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romantic absurdity of Theodore, in thus at length involved me in difficulties which hazarding liberty, and even life, by enters compelled me to leave the city abruptly ing France during the period of revolu: and in disguise. I continued my search tionary excitement, when a foreigner, un- for some time in various parts of Alsace, skilled in worldly tact, was exposed to but every where encountered the same hahaurly and imminent peril. Recollecting, zards and impediments. At length I dehowever, the peculiar habits,and charac-termined to retrace my steps to Germany, ter of his sentimental friend, his irritation and to explore those districts. most frerapidly subsided, and he determined to quented by the unfortunate emigrants. To seek relief from the irksome and often this object I devoted three months without painful duties of his appointment, by fre: success, and returned about five weeks quenting the numerous and highly-polished since, discouraged and exhausted, to WalCircle of French, emigrants then resident denhain, where my presence was imperain Nuremburg. But to one long accus- tively required for some days before I tomed to the life and public amusements could proceed to your quarters in Nurem of the Prussian capital, the quiet city of burg. On the niorning after my arrival, Nuremburg was a dull abode.. The months I strolled in a melancholy mood through rolled heavily by, and winter arrived and the park to a small demesne separated passed without bringing any stirring intel- from my property by a fine grove of beech. ligence to Leopold, when on a sunny morn- On this demesne are a beautiful garden ing in March, his spirits were unexpect- and a large pool of water, which had been edly cheered by the arrival of a short note a favourite resort of mine in early youth, from Theodore announcing his marriage, and in which I had narrowly escaped and requesting his company that day to death, from falling out of a boat. I endinner at Waldenhain. tered the garden and proceeded immediIn ten minutes or less, the delighted ba- ately to the margin of the pool, where I ron was on horseback, and riding full stood for some time gazing on its smooth speed to the estate of his friend, who met and glassy surface. When reminded by him on the threshold of his mansion, no the now shattered skiff of my former pelonger the pale and languid youth he had ril, I was weak enough to regret that I seen the previous September, but in firm had not found an early grave in those still and ruddy health, his sparkling eye and waters, and thereby been spared the seelastic step indicating that a favourable vere trials and disappointments attendant change had also taken place in his habits on sensibilities acute as mine. While thus and feelings. intently gazing on the placid element, and After a cordial greeting the friends en- lost in painful reminiscences, of my fruittered the parlour, and Leopold, directing less endeavours to find the original of that an impatient and searching glance for the lovely model, I suddenly beheld the form bride, besought an introduction without and features ever. present to my fancy, delay to the matchless original of the wax-distinctly reflected in the pool below. My figure, for," he added, "to judge from first impulse, was to plunge in and grasp your radiant looks, I will not suppose you the beauteous shadow ere it faded from the husband of any other woman." my view, when I discovered that some

She is gone," said Theodore;" to see one was standing at my elbow; and, lookher mother in the neighbourhood, and will ing up, I saw with inexpressible wonder return in an hour, which I will employ in and delight-the living image of the waxgiving you some, detail of my adventures figure.

since we separated. I succeeded in ob "For some moments my astonishment taining a passport from the French min- deprived me of all power of speech or moister at M., and proceeded immediately to tion; and before I had regained even parStrasburg, where. I passed a fortnight in tial self-possession, the unknown fair one fruitless, inquiries after a family named gracefully apologized for her reproach Lindore. The reign of terror still pre-saying, that her curiosity had been exciVailed, the most distinguished families had ted by my long and earnest gaze upon the emigrated, the men in power were prin- water.

cipally strangers, and my inquiries were "Still too much embarrassed to speak not only attended with imminent peril, but rationally, I replied that she herself -*

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been the cause of my looking so steadfast-ery day amidst the rustic memorials of the ly on the pond. Immediately conscious, dead. Gradually, however, the settled however, of the blunder, I added, in reply grief, which seemed to sit heavily on her in her request for an explanation, that it young heart, appeared to yield to my res should ere long be given, and solicited her trained but unceasing endeavours to win indulgence for the delay. her good opinion. The rosy heus of health.

