
tion. Every aid was tried to prolong feel" that I became dumb, and we in siher life, but in vain. Her last words spoke lence pursued our journey home. unabating affection for the man who had By slow degrees, as time wore away, acted towards her so nobly, and he be- he resumed his wonted cheerfulness; and held her yield to the great tyrant of mor- he has often since declared to me in contals. Her cheek grew pale her bosom fidence, when we mentioned Harriet, heaved with more sudden and convulsive" that it always was the most ardent degasp; her eyes assumed a glare of terri- sire of his heart, to have returned an afble import, and her still beautiful lips were fection so pure and disinterested; but as still put forth affectionately for one kiss he found it impossible, he gave her his from the being she loved. IIe bent down youthful days, and thought it his duty to his head to clasp her in his arms, but the shelter and protect her."

motionless form breathed not back his ca- I knew he spoke the truth, and I could ress, and the heart beat not responsive to not, on such occasions, avoid taking his the throbbings of his own. Although hand, and inwardly pronouncing him a sometimes he regretted the matrimorial truly noble character.


chains in which he was bound, he wept as
they were broken; and when night flung
its shadows over the world, it found him
still mourning over the fond partner of his
heart. The next evening I saw the pro-
cession which attended the remains of According to Bede, the ecclesiastical
this once lovely being to the tomb, move historian, our ancestors were sold as
sadly and slowly along; the village bell slaves; for he tell us that St. Gregory,
rang in mournful peals, and the convul- commonly called great, (who was born
sive sighs of her numerous friends fell in 544,)" on a time saw beautiful boys
heavy upon my ear. The pastor's prayer walking in the market place at Rome,
breathed the deep sorrow of his bosom, and demanded from whence they were;
and was delivered in so affecting a man- answer was made to him, 'out of the isles
ner, that his eyes bore testimony to the of Britain." Then asked he whether they
sincerity of his heart.
were Christians or no. They said 'no.'
When they arrived at the narrow house, Alas, for pity,' said Gregory, that the
I saw Herman standing with his arms foul fiend should be lord of such folks;
folded over his breast, at the head of the and that they who carry such grace in
grave. The coffin was placed in the earth their countenances, should be void of
-the apostle's benediction pronounced, grace in theis hearts.' Then he would
and the "clods of the valley" were heaped know of them by what name their nation
upon the wasted form of her who had ever was called; and they told him Angles-
been so fond-so amiable-so true. men; and justly be they so called,' quoth
Herman did not weep, yet language he, for they have angel-like faces, and
could not utter what he felt; his pale and seem mete to be made co-heirs with the
sunken cheek; his quivering lip; his in- angels of heaven.'”

flamed and suuken eye; his trembling
limbs-all bore witness to the agony of
his heart. When I approached him, he
seemed absorbed in painful meditation,
and his vacant glare convinced me of the
horrible workings of his soul.

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The hero of Poland once wished to send "Herman," said I, "we all have our some bottles of good wine to a clergyman afflictions in this transitory life; but we at Sclothurn, and, as he hesitated to trust must not yield to them. Rouse thee, my them to his servant, lest he should smugfriend, and bear your sorrows like a man." gle a part, he gave the commission to a Never shall I forget the look he gave young man by the name of Zeltner, and me-it was so full of pensive tenderness, desired him to take the horse which he and seemed to say so audibly, "thou himself usually rode. On his return, young canst not speak of what thou dost not Zeltner said that he never would ride his


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At each evening, when I went to rest,
And folded closely to her bosom, sat,
Joining my cheeks to hers, and pouring out
My broken music with her tuneful lay,
Comes it not back again, that holy hymn,
Even now, upon mine ear?

horse again, unless he would let him have To the grey-headed man; and look with love On all whom God hath madc.his purse at the same time. Kosciusko And then the hymn inquiring what he meant, he said, as soon as a poor man on the road takes off his hat and asks charity, the horse immedi ately stands still, and will not stir until something is given to the petitioner; and as I had no money, I was obliged to feign To my lone bed, I find no mother there; giving something, in order to satisfy the beast.

