
28. "I never beheld any thing more agreeable," continues he, "than this lovely little family, which had possession of my companion's chamber, and flew in and out just as they thought proper; but were even attentive to the voice of their master, when he called them. 29. In this manner they lived with him about six months; but, at a time when he expected to see a new colony formed, he unfortunately forgot to tie up their cage to the ceiling at night, to preserve them from the rats, and he found in the morning, to his great mortification, that they were all devoured."




6. My"-ri-ads, s. pl. great numbers, (a myriad is ten thousand.) Per-pet-u-al, a. never ceasing, continual.

Che"-ru-bim, s. the plural of cherub, celestial or heavenly spirits in the order of angels.

10. A'-bra-ham, s. a native of Ur, in Chaldea.

This is the Abraham

who received God's promise, that he should be the father of a great nation. He was born in the year of the world 1004, and died 1179, aged 175.

Mo'-ses, s. the celebrated legislator or lawgiver, was born in Egypt, 1571, B. C. and did at the age of 120.

E-li'-jah, s. a native of Gilead, a noted prophet, who was taken into heaven in a chariot of fire, about 519 B.C.

Dan'-i-el, s. the prophet: he was of the royal family of Judah, who was carried captive to Babylon. King Darius had him thrown into the den of lions; caused by the intrigue of his courtiers.

1. THE rose is sweet, but it is surrounded with thorns the lily of the valley is fragrant, but it


springs up amongst the brambles. 2. The spring is pleasant, but it is soon past; the summer is bright, but the winter destroys its beauty. 3. The rainbow is very glorious, but it soon vanishes away: life is good, but it is quickly swallowed up in death.

4. There is a land, where the roses are without thorns where the flowers are not mixed with brambles. In that land there is eternal spring, and light without any cloud. 5. The tree of life grows in the midst thereof; rivers of pleasure are there, and flowers that never fade. 6. Myriads of happy spirits are there; and surround the throne of God with a perpetual hymn. The angels with their golden harps sing praises continually, and the cherubim fly on wings of fire.

7. This country is heaven; it is the country of those that are good; and nothing that is wicked must inhabit there. The toad must not spit its venom amongst turtle-doves; nor the poisonous henbane grow amongst sweet flowers. Neither must any one that does ill enter into that good land.

8. This earth is pleasant, for it is God's earth, and it is filled with many delightful things. But that country is far better; there we shall not grieve any more, nor be sick any more, nor do wrong any more: there the cold of winter shall not wither us, nor the heats of summer scorch us. In that counbut all dearly

try there are no wars nor quarrels, love one another.

9. When our parents and friends die, and are laid in the cold ground, we see them here no more; but there we shall embrace them again, and live with


them, and be separated no more. There we shall meet good men whom we read of in holy books, 10. There we shall see Abraham, the called of God, the father of the faithful; and Moses, after his long wanderings in the Arabian desert; and Elijah, the prophet of God; and Daniel, who escaped the lions' den; and there the son of Jesse, the shepherd king, the sweet singer of Israel. They loved God on earth; they praised him on earth; but in that country they will praise him better, and love him more.

11. There we shall see Jesus, who is gone before us to that happy place; and there we shall behold the glory of the High God. We cannot see him here, but we will love him here. We must be now on earth, but we will often think on heaven. That happy land is our home; we are to be here but for a little while, and there for ever; even for eternal ages.


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In-tro-duc-tion, s. a short and expressive account or description.
The act of bringing any thing new into notice.

1. Till-ing, part. the act of ploughing and sowing.

Ma-nu'r-ing, part, the act of improving land with dung, &c. 2. An'-ci-ents, s. pl. (pro. ain-shents,) people who lived in old times. Mo"-derus, s. pl, people of late times, opposed to ancients. O-ri"-gi-nal, a. first, primitive.

Source, s. spring, first cause, root.

4. Sym-bol, s. a sign, generally the letters of the alphabet; but any mark or sign may be called a symbol.

Solving, part. the act of clearing, or explaining any thing difficult.

Pro"-blem, s. a question proposed.

The-o-rem, s. a proposition laid down as an acknowledged truth; opposed to practice.

E-qua-tion, s. an expression of the same quantity in two dissimilar

or unlike signs, but equal,

Ex-hi"-bit, v. to show or offer to view.

5, In-vesti-gate, v. to search out.

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Agriculture is the most innocent and useful of all pursuits, being the art of tilling and manuring the ground, so as to make it fruitful for the production of food for man and beast

2. The art of Agriculture is no less honourable than profitable, holding the highest esteem among the ancients; and equally valued by the moderns. It is the original source of most of our treasures, and the great fountain of all materials for commerce. 3. It fills our houses with plenty, our hearts with gladness, and puts into our hands the staff of life.*

4. Algebra, an universal arithmetic, or general method of computation by certain signs, symbols, or characters; or the method of solving problems and raising theorems by means of equations. It exhibits all the general and common rules of every kind of arithmetic, both in the easy and complex, in a more clear, concise, and simple method.

5. Anatomy is the art of dissecting or separating the several parts of animal bodies, in order to discover their structure, and investigate the nature of diseases to which they are subject; and thus promote the knowledge of medicine and surgery.

6. Architecture. Architecture, taken in its widest sense, is the art of erecting all sorts of buildings, whether for habitation or defence, according to the best plans or models, and the person who furnishes these is called an architect.

7. It contains five orders; called the Tuscan,+ Doric,‡

*Figuratively, signifying every kind of necessary for the support of


The Tuscan order is so called from being invented in Tuscany, a sovereign state of Italy. This order is the most simple and massive of all the five.

The Doric order receives its name from the Dorians; a people who lived in the province Doria, in ancient Greece. This is the econd of the five orders, being that between the Tuscan and Ionic.

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