

SIR, I received in September last your papers againest Drumond, sent to me by Connadge who is coosen germond to Drumond, and before the papers cam to my hands Drumond was putt on his gaird, and eafter sending of ane party horse, I could not get ane sheight of him, but, if I be ane leiveing man, I shall be about with him some one way or another."

Some of the Strathspey Highlanders had "lifted" cattle belonging to Sir Robert Gordon, who, in October 1691, sent a messenger to cite the Laird of Grant as answerable for his clan; but it was a dangerous enterprise to enter the Strath on such an errand :

"I, Hugh Thaine, messenger, heirby declaire that I am not at this tyme able to goe the length of Edinburgh, by reasone of sickness and unabilitie of body, haveing beine now sex or seven weeks wery unabell, by reasone of the hard usage I mett with in Strathspey, in the wood of Abernethie; and therefor I doe heirby dyser, and give full power to, Sir Robert Gordone of Gordonstoun (who did imploy me about executing of Councell leters in that place) to suplicat the Lords of ther Majesties Privie Concill, or any other of ther Majesties Judges to whom it may belonge, that the saids Lords or Judges may, in ther prudence, apoynt some way for reddressing and punishing the abusses

comitted, against the law and government, upon my persone and those in my company, which wer as followith, viz. :-I (having upon the fyftinth of October last citted some wittneses, and upon the sextinth therof citted the Laird of Grant, and upon the seventinth therof, be eight houres in the morning, as I went about three myles from Ballichastell towards Culnakyle, both the Laird's houses, at a place called Craigemur, at the wood of Abernethie) and three men, called Peter Morison in Fochabrs, John McEdwart in Glenrinnes, and Alexr. Bogtoun in Khieclehik, that were with me, were seized upon be a pearty of armed men, who most maisterfullie and violently struk me with ther gunnes, gave me a stobbe with a durke in my shoulder, and a stroak with my owen sword; robbed me of my money, my linnens, some cloathes, my sword and provision, and of the principel Councell leters many coppies therof, and uther papers; then bound me and my compeny, and allways threatned me with present death for excecuting the forsaid leters, and examined me on oath whither any of those men did belonge to Gordonstoun, that they might instantly kill him; and offred his liffe to any one of our company that wold hange the rest of us; therafter laid us down and secured us with horse-roaps on the ground within the wood, wher we leay in cold, hunger, and great miseris for four dayes and three nights, threatned hourly with present death. My conditione of healthe is welle

knowen to the minister and nighbours in the paroch wher I live, and may be atested be them if neid require. In testimony of the verity heireof, I have written and subscribed ther presents with my hand, at Fochabes, the fourt day of December jajvej nynty one yeires (1691)."

A friendly message had more effect on Macdonald of Keppoch, than the legal summons had on the Laird of Grant:--


"Brother to Sir Robert Gordone

"off Gordonstone-These :

"the 8th August 1693.

"SIR, I receaved yours, but er it came to my hands I ordred the restoreing of your brother's goods, haveing gotten ane lyne from Alexr. Gordon off Cromdell, informeing that some off this cowntriemen had taken nintine heads of catles from Sir Robert Gordon; soe that ye may send the owners off the said goods my lenth about the twentieth instant, that they may carry home their goods. I am very sorrie that any of my people should have medled with your brother's interest, and I resolve to punish them for it, besyds the restitutione of the goods; and ye may assurr your selfe that no Gordon shall be wronged by any whom I can stope or lett, and, particullarlie, your brother is a

man whom I resolve to serve in any thing lyes in my power. I am, Sir, your most humble servant,


Answer to the above:


SIR,-I receaved yours, and am very sensible of your readinesse to doe a kindnesse to my brother or any of his concernes; of which I was allwayes confident; wherfor I have now, according to your appointment, sent some of the owners of the goods to know their beasts; and I intreat you, Sir, that with the rest of your favours, you will be pleased to send a guaird back with this countrymen the length of the Braes of Badenoch, otherwayes they may come to loose their travell, and be necessitat to give you a new trouble, which I doubt not but you will prevent; for all which trouble, I assure you, Gordonstoun will be your debtor, and also he who is still yours, &c.

"L. G."



DEPUTATION of Lieutenancy :

“I, John, Earl of Sutherland, Lord Strathnaver, &c., Heretable Sheriff, Lord of Regality, and Crowner of the County of Sutherland, Heretable Admiral of the Countess of Sutherland and Caithness, ViceAdmiral of the Stewartry of Orkney and Zetland, Lord-Lieutenant of the Counties of Elgine, Nairn, Inverness, Ross, Cromertie, Sutherland, and Caithness, and of the Stewartry of Orkney and Zetland, President of the Court of Police in Scotland, Lieutenant-General of his Majesty's Forces, and Knight of the most antient and most noble Order of the Thistle; By these presents nominate, constitute, and appoint Mr. Archibald Dunbar of Thunderton, to be one of the Deputy-Lieutenants in and for the said county of Elgine. To have and enjoy all powers, authorities, and privileges, which by law do now, or may hereafter appertain to the said office or trust of Deputy-Lieutenant, and generally to execute and

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