
has not yet been completed. Prussia indeed is quiet, but Germany is disturbed; and from Dusseldorf all round in a circle to Munich, insurrection, if not republicanism, triumphs.

To deal with this state of things, the King of Prussia has two sets of advisers. The one consists of the absolutists, who would have him march

in the Palatinate, in Baden, and Wurtemberg, and even in Bavaria. The monarch hesitates. The task is serious, the region in insurrection vast, the population numerous, and a defeat would risk his crown. What is to gain, moreover, by treading South Germany under the bayonets of his soldiers? He thereby breaks into the liberal party, affronts the popular sentiment of Germany, and does the dirty work of absolutism without remuneration.

point of view, in having introduced about the middle certain "Fragments" of a second tragedy on exactly the same unhappy theme. But the work abounds in interest-and, indeed, we should be at a loss to name another recent novel that shows anything like the same power of painting strong passion or rather we should say the strong passion of gentle natures, and this too under all the habit-his armies, at all hazard, to put down insurrection ual restraints of education, principle, and self-control. It was, however, the beautifully pure English that we especially desired to dwell upon, and that is the more noticeable because the episode above condemned is wholly in French; and, as we say on far higher authority than our own, such French as was never before published by an Englishman. In Lord Brougham's French writings, in Lord Mahon's, and also in Mr. Beckford's, it was, we believe, the judgment of Paris, that, extraordinary as their correctness was, a native eye could not fail to detect some mixture of the French of different epochs. How could it be otherwise, we may well ask. But so much the more wonder if, as we are assured, it is the fact that the miniature romance framed into "Rockingham" is as completely in the best French of the present time as the bulk of the work is in its best English.

The history of the patch we conjecture to have been this. The author originally designed a French novel on the full scale-perhaps he finished it. He by and bye saw reason to think that he could bring out his general conception better with the use of English manners—and, dominus utriusque lingua, penned Rockingham, interweaving much matter from the discarded Royaulmont. When he had done, he found he had been forced to omit some of the best scenes of the French piece. No skill could amalgamate those plums with the new pudding so he served up as a side dish a few slices of the old one. And we sympathize with his reluctance to throw away altogether such passages as Marie Antoinette's ball at Versailles, and the execution of the too tender Marquise de Royaulmont-in truth we think them even better than the best in the loves of his English younger brother," and his (of course quite correct) English Marchioness.


From the Examiner, 2 June.



ALL Central Europe is in suspense to see what the King of Prussia will do. What he decides upon at this moment is almost more important than the march of Russian armies or the success of French intervention. It is no secret that the Prussian king has been coquetting with the constitutional party; and that he has allowed it to be known as his sentiment, that his present ministry, whom he employs as instruments of coercion, are far from being the statesmen of his taste and choice. But the constitutionalists refused to do the work of coercion; and unfortunately that work

His other advisers are the constitutional party, who recommend the king not only to reestablish the constitution in his own dominions, but to octroyer a liberal one for all Germany, a constitution in accordance with the spirit of the age and the requirements of the people, and one that would convey to himself the supreme command of the German empire, even though the name of emperor did not at first appear. The man who chiefly presses this bold counsel on the king is one of the ablest men in Germany, Von Radowitz. chief of the right or conservative party in the Parliament of Frankfort; a statesman who entered that assembly an absolutist, but who has left it a fanatic constitutionalist, though of the Chateaubriand school. Von Radowitz, however, more inclined by nature to absolutism and to Austria, sees that neither will do; that the spirit of constitutionalism must be propitiated; and he strongly advises the King of Prussia to be its champion and promulgator. In this Von Radowitz is joined by the leading men in Germany, by Gagern, by Camphausen, who all insist that without such a change of policy in the king, Germany must become, as Bonaparte declared it would, either republican or Cossack. Even if Russian troops should succeed (a matter next to impossible) in putting down the present movement in Southern Germany, the mere fact of that suppression by Russian bayonets would infallibly throw the whole South German population into the arms of France, laying it open to French influence at all times, and to French invasion whenever a fitting time might offer.

