


WE have already announced the death of Marshai Bugeaud. He died at Paris, June 10, after Madame Bugeaud, a short illness, of cholera. who had been informed of his illness by telegraph, arrived the night before, by railroad from Marseilles. He breathed his last sigh in the midst of a number of his friends, among whom were General Cavaignac, Count Molé, and General Bedeau.

He re

He was born at Limoges in 1784. He began his military career as a private soldier, and, as many marshals his seniors in rank had done before him, carried his knapsack and musket. ceived his promotion as corporal on the field of Austerlitz. From that promotion he has risen by successive gradations to the dignities of Governor of Algeria, Duke of Isly, Marshal of France, and Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor. The London Times gives the following biographical

notice of him :


An appointment of this kind presumes as many negative as positive qualities in the recipient, and General Bugeaud discharged his duties as effectively, and perhaps as judiciously, by reason of his deficiencies, as by means of his accomplishments. He was not likely to be seduced either by flattery or rude sense the other. Destitute of any sense of intrigue, for his coarseness repelled the one and his traditionary loyalty, and not overburdened with sympathies either for weakness or misfortune, he gave promise of a serviceable tenacity and unwearied vigilance. The duty of a gaoler is seldom a gracious one, but it is no more than justice to add that, though rough even to brutality in his deportment, and perhaps the least fitted of all living Frenchmen to be the medium of communication between a princess and a king, he yet, after his own fashion, displayed a certain kindness of heart, and did not complete his service without showing his employers on more than one occasion that they would be disappointed in anticipating at his hands any act inconsistent with his own views of military honor. An unfortunate incident in the general's life was connected with this singular mission of superintending the captivity of a princess. Shortly after he Our Paris correspondent announces the death of had returned from depositing his charge at Palermo, Marshal Bugeaud, after a brief illness. Without there occurred in the Chamber of Deputies one of paying the deceased soldier too high a compliment, those violent debates which almost bear comparison we may say that this event deserves notice as much with the exhibitions of the new Assembly. "Before "What!" retorted a as any which has been reported during a month un- all other things," cried General Bugeaud loudly, even to making usually characterized by incidents and marvels.-"men must learn to obey." Marshal Bugeaud was neither a great soldier nor a voice from the opposite benches, great man, and yet circumstances were tending to themselves gaolers?" The speaker was M. Dulong, place him in a position which many great men and a near relative and political associate of the venerable soldiers have never succeeded in attaining. He has republican Dupont de l'Eure. The general demandnow been removed from the scene of his duties and ed an explanation, which was given and accepted; his perils, and a retrospect of his earlier career in but the quarrel, either by accident or design, was reits most remarkable incidents will not diminish the kindled, and a rencontre finally took place, in which M. Dulong was shot through the head. His fuinterest which is excited by its sudden close. neral, according to the political tactics of those days, very nearly produced a revolution, and was actually followed by M. Dupont's resignation of his With this crown and seat, and by the most violent attacks upon the government and the crown. government General Bugeaud's politics and services were now permanently identified, and it must be acknowledged that Louis Philippe had few servants whose zeal was less inconveniently qualified by scruples or discretion.


When by the course of a popular revolution the house of Orleans found itself seated on the throne of France, the name of Bugeaud was already well known as that of an experienced and resolute commander; but the first conspicuous service on which he was employed supplied a singular example of the necessities of the new dynasty, and of the skill with which character was appreciated by those who directed its affairs. Sixteen years ago the citadel of Blaye contained a royal prisoner, who was to the A wider field was soon discovered for the exerKing of the French an object of scarcely less solicitude than Mary of Scotland had been to Queen cise of these equivocal talents. In the arrangeElizabeth. We need not recapitulate the circum-ments which followed upon the return of Marshal stances by which, at the commencement of the year 1833, the attention of Europe had been drawn to this spot; but it was soon considered desirable that the governor of the chateau should be superseded by some person more competent to meet the emergencies of the crisis.-Whether the Duchess de Berri was really, or not, enciente; whether any deception was contemplated by the royalist party, or against them; whether the various reports abroad were rumors or facts, and, if facts, whether they were capable or not of being turned to the service of the government, were points which it was conceived of the greatest importance to ascertain for purposes, as the occasion might suggest, either of publication or concealment.

