
and goods which he had wrongfully invaded; but instead of yielding, he did with great contumacy refuse either to render the hous or restore the goods, as the letters and instruments thereupon will make appear to your Lordship. Upon which high contempt and violation of his Majesty's laws and peace of the kingdom I could not be silent, but give your Lordship an accompt theirof, that you may in your justice vindicate the King's authority and laws from such barbarous contempt, and tak some speedy and summare way to reduce and punish this insolency, to the terror of others, and encouragement of his Majesties good subjects, who place ther safety from violence in the shaddow of his Majesties laws and Goverment. The partie grieved will apply himself to your Lordship for redress, whose just cause and the peace of the countrey I crave leave to present to your Lordship's favour; and that his Majesties service may prosper in your hands is the constant desyre of, Right Honorable, your most humble servant, MORRAY."

"These are to empower macers of the Justice Court, or messengers of arms, or town officers, within the town of Edinburgh, to apprehend the persons of Robert Dunbar of Burgie, elder, and of Alex. Petrie, and to require all Magistrates to concurre with them,

and to seize the saids persons till they find caution to appeare when they shall be cited, and that they shall demean themselves in the interval peaceablie. Given at Edinburgh the sixteenth day of June sixteen hundred thrie score eight. ROTHES, Chancellor."

"I, Sir Charles Araskine of Cambo, Knight Baronet, Lyon King at Armes, Wheras be ane act of the Privie Counsell, dated the eighteinth day of June instant, given in favours of Thomas Dunbar of Grainge against Robert Dunbars elder and younger of Burgie and their complices, wherupon letters ar raised direct to me, you, and our remanent brethren heraulds, to pass with ane coat of armes displayed and sound of trumpet, and in our Soveraigne Lord's name and authoritie to charge the said Robert Dunbar, younger of Burgie, and his complices speciallie named in the said act, to compear beforr the Lords of Privie Counsell upon the threttie day of July next to come, for the causses at length contained in the said act and

1 In tracing the history of north country families, it were well to bear in mind that the designation of an estate added to a person's name, does not necessarily prove the ownership of such estate; of this we could give numerous examples, let one, however, suffice. Archibald Dunbar sold the lands of Thunderton, in Aberdeenshire, in 1712, to Charles Gordon of Buthlaw, yet during the remainder of his life, he (Archibald) was designed "of Thunderton;" and his successors in the estate of Duffus, though never possessed of an acre of the Thunderton estate, were for upwards of a century commonly so designated.

letters: These ar therforr ordaineing you, Herome Spence, Rothsay Herauld, with ane trumpeter in your companie, conform to the tenor of the said act and letters, to cite and charge the said Robert Dunbar, younger of Burgie, and his complices, and to do all other things requisit and necessar prescrybed be the said act and letters, conform to the tenor of the samen, and this my order and warrant to you for that effect in all points. Given under my hand at Edinburgh the tuentie third day of July 1668, and sealled with my seal1 of office.


The Laird of Burgie's License, 1665.

"We, William Lord Bellenden of Broughton, Lord Thesourer Deputt of the Kingdom of Scotland, dooth hearby give libertie and lisence to Robert Dumbear of Burgie, and all such as ar of his family, or shall accompany him att table, to catt flesh in this forbidden tym of Lent, and on all other forbidden dayes, till Lent nixt, in the yeir 1666, without any trouble or penaltie to be incurred be him or them for the samyen, notwithstanding of any Acts made, or to be made, in the contrary. Dated Edinburgh the 20th daye of Febuary. BELLENDEN."

1 A copy of this seal will be found in Mr. Laing's Catalogue of Scottish Seals, about to issue from the press.

The widow of Ross of Pitcalnie was proud of her descent from the house of Burgie.



EDINBURGH, 20th July, 1761.

"SIR,-In answer to yours of the 13th, threatening me with caption, I can only repeat what I wrote when you acquainted me in yours of the 4th, that you was obliged to raise horning on my bill. Therefore I refer to what I then wrote, and shall only add that your father may put his caption in execution against me. I can go to prison; the affront won't be mine, and before I come out, the Fifteen Lords shall know the merits of the cause that laid Burgie's daughter and Pitcalnie's widow in such quarters.

"Not in the least finding fault with your conduct, which I verily believe is much against your inclination, I am, dear Sir, your affectionate cousin, and very humble servant, NAOMI ROSS."



INHIBITION proclaimed at the market-crosses of Elgin and Forres :-

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Charles, be the Grace of God, King of Great Brittane, ffrance, and Irland, Defendar of the faith, to our Lovits,

Messingers, our Shrefs in that pairt, conjunctlie and severalie specialie constitute, greiting. fforsnameikle as it is humblie meined and shown to us be our lovit James Dunbar of Inshbrok, that where Katharine M'Kenzie, his spous, having casten off the fear of God and that conjugall respect and reverence that she owes to the said complainer, her lawfull husband; and having betaken hirselfe to the councill and advyce of certain evill disposed and ungodlie persones, who haunts with hir, she daylie spends, abuses, and waists, the said complainer his substance with the said persones; and contracts and takes on debts and sowmes of money, which the said complainer is altogither unable to pay; and makes, blocks, and bargains for merchand weir; sels and hypothecats his houshold plenishing, inshight goods and geir; and ther are some persones who furnish hir with merchand wair, aill,

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