
You may imagine the reply; Quarz did himself, to the bosom of a family by whom what you or I would have done in his he was almost idolized. He had not been place. He promised, whatever it might at home for some days, and his absence be, to comply with it. had created the most serious apprehen.

"I hoped it would be so," said the widow, sions. I had undertaken to remove them. with a voice still feebler, "but dared not "but dared not It was at the end of the severe January rely on it. It is-that before I die, you of the present year; for two days previous should make me yours. Call me but your a snow storm had raged with unwonted wife. I shall then be the happiest of wo- violence; the streets were every where men, and have nothing further to wish for." covered to a depth of from three to four The request was a singular one, but feet; and when a projecting corner or ac Quarz had promised, and really the en- cidental winding had created a particular gagement bound him to nothing, for, in a current of air, the drift had risen to a height few moments, the tie would be broken by even dangerous to the incautious walker. the divorce of death.

It had just commenced to thaw, and the He therefore consented with a good cold was much more intense than it had grace, and sent for a notary pub ic. The been during the frost. With an involundeed was drawn up in due form. He tary shudder, I wrapped my cloak more signed it. The doctor signed it as a wit- closely round me, and with unsteady steps The widow, with a trembling hand, waded through the masses of melting snow, affixed her signature to the paper; and all in which, at each moment, I sank above was over. But all was not over. the ancle. I might, perhaps, have been


"Doctor!" cried Mrs. Quarz, jumping cnclined to turn, for the chill of the night nimbly, and completely dressed, out of seemed but to second the internal struga bed. "I am not so near the point of gle with which I committed myself to the death as you imagine, and have every in- dens of infamy and vice; but that image clination to live long for my husband." of the aged mother, as she wept in all the Now look upon the tubl au. The as- agony of hopeless solitude, over the tonishment of the two witnesses-the no- blighted prospect of her son, rose freshly tary, wiping his spectacles, thinking his before me; I heard the heart-thrilling eyes deceived him-the doctor biting his tones with which she called on the absent nails at being deceived, as well as the Villiers-"my lost, my ruined child," rest. Only think of a doctor being taken still ringing in my ears; and I hurried on, in! with the determination that no effort of Quarz, who was well pleased with the mine should be wanting to restore that adventure, said smilingly aside, "A good child to her arms. If needed any addi actress, 'faith! If were an author I would tional inducement, I had but to recall the write a part for her." silent anguish of Miss Villiers, and I felt The curtain fell. Madame Schindler armed for any conflict of mind or body in was young and pretty, and rich besides. to which I could possibly be exposed.

The Hazard Table.




pursued my way, therefore, down R— street, with renewed energy. The heavy el damp on the lamps, completely obscured their brilliancy, and left hardly light sufficient to show the pallid and shivering forms of the wretched victims of vice, I WELL remember the night when, at whom the cravings of want had driven the request of his mother, I set out to look out even on such a night as this to earn in one of the private gambling houses of a miserable subsistence. I shuddered at New York for the dearest friend of my the solicitations, in which the utmost ef college days. Henry Villiers, in mind as forts could not conceal the hollow tones well as person, was eminently calculated of hunger and disease: and, turning from to conciliate the affections of all around the costly avenue of egilded fashionable him; and I thought he must be changed commerce, I passed into the first of a suc indeed, if I could not win him back from cessian of streets which were to lead me the fatal pursuit to which he had addicted to the object of my search.



A series of involved turnings, led me.jsmall ball, between the outside entrance after a walk of some five or ten minutes, and an inner door completely covered to a retired street, which I had no diffi- with cloth, and surmounted by a brilliant culty in recognizing as the place I was lamp. The attendant turned a spring in quest of. I gazed anxiously around t key in the lock, and ushered us on a very discover the house to which I was direc-narrow staircase, which my campanion ted, but the uniformity of all those near and myself ascended with equal steps. me, presented almost insuperable difficul In a room on the first floor, I distin ties. The lower part of the house seen.cd guished a brilliant light, and a number of from the close outside shutters, to partake eager voices. Thither, then, I was on of the nature of a shop, whilst the windows the point of turning, when the voice of my of the upper stories gave promise of com-new acquaintance interrupted me, as he fort very inviting to those whom the label said:


of Furnished or Unfurnished Apart

"That is the billiard-room; you go up

ments," might tempt to look towards stairs don't you?" them.