"I discovered in the course of our con-began to blend with the pure white of her versation that she was the daughter of a clear and delicate complexion, and with lady who had recently hired the cottage returning cheerfulness she became more of this secluded park. Finding it impossi-communicative on all subjects, excepting ble to moderate the ardour of my looks er previous history. I passed some hours and deportment so soon after this enchan-each day in her society, and yet I never ting and unhoped for discovery, I acknowl-had enough of it, so bewitching was her edged myself the owner of the next estate, nodesty and sensibility, so varied her inobtained permission to pay my respects to elligence, so eloquent her language, her mother and herself the ensuing day retreated with the best grace I could as. sume, and reached home in a state of ec stacy bordering on delerium.

whether in French or German, in both of which she discoursed with rare facility ind elegance. In short, after a fortnight f daily intercourse, I found her so far bove, and so widely different from every voman I had seen, so pure in sentiment,

elegant in manners, so firm in moral and eligious principle, that although still unac uainted with her family and previous conlition, I no longer hesitated. Conceive. ag that my daily and protracted visits had ee equal to six months' acquaintance, naer circumstances less favourable to requent intercourse; believing, too that I ead approval in the mother's eyes, disapprobation in those of the daugh

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"On the following morning, at an hon somewhat earlier than fashion sanctions I called upon my new neighbours, and at ter a caution from the younger to make no allusion to the French revolution, wa introduced to her mother, a lady unde fifty, who had once been as lovely as he daughter, and was evidently out of health; and spirits, and in a state of highly ner vous excitement. The language and bear ing of both indicated refined education and the habits of good society. Of their pre vious history they said nothing, ander, I ventured to approach my object, by rather inferred than understood that the elating to Julia my discovery and pur had sought a home. in that sequesterchase of the waxfigure at Nuremberg, the valley, with a view of that retirement and stant and indelible impression it had economy. The young lady was called aade upon me, and my fruitless search Julia by her mother, and so far the name or the original in France and Germany, corresponded with that mentioned by the observed that she turned pale and tremItalian; neither of them, however, men led when I first mentioned the waxfigure. tioned any surname, and the name o: Not daring to encounter her eyes, as I Melzdal, by which they were known it approached the avowel of my sudden and the village, was, as I subsequently heard ncorquerable passion, I proceeded withan assumed one You will readily believe ut looking at her, and with returning selfLeopold that I neglected no opportunity of possession: When, however, I began to cultivating the society and the affection of detail the perils I had encountered amidst the incomparable Julia. I soon discovered the savage revolutionists of Alsace, Iwas that although in stronger health, and pos-i terrupted by Julia, who suddenly seized sessing greater energy of character than my arm. and, before I could prevent it, her mother, she was equally preyed upon fell senseless on the ground. I raised and by some secret and heavy affliction, and carried her to a garden bench by the pond, shunned all mention of the French revolu-and soon succceded in restoring her to antion. More than once I surprised her inimation, by throwing water on her face. tears, which she explained by allusions to Soon as she had recovered the power of the loss of near relatives. I observed, too, speech and self-possession, she frankly ac with surprise. that her favourite walk was knowledged that she was not insensible to to the village cemetery, and that she was my strong and flattering regard for one in the habit of passing some portion of er-whose family connexions and previous life

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were unknown to me, and must remain selindeed before our union, had not she, who until her mother's morbid apprehensions of seems to partake her mother's exaggeradiscovery by French spies had subsideded terrors of discovery by French spies, or until the anxiously expected arrival of exacted a promise that i would not reveal her brother from Paris, would enable them n'y altered stuation even to you: nor have to choose a residence farther removed than, without great difficulty, obtained this that they occupied, from the rapidly in norning a remission in your favor only.” creasing influence of the French govern Leopold, volatile by habit, but by no ment. If, however, I would wait her means destitute of sound judgment, had brother's arrival and could obtain his and listened attentively to his friend's narraher mother's consent to our union, hertive, and, when it was concluded, he graveown would probably not be withheld. Ally shook his head. "By all, that's mystidelay of some months, too, would afford cal! Theodore," he began, "you were to each party a better knowledge of the predestined to become a hero of romance other, and a better sanction for the sacred-but you must excuse me if I add," conand enduring bond of marriage. Mean-tinued he, smiling," that you must have while she implored me to conceal from possessed more than heroic courage, to her drooping and terrified parent, my marry a lady of unknown name and famknowledge that they were French emi ily-aprarently a proscribed fugitive grants from Alsace, and patiently to afraid to acknowledge her marriage with await the course. of events-- above all, to a man of your figure, rank, and fortune avoid any mention of her mother and her--and to crown all, addicted to daily ramself in Nuremburg, where the Burgomas-bles and meditations among the tombs; ters were intimidated by. the rapid pro-to say nothing of her close resemblance gress of the French armies, and wanted to one who has been decapitated. In truth, power to protect the unhappy fugitives. Sir Knight! you had done well to pause who had sought an asylum within the narere you tied yourself for life to so mysterow territory... rious, and, I must add, suspicious a fair "With greatful rapture I thanked her ne. You had better taken my advice, for this ingenous and flattering acknowland married the waxfigure." edgement of her prepossession, and did In reply to this attack, his friend, too not hesitate to promise unlimited compi happy to feel offended, took from his boance with her wishes, and deference to som the miniature portrait of his bride, her mother's impaired health and spirits and held it out to Leopold, as abundant But before three days had elapsed, I dis refutation of his ungallant misgivings. covered that my promise to submit to such The young Prussian gazed for some time indefinite delay had far exceeded my pow-n silent admiration on the beautiful couners of performance, and anew I pressedtenance, to which the painter had convey. my suit with a persevering fervour, whichd a charm irresistibly potent-a life and she resisted for some time, but at length character far beyond the power of the yielded her reluctant consent, that I should modeller in wax-and at length he acapply for her mother's approval of our ear-knowledged, that he must have been more ly nuptials---on condition that I should not than a hero, indeed more than human, distress her invalid parent, by inquiries who could have contended against the concerning their, original condition, and witchery of such a face and form, and that I and the clergyman only should withe soft lustre of the most captivating eyes ness the signature of her real name to the he had ever beḥeld.

