
As it enamoured and loath to leave their homes

Of beauty: nor should this thy white cheek fade

feed on flowers.

Droop not, my beautiful child. O, we will love.

Then without fear: no mothers there; no gold,

From fear at me, a poor heart-broken wretch;Nor hate, nor paltry perfidy, none, none. Look at me. Why, the wind sings through We have been doubly cheated. Wholl my bones And children jeer me; and the boughs, A mother could do this? but let it pass: that wave Anger suits not the grave. O, my own love,

And whisper loosely in the summer air,


Shake their green leaves in mockery, as Too late I see thy gentle constancy:

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· been

I wrote and wrote, but never heard; at last

Quitting that place of pleasure, home I

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Not happy. Death was busy with our house Grew moody, and at times I fear my Early, and nipped the comforts of my home,



And sickness paled my cheek, and fancies Was fevered; but I could not die, Sylves(like Bright but delusive stars) came wandering by me.

There's one you know of; that-no mat


Drew me from out my way (a perilous

And left me sinking. I had gay hopes, too,
What needs the mention--they are vanished,
Sylv. I-

I thought-(speak softly, for my husband

I thought when you did stay abroad so long,
And never sent nor asked of me or mine,
You'd quite forgotten Italy.

Jeron. Speak again.
Was 't so indeed.

Sylv. Indeed, indeed.
Jeron. Then be it.

Yet what had 1 done Fortune that she could
Abandon me so entirely? Never mind 't:
Have a good heart, Sylvestra; they who

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And bid you no farewell.

Sylv. Jeronymo,

Break not my heart thus:-they did deceive me.

They told me that the girls of France were fair,

And you had scorned your poor and child-
ish love;

Threaten'd, and vow'd, cajol'd, and then
I married.


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On slumbering sweetly with the freshest Look in my eye, and mark how true the earth Sprinkled about us.. There no storms can I've told you: on its glassy surface lies shake Death, my Sylvestra. It is nature's last Our secure tenement; nor need we fear, And beautiful effort to bequeath a fire Though cruelty be busy with our fortunes, To that bright ball on which the spirit sat Or scandal with our names. Through life; and looked out, in its various moods

Sylv. Alas, alas!

Jeron. Sweet in the land to come we'll Of gentleness and joy, and love, and hope,

And gained this frail flesh credit in the] Amongst others, whom the love of money world. tempted to engage in this traffic there was It is the channel of the soul. Its glance an old woman of a very sigular character Draws and reveals that substle power that and appearance. She was accustomed to doth

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And-speech-comes difficult from me,
While I can,

bargain with the officers, to afford them every thing, at a very inconsiderable price on condition, that if they were killed before that time, she should have their property. Many of them were extremely willing to make an agreement on these terms as they had no prospect of fighting for a long while after the time she mentioned; and they were accordingly supplied in every thing they wished.

Every one, to the great surprise of their

Farewell. Sylvestra, where's your hand? comrades, were killed almost at her day, Sylv. Ah, cold. and almost in such a manner as could ex

Jeron, 'Tis so; but scorn it not, my cite no suspicion that she had the smallest poor girl. They've used us hardly: bless 'em tho'. turn to go out on a foraging party, and Thou wilt Forgive them? One's a mother, and may emy on the same errand, or some dan

connexion with it; it was perhaps their


When that she knows me dead.

air, more air; Where are you? I am blind-my

are numb'd ;


