
reference rather than the specific reference to a net spread by enemies, Ps. 91o. — Didst lay constraint on our loins]. The loins are the seat of pain, Is. 213 Na. 210, and weakness, Ps. 6924.12. Didst let men ride over our head]. They were thrown down in the highway, so that chariots were driven over them, cf. Is. 51. We went through fire and water] as the climax, summary statement of trial, cf. Is. 43. Thou didst yet bring us out] from all these afflictions, into a spacious place], as ancient Vrss. ; a place where, free from all restraint, they had breathing space, ample room, and liberty of movement, cf. Ps. 180. EV. "wealthy place," based upon text of , is not so well suited to context, and improbable.


Str. I. Five syn. lines enclosing, after the first two, a synth. couplet. -13-15. I will come into Thy house], for public worship in the temple. The nation is speaking in its unity, and not a priest or king as an individual. — with whole burnt offering], the usual sacrifice to express public worship. The whole burnt offering consisted of votive offerings. This is more suited to || than

VOWS " of EV; for the entire Str. has to do with whole burnt offerings, which are then described as fat ones, the choicest, fattest animals, rams, bullocks, he-goats, representing the best of the herds and the flocks, in great numbers such as were appropriate only for a national sacrifice. These the nation says I will pay], that which was vowed. Wherewith my lips opened || which my mouth spake, when I was in distress] in a time of national trial from which they had just been delivered. will I cause to ascend to Thee] in the flames of the altar; as is evident a whole burnt offering, but a glossator inserts this at the expense of the measure; so also in the next line I will offer, which was sufficiently evident from the incense of rams], the sweet odour of the burning flesh, as 1 S. 228 Ps. 1412 Is. 113, and not the incense of fine spices burnt at the altar of incense.

Str. II. is composed of a synth. couplet, a syn. couplet, and a syn. triplet. — 16. Come, hearken; and I will tell]. The usual vow to tell of the divine deliverance, publish it, make it known to the public, to all the world, cf. 2223. 26.32 328 4010.11. A later glos

sator limits the general reference to a particular class: all ye that fear God; but the measure does not allow it. What He hath done for me] in delivering me out of the distress of v.". The WD is as usual a poetic expression for the person, and does not refer to the soul as distinguished from the body.-17. Unto Him did I call with my mouth] in time of distress; not merely a plaintive prayer for help, but with an assurance of speedy deliverance. -high praise], expressed in a hymn of praise, anticipating the deliverance. — was under my tongue], ready to burst forth in speech. -19-20. Verily Yahweh heard], emphasizing the fact which is expressed in syn. clauses as He attended to the voice of my prayer, and He did not turn away His kindness from me]. The latter is explained by a glossator by the unnecessary insertion of prayer, and the former is emphasized by the exclamation Blessed be God! The Vrss. render the adverb, "but " instead of " verily "; because of the insertion by a glossator of the qualification: 18. If I contemplated wickedness in my mind, the Lord would not hear]. This is from a more legal point of view than that of the author of the Ps.


tion of


has only . The phr. is suspicious. It looks like a variawhich in archaic Heb. would differ only in order of words. The text is a conflation of two variants. The original was inhan ide indi. So v. has two ll., not three.-3 has two pentameters and 2d sg., and is

There is no good יזמרו שמך is a duplicate of [וִיזַמְרוּ לָךְ .4- .therefore a gl

יהוה for אלהים and חזו for וראו

measure or propriety in this duplication. The latter prob. goes with v.6c. 5. Da nibyoD IN 1] This 1. is tetrameter, a citation from 469 except The second 1. is also tetrameter, and a variation of 46%. This v. is a late gl.—6 returns to 3d pers. and continues v.2 giving the theme of the hymn of praise.—197] But ✪, 3, ptc. as v.7. 9 more correct.] Qal. impf. is subjunctive after 77, expressing purpose.