DECEPTION. The sieur Boaz, (the slight of hand man) was accosted in the usual style by a retailer of oranges. "Well my lad," says the sieur, "how do you sell?" "Two-pence a piece, Sir," quoth the man. "High priced, indeed," rejoined the deceiver; however, we'll try them. Cutting an orange into four pieces, "Behold,' says the sieur, (producing a new guinea from the inside of the orange,) "how your fruit repays me for your extortion. Come, I can afford to purchase one more," aud he repeated the same experiment, as with the first. "Well to be sure," says he, "they are the first fruit I ever found to produce golden seeds." The sieur then wished to come to terms for his whole basket; but the astonished Jew, with joyous alacrity, ran out of the house, and reaching home, began to quarter the contents of the whole basket. But alas! the seeds were no more than the produce of nature-the conjuror only pessessing the golden art.

Child at a Mother's Grave.

My mother's grave!

'Tis there beneath the
I love to go alone and sit and think
Upon the grassy mound. My cradle hours
Come back again so sweetly; and the smile
That ever beamed upon me, when I woke
And lifted up my head to kiss the cheek
That bowed to meet me. And I seem to feel


But when I go

And weeping kneel, to say the prayer she taught,
Or when I read the bible that she loved,
Or to her vacant seat at church draw near,
And think of her, a voice is in my heart,
Bidding me early scek my God, and love
My blessed Saviour; and that voice is hers,
I know it is, because these were the very words
She used to speak so tenderly with tears,
At the still twilight hour, or when we walked
Forth in the spring, among rejoicing birds;
Or peaceful talked beside the winter's hearth.
Mother, I'll keep these precepts in my heart,
And no thy bidding.

So when God shall say
My days are finished, will he give me leave
To come to thee; and can I find thy home,
And see thee with thy glorious garments on,
And kneel at the Redeemer's feet, and beg
That where the mother is, the child may dwell!


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Once more the hand that smoothed my clustering Saturday, on fine white paper, each number will con


And led me to her garden, pointing out
Each fragrant flower and bud, and drawing back
My foot, lest it should careless crush the worm
That crawled beside me. And that gentle tone
Teaching me to pat the house-dog; and be kind
To the poor cat; and spare the poor flies
Upon the window; and divide my bread

tain 24 large super-royal octavo pages, enveloped in e fine printed cover, forming at the end of the year a volume of nearly 600 pages, at the very low price of $1 25 cts. per annum in advance. $200 will be charged at the end of the year.

Post Masters, and others who will procure four subscribers, and enclose Five Dollars to the propri etor, W. B. ROGERS, 49 Chesnut street, Philade! With those that hungered; and bow meekly down phia, shall receive the 5th copy gratis.

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goods and gold even to the mule at the manger, would be old Ximen's!"

He paused at the thought, shut his eyes and smiled at the prospect his fancy con: jured up; and repeating his survey, reIt was late one evening when Ximen turned to his own chamber, which opened was making his usual round through the by a small door upon one of the back chambers of Almamen's house. As he courts. He had scarcely reached the glanced around on the various articles of room when he heard a low tap at the wealth and luxury, he ever and anon burst outer door, and, when it was thrice re: into a low fitful chuckle, rubbed his lean peated, he knew that it was one of his hands, and mumbled out, "if my master Jewish brethren; for Ximen, as years, should die! if my master should die !" isolation, and avarice gnawed away what While thus engaged he heard a confu- ever of virtue once put forth some mea sion and distant shout, and, listening atten- ger fruit, from a heart paturely bare and tively, he distinguished a cry, grown of cocky, still preserved one human feeling late sufficiently familiar, of "Live Jussuf towards his countrymen. It was the bond the just! perish the traitor Jews!" which unites all persecuted; and Ximen "Ah!" said Ximen, as the whole char- loved them because he could not envy acter of his face changed, some new their happiness. The power, the knowl robbery upon our race! And this is thy edge, the lofty though wild designs of his work, son of Issachar! Madman that thou master, stung and humbled him: he sewert, to be wiser than thy sires, and seek cretly hated, because he could not compasto dupe the idoltaers in the council-cham- sionate or contemn him. But the bowed' ber and the camp,their fields, their vantage frame, the slavish voice, and the timid ground; as the bazaar and the market-nerves, of his crushed brotherhood, preplace are ours. None suspect that the sented to the old man the likeness of things potent santon is the traitor Jew; but I that could not exult over him. Debased, know it! I could give thee to the bow- and aged, and solitary as he was, he felt string; and if thou wert dead, all thy a kind of wintry warmth in the thought VOL. 111-18

