


Magazine articles noted here include only a few of the more important ones printed in recent years; no attempt has been made to include all. Reference should be made for a further selection of this material to technical indexes, such as the Engineering News Index. The indexes to the reports of the United States Board of Engineers and to the papers or reports of similar foreign national boards will furnish much material of value.

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Bridges (The) over the Tiber in ancient Rome. (Scientific Amer. Supp. New York, 1899. £°. v. 47, pp. 19346.)


Les constructeurs de ponts au Moyen Age...Paris [1875]. pl. 8°. Dartein (F. de). Le pont de Gignac sur l'Hérault, 1774-1810. (Annales d. ponts et chaussées. pt. 1. Mem. et doc. rel. à l'art d. constructions, 1902. ser. 8, v. 8, trimestre 4, pp. 48-108. Paris, 1902.)

La vie et les travaux de Emiland Gauthey ingénieur en chef de la province de Bourgogne, createur de la canal du centre, inspecteur général des ponts et chaussées. Le pont de Navilly sur le Doubs. 3 pl., I port. (Annales d. ponts et chaussées. pt. 1, ser. 8, v. 15, pp. 5-130. Paris, 1904.)

Durand (Ch.) Pont ancien de Terrasson. 3 pl. (Bull. Soc. hist. & archéol. du Périgord. v. 31, pp. 104-144. Périgueux, 1904.)


Ferguson ( ), and Cowper (H. S.) Ancient and county bridges in Cumberland and Westmorland; with some remarks upon the fords. And Lancashire-North-of-the-Sands. (Cumberland and Westmorland Antiq. & Archæol. Soc. Transac. Kendal, 1898. v, 15, pt. 1, pp. 114-132. 8°.) Floating (The) bridge at Lynn [1803]. (Engineering Rec. New York, 1899. v. 39, pp. 329f°.) Gephyralogia. An historical account of bridges, antient and modern...including a more particular history and description of the new bridge at Westminster and an abstract of the rules of bridge-building, by the most eminent architects. With remarks...applied to the construction of Westminster bridge... added...an abridgement of all the laws relating thereto. London: C. Corbett, 1751. 144 pp. 8°.

Grégoire ([Henri]). Recherches historiques, sur les congrégations hospitalières des frères pontifes, ou, constructeurs de ponts. Paris: Baudouin 8°. frères, 1818. viii, 64 pp.

Knoke (F.) Die römischen Moorbrücken in Deutschland. I l., 136 pp., 5 pl., 1 map. ill. [Osnabrück: J. G. Kisling, printer, 1895.] 8°. (In: Ratsgymnasium zu Osnabrück. Festschrift. [1895.])

Knothe (Hermann). Der Brückenzoll zu Dresden und die Burggrafen von Dohna auf Königsbrück. (Archiv für die sächsische Geschichte. Bd. 1. pp. 425-440. Leipzig, 1863. 8°.)

Manners (C. R.) A short history of bridge building. (Transac. Inverness Scientif. Soc. and Field Club. v. 3 (1883-88), pp. 321–404. Inverness, 1893.)

Marsigli (Luigi Ferdinando), conte. Epistola de ponte sub imperio Trajani supra Danubium extructo. (In: Sallengre (A. H. de). Nov. thes. antiq. Rom. v. 2. 1735.)

Mehrtens (Georg). Der deutsche Brückenbau im XIX. Jahrhundert. (Ztsch. d. Vereines deut. Ingenieure. v. 44, pp. 494-503; 531-539; 570-580; 631-637; 691-700; 803-810; 911-917; 982-989; 1118-1128; 1337-1345; 1536-1544; 1561-1568. Berlin, 1900.)

Der deutsche Brückenbau im XIX. Jahrhundert. Denkschrift bei Gelegenheit der Weltausstellung des Jahres 1900 in Paris... Berlin: J. Springer, 1900. 4 p.l., 134 pp. fo.

Ordway (Clyde Elbert). Bridges ancient and modern. (New Eng. Maga. n. s., v. 30, pp. 548561. Boston, 1904.)