] is an abrupt change in tone improb. in the original between v.6a.b and v.7. As the previous and subsequent Strs. begin with a couplet of universal praise, we would expect one here. It is prob. that this couplet is only obscured in v.4 and v.6, verses which originally were together before the insertion of v.5. The couplet was prob. therefore

השתחוו ליהוה כל הארץ בשמו נשמחה תהלתו

an is cohort. I pl., and can hardly be used with reference to the past. 7. Don] Qal ptc. pl. ‡¬¬ vb. be stubborn, rebellious, elsw. pl. 687. 19, sg.

and dativus commodi; Qr. Qal 1.

,to be supplied in thought קרן or ראש Kt. Hiph. juss. with [אַל־יָרִימוּ לָמי - .788 as יהוה original אלהים for [אֱלֹהֵינוּ .8.

-רגל,נפש variations of interpretation of an original

v.1. — 9. 1] so I, but G, V, D; the same difference in uban, ban; both
10. The 2d pers. begins

here and continues through v.12 in trimeter ll. It is a fragment of an inde-
pendent Ps. 11.
] n.f. net spread by hunter as Ez. 1218 1720, so here
Aq. 2, T, Quinta, prison, cf. Ez. 199, so
always of God as refuge, v. 183. pao] n.f.

6, S, T, V; fig. prey Ez. 1321.
Luther, Bä.; but this latter in
a.λ. compression, distress, BDB., G Oyes, Y tribulationes, I stridorem, Σ
KÚKλwo. The form is prob. error for psp 2517.-] n.m. dual loins
as seat of strength and weakness, as 6924.-12. ] to satiety, as 235; but
rd. prob. as G eis dvayvxýv, V, I refrigerium, also T, S
Zevpvxwplay, Gr., Houb., Horsley, Bä., Che., al.

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13. A change to 1st pers. introduces still another Ps. which continues to v.20. — 15. ] fully written for one as Is. 517 fat ones. y is prob. a gl. of explan. making 1. too long.] n.f. usually incense; but here, as in Is. 113 1 S. 228, the earlier mng. of odour of sacrifice, cf. Ps. 1412. ] pl. n.m. ram, the animal as skipping, 1144. 6; as a victim offered in sacrifice here as commonly in OT.-] n.m. usually generic cattle, here as often specific oxen, sg. coll. — 16. ] two Qal imvs. without conj., emph., with apod. 77 Pi. cohort. I p.-] But Kúpios implies ***, as v.18, is most prob. original, and favours the opinion that both clauses are glosses. 17. ] second subj., cf. 35. — op] Polal on he was extolled. But Ges., Hu., Now., Che., Bä., Bu., BDB., †¤¬ n.[m.] extolling, high praise, song of praise, as pl. 1496. Gr. rds. here np, the final n having been omitted by txt. err. because of initial of next word. This is most prob., only rd., the sf. being unnecessary.-18. ] emph. in position; but whole v. a qualifying gl. as makes most prob.-20. doubtless a liturgical gl. It destroys the measure. p is also a gl.

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] is

Ps. 67 is a summons to all nations to give thanks to Yahweh (v.4-5a. 6) and do reverence (v.), because His salvation is made known to all through the divine benediction of Israel (v.2-3); He governs all nations in equity (v.5b. c), and He blesseth Israel with a fertile land (v.).

YAHWEH, be gracious to us, and bless us,

Make His face shine toward us,

(And give peace to us);

That Thy way may be known in the earth,

Thy salvation among all nations.

LET the peoples give Thee thanks, Yahweh!
Let the peoples, all of them, give Thee thanks!
Let the nations be glad, let them jubilate ;
For Thou governest the peoples with equity,
And leadest the nations in the earth.

LET the peoples give Thee thanks, Yahweh!

Let the peoples, all of them, give Thee thanks!
The earth hath yielded her increase.

Yahweh our God blesseth us;

Therefore let all the ends of the earth do reverence.