that even he had the power to protect! [hath brought upon us these dreadful He thus maintained an intercourse with things."

his fellow Israelites; and often, in their Ximen sighed, but remained silent, condangers, had afforded them a refuge in the jecturing to what end the Jew would bring numerous vaults and passages, the ruins his invectives. He was not long in susof which may still be descried beneath the pense. After a pause Ximen continued, in mouldering foundations of that mysterious an altered and more serious tone, “He is mansion. And, as the house was gener- rich, this son of Issachar-wonderous ally supposed the property of an absent rich." emir, and had been especially recommend- "He has treasure scattered over half ed to the care of the cadis by Boabdil, of Africa and the Orient," said Ximen. who alone of the Moors knew it as one "Thou seest, then, my friend, that thy of the dwelling-places of the santon, whose master hath doomed me to a heavy loss. ostensible residence was in apartments I possess his secret; I could give him up allotted to him within the palace, it was, to the king's wrath; I could bring him to perhaps, the sole place within Grenada the death. But I am just and meek; let which afforded an unsuspected and secure him pay my forfeiture, and I will forego refuge to the haunted Israelites. mine anger."

When Ximen recognised the wonted "Thou dost not know him," said Ximen, signal of his brethren, he crawled to the alarmed at the thought of a repayment. door; and, after the precaution of a He- which might grievously diminish his own brew watchword, replied to in the same heritage of Almamen's effects in Grenada. tongue, he gave admittance to the tall and "But if I threaten him with exposure?" stooping form of Elias. "Thou wouldst feed the fishes of the Worthy and excellent master," said Dorro," interrupted Ximen. Nay, even Ximen, after again securing the entrance; now, if Almamen learn that thou knowst "what can bring the honored and wealthy his birth and race, tremble! for thy days Elias to the chamber of the poor hireling?" in the land will be numbered."



My friend," answered the Jew, "call "Verily," exclaimed the Jew, in great me not wealthy or honored. For years I alarm," then have I fallen into the snare; have dwelt within the city, safe and re- for these lips have revealed to him that spected, even by Moslemen; virily and knowledge."

rael !"

because I have purchased with jewels and "Then is the righteous Elias a lost man treasures, the protection of the king and the within ten days from that in which Almagreat men. But now, alas! in the sudden men returns to Grenada. I know my wrath of the brethren, ever imagining master; he is a dread man, and blood is vain things I have been summoned into to him as water." the presence of the chief rabi, and only es- "Let the wicked be consumed !" cried caped the torture by a sum that ten years Elias, furiously stamping his foot, while of labor and the sweat of my brow can- fire flashed from his dark eyes, for the not replace. Ximen! the bitterest thought instinct of self-preservation made him of all is, that the phrensy of one of our own fierce. "Not from me, however, he added, tribe has brought this desolation upon Is- more calmly, "will come his danger.Know that there be more than a hundred "My lord speaks riddles," said Ximen, Jews in this city who have sworn his death; with well feigned astonishment in his glas- Jews, who flying hither from Cordova, By eyes. have seen their parents murdered and Why dost thou wind and turn, good their substance seized, and who beheld in Ximen sa the Jew, shaking his head this son of Issachar, the cause of the mur"thou knowest well what my words drive der and the spoil. They have detected at Thy master is the pretended Alma- the impostor, and a hundred knives are men; and that recreant Israelite, (if Isra- whetting even now for his blood; let him elite, indeed, be one who hath forsaken look to it. Ximen, I have spoken to thee the customs and the forms of his forefa- as the foolish speak; thou mayst betray thers) is he who hath stirred up the Jews me to thy lord; but, from what I have of Cordova and Gua tx, and whose folly heard of thee from our brethren, I have