Perronet (J. R.) Description des projets et de la construction des ponts de Neuilli, de Nantes, d'Orleans, de Louis XVI., etc. On y a ajouté le project du canal de Bourgogne pour la communica

History, cont'd.

tion des deux mers par Dijon, et de celui de la conduite des eaux de l'Yvette et de la Bièvre à Paris, en soixante et treize planches. Nouvelle édition augmentée des ponts de Château-Thierri, de Brunoi, de celui projeté pour S. Petersbourg, etc. Paris, 1788. f°, 4°.

Schneider (C. C.) The evolution of the practice of American bridge building. (Engineering Rec. v. 51, pp. 707-711. New York, 1905.)

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Cresy (Edward). Practical treatise on bridgebuilding. London, 1839. pl. f°.

Duggan (George). Specimens of the stone, iron and wood bridges, viaducts, tunnels, culverts, &c., of the United States railroads, illustrated by a series of drawings... New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1850. [56 pp.,] 36 pl. fo.

Espitallier (G.) Cours de construction. Ponts & viaducs. Ponts en maçonnerie, ponts en bois, ponts métalliques. Paris: H. Charles-Lavanzelle [1897]. 209 pp. fo. v. 53, pp. 648

Schramm (C. C.) Historischer Schauplatz in welchem die merkwürdigsten Brücken, aus allen vier Theilen der Welt, insondherheit aber die in den vollkommensten Stand versetzte DresdenerElb-Brück in saubern Prospecten, Münzen, etc., vorgestellt und beschrieben wurde. Leipzig, 1735. fo.

Skinner (Frank W.) Great achievements in modern bridge building. (McClure's Maga. v. 16, pp. 249-258. New York, 1901.)

Weyrauch ( ). Ueber die Zunahme der Brückenspannweiten im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. (Ztsch. f. Bauwesen. Jahrg. 51, col. 465-480; 617638. Berlin, 1901.)

Wolf ( ). Wo standen Caesars RheinBrücken? (Beiheft zum Militär-wochenblatt, 1901. pp. 37-54. Berlin, 1901.)


Adhémar (J.) Cours de mathematique à l'usage de l'ingenieur civil. Application de géometrie descriptive. Ponts biais en bois. Paris, 1858. fo. Barlow (William Henry). Description to diagrams for facilitating the construction of oblique bridges. (In Buck (G. W.) Essay on oblique bridges, 1857.)

Barrès du Molard (M. de). Nouveau système de ponts à grandes portées. Paris, 1827. 4°. Bender (Charles). Practical treatise on the properties of continuous bridges. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser., no. 26.) New York, 1876. diagrams. 16°. Proportions of pins used in bridges. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser., no. 4.) New York, 1873. diagrams. 16°.

Bow (Robert Henry). A treatise on bracing, with its application to bridges and other structures of wood or iron. New York, 1874. il. 8°.

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Gauthey (Emiland Marie). Traité de la construction des ponts...pub. par M. Navier. Paris: F. Didot, 1809-13. 2 V. 4°. (ŒŒuvres, t. 1-3.) 3. éd. corrigée et augmentée. Bru

xelles, 1843. 2 v. 4°.

V. I.

Papers on bridges. (In Weale, J. Bridges, 1843.)

Grages (F.) Zahlenbeispiele zur statischen Berechnung von Brücken und Dächern. Durchgesehen von G. Barkhausen. Wiesbaden: C. W. Kreidel, 1900. xxvi, 166 pp., 23 pl. 4°.

Greene (Charles E.) Graphical method for the analysis of bridge trusses; extended to continuous girders and draw spans. New York, 1875. 3 pl. 8°.

Haeseler (E.) Die Brückenbau. Ein Handbuch zum Gebrauche beim Entwerfen von Brücken in Eisen, Holz und Stein... Teil 1, Lief. 1-4. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1888–1900. fo.

Hann (J.) Theory of bridges. (In Weale's collection of papers on bridges. v. I.)

Haupt (H.) General theory of bridge construction, containing demonstrations of the principles of art, and their application to practice, with practical illustrations. New York, 1853. 8°.