The King of Prussia is said to have admitted the justice of these views and the prudence of the counsel based upon them; and he was prepared to follow it when Austrian influence and intrigue, both at Munich and at Frankfort, completely deferred if not defeated his plans. The King of Bavaria has set himself in direct opposition to them, as nullifying his influence in Germany; and the new Frankfort ministry has hitherto counteracted the conciliatory and constitutional views of Prussia. The archduke has declared that he wanted soldiers, not constitutions, from Berlin; that it was better to allow the Suabian republic to have its fling, than merely to half put it down; and that what Prus

sian bayonets refused to do now, Austrian bayonets | is one of the gravest inconveniences which warwould do more effectually hereafter, when Hun- fare brings in its train; and though a commander, gary was subdued and Italy pacified. responsible for the success of a campaign and the

It remains to be seen whether Prussia will rest safety of an army, must at times provide for both contented with this state of suspense, or whether at the expense of these necessary conditions of the king will boldly trust himself to the constitu- humanity, he may lament that the very act of war tionalists, and appeal to the moderately liberal sen- itself can only be perfected by inhuman means. timents of the better class of Germans. Many But surely the right of thus isolating communities, motives deter him. One is, no doubt, the fear of and snapping short the channels of commercial Russia, which threatens daily to interfere in Den- and social intercourse, can only be exercised, with mark. Another is, that it would be a breach be- justice, within the actual sphere of warlike optween him and the ultra-royalist party of the army |erations.* Absolute barbarians-as cultivated and of Pomerania, on whom he was able to fling Austria and other cultivated states have no doubt himself for support against the Berlin population, often called Mehemet Ali's Egyptians-suffered when the constitutionalists would not undertake to put it down by force. Wrangel and Brandenburg did this without scruple, and it may not be safe as yet to dispense with these Bugeauds of Prussia.

the Indian mails to pass even while Napier was engaged in battering down the Syrian fortresses. The most unscrupulous of English ministers never thought of putting London under martial law because Wellington complained that the English newspapers often gave the French the first intimation of his own operations.

Meantime the rumor is, that the new imperial constitution is in print, and that Saxony, and Hanover, and several smaller states have accepted it. Many people look every morning to the official How, then, are we to understand the "State of paper for its appearance. Some think it will Siege" which has been declared in the several never appear. Some say it will only appear with cities of the Austrian empire? How is it that such conditions, in a monarchic or absolutist sense, Prague, the capital of the Bohemians-that as will completely nullify all hopes of its content- Agram, the metropolis of Croatia-that Viening the constitutionalists. Others, again, confidently assert, that were it a model-mixture of liberty and wisdom it ought not to be accepted, because octroyed in defiance and disruption of the former parliament. The latter sentiment, how ever, is not very prevalent at Berlin, where jealousy of Frankfort exists even in the most radical classes, and is a feeling that the imperialists might well turn to account.

We had written thus much when certain tidings reached us that the imperial constitution would be certainly promulgated, and that the princes would sanction it. The difference between this new constitution and that voted by the German parliament consists in four principal points.

The first is the suffrage, which remains indeed universal, but which is to be indirect—not an alterIation for the better.

The second change is the establishment of a council of princes, to preëxamine and pre-sanction all ministerial propositions.

na, that Trieste-are all subjected to the irresponsible will of a brutal soldiery? Prague, the head-quarters of protesting Czechish nationality! Agram, the seat of government of Ban Jellachich himself?

Certainly the happy Constitution Octroyée may explain a good deal; for no one now doubts that that suicidal measure has rent every bond between the bureaucratic centre in Vienna, and the outlying nationalities which were to be first played off against one another, and then destroyed. But months have elapsed since the publication of that insane piece of doctrinaire folly called forth the indignant remonstrances of every insulted province; and it is only within a few days, in short since the march of the Cossacks to Hungary, that these increased measures of severe surveillance have been adopted. Two satisfactory explanations are all that offer themselves.