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poured my neart into thy bosom without the king, turning from his haughty mother; fear. Wilt thou betray Israel, or assist we will feast and be merry while we us to smite the traitor?" may. My adored Amine, kiss me !'

Ximen mused a moment, and his medi- Proud, melancholly, and sensitive as he tation conjured up the treasures of his was, in that hour of reverse, Boabdil felt master. He stretched forth his right no grief; such balm has love for our sorhand to Elias; and when the Israelites sows, when its wings are borrowed from parted they were friends. the dove! And, although the laws of east. ern life confined to the narrow walls of a harem, the sphere of Amine's gentle influ ence; although, even in romance the natural compels us to portray the vivid and rich colors only in hasty sketch; yet still


BOABDIL'S RETURN.—THE REAPPEARANCE Or is left the outline of the loveliest and noFERDINAND BEFORE GRenada.

blest features of her sex; the spirit to arouse us to exertion, the softness to con

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The third morning from this interview, sole us in our fall! a rumor reached Grenada that Boabdil While Boabdil and the body of the army had been repulsed in his assault on the citi- remained in the city, Muze, with a chodel of Salobrena with a severe loss; that sen detachment of the horse, scoured the Hernando del Pulgar had succeeded in country to visit the newly-acquired cities, conducting to its relief, a considerable and sustain their courage.

force; and that the army of Ferdinand From this charge he was recalled by was on its march against the Moorish the army of Ferdinand, which once more king. In the midst of the excitement oc- poured into the Vega, completely devascasioned by these reports, a courier arri- tating its harvests, and then swept back to ved to confirm their truth, and to annouce consumate the conquest of the revolted the return of Boabdil. towns. To this irruption succeeded an At nightfall, the king, preceding his ar- interval of peace-the calm before the my, entered the city and hastened to bury storm. From every part of Spain, the himself in the Alhambra. As he passed most chivalric and resolute of the Moors, dejected into the women's apartments, his taking advantage of the pause in the con. stern mother met him. test, flocked to Grenada; and that city

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My son," she said, bitterly," dost thou became the focus of all that Paganism in return, and not a conqueror!" Europe possesed of brave and determinate

Before Boabdil could reply, a light and spirits. rapid step sped through the glittering ar- At length, Ferdinand, completing his cades; and weeping with joy, and break-conquests, and having filled his treasury, ing all the oriental restrains, Amine fell mustered the whole force of his dominions, upon his bosom. "My beloved! my king! forty thousand foot and ten thousand horse, light of mine eyes! thou hast returned. and once more, and for the last time apWelcome, for thou art safe." peared before the walls of Grenada. A The different form of these several sal- solemn and prophetic determination filled utations struck Buabdil forcibly. "Thou both besiegers and besieged; each felt seest my mother," said he, how great a that the crowning crisis was at hand." contrast between those who love us from

affection, and those who love us from pride. In adversity, God keep me, oh my mother, from thy tongue!'




But I love thee from pride, too,' murmured Amine; and for that reason is thine adversity dear to me, for it takes thee from the world, to be more mine own; and I am proud of the afflictions that my It was the eve of a great and general thero shares with his slave.' assault upon Grenada, deliberately planned *-Lights there, and the banquet,' cried by the chiefs of the Christian army. All

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