Heinzerling (F.) Die Brücken der Gegenwart. Systematisch geordnete Sammlung der geläufigsten neueren Brücken-Constructionen, zum Gebrauche bei Vorlesungen und Privatstudien über Brückenbau, sowie bei dem Berechnen, Entwerfen und Veranschlagen von Brücken. Leipzig: Baumgärtner, 1882-91. f°.

1. Abtheilung, 1. Heft. Die Massiv- und Bleckbalken-
brücken. 2. Aufl. viii, 68 pp., 7 pl. illus. 1884.
2. Heft. Die eisernen Balkenbrücken mit geglieder-
ten Parallelträgern. 2. Aufl. vi, 87 pp., 7 pl.
illus. 1885.

3. Heft. Die eisernen Bogen Balkenbrücken. 2. Ab-
druck. vi, 82 pp., 8 pl. illus. 1882.

4. Heft. Die eisernen Bogenbrücken. 2. Abdruck. 21., 56 pp., 8 pl. illus. 1882.

5. Heft. Die eisernen Häng-Brücken. 2. Abdruck.

2 l., 54 pp., 7 pl. illus. 1882.

6. Heft. Die eisernen Viaducte. ix, (1), 120 pp.,
8 pl. illus. 1887.

2. Abtheilung, 1 Heft. Durchlässe und kleine gewölbte
Brücken. 2. Aufl. viii, 82 pp., 9 pl. illus. 1891.
2. Heft. Steinere Strombrücken, Thalbrücken,
Canalbrücken und schiefgewölbte Brücken.
Abdruck. viii, 38 pp., 9 pl.i llus. 1882.


3. Abtheilung. Hölzerne Brücken und Lehrgerüste. 2. Aufl. viii, 90 pp., 8 pl. illus. 1891.

4. Abtheilung. Die bewegliche Brücken. viii, 78 pp., 7 pl. illus. 1883.

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Construction, cont'd.

Hosking (William). Essay and treatises on the practice and architecture of bridges. il. (In Weale, J. Bridges, v. 2.)

Johnson (A. L.) Economical designing of timber trestle bridges. Washington: Govt. Prtg. Off., 1896. 57 pp. 8°. (U.S. Div. Forest. Bull. 12.) Klein (Ludwig von). Sammlung eiserner Brücken-Constructionen, ausgeführt bei den Bahnen des Vereins deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwaltungen; zusammengestellt und hrsg. von K. Neue Folge, 1.-10. Lief.; Blatt 1-63, nebst Text. Stuttgart, 1874. f°.

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Polonceau (A. R.) système de ponts en fonte, tion du pont du carrousel. Atlas obl. 4to. 4to. Paris, 1839.

Notice sur le nouveau suivi dans la construcTexte

Pope (Thomas). A treatise on bridge architecture, in which the advantages of the flying pendent lever bridge are fully proved; with historical account of bridges... New York, 1811. pl. 8°.

Schaeffer (Th.), and Sonne (Ed.) Der Brückenbau. 2 v. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann, 1880-82. x, 424 pp., 23 pl. ; xvi, 873 pp., viii, xv, 50 pl. 8°.

2. verm. und umgearb. Aufl., von Schaeffer (Th.), Sonne (Ed.), und Landsberg (Th.) 3 v. Leipzig, 1886-90. 8°. (Handb. d. Ingenieurwiss.; 2 Bd., 1.-2. Abth.)

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Strukel (M.) Der Brückenbau. Nach den Vorträgen, gehalten am Finnländischen polytechnischen Institute in Helsingfors. Atlas. Th. I. Helsingfors: W. Hagelstam, 1900. 4°.

Teichmann (A.) Zahlenbeispiel zur statischen Berechnung von massiven Dreigelenkbrücken vermittelst Einflusslinien. Bearbeitet nach den Grundzugen... G. Barkhausen... Wiesbaden: C. W. Kreidel, 1904. 32 pp. 4 pl. 8°.

Thorpe (W. H.) The anatomy of bridgework. (Engineering. v. 78, 79, passim. London, 190405.)

Town (Ithiel). A description of Ithiel Town's improvement in the construction of wood and iron bridges: intended as a general system of bridgebuilding for rivers, creeks and harbours of whatever kind of bottoms, and for any practicable width of span or opening, in every part of the country. New Haven: S. Converse, 1821. 10 pp., 3 pl. 8°.

