
affection towards them, but this affection ceases at the period of migration, which is about the 11th of August'. Puffins do not breed till three years old, lay only one egg, which differs much in form; some have one end very acute, others being completely obtuse; all are white. The young are entirely covered with a long blackish down, and in shape altogether so different from the parents, that no one, at first sight, could suppose them the same species. Puffins are said to change their bills annually. Their usual food is sprats and sea-weeds, which renders the flesh of the old ones extremely rank: the young, however, are sold by the renters of the island (who hire it from Lord Bulkeley at fifteen pounds per annum) at one shilling per dozen, to persons who cure them by pickling, and, when packed in small barrels, each containing twelve birds, sells for four or five shillings.. The oil is extracted from them by a peculiar process, and the bones are taken out; after which the skin is closed round the flesh, and they are immersed in vinegar impregnated with spices. Dr. Caius informs us, that, in his days, puffins were allowed by the church to be eaten in Lent, instead of fish ; and says, that they were usually caught by means of ferrets, as rabbits are sometimes taken: at present, they are either dug out of the burrows, seized by the hand, or drawn out by a hooked stick. The winter residence of this genus, and that of the guillemot, is but imperfectly known; it is probable that they live at sea in some more temperate climate, remote from land; forming those myriads of birds mariners observe in many parts of the ocean. They are always

1 We have visited Priestholme a week after this period, and have not seen a single puffin; so much punctuality is observed in their annual migrations. Of the many thousand birds which cover the island, not one is left: sometimes, indeed, a single bird is discovered which was prevented by age or accident from accompanying this great army of winged wanderers.

found there at certain seasons, retiring only at breeding time, and, during that period, are met with as near the pole as ever navigators have penetrated.'

About the middle of the month, the swift disappears, and probably migrates to more southern regions. Rooks begin to roost in their nest trees, and young broods of goldfinches (fringilla carduelis) appear; lapwings (tringa vanellus) and linnets (fringilla linota) congregate: the nuthatch chatters; and, towards the end of the month, the redbreast is again. heard.

At the beginning of the month, melilot (trifolium officinale), rue (ruta graveolens), the water parsnép (sysimbrium nasturtium), horehound (marrubium vulgare), water mint (mentha aquatica), the orpine (sedum telephium), and the gentiana amarella, have their flowers full blown. The purple blossoms of the meadow saffron (colchicum autumnale) now adorn the low moist lands. The number of plants in flower, however, is greatly lessened in this month, those which bloomed in the former months running fast to seed.

The great intention of nature in the structure of plants, seems to be the perfecting of the seed; for those parts which most immediately contribute to fructification are usually lodged in the centre, the recesses, or the labyrinths of the flowers. During their tender and immature state, they are shut up in the stalk, or sheltered in the bud. But as soon as they have acquired firmness of texture sufficient to bear exposure, and are ready to perform the important office which is assigned to them, they are disclosed to the light and air by the bursting of the stem, or the expansion of the petals; after which they have, in many cases, by the very form of the flower during its blow, the light and warmth reflected upon them from the concave side of the cup. What is called also the sleep of plants, is the leaves or petals disposing themselves in such a manner as to shelter the young stem,

buds or fruits; they turn up or they fall down, according as this purpose renders either change of position requisite.' The scarcity of flowers is amply repaid by an abundance of fruits of various kinds and hues :

The mealy plum
Hangs purpling, or displays an amber hue;
The luscious fig, the tempting pear, the vine,
Perchance, that in the noontide eye of light
Basks glad in rich festoons. The downy peach
Blushing like youthful cheeks; the nectarine full
Of lavish juice.-


