
eyes intently fixed upon her. One look she appear to be in the least affected by sufficed for her. She saw he was no the novelty of her situation. second Capt. Jones. 'Sir, said she rising, whoever you are, Will you marry me, sir?' she asked I can trust you; you are no common sai with a firm steady voice, but downcast lor nor am I what I seem: I have now no eyes. time to waste in words; I will explain all The sound of her voice aroused him in a few hours. Trust me-believe me; from the statue-like posture he had fallen serve me and you never shall repent it.into on first seeing her. He paused, he What is to be done must be done at once; gazed on the lovely being who stood be- I have but a few hours to spare, and if I fore him proffering this singular request, am discovered before they expire, I shall but his lips refused to utter one word. be wretched, indeed. Here, sir, is money;

Must I go further, or will you marry go and purchase all you wish, be quick, me? Oh God is there no hope?' and the and do not-do not delay now;' and she lady buried her face in her hands and proffered to him a roll of bills. sobbed "Thank you, lady-I do not need it, I Charles felt he was himself at once. am not indeed what I seem; rest here unHe felt his spirit of gallantry and romance til I return; you are safe in this house, I rising strong within him. A thousand ill will return in a few moments; do not be defined thoughts rushed through his alarmed.'


head, but he felt he was a man and a Charles went out and left her alone lovely young woman was before him; he went to a fashionable tailors in Broadwho perhaps was in distress-perhaps-way, and in ten minutes was changed from but before he was able to form another a rough dirty looking sailor, to a fine, opinion the lady half turned to leave the manly, handsome fellow, and his dress set vessel. Stop lady-your request is sin-off to admiration his fine figure. He regular-very-let me ask one question-turned instantly to the lady; and when he Are you in distress?' entered the room where he had left her, he Distress! Oh God--do not deem me found her walking backwards and for erazed. Indeed indeed sir, I am not-wards, but not in the least agitated. She think of nothing now, but answer-will had evidently steeled herself to the worst, you marry me?" and was prepared for any thing. 'Whoever you are, or whatever you 'My name, sir, is Ellen Moran-let that may be I know not; can I not serve you suffice for the present. Are you ready?' in any other manner? Perhaps you may said she firmly and without betraying any repent a resolution formed? emotion.

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Talk uot to me of repenting sir, and I am, lady.' do not waste my time-now it is precious They went again into the carriage, and -you can only serve me by marrying drove to the Mayor's, and in a few mo me; will you do so?' ments were man and wife. When they 'By heaven, I will,' exclaimed Charles left the Mayor's house, Mrs. Barton gave enthusiastically,' there is that about you orders to the coachman herself, but in a that tells me I, at least, shall never rue it voice whose tones were not heard by her -I am ready, wait but a moment.' husband.

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Charles went into the cabin and put on Will you return with me?' inquired his jacket, which he had taken off while Mr. Barton, as his wife entered the coach. working, and in a moinent he was at her No sir, we are going to your house, side. Come, then, lady, whoever and where your presence will be required." whatever you may be, I will abide by the Mr. Barton looked very steadily at his result.' wife for a moment as she uttered these He took her on shore, and placed her words and for the first time began to in a co ch which was standing near, and think that he had entered upon a very silly drove off to a friend's house. He was scrape. The idea entered his head that shown into a room; the door was locked, she might be a little out of trim aloft, and and the young lady threw herself on a it did not make him very comfortable. chair. She did not weep, nor sob, nor did The door was closed and the coach

was off. Not a word was spoken on ei- how to act; and was more than half inther side during the whole drive, which clined to think his wife a lunatic. The was very long, at least so it seemed to servants came up and stood in the parlor him. Charles was intently thinking upon awaiting for orders.

his conduct, and was half inclined to re- Mr Barton' said his wife, these aro gret his rashness, but one glance at his your servants. Every thing you sce asweet, new married wife settled that round you was mine, all is now yours. point. You hear me,' addressing the servantsThe carriage stopped at the door of a this gentleman is my husband and your house of elegant exterior, in one of the master, obey him as such. Retire. Now most fashionable streets in the city. He sir, all I have to say is that you will as alighted first, and handed out his wife in sume and maintain your rights' silence. They ascended the steps and Further she could not say, for the parrang the bell. The door was opened by lor door was suddenly and violently a servant in handsome livery. thrown open, and an elderly, hard fea Is my uncle at home yet.' tured, coarse looking man entered and

No miss, he is not,' replied the man-stood for a moment gazing alternately on respectfully bowing. the lady and Mr. Barton.