Clausel from Algeria, General Bugeaud at length found himself invested with what was virtually the independent command of the province of Ŏran. His commission was either to conciliate Abd-elKader or to extinguish him. On his arrival he issued a proclamation evincing a preference for the latter process, but his intentions were soon changed, and the treaty of the Tafna was transmitted to France as the first fruits of his government. His personal deportment on the occasion of this interview with the Arab chief excited even more attention in Paris than was produced by the actual conor acquisitions which the convention cessions recorded. True to the genius of his race, Abd-elKader had assumed a bearing of disdainful indifIt was also thought doubly necessary to look to ference to the stipulations which he really desired. the safe-keeping of the captive, and to place in com- He permitted the French general, at the head of a mand of the fort some officer whose fidelity might picked detachment, to wait for him at the place of be counted on, whose promptitude was certain, and rendezvous throughout the entire day, and when at whose finesse was not to be feared. These quali- length he appeared on the spot he so adroitly fications were thought to be represented in General worked on the impatient temper of his adversary Bugeaud, who departed on his mission accordingly. I that General Bugeaud was fain to seek him in his

a man's

tent instead of being met half way. At last, on the appetites, in addition to their belief that " termination of the conference, the French general time is fixed." It relates the following anecdote: rose from the carpet on which the two commanders had been seated together, and prepared to take leave. Anxious to retain in the eyes of his own tribe that dignity which he had successfully monopolized during the day, the Emir still remained seated while the representative of the French power stood erect before him. This, however, was too much for the general's patience. Clutching the astonished Arab by the wrist, "Mais, relevez vous donc !" cried he, as he whirled the slightly made chief into an upright attitude and left him staggering on his feet. This improvised assertion of rank delighted the soldiery, and the French nation itself almost forgot, in the attractiveness of the anecdote, the favorable terms which their antagonist had been permitted to command.-How General Bugeaud's operations were afterwards extended, how he earned on the field of Isly the baton of a Marshal of France, and by what tactics his strategy was signalized and strengthened, it cannot, so soon after the events, be needful for us to recount.

It is not a little remarkable that the gigantic blunder called "the Revolution" of February should have involved not only the precipitate abdication of the most experienced of kings, and the bewilderment of one of the firmest of ministers, but even the repudiation of force by the most unhesitating of soldiers. That there was no lack of will on the marshal's part is beyond question or denial; it is only wonderful how he was restrained from action at a period of his service where action was so peculiarly demanded. He has now gone to his grave with blots upon his memory which, perhaps, were not wholly his own. His capacity was so entirely that of an instrument, that his acts are not to be separated from the power which moved him. Less positively cruel than insensible to misery, prompt and unscrupulous in his recourse to the bayonet and the cannon, but probably less from innate bloodthirstiness than the single-minded notions of a passionate and intractable soldier, he has yet to account for nearly as many deeds of blind ferocity as were ever charged to a commander. Habits of such merciless and inconsiderate action. joined to considerable experience and some practical skill, gave him of course a military reputation at a period when these qualifications were in request; but the fact that his services should at length actually have been bespoken for the highest functions of government can prove nothing but the extraordinary political condition to which the French nation is reduced. As things now stand, brute force and unscrupulous action must find a representative in every government of France. Her politics are conducted with sword and musket. The theories of social regenerators have pushed her back to a state of social barbarism, and if gunpowder had not been invented we should see the ministers of France chosen, like Homeric heroes or Frankish kings, for their gigantic stature and irresistible force of arm. Such are the conditions of political madness and popular folly, and it may perhaps be said, under circumstances like these, that a far better man than Marshal Bugeaud could have been better spared by the countrymen who survive him.

SOUTHERN CHOLERA ANECDOTE.-The Richmond Republican, in commenting upon the cholera, remarks that at least five blacks die to one white, on account of their having less control of their

kind." 66

What is amusing even in so serious a matter as an attack of the cholera, is the uniform pertinacity with which its colored subjects will deny to their medical attendants that they have eaten anything which could make them sick. An eminent physician of our city informed us that on being called to a negro suddenly attacked with cholera, he asked him whether he had been eating fruit or vegetables. "Oh, no, sir," was the reply, "nothing of the What, have you eat no apples or cherries?" "No, no," said the negro, "I never eats 'em any time of the year." Well, I believe you have," said the doctor," and I'll prove it in a short time." The physician administered a vomit, the result of which was the ejection of about a quart of apples, stems, seed and all! "Well," said the doctor, "I thought you told me you had not been eating apples. Look at those. Are they not apples?" They does look like 'ein, sir." "Are they not apples?" Yes, sir, they are, that's a fact." Well, how did they get into you, "Please God, Massa,





if you did not eat 'em?"
I don't know, but I never eat anything of the kind."