"Why, yes, I believe I shall," said I, I pressed my hand against my bosom endeavoring to assume an air of as much to ascertain if the pistols with which I had sang froid as possible, and believing that armed myself, were still there, firmly up stairs, if there was the hazard-table, grasped my stick, and crossed to examine Villiers was more likely to be found. more closely the the house opposite.- We proceeded, accordingly to the se There was no appearance of a door, yet cond floor, and my conductor, for I had 1 was convinced it was the place I sought, fallen in the rear, pushing a door, immediand I moved a few steps aside to search ately opposite the staircase, motioned to me for an entrance, when a tall figure, wrap- to enter a long and low room, crowded ped like myself in a cloak, crossed the with figures, all of whom appeared deeply street, approached me closely, and a voice interested in their various occupations. in rather gentlemanly tones, though mark- I did not at first see Villiers. ed with a slight Irish accent, said, "This my right lay the remnants of a supper, to Close on is the house, I think, sir." which full justice appeared to have been The question tallied so completely with done, for but a few fragments remained what was passing in my own mind, that I to satisfy the appetite of one or two, who, answered involuntarily, "I believe so." having been too late for its first glories, My new acquaintance, however, seem- were now voraciously swallowing whated, notwithstanding his remark, to enter- ever remained that was eatable. tain no doubts on the subject; for, turning "They sup early, sir. We are always short into a very narrow passage, which too late," said my companion; and, throw. the darkness had hitherto prevented me ing back his cloak, he instantly attacked from observing, he approached a small the remaining viands, with great zeal. door, or rather, pannel in the side-wall. "I thand you, I am not hungry," I re-. and knocked three times gently. I kept plied, gazing, at the same moment on the close by his side. We heard the grating form and features of the speaker. Suc of iron, as a chain was thrown inside ceeding events imprinted his appearance across the entrance. The door was then on my memory with but too fearful disopened so far as to permit a strong glare tinctness. He was one of the most pow of light to fall upon us, and a face was pro- erful looking men I ever met. About six truded through the opening which accu- feet high, and made in proportion; his rately recognoitered the person of my frame was remarkable rather for strength companion, who stood foremost. The and weight, than activity. The face, as. scrutiny seemed satisfactory, so far as he his eyes were bent on the supper-table, was concerned; but a short whisper en had nothing in it peculiar, except that the sued, in which the phrases, "new face," projection of one of the front teeth broke "fresh stranger," were barely audible. the regularity of the features. The door was then opened to its full width, scarcely sufficient, indeed, to admit us singly, and I found we were in a

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He looked upwards, however, as he addressed me a second time, with,

"You don't eat, sir;" and I almost

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shrank from the expression of his eyes, as proceedings of Villiers to allow me to they met my view. Small and deep-set, dwell upon any thing else.

of a light gray color, but appearing at Alas! how changed he was from the first view darker, from the overhanging Villiers of my college days! He was and closely knit brows which shaded pale, almost ghastly; but a hectic flush them, they seemed to combine in them of unnatural red flitted across his check, all of ferosity and cunning that ima- and showed more plainly the ravages of gination could picture. I moved has-dissipation. His elegant form, always tily from beside him, and walked towards slight, and now greatly attenuated, seemed the other end of the room. unfit to associate with the reckless coun

On one side was the fire-place, around tenances of those who surrounded him. which were grouped, busily engaged in His dark hair, which I had so often Conversation, half a dozen persons, whose admired, at present, extremely long and Countenances too plainly showed that they disordered, was thrown back from his had nothing left to risk. Opposite was brow, as though its weight was too much placed a large table, the most conspicuous for him to indure:

portion of which was a circular revolving He was not now betting, but seemed centre piece. It was divided into small to have reserved himself until it should cumpartments colored red and black, and come to his turn to take the dice-box. the game seemed to be regulated by the I sighed involuntarily, and I suppose colour into which might chance to fall a audibly, for Villiers glanced quickly round small ivory ball, which an attendant roll- and his eye met mine. For one moment ed round the edge of a circular part.-a burning blush crimsoned his cheek, and Beside this person were pasted the regu- a spasmotic affection seemed to fit across lations of the roulette-table; and I gazed his brow. It was but for a moment.— for a minute or two on the game, of which He looked, rather than nodded a recogniI had often heard as the most iuinous tion, and turned to watch the game. among the varieties of play. Few, how- "You don't play, sir?" said the voice ever, appeared, on this evening, to be its of Varney at my elbow. "Come, just votaries; and I turned to a round table, by way of a flyer, I'll bet you a twenty occupying the whole end of the room, he throws this time either a duce or an about which were thronged all who seem-ace." ed really engaged in the occupation of the Very well," said I, mechanically, and place: not sorry to throw away a trifle to avoid My first glance fell on Villiers. He observation.


