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come mine, I was not vain enongh to de-at the bureau of those belonging to Julia, ceive myself with a hope that she loved three letters were discovered, addressed me. At that period I was not destitute by Charlotte Corday to Madame de Lin-. of personal advantages, but I was beyond dorf, who, I verily believe, knew that hethe age at which I could reasonably ex- roic woman only by public report. On pect to win the affections of a young and this fabricated evidence, however, orders very attractive woman. She had not then for the arrest and trial of the mother and however, seen any man she liked better, daughter were issued. At my suggestion and like thousands of her sex in France, they had made preparations for flight, imshe was persuaded by the parents she mediately after the execution of my ladearly loved, to consent to what we term mented friend. I had strongly urged the a "marriage de raison." Meanwhile the necessity of their separation to lessen the revolution, far from subsiding, assumed a danger of their being discovered; the more violent and bloody character. mother succeeded in reaching Germany, Throughout the provinces, as well as in but the illfated Julia was discovered in the Paris, the ears of those in power were garb of a peasant at the farm of one of open to accusations, however atrocious her father's tenants, by all of whom the and clandestine. Upon the slight ground family was much beloved. Believing that of anonymous evidence by the post from their disguise, and the passes I had proStrasburg, Citizen Lindorf was arrested, cured for them, would secure their safe and brought before the Committee of Pub- departure from France, I felt comparalic Safety, of which in an evil hour I had tively easy as to my own fate. Judge become one, with a view to protect my then of my surprise and horror, when, the person and fortune, and without reflecting following day, I was myself summoned that I was deficient in that moral courage before the tribune, and saw my betrothed and self command, essential to make the brought up for trial, which, at that bloody security I then sought available. I found period, implied certain condemnation to myself compelled to act in concert with death. Too soon was I apprised of the bloodthirsty men, who regarded me with treacherous object of the cruel judges in jealousy and suspicion, and who sought summoning me. I was confronted with to compromise me with a view to the con- the accused, on suspicion of having profiscation and easy acquisition of my ex-cured for her the fabricated pass found on tensive possessions. Thus critically cir- her person. To be "even suspected of cumstanced, I was compelled to join in being suspicious," as the revolutionists their unjust and murderous condemnation phrased it, was enough to put my life in of the worthy Citizen Lindorf, whom no hazard. To confess the truth would have evidence of mine could have saved, and been to sacrifice myself without any benwho was, alas! hurried to the scaffold. efit to the prisoner. In a moment of cowBut a trial, far more appalling, still a wait- ardice, for which I shall never cease to ed me. Madame de Lindorf, anticipating reproach myself, I denied the charge. The the worst, had sold her patrimonial inhe- accused was now called upon to say, wheritance in Strasburg, some months before ther I had directly or indirectly conveyed this sad event, and remitted the value to to her the pass-and never shall I forget the bank of Hamburg. This disposal of the dignified contempt with which the noher property was unknown, I thought, ex-bleminded Julia replied:-"The Citizen, cept to myself, her husband, and daughter. Delorme has answered your question." The sale, however, transpired, and gave Again the bloodthirsty members of rise to suspicions that she had in her hands the tribunal fixed their searching looks upa considerable sum in specie. Imme-on me. Words cannot describe my ter diately after the execution of her husband, rour at that critical moment. Cold drops and while the wife and daughter were of prespiration oozed from my foreheadsinking under the weight of this sudden I lost all self-possession, and another secand tremendous calamity, a domiciliary ond would have betrayed me, when sudvisit was ordered, and on the ensuing night, denly a loud and growing tumult was these helpless females were summoned by heard in the street before the tribune. The a band of armed ruffiaus, to deliver up sentinels were disarmed and driven into their letters and papers, and on inspection the hall, by a numerous hand of armed