A description of his improvement in the principle, construction, and practical execution of bridges, for roads, railroads, etc. New York, 1839. 4°.

Weale (John). Bridges-in theory, practice, and architecture. London, 1843. 2 v. 8°.

Vol. I. Theory of bridges by Hann. Translations from Gauthey. Specification of the Hutcheson Bridge, by R. Stevenson, Papers by Mosely, Hughes, etc.-II. Treatises on Bridges by W. Hosking. Description of the Timber Bridges on the Utica and Syracuse Railway, in the U. S., by Isherwood. General Index.

Illustrations of Bridges executed in stone, iron, timber, and wire, and on the principle of suspension, with examples of every peculiar construction for railways, rivers, docks, etc. 138 engravings to accompany the octavo text, the second volume of which contains the explanations of the plates. London, 1847. f°.

Whipple (Squire). Elementary and practical treatise on bridge building.... 2d ed., revised and enlarged. New York, 1873. il. pl. diagr. 8°.

Wood (De Volson). Treatise on the theory of the construction of bridges and roofs. 2d. ed. revised and corrected. New York, 1876. i. pl. diagr. 8°.

Wright (C. H.), and Wing (C. B.) A manual of bridge drafting. 3 l., 214 pp. 57 pl., tables. Palo Alto: Stanford Univ. Press, 1896. 4°.

JURISPRUDENCE, REGULATIONS, ETC. Are state bridges constitutional? [Philadelphia, 1854?] 64 pp. 8°.

(Reprint from the American Law Register, November, 1854.)

Jurisprudence, cont'd.

Citizens' Association of Chicago. Opinion as to the powers of the city of Chicago over the Chicago river; rendered to the committee on river and harbor [etc.] Chicago, 1881. 20 pp. 8°.

Illinois-Statutes. An act in regard to gateways, roads and bridges, in counties not under township organization. Passed by the 28. General Assembly, in force April 18, 1873. Springfield: State Journal Steam Print, 1873. 16 pp. pm. 8°. An act in regard to roads and bridges, in counties under township organization. Passed by the 28. General Assembly, in force April 18, 1873. Springfield: State Journal Steam Print, 1873. 26 pp. pm. 8°.

Michigan Statutes. Laws of the State of Michigan relating to highways, bridges, and drainage... Lansing: State prtrs., 1875. 126 pp. 8°.

Nelson (William). A summary of the law of New Jersey in relation to public bridges, as contained in the statutes and laid down by the courts of the state. Paterson: Press Printing and Publishing Co., 1882. 43 PP. 8°. (New Jersey Statutes.)

New official regulations for railway bridges in the Prussian state. (Engineer. v. 97, pp. 307–308. London, 1904.)

New York (State)—Statutes. Chapter sixteen of the first part of the revised statutes, relating to highways, bridges and ferries; as amended by the several acts which have been subsequently passed on the same subject. Albany: C. Van Benthuysen, 1848. 96 pp. 8°.

Laws relating to highways, bridges, ferries, plank and turnpike roads, passed by the Legislature of the State of New York from Jan. Ist, 1861, to the close of the session of 1869. Albany: Argus Co., 1869. 56 pp. pm. 8°.

Stearns (Justus S.) Laws and Supreme Court decisions relating to highways and bridges... Lansing: R. Smith Prtg. Co., State prtrs., 1900. 319 pp. pap. 8°. (Michigan. State Department.)

United States-Engineer Department. Laws of the United States relating to the construction of bridges over navigable waters of the United States from March 2, 1805-March 3, 1903. Washington: Govt. Prtg. Office, 1887-1903. 3 v. 8°.


Am Ende (M.) Formulas for the weights of girder bridges. London: Inst. Civ. Eng., 1886. 8°. 8 pp.

Excerpt: Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng. v. 87, pt. 1.

The deflection of continuous rail bearers. (Engineering. v. 80, pp. 69-70, 101-103. London, 1905.)

Bell (Arthur L.) Curves of maximum bending moment. (Engineer. v. 95, pp. 469-470. London, 1903.)

Cain (W.) Maximum stresses in framed bridges. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1878. 24°. (Van Nostrand's Sci. ser., no. 38.)

