

Books for Young Teachers.

1. Common School Law for Common School Teachers. A digest of the provisions of statute and common law as to the relations of the Teacher to the Pupil, the Parent, and the District. With 500 references to legal decisions in 28 different States. 14th edition, wholly re-written, with references to the Code of 1888. By C. W. BARDEEN. 16mo, cloth, pp. 120. Price 75 cts. The reason why the teacher should make this his first purchase is that without a knowledge of his duties and his rights under the law he may fail either in securing a school, in managing it, or in drawing the pay for his services. The statute provisions are remarkably simple and uniform. The decisions of the Courts, except upon two points, here fully discussed, follow certain defined precedents. An hour to each of the eleven chapters of this little book will make the teacher master of any legal difficulties that may arise, while ignorance of it puts him at the mercy of a rebellious pupil, an exacting parent, or a dishonest trustee.

2. Hand-Book for Young Teachers. By H. B. BUCKHAM, late principal of the State Normal School at Buffalo. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 152. Price 75 cts.

It anticipates all the difficulties likely to be encountered, and gives the beginner the counsel of an older friend.

3. The School Room Guide, embodying the instruction given by the author at Teachers' Institutes in New York and other States, and especially intended to assist Public School Teachers in the Practical Work of the SchoolRoom. By E. V. DEGRAFF. Thirteenth edition, with many additions and corrections. 16mo, cloth, pp. 398. Price $1.50.

As distinguished from others of the modern standards, this is a book of Methods instead of theories. It tells the teacher just what to do and how todo it; and it has proved more practically helpful in the school-room than any other book ever issued.

4. A Quiz-Book on the Theory and Practice of Teaching. By A. P. SOUTHWICK, author of the "Dime Question Books." 12mo, pp. 220. Price $1.00.

This is one of the six books recommended by the State Department for study in preparation for State Certificates. The others are Hoose's MethodsTM ($1.00), Hughes's Mistakes (50 cts.), Fitch's Lectures ($1.00), Page's Theory and Practice ($1.25), and Swett's Methods ($1.25). We will send the six post-paid for $5.00.

5. Mistakes in Teaching. By JAMES L. HUGHES. American edition, with contents and index. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 135. Price 50 cts.

More than 15,000 have been used in the county institutes of Iowa, and elsewhere superintendents often choose this book for their less thoughtful teachers, assured that its pungent style and chatty treatment will arrest attention and produce good results.

6 How to Secure and Retain Attention. By JAMES L. HUGHES. 16mo, cloth, pp. 97. Price 50 cts.

This touches attractively and helpfully upon the first serious difficulty the teacher encounters. No young teacher should neglect these hints.

7. Primary Helps. A Kindergarten Manual for Public School Teachers. By W. N. HAILMANN. 8vo, boards, pp. 58, with 15 full-page plates. Price 75 cts. In these days, no primary teacher can afford to be ignorant of "The New Education," and this is perhaps the only volume that makes kindergarten principles practically available in public schools.

8. Dime Question Book, No. 4, Theory and Practice of Teaching. 16mo, paper, pp. 40. Price 10 cts. By A. P. SOUTHWICK.

A capital preparation for examination.

C. W. BARDEEN, Publisher, Syracuse, N. Y.


The Five Great English Books.

The recognition of Teaching as a Science was much earlier in England than in this country, and the five books which are there recognized as standards, have probably no equals in soundness and scope. Hence they are usually the first books adopted by Reading Circles, and are indispensable to the library of an intelligent teacher. These are:

1. Essays on Educational Reformers. By ROBERT HENRY QUICK. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 330. Price $1.50; or special edition, thinner covers, price $1.00.

This is altogether the best History of Education. "With the suggestion that study should be made interesting," writes Principal Morgan, of the Rhode Island State Normal School, "we most heartily agree. How this may be done, the attentive reader will be helped in learning by the study of this admirable book."

2. Lectures on Teaching. By J. G. FITCH. New Edition with a Preface by an American Normal Teacher. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 393. Price $1.25.

This forms the proper Basis for pedagogical knowledge, beginning with the teacher, the school, and the school-room, and giving the why as well as the what. We publish in our "School Room Classics" the "Art of Questioning," and the "Art of Securing Attention," by the same author, at 15 cents each.

3. Lectures on the Science and Art of Education. By JOSEPH PAYNE. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 384. Price $1.00.

The student is now ready to take up the Science of Education, which is nowhere else so brilliantly and effectively presented. The lectures are singularly fascinating, and the full analysis and indexes in this edition make it easy to collate and compare all that the author has uttered upon any topic suggested.


The Philosophy of Education, or the Principles and Practice of Teaching. BY THOMAS TATE. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 440. Price $1.50.

This gives the application of the Science to the Art of Teaching, and is without a rival in its clear presentation and abundant illustrations. The author is not content with giving directions. He shows by specimens of dass-work just what should be done and may be done.

5. Introductory Text-Book to School Education, Method and School Management, By JOHN GILL. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 276. Price $1.00.

This supplements the work of all the rest by practical directions as to School Management. Of the five this has had a sale equal to that of all the rest combined. The teacher's greatest difficulty, his surest discomfiture if he fails, is in the discipline and management of his school. That this man. ual has proved of inestimable help is proved from the fact that the present English edition is the 44th thousand printed.