Mr. Barton cast a furtive glance around What is your business here, sir?' dehim. Every thing was arranged in the manded he austerely of Mr. Barton, who most recherche style, and with a most as he entered had scated himself and reJavish expense. She led him into a par- turned look for look. Mr. Barton made Jor sumptuously furnished. no reply. All that you behold,' said Mrs. Barton Miss Moran,' said he turning to Mrs. as the door was closed, are mine, sir.- Barton, 'can you explain why this man They are now your own. Believe me, is here!


sir, I speak the truth. Remember that She need not take that trouble, sir,' you are the master of this house and all replied Barton rising; that lady is my in it, and whatever may occur do not wife, and I am master of this house, and forget your own right.' allow me now to ask, sir, what is your business here?'

You surely cannot mean deceit,' said Mr. Barton, utterly at a loss to account for the singular conduct of his wife.

Your wife-your house-upon my word-ha, ha, ha! and Mr. Moran seat

Trust me, sir,-try me-believe me. Ied himself and laughed most heartily and will tell you all I can; all I have time to scornfully.


tell. Four years ago, my father, one of Come sir,' said Mr. Barton 'your the wealthiest merchants in this city, died, presence is disagreeable. If you have leaving to me all his property. My uncle any business to transact, finish it quickly who will soon be here was made my guar. We wish to be alone

dian until I should marry, and he had 'Why you d-d impertinent scound-' charge of the estate left by my father The word was not fully uttered. Mr. ́until that should occur. As he had noth- Barton caught him by the collar, and ing of his own to support himself, he has shook him, til he was black in the face. kept me secluded from the world, and in Scoundrel you would have said; you ly confinement almost closely since my poor ing, cheating old villain. If you were not father's death-well knowing that, on my so old and so contemptible, I would not marriage the property would pass from his leave a whole bone in your lubberly carhands. His conduct, at times has been case. I tell you again that lady is mv harsh and cruel and particularly of late. wife-this is my house. I know you and To day I found means to escape from the your tricks, and if you are here in one house unseen. The rest you know. hour from this time, and I see you I will

She then arose and rang the bell-a have you sent to the Police office, where servant came to the door. John,' said you may be forced to make some disashe, 'send every servant in the house up greeable confessions, so now be off and here.' Mr. Barton sat perfectly still and pack up,' and Mr. Barton loosed his hold said nothing but was mentally resolving of the terrified old man.

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Mr. Moran, for he it was, seated him-[with much patience, you are trying what self to gain breath. Do you mean to little I have, very severely.'

say that you are married to that man Unhand me, sir, and tell me by what Ellen?' asked he contemptuously. right you dare use me thus?' said Mr. She did not deign him a reply, but sat Moran, scarcely able to utter a word plainin silence awaiting the issue, and he turn- ly so enraged was he.

ed to Mr. Barton for further explana- Easily done-1 have told you once-l tion. will tell you once more-I have married Don't look to me, sir. That lady, God this lady-she was mistress and owner bless her, is my wife. She has told me of this house, and I am now master. all your infernal villainous conduct, and Does that explain? you had better be off the sooner you quit this house, the better quick-I may call for accounts, you know it may be for you.' which may be difficult to settle. The •And who the devil are you, sir? that less said on that subject the better I ex dare to speak to me thus in my own house. pect'

who are you sir?' demanded Mr. Mo- Mr. Moran said no more. But darting ran, rising and coming up close to Charles. a look of the most fiendish malignity on his 'Mr. Charles Barton, sir, at your ser-niece, he departed.

vice sir. The son of a better man than Ellen had hitherto not said one word. yourself and one who will love, honor and -She had in silence watched the conduct protect this lady, my wife. So be warned of her husband and she was proud indeed in time. I have said my say, and now be to think and feel, as she now did, that he off at once. confided in and believed her, and would Mr. Moran arose and moved towards maintain her just rights. As Mr. Moran the bell rope, no one attempted to stop retired, she arose and placing her hand in him-he rang it, and the servants, who her husband's, and looking in his face expected a scene, came in. with an imploring, confiding look, said,

Turn this fellow out of doors at once,' May I prove worthy of your love, and said he, half choked with rage, pointing may you never repent your marriage has to Mr. Barton. who stood unmoved. Notty as it was.' one stirred to execute the mandate.