peasantry, the tenants and neighbours of stranger and, and, as I subsequently heard the Lindorf family. had been procured from Strasburgh to "The extensive charities and concilia- conceal the savage purpose of the authoriting manners of Madame de Lindorf and ties of Metz, was evidently prepaher daughter during the annual summer ring for the decapitation of a prisoner. I residence on the estate near Metz, had so saw that I was closely watched by the crumuch endeared them to their tenants, that el men who sought my destruction, and I the intelligence of Julia's capture and inev- shuddered with prophetic horrour of that itable trial, had caused an immediate as- terrible event which was now at hand. semblage of the greatful peasants and their Soon I heard the sound of approaching and neighbours who had occupied every heavy footsteps; the prison door was openavenue to the tribunal, and loudly de- ed, and two men appeared supporting the manded the liberation of the accused. senseless form of my beloved Julia de LanNow was the time for me to act with de- dorf. She was in the same peasant garb cision and effect. The judges trembled I had seen on her examination before the on their seats their guards and myrmidons tribune; and her remarkably luxuriant had been seized by the rustics, while attem- tresses swept the ground as her beautiful ting to escape. Had I been gifted with and well remembered figured was dragcommon resolution, I might have saved ged across the court, and placed under the myself and Julia, by denouncing the jud- fatal axe. At this encruciating moment ges, and proclaiming the protection of the every eye was fixed upon me, in expectapeople for both. But my accursed cow- tion, probably, that I should, like a lover ardice allowed the precious moment to es- and a man, rush forward and attempt to cape. The members of the tribunal re-save her life by denouncing myself. Would gained courage and confidence-blinded to heaven I had done it, or that I had falthe simple peasants by assuring them that len dead on the spot.! but, alas! my misJulia was no prisoner but a witness, and crable love of life prevailed. I gazed upthat she should be liberated so soon as her on the dreadful scene with nameless horevidence had been obtained, on the trial of ror, but I spoke not-the signal was given of a prisoner accused of grave offences-the axe fell-and the innocent head of against the republic. The credulous peas- the woman I adored rolled from the scafantry, satisfied with this assurance, speedi- fold. I still hear the sound of its fall; a ly dispersed; Julia was committed to the sound that will haunt me for ever and ev. custody of the concierge, and conveyed to er!"

prison. by a passage communicating with "Here the stranger groaned aloud, burst the tribune. I was permitted to return into passionate weeping, and coverd his home; but I soon observed that I was un- face with his hands. Horrourstruck by der the surveillance of spies, and that the this appalling narrative, and indignant at escape, which my cowadrly alarm sug- the base and unmanly conduct he had acgested, was impracticable. knowledged, I started from my chair, "After this trying scene, I passed two strode along the room for some time in wretched days and nights, in mental ap- uncontroulable agitation, and at length saf prehension of some approaching catastro- down exhausted; but as far from him as phe, and my worst forboding, were too the extent of the room would permit. Then soon realized. Late in the evening of the desiring him to wait my retrun, I hastily second day, I was again summoned before quitted the house, and endeavoured to rethe tribune. On my arrival there I was gain a more tranquil state of feeling, in a conducted through the passage leading to secluded avenue of the park. On a cooler the prison,to an inner court, in which was retrospection of this strange narrative, it was kept that formidable instrument of appeared to me abundantly obvious, that revolutionary punishment, the guillotine, this Frenchman was either an impostor and thence it was rolled out on wheels or a madman- Conscious, at the same when required for public executions. The time, that my own judgement was too unrevolutionary fanatics, who had usurped settled to get at the truth by cross-examithe administration of justice, were all pres-ination, I instantly resolved to request his ent the gloomy court was lighted by company to Nurembergh, there to solicit torches, and the executioner, who was a

your co-operation in my endeavours to Waldenhaim, with a lively expectation solve this agonizing mystery. He is now that his spectre-bride would ere long apwaiting in the carriage below, and soon pear, and solve the otherwise utterly inexas you have cross-questioned him, I will plicable narrative of Delorme. immediately proceed in search of the be- A month rolled by in slow and painful loved wife, whom this crazy Frenchman suspense, relieved only by occasional visstill pronounces a re-embodied spirit." its from Leopold, and daily walks to the Whether insane or noton this topic, on cottage of Madame de Lindorf. When every other the stranger was so rational there, he passed no small portion of his and consistent during a long conversation time in listlessness pouring on the smooth with the two young men, and produced surface of the pond, and impatient longdocumentary evidence and introductory ings for the reappearance of the exquisite letters of such unquestionable respectabilty features he had seen there some weeks bethat they ceased to interrogate him, and fore.

for some time looked alternately upon the At length his persevering visits to the Frenchman and upon each other, in silent farm were rewarded by the sudden apconsternation. pearance of his Julia's beloved image in the The idea suddenly occurred to Leopold water. It was at a time when he was that Julia and her mother had seen Delor- ruminating in deep perplexity upon the me lurking about the cottage; and that marvellous tale of Delorme, and so much their horrous at the sight of one who had agitated by his vivid reccollection of its joined in the condemnation of M. de Lin- horrible catastrophe, that when his wife dorf, or their apprehensions that he medi- approached him with open arms and evitated a forcible attempt to carry the young dent delight, he started back in consternalady back to France, had caused such un- tion, as if from some unearthly object. Jugovernable terrour, as to induce instant lia, heartstruck by this seeming avoidance flight to a safer asylum, where they would of her cordial greeting, let fall her arms, probably remain until they had received and burst into tears, but was instantly unintelligence of his departure. deceived by the warm embrace of her enWithout further consideration of this raptured husband, to whom, before they puzzling question, he determined to send rejoined her mother in the cottage she acthe hateful disturber of his friends happi- counted for her past reserve and late rapness to such a distance from Nurembergh ture. After detailing her early life, in and to such custody, as would render his terms essentially corresponding with the return for some months an impossibility. narrative of Delorme, until the day apFinding, too, on inqniry from Delorme, pointed for her secret execution, she thus that after effecting the sale of some part proceeded:

