

[blocks in formation]

Adam, traditions of, 12
Adventures of a bottle, 478
Eschylus, singular death of, 365

Agricola, quoted, 69, 72, 117, 126, 151, 219,
240, 278, 315

Agriculture, 79, 118. Implements of, 12, 132
Air, its properties, 176-186. Ancient expe-
riments on, 192. Rarefaction by heat, 374-
380. Liquids raised by currents of, 224-5,
447, 473

Air-barometer, 188, 375

beds, 177. Guns, 181, 192, 270, 425
chambers to pumps, 265, 269, 270, 306,
307, 326, 337, 338, 371

machines, 374-380, 447, 473
pumps, 179, 180, 190, 403, 426

Air and steam, their supposed identity, 395-
400, 418, 420, 421, 572

Ajutages, conical, effect of, 479, 480, 486
488, 490-496

Albertus, 104

Alchemists, 395, 407, 408

Alcithæ, taken off by priests, 385
Alcoholic engines, 441, 472

Aleppo, water-wheels at, 115

Alexandria, library at, 415. Wells at, 54, 55
Alfred the Great, measured time by candles,


Algerines, their superstitions, 36
Altars, 107. Tricks at, 383-385
Alum, used to make wood incombustible, 304
America, ancient arts in, 159-172
American water-works, 298-301. Fire-en-
gines, 339-348. Wells, 50, 160, 164, 298
Amontons, his fire-mill, 463

Androids and automata, 104, 183, 294, 534,
568, 573

Anecdotes, of Mahomet, 10. Dentatus, 19.
Darius, 22. Egyptian priests, 22. Two
elephants, 39. A boy and goose 39. Alex-
ander, 39. A caliph, 42. Cleanthes, 56.
An ass, 74. An Indian Cacique, 107. Ctesi-
bius, 121, 122. Valentinian, 196. A raven,
203. A Spanish pump-maker, 224.
Basha, 316. A Dutch Burgher, 366. Lord
Bacon, 375. Marquis of Worcester, 392.
Zeno, 393. Cromwell, 442. Savery, 454.
Phocion, 537, 565. Oxen, 573
Angelo, M. 534


Anglo-Saxons, worshiped wells, 36. Homily,
ibid. Buckets, 67. Mirrors, 121. Swape,
99. Windlass, 72. Steam idols, 398
Animals, employed to raise water, 74, 117,
573. Devices of, 365. Their physiology
illustrated, 180, 181, 209, 210, 256-258
Anthemius and Zeno, 393
Antipater, 282

Antlia of the Greeks, 213
Anvil, blacksmith's, 12, 43, 240, 241
Aquarius, 85
Arabs, 41

Arago, 145, 411, 433
Archimedes, 141, 360, 438
Archytas, 7, 268
Argand's siphon, 525
Arkwright, 359

Arts, useful, their origin, &c. 2, 6, 11, 12, 81,
83, 232, 282

Artificial hands and feet, 4
Atabalipa, 169
Astronomy, 85

Aqueducts, 165-169, 212
Auto da Fe, 351
Awls, 87, 489

Atmosphere, its properties, 176-189. Dis-
covery of its pressure, 187, 425, 426. Its
pressure diminished during storms, 481.
By currents of air, 482-8. By currents of
steam, 489-496. By currents of water,

Atmospheric pumps, 173, 175, 187-191, 206


sprinkling pots, 194, 195, 567,


Babylon, 79. Hydraulic engine at, 133, 303
Bacchus, tricks at his temples, 200, 385
Bacon, Roger, 403

Lord, 416-17, 550
Balls supported on jets of air, steam, and
water, 270, 395

Barbers, 121, 162. See preface.
Barometer, 190, 375, 481
Basket, swinging, for raising water, 85, 86
Bate, John, 321, 375, 421, 565, 568, 569
Baths, 120, 147, 169, 393, 552, 558
Bears employed in tread-wheels, 74
Beer, 87