Cargill (Thomas). The strains upon bridge girders and roof trusses. London, 1873. 64 il. 8°. Experiments on bridges under moving trains. (Engineering Rec. New York, 1898. v. 39, pp. 4-6.) f°.

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(Engineer. 1902-'03.) Head (B. W.)

The problem of struts with lateral loads. (Engineer. v. 88, pp. 287-288. London, 1899.)

Hodge (Henry W.) Live loads for railroad bridges [with discussion]. 3 pl. (Amer. Soc. Civil Engineers Transac. v. 54, pt. A. (Internat. Engineering Congr. Publications, v. 1.) pp. 79-109. New York, 1905.)

Hoskins (L. M.) General criterion for position of loads causing maximum stress in any member of a bridge truss. (Amer. Soc. Civil Engineers. Proc. v. 25, pp. 68-89. New York, 1899.) Limits (The) of working stress in bridges. (Engineer. v. 96, pp. 493-494; 518-520; 548; 588589. London, 1903.)

Lindenthal (Gustav).

Alternate stresses in bridge members. (Amer. Soc. for Testing Materials. Proc. 6. annual meeting. July, 1903. v. 3, pp. 169-174. Philadelphia, 1903.)

Loadings for railroad bridges. An informal discussion. (Amer. Soc. Civil Engineers. Transac. v. 51, pp. 105–113. New York, 1903.)

Mesnager ( ). Note sur les fatigues réelles et les fatigues calculées dans un pont à grandes mailles. 2 plans. (Annales d. ponts & chaussées (1. pt.) sér. 7. année 9, pp. 223-254. Paris, 1899.)

Moeller (M.) Bruchbelastung zweier Ausstellungs-Brücken in Leipzig. I pl. (Zeitschr. f. Architektur u. Ingenieurwesen. v. 45, (N. S. v. 4) pp. 158-171. Hannover, 1899.)

Möller (M.) Probebelastung einer Gurtträgerbrücke. (Ztschr. f. Architektur u. Ingenieurwesen. Jahrg. 45. col. 436-442. Hannover, 1899.) Müller (Heinrich). Beiträge zur Theorie der Windverbände eiserner Brücken. (Ztschr. f. BauJahrg. 54, col. 115-160; Jahrg. 55, col. 133-158. Berlin, 1904-'05.)


Zur Theorie der Windverbände eiserner Brücken. Plate. (Kön-preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch. Sitzungsb. 1903, pp. 948-957. Berlin, 1903.) New York (State).—Railroad Commissioners Board. Report on strains of railroad bridges of the state. Issued June 30, 1891.. 1880 pp. ill. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., printers, 1891. 8°. Prichard (Henry S.) Insufficient provision for counter-stresses in railroad bridges. (Amer. Soc. of Civil Engineers. Transac. v. 42, pp. 547551. New York, 1899.)

Purdon (C. D) The classification of engines for bridge loading. (Jour. Assoc. of Engineering Soc. v. 33, pp. 325-328. Philadelphia, 1904.)

Load, etc., cont'd.

Rabut (C.) Conférence sur l'expérimentation des ponts. (Annales d. ponts & chaussées. pt. 1, mém. & doc. année 71, 1901, pp. 123-176. Paris, 1901.)

(Cong. internat. de mécanique appliquée de l'exposition de 1900. v. 3, pp. 181-211. Paris, 1901.) (Rev. gén. d. chemins de fer. année 24, sem. 2, pp. 457-484. Paris, 1901.) (Rev. tech. v. 22, pp. 511-514; 535

539. Paris, 1901.)

Ramisch (G.) Untersuchung der Endversteifung einer Balkenbrücke. (Dinglers polytech. Jour. v. 317, pp. 682-684. Berlin, 1902.)

Rey (

). Influence des efforts dus à l'inclinaison et à l'action des freins sur les poutres principales d'un pont de chemin de fer à forte rampe. (Rev. gén. d. chemins de fer. année 25, sem. 1, pp. 112-125. Paris, 1902.)

Robinson (S. W.) Strength of wrought-iron bridge members. New York: Van Nostrand, 1882. 16. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser. no. 60.)