Absolutism works in the dark; its deeds fear, as they will not bear, the light. Provident AusThe third change is the substitution of the ab- tria, conscious of the character of the new allies solute for the suspensive veto in the chief of the she has invoked—or, rather, of the new masters empire. to whom she has bent her neck-desires that EuThe fourth fixes the title of that chief to be, not rope may not look too closely into the means by Kaiser, but Reichsvorstand.

[ocr errors]

From the Examiner, 2 June.


which anarchy is to be subdued, monarchy replaced in its pristine splendor, and paternal government again restored to gladden the hearts of filial dependants. These are the only objects she proposes to herself! Or it may be, that, in some THE spread of information and facilitation of uncertainty as to the result of this last tremendous intercourse are not unjustly reckoned among the experiment, she desires to keep off curious, pitygreatest blessings and surest evidences of true ing, or insulting eyes; and, like the dying Cæsar civilization. Post-offices, newspapers, highways, of old, folds her robe decently before her face that and railroads, belong to advanced periods in the her death pangs may not be witnessed. history of individual nations and of the world, and haps, too, she desires in this moment of her to none but advanced periods. The miserable necessity of interrupting such civilizing communion

* Grotius, De jure belli, bk. iii., ch. 17, § 1


agony that no intrusive spectator shall scrutinize them; that the Polish officers have become arrogant, and are supplanting the Hungarians; that the latter have refused to cross the frontier, and that the Austrians are continually victorious. All these assertions are nothing more than notorious official lies, dating from the time of Windischgrätz; and we only wonder that calumnies so frequently exposed can still find credit enough to make it worth while to repel them. There are

too closely the difference that exists between her
public acts and those of her high-hearted antago-
nist. The savage proclamations and savage deeds
of her officers stand in pitiful contrast with the
dignity and humanity of the Hungarian leaders.
The convulsive struggles of her financial board,
resting to the very last upon the rotten reed of
protection, must not be exposed to comparison
with the liberal and enlightened measures of Kos-no
suth's ministry.

more than 5,000 Poles with the Hungarian army, and all of them are officered by their own The first object, then, of the "State of Siege" countrymen; conflict, therefore, with the Hunis to prevent information from being given to Eu-garians is out of the question. There is no rope; to continue the system of mystification, sup-shadow of dissension, and it is on paper only that pression of the truth, suggestion of the false, by the Austrian victories are to be found. Up to this which Austria has hitherto only too well succeed-moment, in spite of Russian assistance, the Aused in imposing upon certain classes of society in trians have not gained ground an inch. every country. Even in these last moments she remains true to her old instincts-the genuine, universal instincts of absolute bureaucracy; and since she cannot any longer spread abroad a lie, she is determined that the truth shall not be spread. This is one suggestion as to the meaning of the "State of Siege."

An engagement has taken place near Bartfield between the Russians and Dembinski's corps, in which the former had 600 men killed; but this fact was of course withheld by the Austrians, who said that the Russians were poisoned; as if it were probable that the Hungarians, who up to the present moment have maintained their chivalrous But there is another, pregnant with deeper re- character, were likely, when everywhere sucsults. It may be as it is more than suspected-cessful, to have recourse to the weapons of cowthat even the Austrian provinces themselves fall ards. But the Austrians have not forgotten the off in disgust at the treasonable acts of their gov-maxim of their favorite allies the Jesuits, "Caernment. The Czechs, and Crotians, and Ser-lumniare audacter semper aliquid hæret.” On the vians, have not only discovered the fraud that has other hand, however, even the Austrian papers been put upon them, and whose meaning the pre-admit that a party favorable to the Hungarians has mature publication of the constitution first re-formed itself amongst the Servians. But they also vealed; but they will not consent to have the selfish Camarilla of Vienna degrade the empire, of which they are members, into a pachalic of Russia. The honorable feeling of nationality, which was used as an instrument of division between race and race, has not been suppressed; and the Moravian or Bohemian can now look with terror and repentance upon the course into which he was seduced on false pretences. Better, far better, for him to have remained the friend of the Magyar than to become the tributary of the Cossack. He does not like the allies or the masters the Camarilla propose to give him.

