
can be said in their favor. They have general principle with regard to all orlost their knowledge of art; that is to say, ders. they do not construct their own habitations. They have lost also, as already stated, their natural affection for their young, and even their instinct of feeding. Then comes Strongylognathus. These have lost even more. Slavery has told on the bodily strength. When roused, they will however fight, but they fight in vain; and but for the exertions of their slaves they would evidently be exterminated.

There is, however, another remark to be made in reference to the repugnance which the slave-making instinct in ants is said to merit from us. The same remark will apply to some other instincts which are said to militate against the belief in divine government, such as the impulse which amongst bees leads the workers to put to death the drones after these have fulfilled their single function of securing the continuance of the race. It is strange, certainly. But the repugnance which is professed or felt in presence of such facts arises, surely, from an error. The error consists in looking at them from a merely human point of view. - from not realizing that it is not a world of human beings that we are regarding, but of totally different beings. It is an error to attribute to what we call the victims in such cases the feelings which we should naturally attribute

Beneath this lowest depth there is yet a lower depth. Anergates is the name of the miserable creature. If Sir John Lubbock is right in the novel suggestion by which he explains the mysterious fact that it continues to exist at all, a male and female Anergates stealthily enter the nest of Tetramorium and assassinate the queen. The result of this dastardly manoeuvre is that in the following year the community consists of the murderous couple, their young, and only the workers to our fellow-men so circumstanced. If of Tetramorium, who, though they would never submit to be captured by such weak creatures, yet tend their helpless invaders with the utmost care. Aner gates is an awful warning. It is a parasite. It has lost its real independence, its arts, and many of its instincts. "The individuals are weak in body and mind, few in numbers, and apparently nearly extinct the miserable representatives of far superior ancestors."*

we could accurately represent to ourselves the actual consciousness of the various species of animals, it may well be that all the difficulties now arising from the contemplation of the war of nature would shrink to very small proportions, or disappear altogether.

With regard to the rise of the instinct of slave-making, the suggestion is offered by Mr. Darwin, and repeated by Sir John Lubbock, that since it is a common practice with ants, even of species that do not make slaves, to carry off the pupa of other species, if scattered near their nests, "such pupæ originally stored as food might become developed; and the foreign ants thus unintentionally reared would then follow their proper instincts, and do what work they could." Out of such circumstances it is possible that the instinct may have grown. But both this instinct and all the instincts peculiar to neuters being neither inherited directly from either parent, nor transmitted by the possessors, present one of the great. est difficulties to the theory of evolution by natural selection.

Now it must be admitted that such an instinct as that of slave-making is difficult at first sight to reconcile with our à priori notions of divine design, though surely it is not more so than any other rapacious and cruel instincts in the animal creation, or than the presence of evil at all in the world. But it may be well to point out that whatever the difficulty may be, there appears to be an equal difficulty on the hypothesis of mechanical evolution. For it is a clear case of a well-developed instinct that is not, apparently, beneficial to the species. It may, of course, be said that if an injurious instinct happens to be developed and to become persistent, it must lead to the final extinc- We turn now to some of the particular tion of the species affected, and that the results of Sir John Lubbock's observation slave-making ants are an example to the of his favorites. It will surprise those point. We take leave, however, to re-readers who now learn the fact, that the mark that there is no proof whatever that the ants ever possessed the various useful instincts which they are said to have lost. Conjecture as to particular orders of beings is too frail a foundation for a

See Ants, Bees, and Wasps, p. 89.

library of a studious man may be shared without inconvenience to himself by numerous communities of insects so much addicted to travelling about as ants. The range of their peregrinations may, how

See The Origin of Species, p. 219.

ants are particularly fond. Not the least interesting portion of the book before us is the chapter in which the various contrivances are described by which ants are prevented from gaining access to the honey of flowers, and so depriving them of their means of attracting the visits of bees and other flying insects, which, as Mr. Darwin has shown, are in many cases of great importance in promoting crossfertilization. But we must not linger on this topic.