Shreve (Samuel Henry). A treatise on the strength of bridges and roofs. New York, 1873. 8°.

Stoeckl (C.), and Hauser (W.) Hilfs-Tabellen für die Berechnung eisener Träger: mit besonderer Rücksichtnahme auf Eisenbahn- und Strassenbrücken. Wien: Spielhagen & Schurich, 1898. xi, 285 pp., 3 tables. 4°.

Stone (E. Herbert). The determination of the safe working stress for railway bridges of wrought iron and steel. n. t. p. n. p. [189-?] 43 ff., 3 charts.


Corrected page-proof.

Strain sheet and specifications for a four truss double-deck railroad bridge. (Engineering Rec. v. 49, pp. 170-171. New York, 1904.)

Tanabe (S.) Deflection and vibration diagrams of Kinokawa railway bridge truss. I pl. (Mem. College of Sci. and Engineering. Kyoto Imper. Univers. v. 1, pp. 75–76. Kyoto, 1903.) Turneaure (F. E.) Some experiments on bridges under moving train-loads. 2 pl. (Amer. Soc. of Civil Engineers. Proc. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 24, pp. 783-825.)

Waddell (John Alexander Low). The compromise standard system of live loads for railway bridges and the equivalents for same, (In his: Principal professional papers.. New York, 1905. 8°. p. 455-490.)

Wheel concentrations and fatigue formulas in bridge design. An informal discussion (Amer. Soc. of Civil Engineers. v. 42, pp. 189-239. New York, 1900.)

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General specifications for steel highway bridges and viaducts. 25 PP. New York: Engineering News Pub. Co., 1897. 8°.

General specifications for steel railroad New York: Engi


bridges and viaducts. 24 pp. neering News Pub. Co., 1896. Cooper's bridge foundation specifications. (Engineering Rec. v. 46, pp. 414-416. New York, 1902.)

General specifications for iron bridges and viaducts. 1884. New York, 1884. 3 1. fo.

Heller (H. H.) A comparison of the requirements of recent railway bridge specifications. (Engineering News. v. 50, pp. 444-449. New York, 1903.)

Long (S. H.) Specification of a brace bridge, and of a suspension bridge, patented by Col. S. H. Long. Nov. 7th, 1839. Philadelphia, 1839. 11 pp., 4 pl. 8°.

Modjeski (Ralph). Northern Pacific standard bridge plans. 9 plans. (Jour. Western Soc. of Engineers. v. 6, pp. 51-56. Chicago, 190:.)

Morison (G. S.) Northern Pacific Railroad. Specifications for superstructure of bridge across the Willamette river at Portland, Oregon. [New York, 1883.] 2 1. f°.

New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R. Co. General specifications for iron bridges. 1879. n. p., 1879. 3 1. f°.

Schaub (J. W.) Proposed specifications for steel railroad bridges. (Jour. Western Soc. of Engineers. v. 5, pp. 347-364. Chicago, 1900.)

Seaman (Henry B.) The Launhardt formula, and railroad bridge specifications. (Amer. Soc. of Civil Engineers. Proc. New York, 1898. v. 24, pp. 751-764.)


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Ambridge (The) plant of the American Bridge Company. (Engineering Rec. v. 48, pp. 620-623; 648-652; 684-686; 720-723; 772-773; 816-818; v. 49, pp. 23-27; 50-53; 77-78; 102-104. New York, 1903-'04.)

Automatic (An) safety-gate for bridges. (Scientific American. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 79, p. 340.) Biette (L.) Le pont J. F. Lépine. (Annales d. ponts et chaussées. Ser. 7, v. 9, Trimestre 1, pp. 130-158. Paris, 1899.)

Burgess (George H.) Bridge inspection. (Wisconsin Engineer. v. 5, pp. 188–193. Madison, 1901.)

Burr (William H.) Long-span bridges. 2 pl. (Proc. Engineers' Club of Phila. v. 16, pp. 305-321. Philadelphia, 1899.)

Chamberlin (C. H.) Deep bridge foundations. (Jour. of the Assoc. of Engineering Soc. Phila delphia, 1898. 8°. v. 21, pp. 81-91.)

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