

[blocks in formation]

turers in the new world-Name of America given to it—
Machinations against Columbus-Difgraced and sent in
chains to Europe-Fourth voyage of Columbus-His dif-
Page 65

policy-nor to be imputed to religion-Number of Indians
ftill remaining-Fundamental maxims on which the
Spanish fyftem of colonization is founded-Condi-
tion of different orders of men in their colonies-Cha-
petones-Creoles-Negroes-Indians-Ecclefiaftical state
and policy-Character of fecular and regular clergy—
Small progrefs of Christianity among the natives-Mines
chief object of their attention-Mode of working these
-their produce-Effects of encouraging this fpecies of
industry-Other commodities of Spanish America-Firft
effects of this new commerce with America on Spain-
Why the Spanish colonies have not been as beneficial to
the parent-ftate as thofe of other nations-Errors in the
Spanish fyftem of regulating this commerce-confined to
one port-carried on by annual fleets-Contraband trade
-Decline of Spain both in population and wealth-Re-
medies propofed-View of the wife regulations of the
Bourbon princes-A new and more liberal system intro.
duced Beneficial effects of this-Probable confequences
-Trade between New Spain and the Philippines-Re-
venue of Spain from America-whence it arifes-to what
it amounts.
Page 89


The History of Virginia to the year 1688.
Spirit of adventure awakened in England by Columbus's
difcoveries-Checked by unfkilfulness in navigation-
Expedition from Bristol under the command of Cabot-
who discovers Newfoundland, and fails along the coaft
to Virginia-Expedition to South America under the
command of Sebastian Cabot-Unfuccessful attempts to
difcover a north-weft paffage to India-Sir Hugh Wil-
loughby fails in fearch of a north-eaft paffage-Wil-
loughby perishes-One of his ships anchor at Archangel
-The captain vifits Moscow-Trade opened with Russia
Communication with India by land-Expedition to the
coaft of Africa-Frobisher makes three attempts to dif-
cover the north-weft paffage-Sir Francis Drake fails
round the world-Enthufiafm of discovery-First project
of a colony in North America-Charter granted by queen

Elizabeth First expedition fails-The plan refumed by
Ralegh-Difcovery of Virginia-Colony established there
by fir Richard Greenville-In danger of perishing by
famine, returns to England-Ufe of tobacco introduced in
England-Ralegh's fecond attempt to fettle a colony in
Virginia Colony perishes by famine-Ralegh abandons
the defign of fettling a colony in Virginia-Direct course
from England to North America first attempted by Gof-
nold-Confequences of Gofnold's voyage-Hakluyt im-
proves the commercial and naval skill of the age-James
divides the coaft of America into two parts-and grants
charters to two companies-Colonies of Virginia and
New England-Newport fails for Virginia-Discovers
the Chesapeak-Sails up James river-Founds James
Town-Suffers from scarcity and the unhealthiness of
the climate-Smith called to the command-He is taken
prifoner by the Indians-Smith undertakes a furvey of
the country-A new charter granted-Lord Delaware
appointed governor-Gates and Summer appointed to
command till lord Delaware's arrival-Their ship strand-
ed on the coaft of Bermuda-The colony reduced by
famine-Lord Delaware arrives-His wife administration
-His health obliges him to return to England-Sir
Thomas Dale appointed governor-New charter iffued-
Treaty with the natives-Rolfe marries the daughter of
an Indian chief-Land in Virginia first becomes property
-Culture of tobacco introduced-Young women emi-
grate from England to Virginia-First general affembly
of reprefentatives-General maffacre of the English
planned by the Indians-Bloody war with the Indians
Company at home divided by factions-Company required
to furrender its charter, and refufes-Diffolution of the
company-Temporary council appointed for the govern-
ment of Virginia-Acceffion of Charles I.-His arbi-
trary government of the colony-Colonists feize on
Harvey their governor, and fend him prisoner to England
He is releafed by the king, and reinftated in his
government-Sir W. Berkeley appointed governor-
Virginia flourishes under the new government-Parlia
ment makes war on Virginia, which is forced to acknow-
ledge the commonwealth-Reftraints on the colony-
The colonists diffatisfied-Are the firit to acknowledge
Charles II.-Infurrection in Virginia headed by N. Bacon



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