This, then, is probably the second reason why the "State of Siege" exists. And if so, what is left of the Austrian empire?

From the Examiner, 2 June.


add that Karageorgvich, Prince of Servia, a vassal of Turkey, openly enrolls soldiers for Austria in Servia itself. How is this to be reconciled with the declared neutrality of the Ottoman Porte? Is it in consequence of any secret articles to the recently concluded treaty between Russia and Turkey, which English diplomacy has not been able to prevent? If so, we may perhaps soon hear that even in Paris the cabinet of St. Petersburg is more potential than that of London.

We learn, and with certainty, from a traveller who left Pesth on the 9th ult., that no political prosecutions whatever take place in Hungary, and that all the reports of the Austrian papers are in this respect, too, so many falsehoods. M. Pazziazi, a Greek, formerly in the service of the Hungarian government, is now in Vienna, exclusively engaged in fabricating extracts from the Hungarian papers in order to provoke hatred among the people against Hungary; and as the Hungarian newspapers are absolutely prohibited, no one can collate M. Pazziazi's extracts from the originals.


SINCE the press has been subjected to military control in all parts of Austria we have no information from Hungary in continental newspapers, ex- Pazmandy, formerly president of the Hungarian cept Austrian official reports, "cooked up" for diet, went over to the Austrians in January last, the purpose of destroying sympathy for that coun- for which he was proscribed at Debreczin. try in other nations of Europe. These reports has lately presented and disculpated himself at partake in every instance of the same character as Debreczin, whereupon the proscription was immethe assertions that 20,000 Poles were in the Hun- diately withdrawn. On the other hand, M. Von garian army; (one of our contemporaries has even Betöcz, Vicegespon (sheriff) of Presburg, has been had the hardihood to aver that the majority of the shot by order of General Welden, on account of Hungarian army consists of subjects of the Em- his attachment to the Hungarian cause. The peror of Russia!) that dissensions exist among Hungarians will probably at length be forced, by

such repeated acts of barbarity committed by the Austrian generals, to have recourse to measures of reprisal; abhorrent as such measures have always been to them, as well as opposed to the determination they have hitherto acted upon to conduct the war with every possible regard to the claims of civilization and humanity.

We can at length announce with certainty that Buda, (or Ofen,) the ancient capital of the kingdom, the fall of which was prematurely announced by some of our contemporaries, and by others is still denied, was stormed and taken by the Hungarians on the 22d of May. General Hentzy, the commander of the fortress, so much lauded by the Times, was formerly in the Hungarian service; and he, like all other foreign officers, was permitted to leave it when the war broke out, on giving his word of honor not to bear arms against Hungary. The knowledge of this fact probably induced the Austrian general-in-chief to invest General Hentzy with the command of a place which it was important to hold to the last extremity. He is severely wounded, and a prisoner to the Hungarians.

The fortresses of Arad and Karlsburg have been for these three weeks in the hands of the Hungarians, though the fact has not been mentioned by the Austrian papers. We may also certainly expect to receive in a few days the news of a decisive engagement.

ernment. Certainly we shall be prepared in America to hail the advent of such a journal with cordiality and gratitude. Two of the most active writers of the Anglo-Saxon are Mr. Brereton and Mr. Tupper. Of the former we are yet to know more in this country; nor will it be long before he takes his place in our libraries as one of the best and most generous of Englishmen. Tupper has long been throughout America a household word. He is read in all of our thirty republics-he has among us a score publishers-he has millions of readers. They, with other noble and humane men in the fatherland, have begun this quarterly. It has sprung up under the fairest auspices, and will not unlikely soon take its place among the first of those great journals which now constitute the ornament of British literature.