marriage contract. It is sufficient to add. At this moment a servant entered with that her mother in precatious health, and a note for Theodore, who read it with anxious to see her daughters future happi such obvious and rising agitation, that ness and support secured by marriage. Leopold approached him in alarm, and yielded to my urgent pleadings, and intook the paper offered to him by his friend, another week I became the happy hus-ere he fell back almost senseless on his band of the most perfect and lovely of chair. The contents ran thus :-women. I should have introduced my "Farewell, my beloved husband! for, friend Leopold to my Julia soon after, or I trust, a short period only—a pressing

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danger allows me barely time to say, that persevering entreaties to admit him. He circumstances beyond our controul, com was attired in black, and a man about pel me and my poor mother to instant forty, tall, pallid, and of an appearance flight. Seek not our retreat-beware of not unprepossessing. He announced himmaking our absence public, and confide, self by the name of Delorme, and, soonI beseech you, in the love and truth of as the servant had left the room, he adyour own, your tenderly affectionate dressed me in French, with evident emoJULIA." tior, and a singular solemnity of manner.

In vain did Leopold exhaust all his "I believe, Sir, you have recently mar powers of reasoning and consolation to ried.' This abrupt inquiry disconcerted reconcile his unhappy friend to this sud- and pained me inexpressibly: he observed den and singular calamity.. In vain, too, it, and continued. To prevent all mis did he offer his own active assistance, and conceptions, will you have the goodness that of his recruiting myrmidons, to scour to inform me if these are the features of the surrounding country in pursuit of the the lady you have married? While thus fugitives. Theodore declared his inten- speaking, he held out to me a medallion tion to yield implicit obedience to his wife's portrait, at the sight of which I recoiled, intreaty, that he would refrain from all at- and immediately felt for the miniature of tempts to discover her retreat; and Leo- Julia given to me by her mother, so per pold, to whom it was evident that solitude fectly was the portrait he displayed the and the mournful Inxary of musing would facsimile of mine.. 'They were, indeed, yield more relief to the bereaved husband evidently painted by the same hand. At than any efforts of his own to divert his length I answered his question in the affirthoughts, took leave of him, after exact mative. He then inquired if he could be ing a promise that he would not visit him permitted to see the lady, and with such at Nuremburg, on the next or the follow-visible emotion, that I answered some ing day. what coldly, if not sternly, that, she was On the day but one after the strange absent on a visit, and not expected for disappearance of Julia and her mother, some time.

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the sympathizing Leopold was endeavour.. "I consequence of information, he ing to relieve his depressed spirits by view- continued, that she had been seen in the ing from his window the bustle in the vicinity of Nuremburg, I have travelled street below, when he saw a travelling from Lorrain purposely to discover her carriage draw up to the hotel, and Wal- retreat-after a long search in every vil den alight from it. "What news, Theo- lage around Nuremburg, I did discover it dore !" exclaimed Leopold, as he anxious--I saw her twice from a distance, but I ly endeavoured to discover in his friend's had not courage to approach and speak face some indication of better intelligence to her-I have since discovered her mar than he anticipated. "News!" answered riage to you and I take the liberty of Theodore, mournfully,-"Alas! my good inquiring if the name of the lady was JuLeopold, I have heard tidings of the lovely lia de Lindorf?'