Was sitting directly opposite to me, lean- The throw was four and one, and I ing his face on his left hard, whilst, with was in the act of handing over to Varney nervous anxiety, he watched the person the amount which I presumed I had lost, who was throwing dice. A small pile of when the voice of Villiers prevented me. Counters lay immediately before him, and "You need not trouble yourself to pay his right hand rested carelessly on them; that bet, sir," said he, coolly. but his attention was completely rivited to Who says so?" cried Varney, with the progress of the game. a loudness which instantly commanded

The muscles of Villier's face worked the attention of all present.

for a moment with convulsive energy; "I do," answered Villiers, quietly; "the but, steadying himself by an effort-appa-odds were in your favor; you made only rent to me, at least, he pushed across the an even bet. By the rules of this table table about one half of the counters before it cannot stand. Banker, does the genhim: tleman loose his money?"

"You are fortunate to-night, Mr. Var

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The man looked for an instant at Varney, and evidently hesitated; but the tone I turned, and saw, receiving the coun- and manner of Villiers prevailed, backed ters, with an air of cool satisfaction, the as it now was, by that of a number of than with whom I had entered. I barely young men around the table, and with noticed him, however, for my feelings manifest reluctance, he decided that the Were too much interested in the wretched bet was off.

Varney said nothing aloud, but my blood

"Beggar! what mean you? Dare you

curdled, as I caught the scowl of demo- insinuate that I play unfairly?" niac malignity with which he glared Villiers did not reply, but eyed him

across the table, and as he ground his with cool contempt.

teeth, I heard him muttering D————n -n The question was again put, and with him, I'll be revenged!" a still more ferocious tone.

It now came the turn of Villiers to take Villiers looked full in his face, and tathe box. He pushed into the middle of king up his watch, said slowly." Do I the table, all his counters that remained, insinuate? The matter is how beyond and scarcely waiting until an equal num-insinuation. It amounts to certainty." ber were raised against them, he threw There was one moment of silence. A the dice without naming any number. rush succeeded, and my eye caught the "A main, sir," said the banker. "I had glympse of Villiers, as he fell senseless forgotten,' said Villiers; 'seven's the main.' on the floor, while the fierce eyes of his The dice rolled out, and the next mo- opponent gleamed brightly above him. ment i heard the announcement," Deuce"Aye, give it to him!" shouted a num. ace-caster looser!" ber of voices. Teach these beggerly "Nicked out, by Jove!" said one near fops what it is to meet with a gentleman me. He's smashed now; he's lost a of science!" devilish deal to-night."

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My ear caught the words, but my gaze a pistol from my bosom, cocked it, and I pushed hastily forward, and pulling was still on Villiers, and I started at the exclaimed, "The first who touches him dies!"

wildness visible in his demeanor. His eyes were expanded in a ghastly stare, whilst his hand passed rapidly over his raised my friend from the ground, and Varney drew, back in terror; I slowly pockets, as if to see whether there were with the assistance of one or two of the yet remaining in them any thing to stake. "Shall I pass the box, or will you take me, endeavored to recal animation. more gentlemanly-looking persons around

à back, sir," said the banker.

"Pass on. But no! no! who will set His forehead had struck in his fall against this watch," cried he. as he pushed for- one of the legs of the table, and the blood ward a huge gold repeater, which had was flowing profusely from the wound. been given him by his mother, and which In a few moments he revived. His eyes I knew he therefore highly valued. glared wildly around, when suddenly The stake was unusual, and no one springing from our grasp, and shouting "Defend yourself, coward!" he precipireplied. tated himself on the form of Varney, who stood gazing on the scene, in evident triumph.

It is worth two hundred," said Villiers. Who will risk one hundred against it?" He paused.

"Or fifty," he added.