This is a wintry night. So cover me,

they were met by a detachment of the en

gerous post was given to their charge, on Some which they were attacked, and their whole party cut to pieces. The thing, however, happened so naturally, that others only cursed the luck of the old witch, and continued to make agreements with her; [Dies. "among others," said the officer, "I was tempted, through curiosity, as much as other motives to visit her, and bargained Singular and Interesting Narrative, for something, on conditon that she should In the wars betwixt the Russians and I be killed before the expiration of a forthave my gold watch and seals, should the Turks, there are many barbarities night. The time past on till the last evencommitted by the troops of both nations, irg, and at that time it was not my and they frequently rather contrive which turn to do any duty, till two days after I shall lay a plan for a murder with more was making merry upon the subject of ingenuity, than fight with the open brave- Madame Grim's disappointment, and took ry and generosity of European warfare. a walk out to see the guard march off for The following story, told and vouched as a post on the outside of the camp, to which a truth by a respectable officer in the service of the Court of Muscovy, is a most ways attached, as it was the only pass by a great deal of importance had been alremarkable instance of this-The two which the Turks could surprise us. It armies, he said, were encamped at no was likewise the only thing of which I great distance from each other, on the was afraid in my bargain; for during the banks of the Danube, and there was a deep whole of the week, every detachment that morass between them, at the approaches had been sent to watch it, had been found to which each of the armies had piquets. in the morning dead. to a man, with their Owing to the length of time the war had heads cut off; and although the numbers been carried on' in the country, necessa-had been almost doubled every time, it had ries were becoming somewhat scarce; been of no avail; none of them returned and the officers in particular, having been alive. I was quite secure, but felt a little deprived of many of these little luxuries of that horror which naturally seizes one which are considered of so much impor- on very narrowly escaping a terrible dantance in a camp, were very liberal to any ger, especially as many of the officers, kilone who could provide for them.

led on this spot, had fallen just at the time lows behaved like heroes, they were 'hew. the old hag had predicted. ed to pieces in a twinkling; I was left The men were drawn up, and ready to with only one or two, and was most dreadmarch, and my comrades were telling me fully wounded; cut across my breast with I was one of the luckiest fellows in the a sabre, my head bleeding, and almost world; when a message was sent from blind with rage and blood, I was still eahead-quarters for the next officer, in order ger for revenge, and would have had it— to assume the command of the guard, as the leader of the murderers was just at he, whose turn it was, had fallen sick. I the point of my sabre, and I going to stab was somewhat disconcerted at this; but him to the heart, when one of his attendstill, as it was not my turn, I found all ants perceiving my design, made a furious safe and to my great satisfaction the blow at me; his cimetar, however, or guard at last marched off; while I betook something else, terrified the horse, which myself to my tent for the night. Imagine ran backwards, and sunk me into one of my consternation, however, when not ma the deepest holes in the morass. He was ny minutes after, orders were sent that I inevitably gone, and I felt myself suffoshould mount and follow the detachment, cated. By some means, however, I caught as the officer had his arm broke by a fall hold of the grass on the banks, and hung from his horse. There was no alternative, there a few minutes till I recovered my so with as good a grace as might be, I senses. The Turks supposing I was dead, took my place; comforting myself that I made no more inquiries after me, while I had twice as many men as any of the was obliged to witness such a scene of others, and would at least stand against horror as never human being saw. The the Turks, though much superior in num- field was strewed with men and horses, bers, till I could send for assistance. The dead and dying, and the Turks were busy post was on the side of a deep morass, cutting off the heads of those they had and only accessible by two ways, one killed. They went away at last, and I from the Turkish camp; and one back-endeavoured to extricate myself, in which, wards, by which we reached it. Nothing by my weakness, I was several times un seemed to disturb us, and I had entirely successful... I came out, however; but forgotten my superstitions; the night was guess my horror when I was instantly very beautiful, and the dead, stillness of seized by a gigantic Turk, whom I had everything around, interrupted only at not observed pillaging the dead bodies; he slow intervals by the neighing of the horses very coolly took out a knife to cut my or the solitary voice of the sentinels, made head off. I besought him in the name of the scène all solemn. We were in this God to spare me, and I told him I had situation for a considerable time, when, as friends who would give him a large reif it had been thunder, the shouts of men, ward if he did. He said he was not cer the clattering of horses, and the sound of tain of that, but if he took my head to the arms were heard close upon our post; camp, he would get thirty dollars for the and, in a moment, several troops of Tur delivery of it, and was proceeding to his kish hussars, half naked, and brandishing purpose, notwithstanding my struggles, their cimetars in defence, were seen gal when I luckily perceived a dagger at his loping down the descent of the opposite belt; I drew it, and stabbed him as pear ground. The moon shone full upon them, the heart as I could think; he instantly and their savage appearance, together fell; and thanking Heaven for preserving with their number, which was more than me through so much, I took up the shaft double ours, made us all tremble. It was of a lance, and supported myself on it to impossible to think of retreating; that the camp. The general had my story the would have ruined us, for we had a post next day, and came, to inquire of me. of honour; and to meet such a host of sa- was so weak that I could hardly collect vages was certain death. They were on myself sufficiently to speak; something, us in an instant, I had only time to draw however, came across me about the old up my men with their backs to the mo- woman, and I could only say that the rass. The Turks cut and slaughtered at guard should be doubled, but a false numa terrible rate and though my brave fel- ber be given out in the camp. This was