[blocks in formation]

I am bold to call you Yankees—Yenghees— Englishmen! Not that this word would seek to rob you of a separate nationality, that wholesome pride of independence, undoubtedly your right as your boast; nor that, among your multitudinous array, your gatherings from many countries, we can claim numerically for all a strictly British origin. Germany-our honest, cousin-germane Germany-has great part among your swarming millions; and, more to your cost than your advantage, that poor unwelcome wanderer the Celt; New York, 25 June, 18-19. and many other mingled stocks and races swell To the Editor of Littell's Living Age. your mighty multitude; but it is still a proud and DEAR SIR-Having been favored by Mr. Tupper, a pleasant matter of fact for us to note, that the the distinguished author of "Proverbial Philos-mass of you are sons of merry England; that you ophy," with some of the proofs, in advance of publication, of the July No. of the new quarterly, THE ANGLO-SAXON, I send for your use the following "Word to the Yankees," which will be read I doubt not with delight by thousands. We have not had many such addresses sent over to us from England; and in fact, so far as my observation extends, it is the most cordial and generous greeting an English author has ever penned. It will be as generously responded to. The day has gone by when English authors can make capital out of the Hall and Trollope style of writing. A better spirit is growing up between the Anglo-Saxons of the old

and new world.

I have not yet observed in your invaluable eclectic any extracts from this new and noble journal. As it is possible you have not yet received it I send you the first two numbers, from which I hope you will transfer some of the best portions. No literary project has ever been started in England in which our nation has been so deeply concerned; none which has ever promised to result in so much good. The object of the Anglo-Saxon is to bring the scattered sons of the great Anglo-Saxon family closer together-to record what is most worthy of remembrance in the history of this greatest of all races to make mankind more familiar with AngloSaxon history and progress. It opens with the kindest spirit towards this country. It is purely international in this sense-that it is devoted to the interests of the Anglo-Saxons throughout the world -without distinction of country, or clime, or gov

are near kith and kin with us, Briton-bred, if not Britisher-born; and, although some distinctions may be reasonably drawn between the two, there are still so many more similarities to be noted, that we seem but (as we are) brothers of one nursery. Young Columbia, full of vigorous health and masculine virtues-what is she but the continental phase of England? And dear Old England, though robed in ermine, and imperially crowned; in spite of pride and prejudice; in spite of faults and failings all her own, because distinctively John Bullism; England, the land of our common ancestry, whose freedom is the germ of yours; masqued though she may be in antique paraphernalia of aristocratic differences, (rooting oftentimes in reason, and founded on antiquity, pregnant too of many uses, though now and then corrupt, as human nature wills)—that dear old home of ours, and of yours-what is she but an Island America?

I will not ask you if you love her; I will not touch that tender spot upon your hearts which throbs with the thought, how dearly! As the needle to the magnet, as the flower to the sun, as the hart to the waterbrook, as the child to its mother-instinctive nature and intelligent affection have forged those secret chains that bind us unalterably together.

O yes! your recollections
Look back with streaming eye,
To pour those old affections

On scenes and days gone by;
Your eagle well remembers

His dear old island-nest,
And sorrow stirs the embers
Of love within his breast.