ever, be limited by very simple means. | required, two or three are sufficient to A shallow trough filled with water is as provide it."* The food in this case, it impassable to them as was the Styx of should be added, was honey, of which old to the unfortunate shades for whom the last rites had not been duly performed. Sir John Lubbock has had for some years thirty to forty communities under observation. Each community inhabited a space about a quarter of an inch deep, filled with fine earth, between two glass plates, and enclosed at the edges by slips of wood, with a small aperture in one corner for a doorway. Some of the nests were placed like shelves one above another, and supported by a single upright post. Beneath the lowest was suspended Another point on which Sir John Luba platform larger every way than the bock has made elaborate observations is nests, in order to intercept any individu- the power which ants have of recognizing als that fell, and having a watery ditch at one another and of intercommunication. its edges. There was thus free passage All the members of one community are between the nests and to the top of the able to distinguish between a fellowpole; but all the communities were cut citizen and an interloper, even after the off by the water from communication with former may have been excluded from the the outer world. It is sad to learn that nest for nearly two years. They even this ingenious device for saving space in recognize as fellow-citizens ants brought volved special difficulties. The ants up from the pupa state among strangers. knew their own nests perfectly well, but It has been asserted by some naturalists were so pugnacious, that great care had to that ants, and likewise bees, make use be exercised in assorting the nests. Be- of some kind of language, of which the tween fellow-citizens the utmost harmony antennæ serve as the instruments, and prevails, but the members of different that by means of it they can communicate communities always regard one another with one another as to the approach or as enemies. absence of danger, or describe localities Mention has been made already of where, for example, specially attractive division of labor amongst some harvest-food may have been discovered.


ing ants. By the adoption of a simple latest observer, though he would certainly method for ensuring recognition, our au- | be the last to deny to his interesting pets thor has been able to observe the per- the possession of any remarkable and formances of individual ants, and claims particularly any manlike faculty which he to have shown that they differ amongst themselves in character and disposition, and that division of labor is carried out amongst them to a greater extent than was supposed. When it was desired to watch the proceedings of a particular ant, he marked it with a small dab of paint on the back, an operation which sometimes had to be repeated, as, the ants being very cleanly animals, the strange mark would sometimes be licked off by fellowcitizens.

had good reason to assign to them, does not confirm this view. Ants, as he shows, recognize one another, but it is not by means of language, nor is the recognition personal. That is to say, an individual is perceived in consequence of some subtle quality, possibly some special odor, to be a relation. Numerous experiments tend to show likewise, that though ants track one another by scent, and, consequently, may follow to a store of food the first discoverer of it, the power of communicating with one another is very limited,† though not quite absent.

We must now draw to a close, though many interesting topics, such as the na

In order to ascertain whether particular individuals are charged with the duty of bringing in the small supplies of food required in winter, a nest of Formica fusca was watched, and an hourly register kept, with few intermissions, for nearly See Ants, Bees, and Wasps, p. 47. In some fortwo months, from November 20 to Janu-eign species certain individuals in each nest are so formed that their abdomen is capable of enormous disary 15. From the observations made in this and other cases, it seemed clear "that certain ants are told off as foragers, and that during winter, when little food is

tension. They act as receptacles of the honey, which
they retain and redistribute when required. They are
said never to leave the nest, and in fact are merely
animated honey-pots. (Ibid., pp. 47, 49.)
† See Ants, Bees, and Wasps, p. 171.


ture of the senses of ants, still remain | recorded above, the subject of his regrets unnoticed. The points to which we have was sitting before a blazing fire in the chiefly confined ourselves are those which smoking-room at Longbourne, smoking exhibit the societies of ants as regularly one of the excellent cigars of which a organized communities. It is in this as stock was always to be found in that wellpect that the subject appears to us to ordered establishment, and enjoying, or have more importance at the present time appearing to enjoy, the creature comforts than in any other aspect. Attempts are incidental to the situation. It was his rife to reassure those persons (amongst sister-in-law who had suggested to him whom we reckon ourselves) who would that, as they were alone in the house, they view with alarm the decadence of belief should betake themselves to this cosy in and reverence for a divine and author- little apartment immediately after dinner, itative standard of duty. Strange to say, asserting, as kind-hearted ladies do somethe arguments used seem to be based not times (and Heaven only knows whether upon what we know of man, but upon they are speaking the truth, or whether it what we observe among the social ani- is not an act of selfish brutality to take mals below us. The question is much them at their word), that she liked the too large for us to enter upon its general smell of tobacco, and that to spend the discussion at the end of an article. But evening in the smoking-room, instead of our subject has been an order of beings in the drawing-room, was an unwonted which furnishes examples of the most treat to her. highly organized societies next after man; and, consequently, if the theory which regards the social bond as sufficiently efficacious by itself in maintaining order without the sanction of religion can find support anywhere in the subject creation, it is to be presumed that the communities of ants would furnish such support in abundance.

It is worth while to note, therefore, the broad gulf that separates such societies as those with which we have been occupied from the society of men, and which renders it absolutely impossible to reason from one to the other in the manner suggested. Whatever be the amount of intelligence exhibited by ants, no one will contend that in seeking the common good they are actuated by anything higher than instinctive impulse, and from this impulse they cannot free themselves; nay, they cannot form the idea or the wish to free themselves from it. Man's reasoning power gives him, indeed, the opportunity of choosing nobly, of devoting himself, at personal self-sacrifice, to the good of others, but it also offers him the temptation of choosing precisely the reverse of endeavoring to secure his own gratification, no matter what the cost to others.

