
due of his lands; and notice having been three Sundays successively published in the several churches of the said parish of Saint Mark, in the county of Culpeper, tha application would be made to this assembly for an act to be passed to sell two thousand acres, part of the said lands, for the purposes aforesaid, pursuant to your majesty's instructions: May it therefore please your most excellent majesty, at the humble suit of the said Bowles Armistead, that it may be enacted, And be it enacted, by the Governor, Council, and Burgesses, of this present General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the said tract of land in the county of Culpeper, so purchased by the said William Armistead, the elder, of John Spotswood, esquire, be and the same is hereby vested in Joseph Jones, Walker Talia-ferro, Hemy Pendleton, Henry Field, and Mann Page, junior, gentlemen, or the survivors of them, in trust that they, or any three of them, shall sell and dispose of so much thereof, not exceeding two thousand acres, to be laid off in such manner as to them shall seem most convenient and proper, as will be sufficient to raise the sum of one thousand seven hundred pounds sterling, besides the expences of sale, for the best price that can be had, and convey the land so sold to the purchaser or purchasers in fee simple, who shall, forever thereafter, hold and enjoy the same, freed and discharged of the limitations in the will of the said William Armistead, the elder, and the trustees shall pay the money so to be raised, after deducting the expences of sale and of this act, in discharge of the said Bowles Armistead's proportion of the debts due from his said father, and what shall remain of the said tract of land after such sales, shall be to the use of the said Bowles Armistead and the heirs of his body, and in default of such to the right heirs of the said William Armistead, the father, forever. Saving to the king's most excellent majesty, his heirs and successors, and to all and every other other person and persons, bodies politic and corporate, other than the persons claiming under the said William Armistead, the elder, all such right, title, interest, and estate, claim and demand, as they, every, or any of them, could or might have, if this act had never been made.

II. Provided always, That the execution of this act shall be, and the same is hereby suspended, until his majesty's approbation thereof be obtained.


An act for appointing commissioners for selling the tobacco damaged in the public warehouse for the inspection of tobacco at Aquia, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

Commission1. WHEREAS a certain quantity of tobacco in the ers appointed to sell the public warehouse at Aquia, in the county of Stafford, tobacco da has been lately damaged by means of an excessive rain, maged in the and the waters flowing into the said warehouse, twenty


at Aquia.

three hogsheads of which said tobacco the public is become chargeable with, the marks and numbers whereof are as follows, to wit, FG number 1099, IH number 1238, TH number 1911, RF number 1638, IPW number 352, WW number 1821, HC number 1669, EK number 1581, IF number 1073, IB number 442, IH number 1391, RF number 1639, IW number 1269, Eil number 1968, IW number 1268, RF number 1637, * PR number 1016, IF number 1969, SF number 1869, IH number 1708, RF number 188, IC number 106, EW number 1039, and it being necessary that the same should be sold for the benefit of the public, Be it therefore enacted, by the Governor, Council, and Burgesses, of this present General Assembly, and it is hereby enacted, by the authority of the same, That Thomas Ludwell Lee, John Alexander, Bailey Washington, and William Brent, esquires, shall be and they are hereby constituted and appointed commissioners for selling the said twenty three hogsheads of tobacco.

11. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That they the said commissioners, or any two or more of them, shall, on or before the fifteenth day of June next, after giving notice in the Virginia Gazette, sell the same for the use of the public to the highest bidder, at the said warehouse, on credit till the fifteenth day of December following, and shall take bond, with sufficient security, payable to the treasurer of this colony for the time being, and shall transmit the same to the said treasurer within one month after such sale. And if any such buyer shall neglect or refuse to pay the money on the bonds aforesaid, when the same shall become due, it shall and may be lawful for the general

court or court of the county where such buyer resides, on a motion to them made by the treasurer of this colony for the time being, to give judgment on the said bonds, and thereon to award execution, provided such buyer and his securities, his and their heirs, executors, or administrators, have ten days previous notice, which monies shall be accounted for by the said treasurer to the general assembly.