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bellows, 87, 90, 177, 180, 232-243, 261, 268,
483. Origin of the word, 570. Vulcan's
233, 240, 268, 568. African, 235, 246, 252.
Asiatic, 236. Egyptian, 237, 238. Mada-
gascar, 246, 252. Lantern, 240, 241. Rotary,
252, 255

piston, 244-252. Philosophical,
396, 397, 569, 570

pumps, 205, 210, 235, 241, 243, 568

Belt, hydraulic, 137
Belzoni, 124

Berenice's hair, 143

Chinese tinker, 20, 248. Juggler, 199. Wells,
28, 30, 35, 83. Proverbs, 30, 31. Printing,
Windlass, &c. 69, 70. Irrigation, 82, 83,
86. Noria, 112. Chain-pump, 150. Ships,
158. Bellows, 248. Digesters, 393. Clocks,

[blocks in formation]

Besson's Theatre, quoted, 69, 114, 126, 152, Clysters, 260
218, 280, 317, 410
Bethlehem, well at, 48

Bible quoted or illustrated, 2, 10, 11, 19, 22,
24, 26, 30, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 44, 51, 52, 84, 87,
90, 95, 117, 132, 195, 292, 283, 291, 303, 366,
391, 393, 400, 476, 517, 536, 560, 565, 571
Birmah, raising water in, 73
Blacksmiths, Adam one, 12.
Grecian, 241. See preface.

Blakey, 462

Blood, circulation of, 132, 257

Vulcan, 240.

Blow-pipes, 19, 234, 569. Eolipilic, 569
Blowing tubes, Ewbank's, 484-496

siphons, Ewbank's, 527, 528

Boa Constrictor, 180

[blocks in formation]

391, 394

Caus. See Decaus.

Coach with portable kitchen, 445
Coal-pits, raising water from, by fire, 419
Cocks, of gold, silver, &c. 170, 559, 560.
Three and four way, 354, 355, 421, 433, 449,
462, 523. Ancient, 394, 557, 559. Guage,
459. Siphon, 527. Sliding, 561

Coffins of iron and lead, 551
Cog-wheels, 71, 72, 114, 121. Engine for
cutting teeth, 323

Cohesion of liquids, 513, 515
Coining, Roman mode of, 6
Combs, 87. See preface.

Condensation of steam by injection discovered
by chance, 466

Conon, 143

[blocks in formation]

Cauldrons, 19-21, 120, 162, 171, 237, 238, Decaus, 319, 380, 410-13, 529, 533

[blocks in formation]

Danaus, carried pumps to Greece, 130
Darius, anecdote of, 22

[blocks in formation]

Chain-pumps, 148-158, 567. In ships, 154- Dials, 542
157, 567

Chain and sector, 467

Chairs, imprisoning, 29, 573. Cane, 323

Chemists' siphons, 526

Chemnitz pressure engine, 362

Child's rattle, inventor of, 268

Chili, aqueducts in, 165

483, 488

Digesters, 392, 393, 446, 447

Discoveries in the arts, way to make, 359
Diogenes, buried heels up, 36

Distaff and spindle, 283

Distilling, 381, 393, 407

Divination, by water, 34, 36. With cups, 200,
201. With fire, 383, 571. Steam, 392, 399

Chimneys, increasing the draft of, 395, 482, Diving ships and apparatus, 430, 431

Dogs in tread wheels, 74, 75



Dolls, 87, 268

Doors and gates, self-moving, 384, 555,556

Dove-tailing, 87, 268

Dowry of Scipio's daughter, 121


Faye's La, improved tympanum, 111
Feast of Cana, siphons used at, 517
Females, employment of ancient, 283

Drawing water, imposed as a punishment, 84, Fetters, Lacedemonians bound with their own,

131, 533

[blocks in formation]

Ecclesiastics, devices of, 103-108, 383-387,
392, 398-400

Eddystone light-house, 258, 366, 367
Egypt, labor of, what it was, 86
Egyptian wells, 26-28. Customs, 34, 78,
81, 83, 87. Noria, 113. Shadoof, 94, 95.
Mental, 85. Chain of pots, 123, 131. Screw,
142. Siphons, 516. Clepsydræ, 544, 547.
Goldsmiths, 234. Fire-engine, 307
Emblematic devices, 32, 194, 203, 261, 314,