From The Cornhill Magazine.



AT the moment when Mr. Brune was giving way to mercenary aspirations, as

It reminded her, she said, of old days, when she used to sit with Jack after dinner. Perhaps she wanted an excuse for talking about Jack; and on ordinary occasions Tom, who had had a sincere affection for his younger brother, would have been willing enough to gratify her; but this evening his thoughts were, not unnaturally, centred upon himself, and with a very little encouragement he would have related the whole history of his disappointed hopes. Thus, these two people, who had become excellent friends, and who were both inclined just now to claim a little of the sympathy to which friendship is entitled, remained for some time at cross purposes, each throwing out hints to which the other failed to respond, until it become evident that some topic of common interest must be resorted to. was in Tom's favor; for when the conversation languished, it was inevitable that the adventure of the day should suggest itself as the ground for a fresh start, and so he soon found an opportunity of remarking, in a casual manner, that he supposed so pretty a girl as Miss Brune would not be likely to remain Miss Brune much longer.


"I don't think she will be in a hurry to marry," responded Margaret. "Nellie has a good deal of character, and she will be sure to think well before she chooses."

"If she has not chosen already."

"Yes, if she has not chosen already. There are perhaps half-a-dozen marriage. able young men hereabouts, and I believe they are all of them devoted to her in an off-and-on sort of way."

"Is there anybody in particular, should

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you suppose?" inquired Mr. Stanniforth, | crease of accidents, was likewise a subject
staring up at the cornice.
that seemed to require looking into; so
that, upon the whole, it came to this, that
he would have to leave by the twelve
o'clock train.

Margaret poked the fire, and made no reply; so he went on, "I used to fancy that young Marescalchi was paying her a good deal of attention, but perhaps it didn't mean anything."

Margaret laughed; whereupon her interrogator withdrew his eyes from the ceiling with great promptitude, glanced inquiringly at her, saw it all, and immediately dropped into a gloomy reverie.

"I am glad you noticed that," said the unconscious Margaret, "for I have always thought that those two were exactly suited to one another, and hoped that something might come of it some day. But I have given up match-making," she added with a shake of her head. "I have made one or two attempts in that way, and the results have not been encouraging. I suppose people must be allowed to choose for themselves."

But Mr., Stanniforth was no longer anxious to pursue the subject, and indeed had not distinctly heard the last few words. "Oh, yes, certainly, I quite agree with you," he said; and then began to talk very fast about habitual drunkards, in which unfortunate class of society he had been lately stirred up to take a keen interest. He had a comprehensive scheme for dealing with them in their double character of afflicted fellow-creatures and responsible members of the community; but as the carrying out of this project would have involved the expenditure of some millions of the public money, besides interfering with the liberty of the subject after a fashion conceivable only to enlightened Radical brains, the reader need not be wearied with its provisions. Margaret listened to them patiently, argued against them, was triumphantly silenced, and ultimately went to bed with a consolatory assurance that she had done what was expected of her.

Margaret expressed her surprise and regret at this sudden change of plans, but was hardly so much afflicted by it as she might have been, had not the post brought her her own share of disquieting correspondence in the shape of an announcement from Philip that he had finally made up his mind to abandon the law in favor of the operatic stage.

"I have been thinking about this for a long time," he wrote, "but I would not tell you until I was tolerably sure of success, because I wanted to spare you need. less worry, and I knew you would be rather horrified at first. Don't breathe a word about it to anybody just yet—it would only set the whole pack of them baying at you if you did—but think it over quietly, and I am sure you'll agree that I might do worse. Old Steinberger (perhaps you have never heard of him, but he is a celebrity nevertheless) – Steinberger says my high notes only want practice to be as good as Wachtel's (I dare say you have never heard of Wachtel either); and if all goes well, I ought, in a few years' time, to jump to the top of the tree at one bound. Is there any other profession in the world in which such a coup as that would be at all possible? As for the social position, anybody will tell you that great singers are received everywhere in these days; and between ourselves, my dear old Meg, who am I to give myself airs? The nuisance of it is that living in London, and having the best masters, and all that, costs a lot of money; but I must economize, and I dare say I shall manage to get on somehow. The rapidity with which a fivepound note melts away here is awful. Cab-hire alone"- etc., etc.

The remainder of the letter contained a good many hints of this delicate nature, for Philip seldom asked directly for money, that being a course of procedure which went against his finer feelings.