C. W. BARDEEN, Publisher, Syracuse, N. Y.


The School Room Classics.

Under the above title we have published a series of Monographs upon Education, as follows, all 16mo, in paper, at 15 cts. each.

1. Unconscious Tuition. By Bishop HUNTINGTON. Pp. 45.

"There is probably nothing finer in the whole range of educational literature."-Ohio Educational Monthly.

"It cannot be read without a wholesome self-weighing, and a yearning which develops true character."-The Schoolmaster, Chicago.

2. The Art of Questioning. By J. G. FITCH. Pp. 36.

"Mr. Fitch is happily inside his subject, and as clear as a bell."-Christian Register.

3. The Philosophy of School Discipline. By JOHN KENNEDY. Pp. 23. "Clear and logical, and goes down to the very foundation."-Utica Herald.

4. The Art of Securing Attention. By J. G. FITCH. Pp. 43. "Perhaps I overestimate Fitch's works, but I fail to find in the statement of any other educational writer a juster comprehension of the needs and difficulties of both teacher and pupil, or more common sense put into neater, clearer style."-The Student, Philadelphia.

5. Learning and Health. By B. W. RICHARDSON. Pp. 39.

'A timely topic ably treated."-N. E. Journal of Education.

66 Certainly worth many times its weight in gold."-Eclectic Teacher.

6. The New Education. By J. M. W. MEIKLEJOHN. Pp. 35.

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Absolutely the best summary we have seen of the doctrines of Froebel in their present development."-N. Y. School Journal.

7. A Small Tractate of Education. By JOHN MILTON. Pp. 26. "Far more important in the literature of the subject than the treatise of Locke."-Encyclopædia Brittanica.

8. The School Work-Shop. By Baroness VON MARENHOLZ-BUELOW, translated by Miss BLOW. Pp. 27.

"In this treatise the kindergarten view of Industrial Education receives its best exemplification."-N. E. Journal of Education.

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9. Sex in Mind and in Education. By HENRY MAUDSLEY. Pp. 42. A masterly treatment of a delicate subject."-N. E. Journal of Edu cation.

10. Education as Viewed by Thinkers. Pp. 47.

This contains 95 classified quotations from leading authorities of every time and country, and will be of use to every writer and speaker.

11. How to Teach Natural Science in Public Schools. By W. T. HARRIS. Pp. 40.

Since this was first published in 1871 for the schools of St. Louis, it has been regarded as the standard authority upon the subject, and this edition, revised by the author, was prepared by the request of the Committee on Physics-Teaching in 1887 of the National Association.

C. W. BARDEEN, Publisher, Syracuse, N. Y.


Instruction in Citizenship.

1. Civil Government for Common Schools, prepared as a manual for public instruction in the State of New York. To which are appended the Constitution of the State of New York as amended at the election of 1882, the Constitution of the United States, and the Declaration of Independence, etc., etc. By HENRY C. NORTHAM. 16mo, cloth, pp. 185. 75 cts.

Is it that this book was made because the times demanded it, or that the publication of a book which made the teaching of Civil Government practicable led to a general desire that it should be taught? Certain it is that this subject, formerly regarded as a "finishing" branch in the high school, is now found on every teacher's examination-paper, and is commonly taught in district schools. Equally certain is it that in the State of New York this text-book is used more than all others combined.

2. A Chart of Civil Government. By CHARLES T. POOLER. Sheets 12x18, 5 cts. The same folded, in cloth covers, 25 cts.

Schools using Northam's Civil Government will find this chart of great use, and those not yet ready to introduce a text-book will be able to give no little valuable instruction by the charts alone. Some commissioners have purchased them by the hundred and presented one to every school house in the county.

3. Handbook for School Teachers and Trustees. A manual of School Law for School Officers, Teachers and Parents in the State of New York. By HERBERT BROWNELL. 16mo, leatherette, pp. 64. 35 cts.

This is a specification of the general subject, presenting clearly, definitely, and with references, important questions of School Law. Particular attention is called to the chapters treating of schools under visitation of the Regents-a topic upon which definite information is often sought for in vain.

4. Common School Law for Common School Teachers. A digest of the provisions of statute and common law as to the relations of the Teacher to the Pupil, the Parent, and the District. With 500 references to legal decisions in 28 different States. 14th edition, wholly re-written, with references to the new Code of 1888. By C. W. BARDEEN. 16mo, cloth, pp. 120. 75 cts.

This has been since 1875 the standard authority upon the teacher's relations, and is frequently quoted in legal decisions. The new edition is much more complete than its predecessors, containing Topical Table of Contents, and a minute Index.

5. Laws of New York relating to Common Schools, with comments and instructions, and a digest of decisions. 8vo, leather, pp. 867. $4.00.

This is what is known as "The New Code of 1888," and contains all revisions of the State school-law to date.

6. The Powers and Duties of Officers and Teachers. By ALBERT P. MARBLE. 16mo, paper, pp. 27. 15 cts.

A vigorous presentation in Sup't Marble's pungent style of tendencies as well as facts.

7. First Principles of Political Economy. By JOSEPH ALDEN. 16mo, cloth, pp. 153. 75 cts.

Ex-President Andrew D. White says of this book: "It is clear, well arranged, and the best treatise for the purpose I have ever seen."

C. W. BARDEEN, Publisher, Syracuse, N. Y.

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