The conclusion to which our medical friend came was that "the only way to get the truth out of a negro is to vomit it out of him," and that, even then, he won't own it.

IN the town of Stonington, during the last war, resided a widow with an only daughter. When the attack on the place was made by a British naval force, (an attack which is memorable in the annals of war,) this widow was dying. All the other inhabitants, gathering their household goods, fled into the country. Only one house was occupied by the dying woman and her faithful daughter, who refused to leave her. Repeatedly balls passed through the house. Shells exploded all around them. The thunder of the cannon shook the foundations of the land. But the thunder of the cannon might not prevail to repel the sleep of death, which stole as calmly over lip and eye, and fell as gently on the old woman's heart, as if it had been a sunny spring morning on the glorious ocean shore. Fiercer and louder grew the sounds of the battle without, contrasting fearfully with that calm scene within, where the devoted child sat by her dying mother's side, and held her hand, and heard her murmur, as the shot flew by, of long forgotten battle fields in olden times. Death came at length, that "calm, safe refuge," from all battlings. Undisturbed by the sound of warrings, she fell asleep and heard the voice of the battle no longer. Rising then from her long and holy watch, the daughter called soldiers from the fort to aid her in burying her dead. They wrapped the body in the blankets on which it lay, and carried it in solemn procession to the burial ground in whose enclosure slept profoundly the fathers of the village. There was something sublime in that procession. Men bore their kindred dust along deserted streets, heedless of the missiles of death that darkened the air, and entered the place of rest with their load of clay. Even as they entered, a shell fell before them, and exploding threw up the earth, and in the trench thus opened they laid the body and covered it out of the reach of war. Then, and not before, the daughter left her mother alone, and sought safety for herself.Journal of Commerce.


TWO FLIRTS: OR, ADVENTURES IN A | definition; you would not, I am sure, be so inordinate as even to wish that I should attempt the hopeless task.


PRAY, sir, can you be so kind as to tell me what sort of a creature is a male flirt?

A male flirt, gentle inquirer, is generally a long, tall animal, with a pale face and strawy hair. The young may occasionally perpetrate their little amatory artifices and caprices; but the steady, professed practitioner, I am now attempting to describe, is usually fast approaching the mature age of forty. He is almost always exceedingly lank; and looks remarkably wo-begone. In short, in aspect, demeanor, and expression, he bears a singular resemblance to our imagination of "the wretch who drew Priam's curtain in the dead of night, and told him half his Troy was burnt."

Such are his personal distinctions; his mental qualifications are correspondent.

He is dull, dead, heavy, lethargic; and follows in a woman's train, like a mute at a funeral. These are his permanent features, yet he has his gleams of assiduity and vivacity; but they are rare and transient, and seem upon his graver and more natural character, like meteors flitting over the surface of a burial-ground.

Count me the leaves on yonder tree;
So many different wills has she.

Besides, the character is so common, that everybody has an opportunity of observing and investigating it.

But to return to the more rare animal, whose species I have been endeavoring to define. Undoubtedly, there must be occasional individual exceptions to the broad features I have sketched, as the usual distinctive attributes of the many. One of the most complete and striking instances of a dissimilarity of this nature is to be found in the hero of the present tale.

But will the gentle

Fitz-Roy Byron was person who has already interrogated me, give the wings to her fancy, and endeavor to incarnate a name; to invest a harmonious sound, abounding in sentimental associations, with corresponding flesh and blood? If she will adopt this suggestion, she will discern the form and features of Fitz-Roy Byron; for he was a personification of his name.

I would say that he was like the Apollo, but that he had such eyes! and any association with a statue appears to me to suggest a terrific deficiency in this always most important feature, but indispensable in flirtations. Without, therefore, summoning the aid of any simile, I will confine myself to the simple assertion, that he possessed an admirable figure and face.