Ah! need I tell of places

You dream and dwell on still?
Those old familiar faces

Of English vale and hill;
The sites you think of, sobbing,
And seek, as pilgrims seek,
With brows and bosoms throbbing,
And tears upon your cheek?
Yes, Anglo-Saxon brother,

I see your heart is right,
And we will warm each other
With all our loves alight;
You, you are England growing
To Continental State,
And we Columbia, glowing

With all that makes you great.

illustrate this position? Why attempt, with feeble pen, to throw off rounded periods in record of those world-known names, the minted gold of either nation, interchangeably at a premium with the other? O ye mighty intellects of the Anglo-Saxon race, who, each in his own orbit a particular star, shine out upon our brilliant modern harvest-night in a constellated galaxy, let me not invidiously linger to detail your earthly individual titles, but in one telescopic sweep survey your mingled fires. Remember-each and all-remember for yourselves, gratefully and reverently, the poets, philosophers and teachers, the orators, saints and sages, the heroes and the heroines, the noble, learned, pious, master-minds, who, through an English tongue, bless and teach and fertilize the world. Have we not both reaped liberally from each other? and who can count up our mutual obligations? We are partners, not rivals, in the best and wisest of mankind; in everything excellent and ennobling, no less than in the more earthly fields of commercial enterprise; we glean knowledge from each other's learning, taste from each other's art, invention from each other's keenness, perfection from each other's skill. Time and space would fail me for a catalogue of instances.

Verily, no common ties are these around us two. It is not merely in the general, as descendants of Adam, believers in Christianity, or sons of civilization; but nearer, dearer, than so: as bloodNo two nations under heaven, are more natrelations, called by the same name, stirred by the urally united, more providentially allied than we same sympathies, sons or grandsons of the same stock, yearning towards each other across 3,000 between us, and are puzzled that we can see any. are. In truth, foreigners can discern no difference miles of sea and land: as fellow-countrymen, Ask a Spaniard, a Swede, or a Greek, to distinspeaking the same language, brought up in the guish between an American gentleman and an Engsame faiths, traditions, memories, and principles:lish one, between John Bull and Jonathan, when as mates and neighbors from infancy till now, in they meet in any company; nay, if it were not every nursery game, school contest, and college for the "star-spangled banner" floating from yonrecollection; in all the business, cares, perils, and der flagstaff, and for the queen's button on these pleasures of human life; conversing always in the naval uniforms, not foreigners, merely, would be same kindly English tongue; in every ethnological found at fault, but the Yankee and the Britisher mark, idiosyncrasy, and power, moral, intellectual, would mutually wonder which is which. And, or physical, the same; cherishing a Briton's pride call yourselves republican, if you will; you are in the past, an English sense of duty in the pres- not French republicans; let us be counted monent, and an Anglo-Saxon confidence of all things archists; we are not Russian serfs, nor Arab honorable and successful for the future: energized fellahs, but jealous freemen still-clinging, not alike, featured alike, charactered alike; with brotherhood stamped on all we are, and on all we Both of us are well agreed in giving the greatest less sturdily than you, to a glorious constitution. do. Go to! there is country-love between us, possible amount of liberty to every man, thing, and thought that are good; and in only making government " a terror to the evil." Order, justice, property, conscience, these are household gods with you as with us; honor and duty, philanthropy and godliness, are watchwords to us both; and the inviolable principles of our common race are everywhere bubbling up, as living waters, to refresh the wilderness of this world, sparkling from the well-spring of that heaven-stricken rock, our Anglo-Saxon heart.

home love :

There's nothing foreign in your face
Nor strange upon your tongue;
You come not of another race

From baser lineage sprung:
No, brother! though away you ran,
As truant boys will do,
Still true it is, young Jonathan,

My fathers fathered you!

In what department, friends, of art or of science, of literature or religion, are we not continually interchanging benefits? We Anglo-Saxons, on either side of the Atlantic, are both of us but half

satisfied with the love and admiration of a single hemisphere; we claim and yearn for the other also; we are each other's echo of fame, each other's reflection-of glory!

Aye, let party-men quarrel as they must;-let tenth-rate authorship elaborate its falsehoods, to tual good will;-let electioneering placemen, to earn lucre and notoriety at the expense of our mu

and set down much in malice-let diplomacy, with the best intentions and reciprocal assurance What need of an array of modern instances to of the very highest consideration, embroil govern

serve some petty purpose, exaggerate, extenuate,

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