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done accordingly, and the Turks found tenance pale, almost ghastly, large dark themselvs fairly out-numbered. I then eyes, and hair white as the fleecy clouds, told my suspicions; and when the old hag falling over his neck in luxuriance. Merlin was seized, and brought a little to it by stepped back with surprise, and raising the fear of being given to the soldiers for his eyes to the face of the stranger met the a mark to be shot at, she confessed she look of the Hermit-it was enough, the had always made it her practice to inform majestic brow the aqueline nose and the the Turks of the number of men to be set black expressive, told him it was the on our out-posts. She had frequently done friend of his youth Carlin S

us the like good offices. With respect to "Do I find a welcome ?" asked the inher contrivances she confessed a great truder, as Merlin stood gazing with astondeal, and that when she witnessed a com-ishment.

bat between two, one of which was a "A welcome!" exclaimed he, roused friend, she contrived to irritate the other's from his trance. "Can Carlin think for horse somehow in such a manner that it an instant my door would be closed when threw him. The soldiers insisted she he demanded entrance.-Come in and should be burnt alive, but the commander share with me my all!"

contented himself with nailing her ears "Then I have one friend, and I may die to a post for a day, and giving her the content. Let me embrace thee: it is long knout.


Bless'd memory, guide, with finger nicely true.
Back to my youth my retrospective view.

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since these arms have twined round a human being and now my, almost frozen heart beats again with the throb of joy."

"Merlin" said the Hermit, "this is the " first time for years that I have stood beneath a roof made. by mortal hands; my bed has been the earth, my covering the sky, and in yonder cave, I sought seclusion from the world. Perhaps I should not so soon have sought society, and held communion with my kind, had not each succeeding day told me, I was fast leaving behind all my sorrows, and that I should' Those who have always

Ir was a cold night in December, when prepare to die. Merlin sitting in his neat cottage parlour, lived among the friends of their infancy, watching the dying embers of the fire, was and never been tossed on the troubled summoned to the door by a knock. A vis-ocean of life, cannot even fancy that when it at this time of night was unusual, in the solitude of the forest, man endeathought Merlin, yet it might he some of vous to shun man, how 'heart speaks to the neighbours, who were in need of as- heart' how his soul yearns to find one, sistance, and the door of the "Green Cot- with whom he may converse; but the victage" was never closed against the neces tim of misfortune will shrink from that sitous. With the timidity of advanced communion. He has trusted many and age, but with the fearlessness of honesty, found them "wanting," and he hates-he he approached the door, and demanded despises all.

who was there?

"It was so with me. I need not tell you "One," replied a faultering voice, "who how many have benefitted by my bounty, has need of your assistance the Her- and that I have never refused favours whilst mit." I have been an inmate of that cell, you know. But, still, I could not entirely hate mankind though I have long wished to do Merlin, who had never seen the Her-so. Listen to my story, and then tell me mit, as he was called, and had long wish- have I not cause?

"What! the recluse of Trevin hill."