The movement was so unexpected as A note was thrust from behind me to throw us into momentary confusion, into the ring, while I was myself pushing and rapid blows were exchanged between forward the money in place of the watch, the combatants, before any one could inwhich I was determined to save. terfere to separate them. Villiers raised his hand, as if to throw; The conflict was apparently most une and I feared I was too late, when sud-qual; for Varney was tall, and nearly denly pausing, he said, "Whose money double the weight of his opponent. But is that, banker?" excitement seemed to have lent Villiers

"A gentleman's opposite," said the unnatural strength. Still Varney watched man, looking at Varney. him with a coolness that showed he knew I do not bet with that person," said such efforts could not last, when suddenly, Villiers, decidedly. "Will any one else in making an effort which evidently was set me?" intended to end the contest, his foot slipEvery eye was turned on Varney, and ped, and his own weight, joined to a his huge form seemed literally to dilate blow from Villiers, prostrated him before with rage, as he exclaimed furiously, us.

"Rouse the ruffian," said Villiers.

"Let him come on again."

The tone was so hollow that I could scarcely recognise it, but I had still time The group around the fallen man has- for thought. An examination into the tened to obey the directions, surprised circumstances was immediately proceed. that he showed but little signs of anima ed with, which ended in my liberation, tion, and utterly astonished at the casu-and in the detention of Villiers. The pri alty of the contest. vate room was allotted to him, and we en

Chance, however, had accomplished tered together. more than any one believed. One or two He threw himself on a chair in the deep groans issued from Varney as they apartment; pressed his hands convulsively raised him; a strong convulsion shook against his forehead, and shrieked in tones his body; and then the sinking head and of bitter desolation,-"My God!-my nervless arm showed but too plainly, that mother!—Ellen!"

the spirit had passed into the presence of I drew near to him, and placing my Him who gave it. hand on his. said, "Villiers, d ar Villiers, The consternation occasioned by the recal your senses-be yourself, and all discovery, gave an interval for action.-will yet be well."

I seized Villiers by the arm, and thrusting He started at my touch, sprang from a pistol into his hand whilst I held another his seat, and with all the violence of a myself, dragged him towards the door, maniac, screamed, and whispered, "Fly for your life-they will be upon you in a moment."


Off-touch me not-it's a lie! I diduť' do it. Who says so? No! no! no!” I spoke, however, to one who heard me The excitement had exhausted him, not, but mechanically obeying the impulse, and agair he sank back on the chair; but he had descended about half way down a minute had scarcely elapsed, when he the stairs, when a burst of execration from leaped upon the floor, and, while his whole the rooms above, followed by a rush to frame shook with horror, and his eyes wards the door, warned me that we had glared at the door, as if he saw there the not a moment to lose. spectre of the murdered man, shouted,—

I gave Villiers a violent push forward. "Look! look! there he is. See the blue The muffled door below gave way to an flames! He beckons-he seizes me! Oh! impetuosity that defied all barriers. The save-save-save me!" astonished watchman yielded to the summons of an armed, and, appareatly. despe rate man. The outer door opened.


But why should I recall the horrors of that long night? Fit after fit foliowed of "Thank God !" I exclaimed, involenta- frantic despair, succeded by the weakness rily, (though along with us rushed into the of exaustion. At times, it was with diffi air several of those who had been above,) culty that I, with the aid of my servant when a firm grasp was laid on my collar, (whom I had sent for,) could restrain him and I found that we were in the hands of from some act of desperate violence;a strong body of watchmen, whom the whilst, at other periods, he sank to a state noise above had summoned to the spot. of so great weakness, as to lie in utter inSome of them made their way up-stairs, sensibility in my arms.

while the others guarded their prisoners. During the few intervals of collectedThe former soon returned bringing withness which he enjoyed, I gathered that he them the lifeless body of Varney, and se. had been introduced to the hazard table, >veral of the men I had seen in the hazard several months before, by a mutual college room. The rest in the confusion had acquaintance of ours; that he had gradu managed to escape. We were all march-ally grown more and more fascinated by ed to the watch-house. the demon of gambling: and finally, that,

Since the discovery of Varney's death, for the last five days, he had been con Villiers had not spoken; but as I got tinually engaged at play, and had never closer to him in the narrow entrance of rested during the whole of that time, the police office, I could hear him mutter having been wound up, by repeated losses, ing to himself" Ruined!-aye, ruined! to such a height of desperation, as to be and now a murderer! Oh! God! a mur-linsensible to the progress of time. derer!"

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