Endosmosis, 510

Engines of motion, 419, 423
Engines to extinguish fires, of great antiquity,
303. Employed in ancient wars, 303, 305.
Referred to by Apollodorus, 235, 304. Des-
cribed and figured by Heron, 305. Portable
engines, 311. Syringe engine, 315, 317, 321.
German, 318, 319, 324, 331. English, 320,
321, 322, 332-335, 568. French, 324, 325,
327, 329, 336. Dutch, 328, 331. American,
339, 344, 345. Rotary, 285, 573. Steam
fire-engines, 338, 346-349

English, inventions of, 323. See preface.
Water-works. 294-296 Fire-engines, 320,
332-335. Steam-engines, 420, 437, 455,

Eolian harp, 104

Eolipiles, an emblematic device, 261. From
Heron's Spiritalia, 394. For blowing fires,
395-400, 573. Increasing draft of chim-
neys, 395, 401. Diffusing perfumes, 401.
Producing music, 401. Fusing metals, 397,
569, 570. In the human form, 398, 399.
Used in war, 400. Charging, 395, 407, 570
Eolipilic idols, 398, 400, 570
Eolus, god of winds, 400
Ephesus, fountains at, 49
Epigrams, ancient, 282, 537

Erckers, blowing eolipiles from, 307, 570
Evans, Oliver, 424

Evaporation of water from the earth, 506
Ewbank's experiments on raising water, 225.
Mode of propelling vessels, 406. Blowing
tubes, 484-496. Spouting tubes, 497
504. Mode of evaporating liquids in vacuo,
495. Experiments on the force of sap, 509.
Increasing the draft of chimneys, 488. Ven-
ating ships and mines, 488. Siphons, 527,
528. Siphon cocks, 527. Tubular valve,
556. Sliding cocks, 560, 561. Tinned leaden
pipes, 555

Explosion of boilers, 392

84. Found on skeletons in Pompeii, 29
Fire, modes of obtaining it, 197. Sacred, 196,
197. Superstitions respecting, 312-314.
Protecting buildings from, 304, 349. Greek
fire, 307. Laws respecting, 351. Raising
water by, 374-384, 418, 419, 431, 442.
Kindling on altars, 383, 384
Fire-escapes, 350

Fire-engines, 302-349, 573

Firemen, Roman, 309. American, 340-345
Fire-places, 483

Fish, fishing, 86, 87, 185. Nets, 550. Salt-
ing fish, 86

Fitch, John, 424

Flatterers, among men of science, 143, 145
Flies, curious mechanism of, 182, 183
Flying, 103, 104, 324, 430
Fly-wheels, 278, 283

Floats for steam-boilers, 471
Fludd, Robert, 65, 194, 219, 354, 407
Forcing pumps, 262

Forks derived from China, 70. Their use in
Europe, 76-78

Fortification, a moveable one, 430
Fortune, wheel of, 119

Fountains, 27, 33, 34, 35, 41, 43, 49, 119, 163,
170. Artificial. 30, 361, 379, 445, 532-541
Fountain lamps, &c. 193
Forcing pumps, 262-281
Francini's bucket machine, 128
Francois' steam machine, 463
French inventions.

See preface. Water-
works, 277, 296-298. Fire-engines, 317,
324-331, 336

Frictionless pumps, 208, 209, 321, 274, 568.
See bellows pumps.

Frogs, climb by atmospheric pressure, 183
Fuel, in steam idols, 400. Lord Bacon on,


Fulton, Robert, 359, 464

Fusee, 71. Fusee windlass, 69-71
Future happiness, erroneous views of, 508


Gaining and losing buckets,64-66, 128
Galileo, 104, 187, 188
Games, ancient, 81
Garcilasso, 167, 170, 509
Gardens, Egyptian, 101. Babylonian, 134.
Mexican, 163, 537. Peruvian, 171. Ro-
man, 536. Italian, 537. Persian, 539, 573
Floating, 539

Garden watering pots, 194, 195, 567, 573.
Garden syringes, 261

Gates and doors, closed by machinery, 556
Gauls, 36. Induced to invade Rome by the
report of a smith, 19
Geese, in tread wheels, 75
Genevieve, St. 37

Gensanne's engine, 463
Gerbert, 104, 401

German snail, 138. Bellows pump, 207. Fire-
engines, 319, 323-326. German inventions.
See preface.
Gesner, 381
Geysers, 411, 507
Glass, painting on, 4.
323. Mirrors, 121.