of his property, he had quitted France for "The concierge of the prison and his ever, and intended to reside at Nuremburg. two assistant were brothers, and, hapLeopold coucluded to forward him as a pily for me the sons of an aged widow, a recruit, with a party of men on the point tenant of my lamented father. The old of setting off for Magdeburgh. With true age and poverty of this worthy matron had military despatch he made such effective been cheered and supported by my moth arrangements, that the unsuspecting er for many years; and her sons, howevFrenchman was kidnapped the following er hardened in some respects by their offinight, and compelled to proceed at day-cial duties, proved themselves not defibreak with a supply of recruits to northern cient in filial devotion, by their endeaGermany; provided, however, with a let-vours to save me from the dreadful doom ter from Leopold to a brother officer of which they well knew awaited me. Among rank at Magdeburgh, which procured him the numerous prisoners in their custody every practicable mitigation of his condi- was a young woman who closely resemtion, and his dismissal in three months as bled me in person, and in the color and unfit for the service. This frolic of the luxuriant growth of her hair. She had young officer was concealed fron Theo-been rapidly sinking for some days under dore. But he soon became aware of the the bereavement of several near relations Frenchman's departure from the city, by the guillotine, and died the night before and at his friend's suggestion returned to the evening appointed to usher me to the

scaffold. The concierge, who had appri-jbegan to breathe more freely, and erelong sed me of his intentions to save me if pos- my guide appeared. Requesting me to sible, bade me exchange my rustic attire take his arm, he crossed the street defor the garb of his Starsburgh chamber-cended the steps of a cellar, dimly lighted maid. He then told me that he intended by a single lamp, and in which I observed to dress out the body of the deceased fe- several baskets packed with linen. Lightmale in my peasant costume, to conceal ing a small lantern and bidding me follow her features by tossing over them the long him without apprehension, he conducted unbraided hair, to drag her, assisted by his me through a long and low passage which brother, to the guillotine, and to tell the opened upon the river. I followed him judges she had fainted as they removed down several steps into a small boat, parher from the cell. To aid the deception, tially overlaid with planking, under he resolved also to light the inner court which he desired me to conceal myself. very imperfectly, and to place the tourch- Then covering the planks and the entrance es close to the members of the tribune, lea- to my hiding-place with baskets of linen, ving the guillotine in comparative obscu- intended for some country washerwomsn, rity. That this benevolent stratagem suc- he put on one of the blue linen frocks worn ceeded, you have evidence, my dear hus- by the peasant s of Lorraine and Alsace, band, before you, and a few words will took the oars and plied them so vigourousnot suffice to inform you how I escaped ly and so silently, that we escaped all nofrom unhappy France, and rejoined my tice from the sentinels, and reached his mother according to our appointment, in mother's house, about half a league from Nurhmberg. It was not until near mid- Metz. Here I remained until rejoined by night, when the moon was down, and the Pierre Dumas, an old and faithful retainer streets in nearly total darkness, that the of the family by whose assistance I reachconcierge ventured to attempt my deliver-ed the Rhine, crossed it at midnight, and ance. Dressed in the clothes of his wife, arrived without injury at Nurembergh, with a basket under my arm, and a ciose- where I found my mother in declining drawn bonnet to conceal features well health, and so unsettled in mind by the known to many in Metz, I left the prison sudden and calamituous fate of my excelwith the brother of the concierge, who un-lent father, and apprehensions for my brolocked the gate, and told the sentinel that ther, that I was induced to seek shelter in I was his wife, going out to procure some the secluded vale of Waldenhain, in hope medicines for the children, My compan- giving her an increased sense of security ion led me through several streets, and by from the French spies, who she fancied a circuitous route to the city cathedral, were ever haunting her footsteps. This and there bade me wait in the deep gloom apprehension at last seized me also, my of the porch until he returned. A long Theodore. Long dwelt upon, it was alhour which appeared to me a dreary night ways present to us both, and became, I did I pass there in deadly suspense, and fear a partial modification of insanity, deepthis suspense became an agony of terror ly rooted, and unremovable, except by a when I heard the approaching tramp of a total change of scene and circumstance. numerous body of men, preceeded by sev- Walking one day with my mother towards eral torches, carried by persons on horse- the cemetery, in which, since my father's back. After an earnest prayer for the di- death, I had round a morbid gratification, vine protection, I threw the skirt of my my mother distinctly saw Delorme and dark dress over my head, and crouched another Frenchman enter the church. down on the ground in the farthest corner She had unfortunately observed in the Nurof the porch,-where, with a palpitating emburgh Gazette of the preceding day, heart, I listened to the tumultumous march some details of the capture of several and boisterous discourse of a detachmeut French emigrants of rank, by a party of of military, sent, as I conjectured, from marauders within ten leagues of the city. Strasburgh, in consequence of the attack The sight of Delorme was so hateful and upon the tribunal of my poor father's ten- terrible to us both. for reasons you shall ants and neighbours, for I heard my fam- learn more in detail hereafter, that you ily name uttered with execration. The will not wonder, I think, if, when, the day last of the link of soldiers had passed by I after we saw him looking at us through

