
I note that Mr. Strathman is to be through the valley here in the next few days and I will be very much pleased to see him if he should happen to drop in at any time.

I was sorry to have missed you in the San Francisco office while there yesterday.

For your information we are making some changes here in the Fresno office. We are moving the office from 1807 Mariposa Street to my office, 722 Mattei Building. We expect to have a telephone in on Monday of next week at which time we will advise you as to the number thereof. This telephone will be listed under the "Associated Farmers of Fresno County, Inc."

Also for your information we are putting to work a young man by the name of Luther Riles as a Field Secretary or Membership Secretary. That appears to be about the only way that we are going to build up a membership. Mr. Frank Palomares will continue on as our secretary.

The principle reason for the change is that there has been some criticism by our members because of the fact that the San Joaquin Valley Labor Bureau and the Associated Farmers were sharing the same office. I personally was in hopes that this change would not be necessary, but owing to the lack of additional desk room in the Labor Bureau office it was necessary for us to make the change which we are making. I agreed to let the organization have the use of my office until such time that our finances would permit the rental of an independent office. On the 6th instant we forwarded to you a list of 1939 paid-up members of the Associated Farmers together with a list of paid-up members for 1938. The change in mailing can no doubt be effected insofar as the 1939 membership is concerned from first-class to second-class. However I believe that it will be necessary for you to continue to mail to the 1938 membership list under first-class mailing.

It may be advisable to send one more issue of the bulletin to our 1937 membership and while in the office yesterday talking to Miss Seeger about membership, she suggested that a little notice be posted in the bulletin of the next issue to the effect that Associated Farmer members should immediately contact their local office and pay up their 1939 membership otherwise their names would be taken from the mailing list. This could no doubt very easily be done and put in a conspicuous place so that the members could not fail to see said notice. We might get some results from same although our experience has been that the farmers pay little attention to such notices. For instance out of some 600 notices which we mailed out to farmers early last Fall we only received a reply to 18. We had been hoping to receive a better response than this.

I have just received information that additional cotton payments will be forwarded to the office immediately in the amount of approximately $900.00, same to be credited to our account. We are therefore hanging on to our own cash resources for local use.

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Chairman, Board of Supervisors of Fresno County,

Courthouse, Fresno, California.

DEAR MR. COLLINS: Herewith inclosed find a copy of a resolution passed by the Board of Directors of the Associated Farmers of Fresno County at the last Board meeting on Wednesday of last week. You will note that this resolution expresses our appreciation of your Board's refusal to permit the holding of a public mass meeting in the City Park on the cotton wage scale controversy. Your action has prevented a repetition of the Madera situation.

Very truly yours,

RFS: js


R. F. SCHMEISER, President.

[Attached to above letter]

WHEREAS, the agricultural industry of Fresno County and of the entire state of California has been attacked by various groups in an attempt to prevent the harvest of our crops and to prevent the well-being of the citizens-at-large of our great State, and

WHEREAS, these attempts were made for the purpose of creating class hatred and unrest toward our American form of government rather than for the welfare of the workers in the agricultural industry, and

WHEREAS, in at least one instance public property was used as a headquarters to lead these attacks resulting in damage to property and to the good reputation of that community.

Now, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Associated Farmers of Fresno County, Inc., express their appreciation and gratitude to the Fresno County Board of Supervisors for preventing the use of our public porks for organization purposes of such groups thus permitting a stain on the history and good name of our great county.


[Copied from the files of the Associated Farmers of California, Inc. under subpena, EG/1p. 12/29/39]

AUGUST 16, 1939.


310 Malvern Avenue, Fullerton, California.

DEAR MR. STRATHMAN: I have just returned from the San Joaquin Valley where there was an excellent meeting in Fresno last night with a representative group of county leaders brought together to discuss the serious conditions with which we are all confronted. The previous day I spent a pleasant but warm few hours in Bakersfield, where I spoke before the Kiwanis group on "Grapes of Wrath", and "Factories in the Field".

When in Los Angeles last week, I talked to Fred Sherrill, and inasmuch as Colonel Boswell is in Europe and will not be back until the latter part of September, he was reluctant to give me a definite answer, but said he would discuss the matter with Mr. Robinson and see what could be done now.

The picketing at the packing plants in Fresno is continuing on a quiet basis. with only two or three pickets at entrances. This strike may spread, but does not look as though it will become serious. Federal Conciliator Sisley, with whom I am well acquainted, was in Fresno yesterday conferring with the managers of the three plants now involved. The night before last, Mr. Schmeiser secured passage of a strong resolution by the Fresno Farm Bureau Federation charging that the present picketing is unreasonable and unjustified in the light of the facts. This was given good publicity.

