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Putney Perfectionism,
The Berean: a manual for the help of those who seek the faith of the
primitive church. By John H. Noyes.
Religious Toleration,
The Relation of Education to the Well-being of States,
. 177
Eleventh Annual Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education,
together with the Eleventh Annual Report of the Secretary of the
Postscript to the Article above,
Robert Murray McCheyne,
The works of the late Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne, Minister of
St. Peter's Church, Dundee. Complete in two volumes. Vol. 1,
containing his Life and Remains, Letters, Lectures, Songs of
Zion, &c.
The Proposed Substitution of Sectarian for Public Schools,
Supplement to the Article above,
Rev. Mr. Bellows on the Moral Government of God,
1. Relation of Christianity to Human Nature.-A Sermon preached
at the ordination of Mr. Frederick Knapp as colleague Pastor of
the First Congregational Church in Brookline, Mass., on Wednes-
day, Oct. 6, 1847.
2. Nature of the Atonement.-A Discourse delivered by appoint-
ment of the Synod of New York and New Jersey, on Wed-
nesday evening, Oct. 20, 1847. By Rev. Thomas H. Skinner,
Pastor of the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, New York.
3. Doctrine of the Atonement.-The Christian Inquirer.
Ireland her Sufferings and their Remedy,
Ireland in 1847: its present state and prospects. By J. Wilson
Thoughts on the Poor-relief Bill for Ireland: together with reflec-
tions on her miseries, their causes, and their remedies. By John,
Earl of Shrewsbury.
Irish Sufferers, and Anti-Irish Philosophers; their pledges and per-
formances. By Eneas MacDonnell, Esq., Barrister-at-law.
Reply to the Speech of the Archbishop of Dublin, against the Poor-
relief (Ireland) Bill. By G. Poulett Scrope, Esq., M. P., &c.
Paddiana or Scraps and Sketches of Irish life, present and past.
Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger: or an excursion through Ire-
land, in 1844 and 1845, for the purpose of personally investiga-
ting the condition of the poor. By A. Nicholson.
A Lecture on the antecedent causes of the Irish Famine in 1847,
by the Rt. Rev. John Hughes, D. D.
Impressions of Ireland and the Irish.
The Germania and Agricola of Caius Cornelius Tacitus, with notes
for Colleges.-Apostolical Constitutions. Translated from the
German; by Irah Chase, D. D.-The Philosophy of Christian
Perfection, embracing a Psychological statement of some of the
principles of Christianity on which the doctrine rests.-Torrey's
Neander. General History of the Christian Religion and Church.
By Joseph Torrey.-Cleveland's Compendium of English Litera-
ture.-Chalmers' Miscellanies.-Schmitz's History of Rome.-
Hydraulics and Mechanics. In five books. By Thomas Ew-
bank. Miscellaneous Essays; by Mark Hopkins, D. D.-A
Practical Course of French Grammar, based on Ollendorff's new
method. By G. J. Hubert Sanders.-Notes Critical, Explana-
tory and Practical on the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. By Al-
bert Barnes.-Notices of Pamphlets.
No. III.
Common Schools and their relations to Higher Seminaries,
Principles in the Art of Landscape,
Memoir of Mrs. Mary E. Van Lennep,
Memoir of Mrs. Mary E. Van Lennep, only daughter of the Rev.
Joel Hawes, D.D., and wife of the Rev. Henry J. Van Lennep,
Missionary in Turkey. By her Mother. Hartford: Belknap and
Proposed Abolition of Slavery in West Virginia,
Address to the People of West Virginia; showing that slavery is
injurious to the public welfare, and that it may be gradually abol-
ished, without detriment to the rights and interests of slaveholders.
By a Slaveholder of West Virginia. Lexington: Printed by
Dr. Jarvis's Vindication. Church Review for April, 1848.
Our Post-Office,
Report of the Post-Master General of the United States, for the year end-
ing June 30, 1847. Documents accompanying the President's Message,
1st Session, 30th Congress, December, 1847.
Laws and Regulations of the Post-Office Department. 1847.
Thoughts on the Riches of the Natural World,
The Church-as it was, as it is, as it ought to be,
Church Music,
The French Revolution of 1848,
The Ethics of the Right of Suffrage,
Literary Notices, -
The Genius of Scotland; or Sketches of Scottish Scenery, Litera-
ture and Religion; by Robert Turnbull.-Religion Teaching by
Example; by Richard W. Dickinson, D.D.-Fundamental Philoso-
phy, or Elements of Primitive Philosophy; being the first Division
of a Complete System of Philosophical Science. From the German
of William Traugott Krug.-Posthumous Influence: A Sermon
occasioned by the death of the Hon. Samuel Hubbard, LL. D.,
Associate Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts;
by Silas Aiken.-A Good Man Lamented: A Sermon preached
in the First Congregational Church, Canandaigua, N. Y., at the
funeral of Walter Hubbell; by the Pastor of the Church, O. E.
The Power of the Pulpit; or thoughts addressed to Christian Minis-
ters, and those who hear them. By Gardiner Spring, D.D., Pastor
of the Brick Presbyterian church, New York.
The Relation of the Study of Jurisprudence to the origin and
Modern French Literature,
Modern French Literature. By L. Raymond de Véricour, formerly
Lecturer in the Royal Athenæum, Paris, &c. &c. Revised, with
notes alluding particularly to writers prominent in late political
events in Paris; by William Staughton Chase, A.M.
Literary Notices,
Peter Schlemihl in America.-The Crescent and the Cross; or Ro-
mance and Realities of Eastern Travel; by Eliot Warburton, Esq.
-An Oration delivered before the Society of Phi Beta Kappa, at
Cambridge, August 24, 1848; by Horace Bushnell.-A History
of New York, from the Beginning of the World, to the End of the
Dutch Dynasty; by Diedrich Knickerbocker.-The Planetary and
Stellar Worlds; by O. M. Mitchell, A.M.-Elements of Meteor-
ology, with Questions for Examination: designed for the use of
Schools and Academies; by John Brocklesby, A.M.-The His-
tory of the Reformation, in the Church of Christ, from the close
of the Fifteenth Century; by Thomas Gaillard.-Sermons and Ad-
dresses on various subjects; by Rev. D. L. Carrol, D.D.-Sprink-
ling the only Mode of Baptism made known in the Scriptures: and
the Scripture Warrant for Infant Baptism; by Absalom Peters, D.D.
-Young Men admonished; in a series of Lectures; by Joseph P.
Thompson.-The Illustrated Family Christian Almanac, for 1849.
-Cottages and Cottage Life; by C. W. Elliott.
Obituary Notice of Rev. EDWARD R. TYLER,
P. 6, column 2, line 8 from top, before in, insert as. 1, line 12 from bottom, for stripe read strip.
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