He was a gentleman of the town, and of fashion : and was naturally kind and tolerating; but was professionally a pretender to epigrams, and censo

Though his objects are gay and frivolous, yet his mode of pursuing them is singularly opposite to their nature; but is perfectly accordant to the sombre character of his mind and person. He is frequently to be seen in the dusk of the evening in the vicinity of a churchyard; or, in the early dawn of the morning, at the corners of and by secluded places, looking intently and furtively around, with an alternate expression of hope and apprehension, as though expecting the arrival of some person whom he wished to meet, and dreading an encoun-rious fastidiousness. The objects of his existence ter with others whom he as cordially desired to avoid. Were he engaged in the gravest and darkest political conspiracy, the recesses of his desk, and the drawers of his library table, could not be protected by locks of more complicated construction; and should his pocket-book or tablets ever be mislaid, under circumstances that render them liable to the scrutiny of a stranger, the consequent strife between his vanity and his fears might rage to a degree that should undermine his constitution for the rest of his life. Yet, in spite At the period, when this gentleman was in the of all the caution which his nervous timidity sug-very zenith of his glory, there existed in the same gests, more than once he has been known to drop, in situations of publicity, locks of hair of various colors, which he has hastily and anxiously recovered and reconcealed, while casting flurried and suspicious looks on the spectators.

were certainly not very dignified; night and day he toiled laboriously after that fallacy, pleasure, as children after a butterfly which they are conscious they can never overtake. In short, he was a thorough votary of the world, (as some two or three thousand spoiled children of fortune are emphatically designated,) and was eminently erudite and practised in all its recognized frivolities. Such had hitherto been the character and career of the Honorable Fitz-Roy Byron.

sphere a star of equal if not superior magnitude; yet, small as was the place assigned to them, strange to say, these illustrious individuals had hitherto revolved in separate orbits; and though constantly tantalized by reports of the other's renown, and perhaps equally desirous of meeting, by Of course, too, hea series of perverse accidents, they had never yet attained the realization of their wishes.

Of course, he possesses no profession; but he is often a member of Parliament. possesses a competence, and, generally, a certain extent of hereditary position in the world; for, as for his achievement of any for himself, that is an occurrence quite out of the range of possibilities. Such, gentle inquirer, are some of the principal characteristics of the male flirt.

Of the female flirt, I can pretend to give no

As Mr. Byron is evidently peerless among men, of course it is apparent, that this equally preëminent person must be of the gender feminine. Lady Matilda Morden was indeed a magnificent star, I should say of the very first order; but that, I believe, only comprises the fixed stars; and never

was vagabond comet, or zig-zag meteor, less en- it was really quite wonderful what she could untitled to the praise of stability, than was this light-dergo! hearted maiden.

Thus ramblingly would she delight to discourse; herself always her own theme; and the inspiration ever the same-that ceaseless and reckless love of attracting attention and wonder, which is the insatiate offspring of licentious vanity.

She was the daughter of a Scotch noble, recently elevated to an English earldom, in consequence of the abundance of his coal mines, the plurality of his canal shares, or some other equally indisputable pretension. But though his ancestry may not have It is now, I imagine, made thoroughly manifest been magnates of the very first class, and though that Mr. Fitz-Byron and her mirthful and volatile he himself, their scion, may not have been endowed ladyship possessed many features of resemblance. with any transcendant intellectual powers, yet he | In point of position, personal attractions, and menhad great wealth; and his daughter was beautiful, tal endowments, they were equal; and in egotism, gifted, and cultivated; a combination of advantages and in covetousness of sway, and of all purely selfsufficient to ensure for their possessors the suffrages ish and frivolous distinctions, they were almost of the first fashion in the land. Consequently, identical. The only difference between them was, the Earl of Ambleside and Lady Matilda Morden that the gentleman was the Phaeton of his sex; the took their station among the foremost of the elite. lady the Semele of hers. In truth, she was a very lovely creature. Her smile was the most joyous, beaming, sunny sight that can be imagined; and her mouth and teeth were divine. Her hair was a beautiful auburn; and her radiant and eloquent eyes were not very dissimilar in color. She was tall, round, and graceful; one might have looked at her until the meaning of the word angle should have become almost unintelligible; and her exquisitely formed neck was smooth and equal in surface as a pillar of Parian marble. In fine, both in figure and face, the damsel was unexceptionable.