Ps. 67 was first in , then taken up into E and DK; but it was composed at an earlier date as a e, which expresses its character (v. Intr. §§ 24, 31, 32, 33). In DR it was assigned to be sung

(v. Intr. § 34). It presupposes the blessing of the high priest, Nu. 624-26, which it paraphrases in v.2; but not necessarily the document P in which that is contained, for the priest's blessing is much more ancient than P, and was one actually used by priests before the Exile. has 7 Aaveld after 2, omitting, but that is improbable. n is also incorrectly rendered év vμvois in 6. The universalism of the Ps. resembles that of 661-9, and presupposes Is.2 and a time of peace and friendliness with the nations subsequent to Nehemiah.

Str. I. A synth. triplet and a syn. couplet.-2. The priestly benediction Nu. 624-26 is turned into a petition of the nation for itself, and therefore in varied terms, cf. 47 29" 31" 804.8. 20. It is therefore improbable that the third clause was omitted in the original; all the more that it is needed to complete the Str. We must add the line omitted, probably for abbreviation in writing, And give peace to us.-3. That Thy way], defined as Thy salvation, in the more general sense of blessing as in previous and subsequent context, and not in the more specific sense of salvation from evils. may be known], that is, mediately, through the blessing of Israel.

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in the earth || among all nations.

Str. II. A syn. triplet and a syn. couplet. Str. III. A syn. triplet enclosing a syn. couplet. -4. Let the peoples give Thee thanks], repeated for greater emphasis; so also at the beginning of the next Str., v., the first line giving the person to be thanked, Yahweh, the second emphasizing the peoples by all of them. This thanksgiving is still further emphasized in Str. II., v., by let the nations be glad and let them jubilate], and in the last Str., at the close of the Ps., v.86, by Therefore let all the ends of the earth do reverence]. The reason for this thanksgiving in Str. II. is

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v5b.c., Thou governest the peoples with equity || leadest the nations in the earth], in providential government of the world. The reason in Str. III., v., is as in Str. I., v.2, the divine blessing of Israel, especially in a fruitful harvest: The earth hath yielded her increase.


] bis, also v. bis. Hiph. impf. 3 pl. 77 (v. Intr. § 39) with sf. 2 m. in H, I, but has sfs. only v., and not v. It is prob. that they were not in the original, but are in all cases interpretative.-5. Dan] Hiph. impf. 2 m. sf. 3 pl. пn (59).—7. mbar] sf. f. ‡ baan.m. produce of soil, as 7846 8513 Dt. 3222 Ju. 64 Hg. 110. — ]. The original was certainly w). This makes it evident that the Ps. was older than E.-8. ] is dittog., later than E.—] makes the 1. too long; is interpretation of a late scribe at the expense of the measure.


Ps. 68 is an ode, not based upon any particular historical victory, but upon the victories of Yahweh in the long history of Israel. (1) A reference to Yahweh's rising up in theophany, causing His enemies to perish, to the great joy of the righteous (v.24). (2) A summons to praise Him who interposes in theophany on behalf of orphans, widows, and prisoners (v.5-7). (3) A reference to the theophanic march through the wilderness, with the divine provision for His afflicted people (v.8-11). (4) A reference to the theophanic interposition at the Kishon, with the great slaughter of the enemies and the rich booty for His people (v.12-15). (5) The selection of Zion for the divine abode, and the theophanic entrance into the sanctuary (v.16-19). (6) The crushing of the enemies in the subsequent wars, probably of the reign of David (v.22-24). (7) The triumphal processions into the sanctuary (v.25-26. 28). (8) Final petition for deliverance from the world powers and their dependent peoples (v.29. 31). Many minor glosses emphasize various features of the ode, insert ascriptions of blessedness to Yahweh (v.20-21. 27. 36c), and predictions of the homage of kings to Yahweh in Jerusalem (v.30). A late editor adapts the Ps. to liturgical use by adding Messianic prediction (v.2), invocation to public praise (v.), and finally adoration of the God of Israel in His sanctuary (v.36a,b).

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