"The same," replied he.

ed for an opportunity to converse with him "Merlin, you were my earliest friend, on the impulse of the moment opened the and it is fit you should hear my history. door, the moon shone bright, and fell full When we parted at Genoa, you to return upon the features of the Hermit, betraying to your father and inother, and I to aca man far advanced in years, with a coun-company mine to the grave, you held a VOL. III. 3-4.

holy place in my bosom; I loved you with lake, and that the old man was struggling all the ardor of youthful friendship, and for the shore. I instantly plunged into the knew that you were one in whom I could water; a few moments brought me to him confide. I believe I can still. But his head was gray, and the sinews of his enough we parted, and I reached home arm were withered-still did he hold in time to see the earth close over those his daughter. On my approach his powwho had given me being. I could not ers relaxed-he uttered a prayer-and exlive in the place where every thing ser- claimed, "Save my daughter, save my ved to remind me of my loss, and re- Beatrice!" and sank to rise no more. I moved to a small farm, situated on the caught the fragile from of the fair girl, as Rhine. Here I lived three years, when I she sank-with one hand I dashed the yielded to the solicitations of an uncle saucy waves, that pressed and thronged who resided in Switzerland, in the village to rob me of my prize, and with the other of Goldau, where I myself was born, and bore her safely to the shore!" went to live with him.

"What was my surprise, when I discov On my journey I was much entertained ered it was Beatrice L -, whom I by the relation of a peasant, who informed had seen only once before, but whom from me, that on one of the islands in the lake that hour I had loved. She recognized of Lowertz, lived a man, who had come me, and never shall I forget the thrill of there several months before, accompanied joy, with which my bosom swelled, when by a young girl, said to be his daughter. she thanked me, and observed:-"I have His simple narrative, and the description seen those eyes before," the sentence he gave of the girl, excited my curiosity, was left unfinished, but the tears of joy and I determined if possible to visit the was in her eye, and I read what language place. failed to express-she loved me. Merlin "On the evening of the fifth of September never did I see one so beautiful-long(how fondly memory still clings to that could I dwell on the theme, but it calls up day,) when the sun had left the valley, and too many tender recollections, and even was gilding the tops of the mountain with now, when my feelings are frozen and his glory, giving the western sky a gran- chill, the thought of that moment brings deur of appearance equalled only by his the tears to my eyes, and I am a man own-not a leaf was stirred and the wa- again.

ters of the Lowertz reflected the blue vault "We were married and happiness smiof heaven, whose clouds wrapped in the led on our union, when I found in the per purity of the skies, "rested from their la- son of R, a bane to my future joy. bor"-I was startled by a loud shriek that He had been a suitor for the hand of Beareverberated awfully through the valley triee, but she in a ccordance with her own and mountain, and on looking up I saw sentiments, and the advice of her father, that part of the mountain was falling!

had rejected him. His pride was stung, and having great influence with the gov "Slowly it came its mountain wrath; And the valley vanish'd before its path; ernment, in which he was a high officer, And the rude cliffs bow'd: and the waters flea; he manfactured charges against old LAnd the living were buried; whilst over their head who fled to Switzerland, seeing nought They heard the full march of the foe as he sped-awaited him, but dishonour' in his native And the valley of life was the tomb of the dead.' land. On the island he remained in secu"As I stood gazing on this scene of hor-rity till the mountain fell, and you know ror beholding the home of my youth, ob- the rest.

literated from the face of the earth, togeth- "When the monster R. found Beaer with all my kindred, I could not re-trice was married, and had returned frain from tears. I saw men rushing out home. he directed his malice against me. of their houses, to meet a more certain In vain did I urge my innocence, in vain destruction, while the shrieks of woman did I appeal to the justice of my country calling for assistance, when none could be-I was condemned to banishment but given, filled the air. The story of the Beatrice was not to be permitted to acpeasant rushed on my mind, and turning company me. At this time I was desertmy eyes towards the island, I saw it was ed by all mankind; save her, who hung ov eflown by the earth falling into the around me like a vine that has wound it

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