Mr. Eastman, Fresno manager for Swift & Company, and Mr. King, District Superintendent for California with headquarters in South San Francisco, talked with Mr. Schmeiser and me concerning the Swift difficulty. Both Swift and the packers have been assured that we will aid them with sound community support in such an unreasonable situation as they are facing. No demands have been made on Swift as yet, and they have nothing that they can even talk about with the unions.

Mr. Patton finds the situation becoming more serious in San Jose, and there may be a walkout any moment. Mr. Patton will advise me of developments, and it would be well for you to be available to go into Santa Clara County.

Harold Angier called this morning to report a strike at one of the packing plants handling tomatoes. He believes the situation may become very serious as there is some mass picketing now. The plant intends to continue operating. Mr. Angier believes Mr. Franklin can help, and Franklin has just left now to go to Stockton. I shall go there tomorrow morning to spend the day, partly because Stockton is a tough spot and I want to be sure that the state organization is in a position to give every assistance possible if the employer's situation is sound, and partly because I want to talk to Harold about finances and arrange for him to work with me immediately.

Under the circumstances, I believe it will be well for you to come to northern California immediately, going to Stockton first. However, I shall wire you by noon tomorrow so that we will be sure not to ride off in all directions at once. Sincerely,

HEP: cy


Executive Secretary.

[Copied from files of Associated Farmers of California, Inc. under subpena, EG/ly,


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Executive Secretary, Associated Farmers of California, Inc.,

472 Russ Building, San Francisco, California. DEAR MR. POMEROY: I will endeavor to give you the highlights of the picketing of the dried fruit plants here in Fresno:

On Tuesday of this week the managers of three plants, namely, Rosenbergs, Bonner, and Roeding Fig & Olive plants, were in conference with the labor conciliator relative to the strike situation. On Wednesday afternoon a vote was taken by the members of the packing-house union as to whether to continue to strike or not. I received information that this lost by 3 votes. In other words, picketing was to continue by only a majority of 3 votes.

Later that evening I had occasion to talk with one of the officials of the Cal-Pac dried-fruit house here in Fresno. I kidded him some about a picket line that was to be placed around their plant the following morning. He indicated that no such thing would happen; however the following morning a picket line was established around their plant which is now being picketed.

I called Mr. Ted Smith, manager of Rosenbergs plant, this morning, and he informed me that the employees voting on the continuation of the strike consisted only of union members who are out on strike. Non-union employees did not vote. Mr. Smith informed me this morning that it is rumored by the nonunion workers that the union workers are going to hold out until Monday morning and if no definite action transpires between the packing-house managers and the union officials then the employees will return to work. Mr. Smith is of the opinion that eventually this will come about and the strike will blow over. Let us hope that this will be the case.

Since our meeting on Tuesday evening I have received many complimentary remarks by those present at the meeting as to how that meeting was handled. They have all agreed that it is the first time in the history of Fresno that the farmers had ever come before business and industry and asked for their assistance. They all seem to fully realize that their business is dependent upon agricultural in this district and therefore they are going to support our organization financially in a whole-hearted way. The committee which was appointed on Tuesday evening, met last night and laid plans for the collections from the various individuals who indicated that they would support our cause, therefore Luther Riles is out now on that mission doing the leg work for the committee. We are hopeful of getting in at least $2,000.00 within the next 2 or 3 days.

Mr. H. W. Chutter, president of California Associated Concrete Pipe Manufacturers, was present at the meeting last evening and he inquired as to whether or not you could appear at their convention which is to be held at the Hotel de Anza, San Jose, on September 8th and 9th. This is an association of concrete pipe manufacturers representing 35 firms covering the entire state and who deal exclusively with farmers. Mr. Chutter's request is that you appear before

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their group to address them on the Associated Farmers either on Friday morning or afternoon or Saturday morning, whichever time is most convenient for you. Immediately upon receipt of this letter will you be good enough to advise Mr. Chutter, P. O. Box 914, Fresno, as to whether or not you can address their group on either of the above mentioned dates. Also you will kindly forward a copy of your letter to this office.

The Rotary Club also is going to arrange to have you appear before their group at which time they have promised to have possibly as many as 300 present. At this time they would like to have you tell the story of the Associated Farmers. You will hear from me further on this latter request.