In consequence, I suppose, of her Scotch origin, she affected to be a great admirer of all border legends, feudal customs, and mountain scenery; and raved continually about the mists, and the moors, and the torrents, and the lochs, and the impetuous streams, of that Elysian land, where,

Far as the eye can reach no tree is seen,
Earth clad in russet scorns the lively green;
The plague of grasshoppers they secure defy,
For in three hours a grasshopper would die.
The gypsy affected too the Highland costume;
and wore the tartan with a grace peculiarly her


And yet, flagitious flirt as she was, she had many good qualities and was altogether a much better person than either she herself or anybody else suspected her to be. In this respect, too, as has been stated, her male rival resembled her.

But as already some pages have been devoted to the portraiture of character, it is quite time to commence the narrative of the incidents of my tale.

Some years have now elapsed since a large party was assembled at Vernon Cliff, the seat of the Right Honorable Duncan Edwardes, a political leader of much celebrity. To this mansion, Mr. Byron had been invited to pass the commencement of the shooting season; an invitation which, for many reasons, he had felt disposed to decline, until he accidentally learned that the Lady Matilda Morden was among the guests. Long had he been desirous to meet her; long had he been regretting the perverse fate which had kept them asunder; and, consequently, he joyfully availed himself of the present opportunity of gratifying his curiosity. He instantly despatched a letter to his parliamentary friend, stating that his arrival might be expected in a few days.

When Lady Matilda heard that Fitz-Roy Byron, the renowned Fitz-Roy Byron, was to become an inmate of the same dwelling with herself, she experienced similar feelings of satisfaction. What should she do with him? How conduct herself towards him? Do with him? Vanquish him im

Often, at fancy balls, had she figured as Flora Macdonald; armed with a glittering dagger, and adorned with a clasp made of a kairn-gorhm, almost as large as herself. Often, too, while clad in the most finished and recherché manner, and looking as elegant and as delicate as if the rose leaf of the Sybarite would have destroyed her hap-mediately-cast him to the earth, a supplicant at piness for a month, would it please her to boast of her feet? He must frequently have heard of her; imaginary exploits in the Highlands, worthy of a and in terms of the highest commendation; but Crotonian; how, in Ross-shire, she was accus- how immeasurably surprised would he not be to tomed to climb mountains of granite perfectly ver- find the reality so infinitely exceed the report! tical, and smooth as ice. By what faculty she Of course, he must have his pretensions to doadhered to them, she never could conceive; un-minion; what a tenfold delight, therefore, would less, indeed, she possessed unconsciously some of the properties of the fly. Often had she been accustomed to ride, for days together, on shaggy ponies, with an action more merciless than that of a French cart over a French causeway-had waded barefooted through rivulets of an incredible depth -had slept on pallet beds-lived in wooden huts, and followed the deer-stalkers for a week together. 'T was true she did not appear very robust; but

At last,

she experience in subjugating him!
then, fortune be thanked, she had found a prey
worthy of her talents, and her ambition.

These were the thoughts of the maiden; and we will now take a peep into the breast of the gentleman, as he lazily and languidly reclined in his carriage, on the route to Vernon Cliff.

"What game shall I play ?" thought he, "the assiduous or the indifferent? The former, I fear

And yet, such is her | detection of her presence, with a most ambiguous while of even Fitz-expression of countenance, which indicated aught I must have her in but discomposure, she very deliberately withdrew her gaze from his direction, loitered for a few moments, and then slowly retired..

would be a condescension. reputation, it is worth the Roy Byron to subdue her. my chains-that's poz. But the road-what road shall I travel to secure this object? N'importe," he continued, passing his fingers through his hair, "By Jupiter!" mentally exclaimed the Honand endeavoring to obtain a satisfactory view of orable Fitz-Roy Byron, after a most comprehenthe whole of his fine figure, which is not a very sive and systematic survey of the fair apparition, easy operation in a carriage; "n'importe Fitz-"I would bet a hundred pounds that that is Lady Roy Byron cannot go astray. Whatsoever path Matilda Morden! She is a beautiful creature inhe may please to enter, it cannot fail to conduct deed! In truth, she even more than realizes my him to his end. I shall therefore be guided by expectations. I never saw a more lovely figure— circumstances. But one thing is certain-massa- and what a complexion! what a blooming cheek! Faith, it is almost a pity that it must so soon become pallid. In sooth, I could almost resolve to relent; but both my position and my reputation imperiously require that I should victimize her."

cre her I will!"