the cottage window, we lost all presence mended for Julia and her mother a total of mind, and believed him an agent of the change of air, scene, and circumstanceRepublic, supported, perhaps, by a con-as the only remedy for their disorganized cealed party of French soldiers, who tamperament speedily followed his friend might, if we fled to Waldenhain, destroy to Berlin, hired a good house there for your house and endanger your valuable twelve months, and entered largely into life. Surely Theodore,when thus alarmed the society and public amusements of the -haunted, too, for months by a nervous animated city, The beneficial effects apprehension, that the cowardly Delorme were speedily apparent in the improved would if he could find our retreat, take us health, both moral and physical, of Maforcibly back to France and compel me dame de Lindorf and her daughter, Theby some new act of Republican legislation odore, also, by frequent collision with into become his wife, you will cease to won- telligent society rubbed off his sentimender that I yielded to my terrified mother's tality, but he retained through life his roagony, and consented to fly with her to amantic purity of heart and purpose, and sheep farm in the western mountains, cherished his admirable partner with such while she sent our faithful Pierre, to whom devoted an enthusiastic affection, that she the person of Delorme was well known, sometimes sportively told him it would be to keep guard at Nurembergh, and inform impossible for her to feel jealous of any one us when he was assured of his departure, save her own waxfigure! that we might return without, delay. So

much has my mother dreaded a discovery.. that she would not even permit me to write to you, lest by some means my.let-OPINIONS OF AN INDEPENDENT ter might betray our retreat."


DoIt was evident to Theodore from this "O Lurd! what a thing 'tis to be a narration, and the explanatory details that l'arned min'ster! But neow I'll tell ye Ive followed it, that the sudden arrest and ex-summut-a min'ster's jest kuntrary to ecution of Lindorf, and the scenes and per-everybody else and that's all. What sign ils which his wife and daughter had un-of their callin d' they hang out? Do they dergone after his death, had induced in cure lame folks or raise dead ones? or the mind of both a diseased and constant bring rain on a drouthy cornfield? or feed feeling of peril and of pursuit, which, on the hungry? or clothe anybody but themthe clandestine approaches of Delorme, selves and their own partiklar b'lievers? had overpowered all controul, and occa-Did ye ever hear a voice from out o' the sioned their instant flight. blue heavens yunder tellin' ye to riv'rence

Such instance, of mental infirmity, in and obey a min'ster that breathed brimconnexion with some painful and deeply stone, and preached darnation, and told ye ¡rooted recollection of the bloody scenes of all works were the divil's baits 'cept, sich 1793, were not unfrequent among the un-as buttered both sides o' their bread? I fortunate female emigrants, and it is well do n't like, for my part, to see fatherless known that the terrors of that dismal year urchins dirty and ragged, with faces like in Paris were the immediate cause of nu-a spring fox, and bodies like skilitons, nor merous cases of insanity, especially lonesome widers starvin' and shiverin' and among woman, young and old. the Lord help us! flung into the slough

A few days after this happy reunion, o' dispair by a min'ster tellin' em that the Leopold received a summon from his com-father and husban' is roastin' in hellfire; manding officer to join his reignment at and by the holy Poker! if any man, as Burlin, About the same period a letter kneows, heow to fight, jist tries to cram from Fredrick Lindorf announced his es- sich a religion as loves to make creaters cape and safe arrival in England. Thus scared at their own shaders, deown my released from any necessity to remain in throat, they'll, mebbe, not want to underNuremburg, the ladies gladly acceded to stand the gumption and pluck o' Tom ThisLeopold's invitation, and proposed an im-tlewood."

mediate removal to the less perilous local "Do n't talk to me, man, about judg ity of the Prussian capitol. Theodore, toments o' the Lurd! Why, pish! what d'ye whom an eminent physician had recom-kneow o' the Lurd's intentions? You

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