woman I married, so strange and horrible," Lindorf?" I exclaimed in surprise that my brain is on fire-I have lost all and alarm. I could not utter another power of thought and action, and I come word. This was the name subscribed by to you for aid and counsel in a dilemma Julia to our marriage contract, and its which has no parallel in the fictions of ro- close affinity to the hame attributed by mânce. Hear, and believe me if you'can. the Italian to the exccuted original of the "This morning, after my return from a waxfigure, had strangely disturbed me third visit to the deserted residence of Ju- when I saw it on the parchment. And lia's mother, I was alone in my parlour, how could this man have heard a name revolving bitter thoughts, and all but de- revealed only. to me? It was obvious termined to go in quest of my beloved fu- that he had formerly known her, and I gitive, when I was informed that a French gazed upon my strange visitor with new gentleman requested to see me on urgent and painful curiosity.

business. Indisposed to see any one; I de- "Your emotion, Sir,' he resumed, beclined his visit, but was induced by his trays to me that I am not in error, and to

remove all farther doubt, I beg you will him as one far less earthly than my be inform me whether the hand-writing of loved and loving Julia. In short, this mys this manuscript is known to you,' he con- terious visitor, and his horrible story, aftinued, unfolding a paper containing some fected my already exhausted spirits so French verses, written in the elegant, but powerfully, that I gasped for breath, and peculiar and Italianized character of my was unable to utter a word in reply. For wife's hand. some time I surveyed him in speechless

"I could not but acknowledge the iden-consternation, but at length my horior tity of the writing. yielded to a rising sense of indignation,

"Sir,' said he, with melancholy gra- which restored the power of utterancevity, the frankness of your reply gives "What!' I vehemently exclaimed, 'that you a claim to unreserved communication beautiful creature, with life beating in. from me, on a subject of deep importance every pulse, and love glowing in every feato your present and future happiness. Be-ture-a re-embodied spirit? Impossible!' fore, however, I arrive at a strange and "The stranger sighed deeply, shrugawful conclusion, I must lead to it by ged his shoulders, and mournfully resome introductory remarks. Ten years plied

back I was a reckless unbeliever in the "If I thought you sufficiently compopossibility that disembodied spirits could sed to listen to me without injurious emorevisit this world. I became, however, tion, I would relate to you the tragic inciwell acquainted with the celebrated Cag-dents which brought the peerless Julia to liostro, and was more than once admitted an untimely death.'

to a private exhibition of his extraordina- "Proceed, Sir!' I answered, without ry powers. What I beheld I cannot now further preface-after hearing what I detail. It is sufficient to acknowledge have heard, I may safely listen to anythat my unbelief, if not subdued, was ma-thing.'

terially shaken by what I saw and heard "You are doubtless aware,' he began, during my intercourse with that extraor- that the revolutionary hurricane, which dinary man, and now, if seeing is believ-drove such numbers of Frenchmen from ing, I have within the last week attained their native land, compelled many of those a settled conviction, that departed spirits who remained to seek a temporary or perare permitted, for mysterious purposes, to manent change of residence. Among the revisit this earth. I trust, Sir, that I have latter was the father of Julia de Lindorf, said enough to prepare you, in some mea- a man of fortune and long residence in. sure, for the startling intelligence, that you Strasburg, which he quitted when the are married to one who died, last August, movements of the people became formi-, on the scaffold!' dable to all men of mark and opulence,. "Prone as I have been from early youth, and sought a retreat upon an estate he to draw romantic conclusions from un-possessed about half a league from Metz. common appearances-excited too by a In this ancient capital of Lorrain, I inhersleepless night, by intense anxiety, by dis-ited considerable property. I had forturbing recollections of the Italian's infor-merly known M. de Lindorf in Strasburg. mation, that Julia de Lindorf had been and soon as I heard that he had fixed his guillotined, and of my wife's singular pro- residence at his country-seat near Metz, I pensity, even since her marriage, to linger renewed the acquaintance, became a fredaily in the churchyard-still this French-quent visitor at his house, and a fervent, man's story was far too monstrous for admirer of his matchless daughter. My any modification of belief in the last de- wealth and personal consideration recomcennium of the eighteenth century. Yet mended me to her parents, who persuaded I must acknowledge there was something Julia to receive my visits as a lover, and so appalling in the oracular solemnity of eventually I obtained her consent to bcthe stranger's manner, in the livid pale-come my wife, as soon as the popular cfness of his countenance, and the deep fervescence, which we then considered black in which his tall emaciated figure but a temporary evil, should have subsided. was apparelled, that I began to regard Although I had the consent of Julia to be

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