And what meanwhile were the ruminations of Lady Matilda Morden? for the conjecture of Mr. Byron was accurate, and the lovely apparition was indeed no other than that celebrated person. But how she ever chanced to be on that spot, is a prob

But to reveal the ruminations of the lady. She had discovered him, as has been stated, some minutes before he had observed her.

While his mind was devoted to the entertainment of these and similar thoughts, he arrived within view of the noble domain of his opulent host. The stately mansion, became visible; and for a moment he imagined that the end of his journey was attained. But he soon discovered that the road deviated from the house, and that he had still a considerable circuit to make, before he could reach it. The fact is, that the right hon-lem I can never hope to solve. What could orable gentleman, though a very great patriot, have induced her, not only to desert the artificial chanced also to be too great a lover of the pic- excitement in which she habitually lived, and turesque, and of the stateliness of privacy, to suf- which was to her as the air she breathed, but to fer his estate to be invaded and sacrificed for the stray to a place so comparatively desolate, is a convenience of his fellow-subjects; and the con- circumstance that appears to me to indicate an sequence of this little infirmity was, that the pub-extent of inconsistency worthy even of Sylla himlic highway most intricately meandered for several self, that prince of paradoxes. And yet, perhaps, miles around the limits of his park. But even in the solution of this seemingly mysterious proceedthis regulation, suspicious as it may at first ap-ing may be found in the piquancy of its entire pear, the enlightened legislator proved himself to novelty; for, with a religious veracity, it might be a genuine philanthropist ; for, though the road be asserted of her, that, previously to the present certainly could not be accused of conspiring to period, she and Nature had never been alone toassist the traveller in the completion of his jour-gether during five successive minutes. ney, yet it obtained for him some beautiful views of the interior of the domain of Vernon Cliff, which he must have lost, if his route had been less devious; "And thus," self-reasoned the "I do really believe," thought she, as he slowpolitical sophist, who had contrived this agreeable ly ascended the hill, "that that creature, in that circumvention, if his business be temporarily carriage, is Mr. Fitz-Roy Byron. There are the obstructed, his pleasure is permanently advanced." black eyes-the black hair-the mustache-the The very near approach to the termination of Roman nose-the white teeth--all exactly as he his journey, revived in Byron's mind with ad- has been described. It must be he, I am confiditional strength his discussions as to the conduct dent. He is a handsome man certainly-very he should pursue in his intercourse with Lady gentlemanly and distinguished. A coxcomb eviMatilda Morden. He had at last thoroughly re-dently; but upon the whole, he more than volved, digested, and completed to his own satis- realizes my expectations of his personal appearfaction, the plan of his whole campaign; and now ance! Poor fellow he looks very happy and had only to determine in what dress he should good-tempered! Heigh-ho!-In truth, it is alcommence it. While his carriage, with a pain- most a pity that my reputation literally compels ful tediousness was ascending a very steep hill, he me to victimize him!" was self-complacently endeavoring to figure to In the mean time, the carriage of Mr. Byron himself the appearance he would present in his reached the termination of its laborious ascent; different costumes; when, suddenly emerging from and the summit of the hill having been passed, his revery, and raising his eyes, he discovered in the descent was commenced with a velocity that the park above him, and within a few yards of, promised soon to compensate for the time that had and immediately confronting him, a very beautiful been lost in its previous tortoise-pace. But in female evidently engaged in a contemplation of his this instance also, the truth of the fable was again own cherished self. She was dressed most ele-destined to be verified; for, their hare-like fleetgantly, and yet most fancifully; and there was ness had continued scarcely two brief minutes, about her a general air of fashion and distinction, when off flew a wheel, and crash down thunwhich was strikingly conspicuous. Observing his dered the carriage; jarring poor Mr. Byron's


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