
Past Completive.

ingular 1. I had been loved; 2. Thou hadst been loved; 3. He had been


Plural 1. We had been loved; 2. Ye had been loved; 3. They had been loved.

Future Time.

ingular 1. I shall be loved; 2. Thou wilt be loved; 3. He will be loved. Plural 1. We shall be loved; 2. Ye will be loved; 3. They will be loved.

Future Completive.

Singular 1. I shall have been loved; 2. Thou wilt have been loved; 3. He will have been loved.

Plural 1. We shall have been loved; 2. Ye will have been loved; 3. They will have been loved.

Potential-Assertive Mode-Present Time.

Singular 1. I may be warmed; 2. Thou canst be warmed; 3. He must be warmed.

Plural 1. We can be warmed; 2. Ye may be warmed; 3. They may be warmed.

Present Completive.

Singular 1. I may have been warmed; 2. Thou canst have been warmed; 3. He can have been warmed.

Plural 1. We must have been warmed; 2. Ye may have been warmed; 3. They can have been warmed.

Past Time.

Singular 1. I could be warmed; 2. Thou shouldst be warmed; 3. He must be


Plural 1. We should be warmed; 2. Ye could be warmed; 3. They might be warmed.

Past Completive.

Singular 1. I could have been warmed; 2. Thou shouldst have been warmed; 3. He could have been warmed.

Plural 1. We should have been warmed; 2. Ye might have been warmed; 3. They must have been warmed.

Conditional Mode.

The times of this mode are the same as the corresponding times of the Declarative mode (except the hypothetical past time) with either of the conjunctions-if, though, unless, prefixed.

Hypothetical Past Time.

Singular 1. If I were loved; 2. If thou wert loved; 3. If he were loved.
Plural 1. If we were loved; 2. If ye were loved; 3. If they were loved.

Imperative Mode.

Singular, Be thou warmed.

Plural, Be ye warmed.

In like manner conjugate the verbs—to be provoked, punished, rewarded, blamed, turned, praised, remembered, lifted, detained, wearied, prepared, compelled.


SHALL, in the first person, merely foretells. I shall go to London, implies the intention but not the obligation to go. I shall love, I am resolved to love; shall I love, will it be permitted me to love?

Shall, in the second and third person, implies obligation. Thou shalt not steal. You shall go, uttered by a superior, is equal to a command-it also implies a promise and gives a right in the second and third person to expect ; it hence amounts to a promise in the speaker. You shall be paid in full, not only implies the right of the second person to receive, but an obligation on the speaker to pay.

Hence shall, in the first person, foretells; in the second, promises, expresses determination or command. When shall is uttered with emphasis, it expresses determination in the speaker, and implies an authority to enforce the act. Do you refuse to go? Does he refuse to go? You and he shall go. Shall I go? Shall he go? asks for permission or direction; but shall you go? asks for information of another's intention.

After if, and some verbs which express condition or supposition, shall in all the persons simply foretells-as, if I or we shall say; if thou shalt say; if ye shall say; if he shall say, if they shall say.

WILL has a common origin with the Latin volo. It is an offshoot of the German wollen, and the old English woll. The colloquial contraction won't is woll-not. It is stated by eminent scholars that the Romans pronounced v as the Cockneys pronounce it-like w.

When a person says I will write, we consider the event or act willed as certain-because we identify the will to act with the power to perform it; and the intention and power combined impress us with the belief of the certainty of fulfilment. Hence, I will write is tantamount to a promise.

But will, in the second and third persons, simply foretells, or expresses an opinion of what will take place, grounded on information or probable circumstances; because, although the speaker declares the intention or will of another, he is not supposed to possess the power of carrying his will into effect. Thou wilt go, you will go, expresses foretelling-merely stating an event that is to come. He will go is also a foretelling. The use of will in the plural is the same. We will, promises; ye will, they will, foretell.

The following metrical lines may be useful in the correct application of shall and will:

In the first person simply shall foretells;

In will, a threat or else a promise dwells.

Shall, in the second and the third, doth threat;
Will simply then foretells the future feat.


As learners are often perplexed when, in parsing, they meet with verbs conjugated interrogatively, it may be expedient to exhibit some examples. It should be observed that in interrogative sentences the nominative follows the verb when alone, or the first auxiliary when one is used. The sign of negation not, and frequently never, immediately follow the nominative.