Mr. Barton pressed his lovely wife to John,' said Mr. Barton to one of them his bosom and replied No Lllen, I shall 'go into Mr. Moran's room pack up every never repent having extended the arm of thing there, and have it sent according to protection to the oppressed and forlorn his directions. Be quick too," maiden-and shall bless the hour that Yes sir, said John, as he made his gave me so beautiful and lovely a wife." exit. Charles soon made his wife acquainted 'You see sir,' said he, turning to the with himself and his affairs, and she was astonished uncle, who had seated himself not at all displeased to find, that chance in a stupor, 'I am master here, or do you had thrown in her way a husband fully her wish further proof that my words are equal in every respect. His fortune was true, if you do, I will have yourself turn- quite as large as her own, and his family ed out of the house in one moment. Shall connexions of the first standing. As I show you, sir. Will you then be con- there was no particular attraction for Ellen vinced?' here, her husband easily induced her to Mr. Moran cast a look of mingled ha- go south with him. They are now resi tred and revenge upon Ellen, who had ding in the interior of North Carolina, stood a silent but firm spectator of the among some distant relations of Mr. Barwhole scene. And you, you hussy-ton's and it is said by all who have ever you' seen them. that they are the handsomest 'Dare to call that lady such names and and happiest couple ever seen in that I fear I shall forget you are an old man,' state.

said Mr. Barton, again seizing Mr. Moran. Do not tempt me too far, you in:

fernal old scoundrel I am not blessed

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condition.-DR. JOHNSON.


gain, when she could have more of their company. Le Brun attended his lady to church, and then went to another himself:

No species of writing seems more worthy of cultiva after which he went to play at bowls, as tion than biography, since none can be more de- was customary at that time, and from the lightful or more useful-none can more certainly bowling green he went to several places; enchain the heart by irresistibie interest, or more widely diffuse instruction to every diversity of and after supping with a friend he went home seemingly cheerful and easy, as he had been all the afternoon. Lady Mazel supped with the Abbe Puolard as usual, and about eleven o'clock went to her In the year 16S9, there lived in Paris a maids. chamber, where she was attended by her woman of fashion called Lady Mazel: her came to the door to receive his orders for Before they left her, Le Brun house was large, and four stories high; the next day; after which one of the on the ground floor was a large servants' maids laid the key of the chamber door hall, in which was a grand staircase, and on the chair next it; they then went out, a cupboard where the plate was locked and Le Brun following them, shut the up, of which one of the chambermaids, door after him, and talked with the maids kept the key. In a small room partition- a few minutes about his daughters, and ed off from the hall, slept the valet-de- then they parted, he seeming still very chambre, whose name was Le Brun: cheerful.

the rest of this floor consisted of apart In the morning he went to market, and ments in which the lady saw company was jocular and pleasant with every body which was very frequent and numerous, he met, as was his usual nfanner. He as she kept public nights for play. In then returned home and transacted his the floor up one pair of stairs was the la- customary business. At eight o'clock he dy's own chamber, which was in the expressed surprise his lady did not get up, front of the house, and was the inermost as she usually arose at seven; he went to of three rooms from the grand staircase; his wife's lodging which was in the neighthe key of this chamber was usually taken borhood, and told her he was uneasy his out of the door and laid on a chair by the lady's bell had not rung, and gave her servant who was last with the lady, and seven louis d'ors. and some crowns in who, pulling the door after her, it shut gold, which he desired her to lock up, with a spring, so that it could not be and then went home again, and found the opened from without. In this chamber servants in great consternation at hearing also were two doors, one communicated nothing of their lady; when one observed with a hack staircase, and the other with that he feared she had been seized with a wardrobe which opened to the back an apoplexy, or a bleeding at the nose, stairs also. On the second floor slept the Abbe Pou" it must be something worse: my mind to which she was subject; Le Brun said, lard, in the only room which was furnish- misgives me, for I found the street door ed on that floor. On the third story were open last night after all the family were two chambers, which contained two in bed but myself." They then sent for chambermaids and two foot-boys: the the lady's son, M. de Savoniere; who fourth story consisted of lofts and grana- hinting to Le Brun his fear of an apoties, whose doors were always opca: the plexy, "It is certainly something worse; Cook slept below in a place where the my mind has been uneasy ever since I wood was kept; an old woman in the found the street door open last night atter and the coachman in the stable. the family were in bed." A smith being On the 27th of November, being Sun- now brought. the door was broke open, day, the two daughters of Le Brun, the aud Le Brun entering first, ran to the bed: valet, who were eminent milliners, wait- and after calling several times, he drew ed on the lady, and were kindly received back the curtains, and said, "Oh! my but as she was going to church to after- lady is murdered!" he then ran into the moon service, she pressed them to come a wardrobe, and took up the strong ook,