Engine for working,
Glass tomb of Belus,

Glass tubes, curious motion of, 429

Explosive motive engines, 441, 450, 471-473 Glazier's vise, antiquity of, 554

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hand, used as a cup, 11, 40, 52. Artificial
hand, 4

Haskin's quicksilver pump, 274, 275
Hautefille, 441

Heart, the, a pump, 258

Hegisostratus, wooden foot of, 4

Helepoles, 304

Heliopolis, fountain at, 43, 49

Heliogabalus, 177, 561

Heraldic devices, 261, 314, 396

Hour-glasses, 545, 547

Hose pipes, 304, 326-328, 345
House warming, 37
Hudibras, 265

Hurricanes, commence at the leeward, 481
Huyghens, 441

Hydraulic belt, 137

Hydraulic ram, 367-372

Hydraulic machines, ancient, 7, 10, 81, 131,
132-135, 267. Used as first movers of ma-
chinery, 128, 140, 158
Hydrostatic press, 276

Idols, 82, 106-108. Eolipilic, 398, 399,570—


Impostures, 23, 106-108, 376-378.

Imprisoning chairs, 429, 573

Incas of Peru. Aqueducts erected by them,

Incendiaries, 308, 350. Punishment of, 351
India ink, 70

Indians, American, 50, 107, 180
Inertia, 373, 503

Intermitting springs, 506

Inventions, how realized, 359. Few record-
ed, 416. Cause of this, 427. Advantages
of recording them, 453. Century of, 64,
140, 362, 428-438

Inventors, old, concealed their discoveries,
and why, 427. Caricatured, 439
Iodine, discovery of, 414

Iron cauldrons soldered, 20. Iron statues,
142. Planing iron, 283
Iron first cast in England, 553

Irrigation, 28, 79, 80, 83, 84, 95, 118, 119,

126, 131, 132, 163. Aquarius, an emblem
of, 119

Italian mode of raising water to upper floors,
63. Fountains, 534, 537


Jack, old name of a man-servant, 75. Smoke-
jack, ibid.

Jack of Hilton, a Saxon eolipile, 398
Jacks of the clock, 543
Jacob's well, 38, 42, 44

Herculaneum, wells at, 28, 29, 55. Fountains Jaculator fish, 257

at, 534

Hereward, the Saxon, 36

Jantu, 89. Alluded to by Moses, 90
Japanese water-works, 125, 557. Clocks, 543

Herodotus, quoted, 4, 11, 12, 20, 22, 27, 58, Jehoahaz, portrait of at Thebes, 116

79, 80, 81, 84, 96, 133, 241, 260
Heroes, old mechanics the true, 5
Heron, 65. His fountain, 361. Air-machines,
378. Account of his Spiritalia, 385, 386.
Eolipiles from, 394
Hieroglyphics, American, 164
Hindoos, their mode of drinking, 11. Wells,
30, 33, 35, 38, 52. Carrying water, 84.
Picotah, 97. Swinging basket, 85. Jantu,
89, 90. Syringes, 260, 261. Water-clocks,


Hire La, his double acting pump, 271
Holy water, derived from the heathen, 166,

196, 386. Ancient vase for selling it, 387.
Used in consecrating bells, 313, 314, and
various other articles, 196

Homer, quoted, 19, 21, 22, 33, 233, 240, 250,
536. Kept a school at Scio, 131
Honors, titles of, absurd origin of some, 144,
145, 445, 446

Hookah, 270

Hooke, Dr. 441

Horn of abundance, 119, 120

Jets d'eau, 163, 532-541

Jeweled holes for pivots of watches, 122, 547
Jews, their wells, 25, 33, 34. Watering land,
86. Their arts, 133

Joseph's well, 38, 45-47. Divining cup, 200
Josephus, quoted, 38, 40, 54
Juggling, jugglers, magicians, &c. 23, 106-
108, 198-201, 376-385, 519, 521-523
Juvenal, quoted, 19, 43, 121, 310, 311, 312,
377. Banished, 48

[blocks in formation]

Horn, drinking, saying respecting it, explain. Laban's images, 571
ed, 205


Ladders, portable, 350, 431

[merged small][ocr errors]


Lantern bellows, 237-240. Pump, 241, 242

Lares. See Idols.

