
that your tree was as fruitful as his when I gave it you; it bore as many blossoms, it grew in the same soil, but it has not had the same usage. 11. As I do not choose to let any thing which God has given me, and for which I hold myself accountable to him, go to ruin, I take this tree from you, and forbid its being called any more by your name; it must have your brother's care to recover itself, and it is his from this moment, as well as the fruit it may hereafter bear. 12. You may, if you please, look for another in my nursery and rear it, if you feel inclined, to make amends for your fault, but if you neglect it, that too shall belong to your brother, for assisting me in my labour."

13. Moses felt the justice of his father's sentence, and the wisdom of his design; he went that moment, and chose in the nursery the most thriving young apple-tree that he could find. 14. Edmund assisted him with his advice in rearing it, and Moses did 'not lose a moment. 15. He was never out of humour now with his comrades, and still less with himself, for he applied cheerfully to work, and in the autumn he saw his tree fully answer his hopes. 16. Thus he had the double advantage of enriching himself with a plentiful growth of fruit; and at the same time of getting rid of the vicious habits that he had contracted. 17. His father was so well pleased with this change, that the following year he shared the produce of a small orchard between him and his brother.


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1: Tem'-pe-rate, a. abstaining from excess, moderate. 2. Ex-tra"-vagant, a. wasteful.

A-ro-ma"-tic, a. fragrant, sweet.

Fra'-grant, a. sweet-smelling.


De-li"-ci-ous, a. sweet, very nice or fine.

3. Re-gal'-ed, pret. refreshed, gratified with delicious fare.
In-ter-val, s. time between two events.
Re"-vel-led, pret. feasted.

4. Phi'-al, s. (pro. fial), a small bottle.

Tem'-per-ed, pret. mixed or mingled. (To temper-to form or reduce metals to a proper degree of hardness.)

5. E"-pi-cure, s. one addicted or given to luxury.

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Re-mon-stran-ces, s. pl. strong representations of the ill consequences of any proceeding.

Sen-su-a"-li-ty, s. the quality of pleasing the senses.

6. Phi-lo-so"-phic, a. relating or belonging to a philosopher. Re"-lish, s. the effect which any thing has on the organs of taste. 7. Sur-feit-ed, pret. made sick from feeding or drinking to excess. A-dieu', ad. (pro. a-du) farewell.

In-e"-vi-ta-ble, a. not to be escaped, certain.

1. On a fine morning in summer, two bees set forward in quest of honey, the one wise and temperate, the other careless and extravagant. 2. They soon arrived at a garden enriched with aromatic herbs, the most fragrant flowers, and the most delicious fruits. 3. They regaled themselves with the various dainties that were spread before them; the one loaded his thighs, at intervals, with provisions for the hive against the distant winter: the other revelled in sweets without regard to any thing but his present gratification. 4. At length, they found a wide-mouthed phial, that hung beneath the bough of a peach-tree, filled with honey ready tempered,

and exposed to their taste in the most alluring manner. 5. The thoughtless epicure, in spite of his friend's remonstrances, plunged headlong into the vessel, resolving to indulge himself in all the pleasures of sensuality. 6. His philosophic companion, on the other hand, sipped a little, with caution; but, being suspicious of danger, fled off to fruits and flowers; where, by the moderation of his meals, he improved his relish for the true enjoyment of them. 7. In the evening, however, he called upon his friend, to enquire whether he would return to the hive but he found him 'surfeited in sweets, which he was as unable to leave, as to enjoy. 8. Clogged in his wings, enfeebled in his feet, and his whole frame totally enervated, he was but just able to bid his friend adieu; and to lament, with his latest breath, that though a taste for pleasure may quicken the relish of life, an unrestrained indulgence leads to inevitable destruction.

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Be-ne"-fi-cence, s. a disinterested inclination to do a good action, or to promote the welfare of another.

4. Fes'-ti-val, s. a day of feasting, a day of religious or public joy. 5. Phy-si-og-no-my, s. the face, the cast of the countenance. 9. Sla-ve-ry s. the condition of a person who has lost his liberty. 10. Bro'-ker, s. one who transacts business for another.

11. Pi-rate, s. one that robs at sea.

12. Ran'-som, s. the sum paid for the freedom of a prisoner.

Fi-nan'-ces, s. pl. the amount of a person's profit or income; or that of the taxes of government.

18. Re-trench-ed, pret. cut off, to live with less expense. 15. Chi-me"-ri-cal, a. (pro. ke-me-rt-cal,) imaginary, that which is the mere product of fancy.

17. Su-per-in-tend'-ant, s. one who manages.

So'-laçe, s. succour, relief. Any thing which renders a person less sensible of calamity.

19. Pre-sage, s, that state of the mind in which it has a foreknowledge of something future.

22. So"-li tude, s. silence. Its primitive meaning is, the act of living alone, or retired from company.

23. Pre ci-pi-ta'-ti on, s. great swiftness.

a violent motion downwards.

28. Em-bark'-ed, pret, went on ship-board.

But generally applied to

34. Thun'-der-struck, pret. terrified or amazed by some unexpected


36. Fi"-li-al, a. belonging or relating to a son.

37. Re-stor a'-ti-on, s. the act of recovering to its former state. Be-ne fac'-tor, s a person who confers a benefit.

50. Port, s. a barbour, or safe station for ships, (A kind of wine so called from Oporto, whence it comes.)

58. In flex'-i-ble, a. not to be prevailed on.

60. Se-duc-ti-on, s. the act of drawing aside from that which is right.

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1. A YOUNG man of the name of Robert, was waiting on the river at Marseilles,* when a person entered his boat. 2. The stranger+ sat himself down in it, but was immediately preparing to go out, observing to Robert (whom he never suspected to be the master) that, since the owner of the boat did not appear, he would go into another. "Sir," said the young man to him, "this is mine; could you wish to go out of port ?" 3. No, as there will only be about an hour of daylight, I wished merely to go round the dock, in order to enjoy the coolness and beauty of the evening; but you have not the look of a sailor, nor the manners of a man of that prefession. 4.""Tis not my real trade, it is only to get a little money that I follow it on Sundays and festivals.”

A flourishing sea-port in the south of France.

↑ M. de Montesquieu, author of the Spirit of Laws.

5. "What! covetous at your age! this disgraces your youth, and diminishes the esteem which your happy physiognomy at the first inspires." 6. "Ah!

Sir, you know not for what purpose I am so anxious to get money, or you would not add to my affliction, by thinking me so mean a character." 7. "I may have judged too rashly, but you have not explained yourself; let us take our round, and recount to me your history." 8. The stranger sat himself down. "Well," continued he, "tell me what are your afflictions, you have disposed me to share in them." 9. "There is one thing only of which I have reason to complain, that of having my father in slavery without being able to relieve him. 10. He was a broker in this city, and had procured from his savings, and those of my mother, who was a milliner, an interest in a vessel laden for Smyrna,* and in order to make the best of it, he went himself along with it. 11. The vessel was taken by a pirate, and carried into Tetuan,† where my unhappy father is a slave with the rest of the crew. 12. They ask two thousand crowns for his ransom, but as our finances were exhausted in order to render the enterprize more important, we are yet very far from having gained this sum: my mother and sisters work day and night; I do the same in the capacity of a journeyman jeweller; and I endeavour to turn to advantage, as you see, the Sundays and festivals. 13. We have retrenched ourselves to the bare necessaries of life: one small room forms the whole of our lodgings, 14. I formerly thought of going to take the place of

* A city and port of Asiatic Turkey.

A town of Fez, on the Barbary coast of Africa.

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