III. And be it further enacted, That the treasurer of this colony, out of the public money in his hands, shall pay for the said twenty three hogsheads of tobacco, to the respective proprietors thereof, at the rate of eighteen shillings per hundred weight.

IV. And whereas tobacco in sundry other hogsheads hath been damaged in the said warehouse, and cut off, amounting in the whole to eighteen thousand two hundred and eighty two pounds, after which the proprietors have shipped the said hogsheads of tobacco, and demand payment from the inspectors for the damaged tobacco only, Be it therefore further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That the said treasurer, out of the public money in his hands, shall pay to the said inspectors the amount of the said eighteen thousand two hundred and eighty two pounds of tobacco, at the rate of eighteen shillings per hundred weight, to enable them' to pay the said damage to the respective proprietors.


An act for the ease and relief of the people by paying the Burgesses in money for this present session of Assembly.

WHEREAS by one act of assembly, passed in the


third and fourth years of the reign of his majesty king wages paya

George the second, intituled An act for the better re- ble in mo

gulating the payment of the burgesses wages, it is, ney. among other things, enacted, that when any session of assembly should be thereafter held, and upon exami

nation of the treasurer's accounts it should appear that

there are monies sufficient in his hands to discharge all the money debts, together with the burgesses wages and the salaries and allowances to the respective officers of the general assembly, saving and reserving in the hands of the treasurer, over and above the said allowances, a balance of fifteen hundred pounds at least, that then every burgess elected and serving for any county or corporation within this dominion, should be paid out of the public money the sum of ten shillings for each day he should serve in the house of burgesses, with such further allowances and under such restrictions and regulations as in the said act is at large declared. And whereas it appears there is not money sufficient in the treasurer's hands to pay the burgesses wages for this present session of assembly, leaving a balance of fifteen hundred pounds, according to the direction of the said act: Nevertheless, as the payment of the said wages in money will be a great ease and relief to the inhabitants of this colony, by lessening the levy by poll: Be it therefore enacted, by the Governor, Council, and Burgesses, of this present General Assembly, and it is hereby enacted, by the authority of the same, That the burgesses wages and allowances for the present session of assembly shall be paid by the treasurer, out of the public money, so soon as there shall be sufficient in his hands for that purpose, according to the directions and regulations of the said recited act.


[blocks in formation]

What allowed, in tobacco pay- Certain islands in Fluvanna ri-

ments, 101, 102.


Act for appointment of agent
continued, 113.

Certain islands in Fluvanna ri-
ver annexed to counties of
Albemarle and Amherst, 398.

Purchasers of lots in towns of

Alexandria and Falmouth not
compellable to improve them
within any limited time, 49.
Provision for keeping in re-
pair certain roads leading to
Alexandria and Colchester,

Proprietors of marsh
lots, in Alexandria, compella-
ble to drain them, 614. Wharf
at Point West vested in trus-
tees of Alexandria, 615. But
country craft and vessels bring-
ing tobacco to Alexandria ex-
empted from wharfage, 615.
Titles to lands, held by descent
or purchase, from aliens, con-
firmed, 250

K4-VOL. 8.

ver annexed to counties of Al-
bemarle and Amherst, 398.

Minister and parishioners of An-
trim parish in Halifax county,
exempted from payment of
ferriage over Dan river, 53.
Court to contract for an an-
nual ferriage, 53. Act repeal-
ed, 371. Parish divided and
Cambden formed, 206. Glebe
to be sold, and proceeds di-
vided between parishes of An-
trim and Cambden, 207. Mi-
nister's salary made equal to
other ministers, 610.

Part of act for building bridge
over Appomattox river re-
pealed, 259.

Bastard children to be bound
apprentices, 376. On what
terms, 376.
Navigable canal from Archer's
Hope Creek to Queen's creek,
through or near the city of

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