been drawn by their Architect.

Council Chamber, Whitehall,
January 16, 1844.

Their Lordships having referred to that part of their Minute of 22nd November, 1843, which regards Normal Schools for the training of Masters and Mistresses, think it desirable to determine what information they will require from applicants for aid towards the building of such Schools, and also to define, with more precision, the proportion of the original expense of the building of such Schools for which they will, under the Minute, make grants in cases where they may think fit to accede to such applications.

Their Lordships will, in the first instance, require answers to the several Queries contained in the list hereunto annexed; and if they should require further information, they will, if necessary, direct their Inspector to go to the place where the School is proposed to be built, and to report to them.

If their Lordships should, in consequence of such inquiries, be satisfied that the application ought to be acceded to, they will make a grant of a sum of money equal to 50l. for every pupil which the proposed building is calculated to accommodate; that is to say, if it is to accommodate ten pupils, 500l.; if twenty pupils, 1000l., and so on.

Their Lordships will also grant the usual rate of aid towards the erection of the Model Schools.

QUESTIONS to be answered as a preliminary to the consideration of any application for a grant towards the Erection of a Normal and Model School.

1. The site on which the erected is situated in or near plot of ground lying between

Normal School is to be Street (or road), being a

or near

2. State the extent of the site, and how it is bounded.

3. Will the Model or Practising School be erected within the same boundary? If not, at what distance will the Model School be from the Normal School?

4. How many trustees will be appointed?

5. Give their names, professions, &c.

6. Furnish (on a separate sheet of paper) a brief but precise statement (not a regular abstract, unless subsequently required) of the title of the present owner of the site proposed for the Normal School; and if the Model School is to be erected on a separate site, then also a similar statement of the title of that site.

7. Describe the means by which the site or sites will be drained; stating the distance which collateral drains will have to run, and the nature of the main drain.

8. Are any vitriol-works, tanneries, size manufactories, slaughterhouses, or other noxious trades situated near the site or sites?

9. Is it, or either of them, in the neighbourhood of any undrained marsh or swampy ground; any large uncovered drain, or large stagnant pool?

10. What is the nature of the soil and superficial bed on which the foundation will rest?


11. Furnish detailed specifications of the structure of the building, or buildings, if separate.

12. You are requested to furnish a plan of the proposed buildings, showing the accommodation which is to be provided :

1. For the residence of the Principal, Vice-Principal, and any Masters.

Explain the means provided for the inspection of the premises at all hours by the Principal and Masters.

2. For the kitchen, scullery, and domestic offices.

Show how the housekeeper and servants are to be lodged and to work, so as to be at all times separate from the school.

3. For the class-rooms, library, and dining-room.

The arrangements for each class of students, while under instruction, should be drawn in the plan, as well as the position of the tables in the dining-roon,

4. Dormitories.

Show the position of the beds, the mode of lighting, and the arrangements for inspection at night.

5. Washing-room.

The mode of supplying water, &c.

6. Cloak and hat rooms.

7. Shoe-house.

8. Knife-house.

9. House for domestic uses.

10. Tool-house.

13. Furnish also a plan of the Model or Practising School, showing

1. The elevation.

2. Ground plan.

3. Arrangements for classes.

4. Mode of warming and ventilating.

5. The play-ground.

6. The Master's house.

7. The out-buildings.

14. Ventilation.

State in what manner the school buildings are to be ventilated and warmed.

15. What extent of enclosed ground will be provided for the employment and exercise of the students?

16. Which of the following subjects are to be included in the scheme of instruction?

1. Religious instruction.

Under what heads?

2. Reading.

3. Writing and book-keeping.

4. Arithmetic.

5. Mensuration of planes and solids.

6. Algebra.

7. Whether any mathematics; and if so, in what form, and to

what extent ?

8. English grammar.

9. Etymology.

10. Eng ish history.

11. Geography.

12. Explanation of natural phenomena.

13. Whether mechanics; and if so, in what form and for what object.

14. The organization, discipline, and management of Elementary Schools.

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17. At what age will the students be received into the school?

18. During what period will they be required to reside?

19. What part of that period will they be required to devote to daily teaching in the Model or Practising School?

20. What sum will each student be required to pay towards the expenses of his maintenance and training?

21. Will any exhibitions be granted; if so, how many, of what amount, and how will their distribution be regulated?

22. What officers are to be appointed for the instruction and training of the students of the Normal School, and at what salaries?

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23. What is the scheme of expenditure likely to be annually incurred under the following heads?

1. Salaries of Principal and all Masters.

2. Books, stationery, apparatus, and tools.

3. Ground-rent and repairs.

4. Taxes and rates.

5. Fuel and lights.

6. Supply of water.

7. Clothing, linen, and furniture.

8. Food.

9. Servants' wages.

10. Medical attendance and sundry incidental expenses.

11. Exhibitions.

24. State your reasons for expecting that the Schools will be efficiently and permanently supported. State probable amount of

1. Annual subscriptions and donations,

2. Annual collections,

3. Annual produce of endowment,

4. Annual payments by the patrons or friends of students trained as schoolmasters,

5. Any other source of income.

25. What is the estimated cost of the building? State separately the cost of

1. The Site,

2. The Model or Practising School,

3. The Normal School, including the apartments for the residence of the Principal, and of the students, and any Masters,

4. The boundary fences,

5. The amount of the legal expenses,

6. And any other expenses.

(The answers to the above questions must be signed by the builder, or by the architect and builder, if the plans were not drawn in the Council Office.)

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