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which being heavy, he said, "she has not'night-cap, also a ladder of ropes being been roi bed; how is this? found in the house, which might be sup A surgeon then examined the body, posed to be laid there by Le Brun, to which was covered with no less than fifty take off the attention from himself, were wounds; they found in the bed, which all interpreted as strong proofs of his guilt; was full of blood, a scrap of coarse lace and that he had an accomplice was interand a napkin made into a night-cap which red, because part of the cravat found in was bloody, and had the family mark on he bed was discovered not to be like his; it and from the wounds in the lady's but the maids deposed they had washed hands, it appeared she had struggled hard such a cravat for one Berry, who had with the murderer, which obliged him to been a footman to the lady, and was cut the muscles before he could disengage turned away about four months before for himself. The bell-strings were twisted robbing her; there was also found in the round the frame of the teaster, o that loft at the top of the house, under some they were out of reach and could not ring. straw, a shirt very bloody, but which was A clasp-knife was found in the ashes, al not like the linen of Le Brun, nor would most consumed by the fire, which had it fit him.

burned off all the marks of blood; the key Le Brun had nothing to oppose to these of the chamber was gone from the seal strong circumstances, but a uniform good by the door; but no marks of violence character, which he had maintained du appeared on any of the doors, nor were ring twenty-nine years he had served his there any signs of a robbery, as a large lady; and that he was generally esteem. sum of money and all the lady's jewels, ed a good husband, a gord father, and a were found in the strong box, and other good servant. It was, therefore, resolved, places. to put him to the torture, in order to disLe Brun having examined, said, that cover his accomplices. This was done after he left the maids on the stairs, he with such severity, on February 23, 1690, went down into the kitchen; he laid his that he died the week after of the hurts hat and the key of the street-door on the he received, declaring his innocence with table, and sitting down by the fire to his dying breath.

warm himself, he fell asleep; that he About a month after, notice was sent slept as he thought, about an hour, and from the provost of Sens, that a dealer in going to lock the street door, he found it horses had lately set up there by the name open; that he locked it and took the key of John Garlet, but his true name was with him to his chamber." On. search- found to be Berry, and that he had been ing him, they found in his pocket a key, a footman in Paris. In consequence of the wards of which were new fled and this he had been taken up, and the suspi made remarkably large; and on trial it cion of his guilt was increased by his atwas found to open the street-door, the tempting to bribe the officers. On searchanti-chamber, and both the doors in Lady ing him, a gold watch was found, which Mazel's chamber. On trying the bloody proved to be Lady Mazel's: being brought night-cap on Le Brun's head it was found to Patis, a person swore to seeing him to fit him exactly, whereupon he was com- go out of Lady Mazel's the night she was mitted to prison. killed; and a barber swore to shaving On his trial it appeared as if the lady him next morning, who, on observing his was murdered by some person who had hands very much scratched, Berry said he fled, and who was let in by Le Brun for had been killing a cat... that purpose. It could not be done by On these circumstances, he was conhimself, because no blood was upon his demned to the torture, and afterwards to clothes, nor any scratch on his body, be broken alive on the wheel. On being which must have been on the murderer tortured, he confessed, that by the direc from the lady's struggling; but that it was tion and order of Madame de Savoniere Le Brun who let him in, seemed very clear: (Lady Mazel's daughter) he and Le Brun none of the locks were forced, and his had undertaken to rob and murder Lady own story of finding the street-door open, Mazel; and that Le Brun murdered her, the circumstances of the key, and the whilst he stood at the door to prevent a a


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