At breakfast the next morning, Mr. Stanniforth, who had passed a bad night, | looked up from a pile of opened letters that lay before him, and said that he was very sorry, but he was afraid he must be off. He had spent the first half of the Money, however, was what he was at recess in unwonted idleness, and would this time in urgent need of; and, but for now have to work hard to make up time. this circumstance, it is probable that The habitual drunkards, it appeared, were Margaret would have been allowed to reclamoring for attention; the anti-vivisec- main for some time longer in ignorance tionists were about to hold meetings in of his schemes. One reason in particuvarious places at which the presence of lar he had for desiring that his coffers the member for Blackport would be in- should be replenished: namely, that he dispensable; the insufficiency of railway contemplated a change of domicile. The servants, and consequent alarming in-remote situation of Coomassie Villa

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The awful possibilities foreshadowed in this speech were too much for Mrs. Marescalchi, who began to cry.

"Now, now, Fan," remonstrated Philip, "you ought to know me better by this time than to take every word I say so seriously. I'm not really such an ungrateful beggar as I make myself out; and as for dear old Meg, it's a positive delight to her to throw her money out of window. If I didn't pick it up, you may be sure that somebody else would-perhaps a less deserving person."

half a day's journey from the club, as he | heart he would think you rather a fool for would often pathetically remark was giving it to him." causing him daily inconvenience, and he no longer dreaded the risk attaching to residence in a more frequented quarter; for he was beginning to feel convinced of the truth of the common saying that one is never so much alone as in a crowd. It was, however, quite certain that the suburban butcher, baker, and grocer would not suffer him to depart until their several little accounts had been defrayed; and therefore it was that he awaited Margaret's answer with no small impatience, and that, when the answer came, he was a great deal more anxious to examine the figure of the checque contained in the envelope than the accompanying eight pages of manuscript. But he did read the latter as soon as he had ascertained the satisfactory nature of the former, and was a good deal touched by Margaret's kindness and generosity.

Nothing, indeed, could have been more moderate than the tone of her reply. She did not deny that Philip's news had start led her, nor that she had certain misgivings as to the social position about which he had expressed himself so confidently; but she admitted that he was better able to judge of such questions than she could be, and further, that he had a perfect right to choose his calling in life for himself; the one essential thing, for him and every body else, was to have a calling of some kind or other. She then went on to make some very true, if not very original, observations on the solaces of labor, which Philip skimmed over rapidly, and concluded by thanking him for having taken her into his confidence. In a postscript she added that she was sure his expenses must be heavier than he could conveniently manage, and that she therefore enclosed a trifle, which she hoped would help to lighten them for a time.

There was a pleasing, provisional sort of sound about the last three words which Philip did not fail to note and appreciate.

"Fan," said he gravely, as he folded up the letter, "if the baby should die, and I should be cut off in my prime, immediately after realizing a handsome fortune on the boards of the Italian Opera, don't you take it into your foolish little head to adopt an orphan. Unless he turned out to be very unlike some other orphans whom I have heard tell of, he would be a burden to you all your life, he would take your last penny from you with absolute complacency, and at the bottom of his

"Oh, but Philip," sobbed Fanny, "how could you talk like that about about your dying? And dear baby, too! I can't bear to hear you say such things."


Oh, is that it?" said Philip, much amused. "I think you may feel reassured, then. In point of physical health I can safely speak of myself in the highest terms, and I don't see a symptom of anything wrong with baby, unless it's excess of fat. So dry your eyes, Fan, and I'll go out and search for lodgings in some more civilized district."

Of this task Philip discharged himself with due circumspection. It might be permissible to be bold, but it would not do to be too bold; and therefore he decided to eschew such favorite localities as Clarges Street and the like, where people from Crayminster or the neighborhood might at any time establish themselves next door to you for a week or two. The other side of Bond Street was quite as handy and less dangerous; and chancing upon a tolerably commodious first floor in Conduit Street, which at that season of the year was to be had for a moderate weekly rental, he agreed to take it. Thither, in the course of a few days, he transplanted his belongings, and there for a time he dwelt in prosperity and contentment, no man forbidding him.

When Philip walks down Conduit Street nowadays the smile with which he habitually faces the world and all that therein is fades from his expressive countenance, and as he passes a certain house, and glances up at its first-floor window, he does not fail to pay the tribute of a sigh to the memory of hours gone, never to return. He may have forgotten, as most of us do, when looking back upon the past, many a small rub, anxiety, or annoyance; but the fact still remains that his life during the first part of that winter season was one that agreed with his tastes to a nicety. The lodgings, though

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