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Present: E. C. Smith, Fresno; H. S. Baker, Fresno; P. H. Kobe, Kerman; D. B. Harris, Parlier; Hall Galli, Reedley; F. J. Goodner, Reedley; J. Hume, Sanger; James Schultz, San Joaquin; C. C. Taylor, Fresno; George A. Damron, Fresno; George Jackson, Kerman; Fred L. White, Fresno; Ira Redfern, Selma; Rees Davis, Selma; J. G. Porter, Fresno; Fred P. Roullard, Fresno; Earl E. Ford, Fresno; R. H. Hodgkin, Fresno; R. F. Schmeiser, Fresno; John L. Quail, Fresno; Sam Naman, Fresno; E. G. Mounier, Fresno; V. E. Britton, Firebaugh; R. A. Stevenson, Firebaugh; A. M. Steintorf, Firebaugh; F. K. Taylor, Reedley; Al J. Brown, Fresno; J. E. Goree, Fresno; G. P. Vincent, Selma; George P. Moran, Reedley; J. B. Carter, Fresno; J. E. O'Neill, Fresno; A. L. Fourchy, Firebaugh; C. L. Johnson, Fresno; F. A. Yearout, Fresno; C. A. Webb, Fresno.

J. E. O'Neill presided.

The object of this meeting was to complete the organization of the Associated Farmers of Fresno County. The first order of business was the nomination and election of officers. The following were unanimously elected: J. E. O'NEILL, President; R. F. SCHMEISER, Vice President; F. J. PALOMARES, Secretary. Directors: J. E. O'NEILL. Fresno; J. SCHULTZ, San Joaquin; A. STEINTORF, Firebaugh; D. B. HARRIS, Parlier; R. F. SCHMEISER, Fresno; and E. C. SMITH, Fresno; a director at large to be selected by the Board of Directors. unanimous vote the above named were declared members of the Assocated Farmers of Fresno County, and in addition F. N. Miner, Fresno, who was absent, but had attended a former meeting.


S. P. Frisselle of the Associated Farmers of California made a brief address of the aims and purposes of the organization. In the matter of additional membership, it was determined that any member could present any name of any person or persons who in his opinion would be in accord with the aims and purposes of the Associated Farmers of Fresno County, said name to be voted upon by the membership upon presentation as aforestated. Mr. Frisselle further stated that the incorporation cost would be paid by the Associated Farmers of California, which is the parent organization for affiliates in the respective counties of California, as organized or to be organized. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned subject to the call of the President.


F. J. Palomares, Secretary.





The President, J. E. O'Neill presided.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary reported upon the activities of the Associated Farmers in other sections of the State as well as the proposed organization of chapters in Tulare, Madera and Kings Counties.

Matters of finance was discussed as well as the assessment levied by the Associated Farmers of California, the parent organization, on the Fresno County Chapter. Action on this matter deferred for a later meeting, as the membership desired to obtain further information on the matter.

The Secretary reported that the sum of $52.22 had been expended on behalf of the Associated Farmers of Fresno County, said moneys had been advanced by the Secretary and the Agricultural Labor Bureau. Action on this matter was deferred until the next regular meeting.

The President stated, that a finance committee would be named at the following meeting.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.

(Signed) F. J. PALOMARES, Secretary, Associated Farmers of Fresno County.

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Present.-Directors: J. H. Estes, F. A. Yearout, S. P. Frisselle, R. F. Schmeiser, E. C. Smith, J. E. O'Neill, George Rice, Fred L. White, M. Sakamoto, J. H. Cardwell.

Absent.-Paul Hobe, T. J. Johnson, Ira Redfern, C. L. Nielsen, J. E. Wheeler. S. Parker Frisselle reported on the meeting held in Los Angeles by the Associated Farmers of California. He gave a brief résumé of the activities of the Associated Farmers throughout the State.

Director, J. E. O'Neill discussed the matter of putting more activity and life into the organization and suggested that every member of the Board of Directors make an effort to create further interest in the organization in their respective communities.

Mr. E. C. Smith presented his oral resignation as a director upon the ground that he was an industrialist and not an active farmer. Upon motion of Mr. Harris and Seconded by Mr. J. E. O'Neill, the resignation was accepted with regrets.

The members of the Board of Directors discussed the advisability of a speaker's bureau and upon the motion of Mr. O'Neill seconded by Mr. Schmeiser and carried, the President, Mr. Estes appointed Mr. Fred White as chairman of the speakers committee and he to select the other members, and to report the results at the next regular meeting.

Finance committee.-The chairman appointed the following directors to serve on the finance committee: Directors, F. A. Yearout, Art Steintorf, J. H. Cardwell, T. J. Johnson. Other members to be added to this committee later.

Chairman White of the Speakers' Committee, stated that he would make every effort to secure from the Fresno Bee an opportunity to present broadcasts on

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