[blocks in formation]


Mines, ventilation of, 488. Raising water
from. See Agricola, Ramseye, Savery, New-
comen, Worcester.
Mirrors, 87, 121, 172
Moclach, a vizier, 55

Momentum, 883, 366, 367, 373. Animals have
a knowledge of it, 365

Monks, their ingenuity and professions, 104--
108, 386

Montgolfier's ram, 369-372

Moon, Wilkin's project to reach it, 103
Moreland, Samuel, his pump and speaking-
trumpet, 273. Steam-engine, 441-445
Morey's motive engine, 473

Motion, transmitted by air. 448. Rotary,

Motive engines, 423, 472-474
Mouth, various operations of, 477

Musical machines, 17, 381. See Eolipiles,

Load-stone for suspending an iron statue, &c, Mythology, Egyptian, 82-85. Peruvian, 167

Lobster's tail, mechanism of, 258

Locomotive carriages, 403, 423, 424, 473.
Increasing draft of chimneys of, 397, 488
London water-works, 294-296, 321, 434, 567
Looking-glasses, 121

Lucan, quoted, 108, 125, 540
Lustral vase and water, 387


Macaroni, kneading, 91

Machines, worked by the feet, 90, 237-239.
War machines, 305

Machines of Ctesibius, 122, 192, 213, 259,266—
270, 547

Madagascar, bellows of, 246, 252
Magic goblets, 518, 520

Magnet, ancient one, 142

Mahomedans, traditions and customs of, 12,
35, 36

Mahomet, 10, 54. His coffin, 142

[blocks in formation]

New-Amsterdam, wells in, 299. Fires and
fire-wardens in, 339, 340

New-York, minutes of common council, 299
300. Old treasury note, 300. Fire-engines,

Newcomen and Cawley's engine, 296, 464

Niagara falls, currents of air at, 476
Nineveh, well at, 26, 36

Man, his body a living pump, 257. His past Noria, Chinese, 112. Egyptian, 113. Spanish,

and future condition, 388-390, 508

Manco Capac, 168, 172

Mangle, Chinese, 90

Manuscripts, 108

Mariner's compass, 143

Marli, water-works at, 296-298
Mars, represented, 308

Martial, quoted, 521

Mastodon, tradition of, 165. No extinct ani-
mals of the ox kind thirty feet high, 210
Mathesius, 410

Mechanic powers, origin of some, 1. Imple-
ments, 5, 6

Mechanics, ancient, little known of them,
3, 4. An account of their works and work.
shops would have been invaluable, 4. The
true heroes of old, 4, 5. Formerly seated
when at work, 139, 240. Advantages of
studying the mechanism of animals, 258.
Old priests first-rate mechanics, 104, 401,


Mechanism, revolving, 282-284

Medea, inventress of warm and vapor baths,


Medicines, quack, 120
Memnon, statue of, 377, 401

Mercurial guage and safety valves, 451
Metals, hammered into plates, 2, 283, 551.
Drawn into wire, 2. And into pipes, 554.
Ancient works in, 6, 87, 162, 171, 557. See

Metallic mirrors, 121
Mexicans, 34, 159-162
Mills, 282, 419, 423

[blocks in formation]

Paddle-wheels, 454. Their antiquity, 406.
Substitutes for, 291, 406
Palladium of Troy, 12, 571
Panama chains, 162
Paper, Chinese mill, 90.

Made by steam,
388. Experiments with a sheet of, 483.
Marbling, 323

Papin, 1. His air-gun, 181. Driven from
France by religious persecution, 446. His
digesters, 447. Safety valve, 447, 451. Air-
machine, 447-450. Explosive engine, 450.
Steam machines, 450-452

Parabolic jambs of fire-places, 483
Paris, water-works of, 296–298. Fire-engines,
327-331, 336

Pascal, his experiments on atmospheric pres
sure, 189

Patents and patentecs, old, 439

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