The Verb to be.-Declarative Mode,--Present Time. Singular 1. Am I; 2. Art thou; 3. Is he, she, or it? Plural 1. Are we ; 2. Are ye or you; 3. Are they?

Completive Present Time.

Singular 1. Have I been; 2. Hast thou been; 3. Has he been?

Plural 1. Have we been; 2.

Singular 1. Was I; 2.
Plural 1. Were we; 2.

Have ye been ; 3. Have they been?
Past Indefinite.

Wast thou; 3. Was he?
Were ye; 3. Were they?

Past Completive.

Singular 1. Had I been; 2. Hadst thou been; 3. Had he been?

Plural 1. Had we been; 2.

Singular 1. Shall I be; 2.
Plural 1. Shall we be ; 2.

Had ye been; 3. Had they been?

Future Indefinite.

Wilt thou be; 3. Shall he be?
Will ye be; 3. Will they be?

Future Completive.

Singular 1. Shall 1 have been; 2. Wilt thou have been; 3. Will he have been?

Plural 1. Shall we have been; 2. Will you have been; 3. Will they have


Potential-Assertive Mode,-Present Indefinite.

Singular 1. May I be; 2. Canst thou be ; 3. Can he be? &c.

Present Completive.

Singular 1. Can I have been; 2. Canst thou have been; 3. Can he have been? &c.

Past Indefinite.

Singular 1. Could I be ; 2. Shouldst thou be; 3. Would he be? &c.

Past Completive.

Singular 1. Could I have been; 2. Shouldst thou have been ; 3. Could he have been? &c.

The Imperative Mode cannot be used interrogatively,a command and a question being incongruous.

Example of a Transitive Verb conjugated Interrogatively. -Declarative Mode, Present Time.

Singular 1. Do I love; 2. Dost thou love, lovest thou; 3. Loves he, or does he love? &c.

In the Interrogative form of verbs, do and did are not necessarily emphatic.

Present Definite.

Singular 1. Am I commanding; 2. Art thou wearied; 3. Is he loved? &c. Present Completive.

Singular 1. Have I commanded; 2. Hast thou loved; 3. Has he filled? &c. Past Indefinite.

Singular 1. Did I love; 2. Didst thou love, lovedst thou; 3. Did he love? &c. Past Definite.

Singular 1. Was I loving; 2. Wast thou loving; 3. Was he loving? &c.

Past Completive.

Singular 1. Had I studied; 2. Hadst thou studied; 3. Had he studied? &c.

Future Indefinite.

Singular 1. Shall I command; 2. Wilt thou command; 3. Will he command? &c.

Future Completive.

Singular 1. Shall I have completed; 2. Wilt thou have completed; 3. Shall he have gained? &c.

Potential-Assertive Mode,-Present Indefinite.

Singular 1. May I open; 2. Canst thou open; 3. Can he open? &c.

Present Completive.

Singular 1. Can I have reached ; 2. Canst thou have reached; 3. Can he have reached? &c.

Past Indefinite.

Singular 1. Could I warm; 2. Shouldst thou warm; 3. Might he warm? &c.

Past Completive.

Singular 1. Could I have guarded; 2. Couldst thou have guarded; 3. Should he have guarded? &c.


He is, we have been, thou art, they will be, I was, ye will have been, I might be, they might have been, if I were, be thou, if thou hadst been, thou couldst be, they can be, they may have been, if ye were, be ye or you.

We have commanded, we do command, we are commanding, we command, he had commanded, he did command, he was commanding, he hath commanded, he doth command, we shall have completed, they shall complete, ye can have loved, they should warm, thou couldst have warmed, thou shouldst consider, ye may have engaged, prepare ye or you, diminish thou.

Having been loved, to have been pleased, being praised, to be compelled, thou hast been loved, we are loved, I was punished, he is commended, I am wearied, ye had been pardoned, thou hast been censured, he will be saved, they will have been turned, be ye detained, be thou prepared, we must have been warmed, ye may be warmed, if thou wert praised.

Commend thou, be ye commanded, I have joined, I have been joined, could I paint, could I have been painted, they can have been warmed, they can have warmed, thou shalt have been loved, thou shalt love, if ye were loved, if ye loved, if thou couldst have compared, if thou couldst compare, be thou warmed, warm thou.

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