Heaths and commons are now in all their beauty; the flowers of the various species of heath (erica) covering them with a fine purple hue. Ferns also begin to flower, the commonest sort of which is the fern or brakes (polypodium filix-mas); but the female (pteris aquilina) is the most beautiful plant. How admirable is the disposition of these heaths! While the warm valley, on the one hand, which enjoys the fertilizing influence of a placid stream, and of a powerful sun, is too rich a soil for this plant; the higher summit of the mountain is, on the other hand, too cold, too barren, and too much exposed, to be the favourite soil or climate of heaths. Fungous moss, the most barren of all plants, and the least capable of affording nourishment to cattle, occupies these summits. The heath grows midway up the hill, while the skirts and the valleys below are destined for grass and corn. Thus, the very covering given to the mountains demonstrates the benignity of Providence: what is nearest to the habitation of man, is best adapted to his support; what is nearest and most accessible to his cattle, affords them most nourishment; and the least productive part of his ground is removed to the greatest distance.

Various are the uses to which heath and fern are applied. In England, the common heath is employed in making brooms or faggots, which last are used as fuel in ovens ; the stalks and tops are of consider

able service in tanning leather. Horses, sheep, and goats, eat the tender shoots of heath. Fern makes an excellent thatch; it also produces good litter for horses and cows; and, when dry, is eaten by cattle, particularly by hogs, who are very fond of this plant. It is also a substitute for coal; and its ashes produce a tolerably pure alkali for the glass-manufacturers; these are much used in France.

Insects still continue to swarm; they sport in the sun from flower to flower, from fruit to fruit, and subsist themselves upon the superfluities of nature. Some of the most splendid butterflies are seen in August. The papilio Machaon, commonly known as the swallow-tailed butterfly, is of a beautiful yellow, with black spots or patches along the upper edge of the superior wings: all the wings are bordered with a deep edging of black, decorated by a double row of crescent-shaped spots, of which the upper row is blue, and the lower yellow.

The under wings are tailed, and are marked at the inner angle or tip with a round red spot, bordered with blue and black. Three others are particularly worthy of notice: (1) The peacock butterfly (Papilio Io), of an orange brown colour, with black bars intersected by spaces of yellow; (2) the admirable butterfly (Papilio Atalanta), of the most intense velvet black colour, with a rich carmine-coloured bar across the upper wings, which are spotted towards the tips with white; and (3) the papilio paphia, an highly elegant insect of a fine orange chesnut colour above, with numerous black spots and bars. It is usually found in the neighbourhood of woods. To these may be added, the black-eyed marble butterfly (papilio semele), and the small golden black spotted butterfly (papilio phlæas).

The powder or down on the wings of the lepidoptera, or scaly-winged insects, is composed of very minute scales, which differ in size and form in the dif

ferent species. These were formerly supposed to be feathers.

Lord Byron, availing himself of the evanescent and fragile splendour of the butterfly, has produced the following beautiful simile :

As rising on its purple wing

The insect queen' of eastern' spring,
O'er emerald meadows of Kashmeer
Invites the young pursuer near,
And leads him on from flow'r to flow'r
A weary chase and wasted hour,
Then leaves him, as it soars on high,
With panting heart and tearful eye:
So Beauty lures the full-grown child
With hue as bright, and wing as wild;
A chase of idle hopes and fears,
Begun in folly, closed in tears.
If won, to equal ills betrayed,
Woe waits the insect and the maid;
A life of pain, the loss of peace,
From infant's play and man's caprice :
The lovely toy, so fiercely sought,
Has lost its charm by being caught;
For every touch that wooed its stay
Has brushed its brightest hues away,
Till charm, and hue, and beauty gone,
'Tis left to fly or fall alone.

With wounded wing, or bleeding breast,
Ah! where shall either victim rest?
Can this with faded pinion soar

From rose to tulip as before?

Or Beauty, blighted in an hour,

Find joy within her broken bow'r ?

No! gayer insects flutt'ring by

Ne'er droop the wing o'er those that die,
And lovelier things have mercy shown
To ev'ry failing but their own;
And ev'ry woe a tear can claim,
Except an erring sister's shame.

Flies now abound in the windows the apis manicata, or solitary bee, and the white moth (phalana

1 The blue-winged butterfly of Kashmeer, the most rare and beautiful of the species.

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