
thought was a hideous crime. Even now,| "Go thou within the inner chamber, my as he sat upon his couch, a savage smile Glycon, until I have spoken with Rhetius. came over his face, at the recollection of I will call thee when I have done." the death pangs of two citizens, on whose Gladly did our hero avail himself of this murder he had that day feasted. Gradu- command; for he could not calmly have ally, the fierce expression faded-and vis- met the betrayer of his sister-and the ions crossed his depraved imagination, of deep and settled hate burning within him beauty oft made his own-of demon plans might have broken out even in the chamto win yet more to his loathsome em- ber of Domitian. He strode hastily across braces; but ever and anon, as he thus the floor of the room designated, that his indulged his foul desires, a shudder came figure might not be shadowed in the mirover him-a paleness overspread his rors around, and himself be revealed-yet countenance, and his eye peered in every he closed not the door, ere his enemy had corner. There was a slight sound-he entered, and the emperor thus spokensprung to his feet, and the drops came 'O, my Rhetius--welcome! I sent for out upon his forehead-and, in a tremu- thee as I promised, to tell thee of the sunlous voice, as of a scared child, he called ny Hyala."


"Jupiter defend me! Lucius, art thou there?"

The voice of the guard at the door was heard in reply, and it calmed the fears of the emperor, who, muttering of assassins, threw himself upon his couch. He soon started again in an agony of terror, as the challenge of the guard sounded in the stillness; and he tremblingly grasped the handle of his naked sword, when he heard the door slowly open. A soldier entered, made his obeisance, and approached the almost shrieking monarch-and not until he had spoken, was he recognized to be the trusty, the faithful Glycon.

"Pardon me that I intrude upon thee, my master, thus unseasonably I bethought me thou would not desire me to sleep, ere my mission's end were made known to thee."

"Right, my Glycon. Let me grasp thy hand. Thy emperor rejoices in thy safety.. Thou art ever watchful-we know thou hast achieved our work."

Glycon then detailed the events of the uprising which he had been sent to quell; when he had concluded, the emperor again spoke:


Nobly acted! what need have we to fear, with such as thou art to protect? But soft-the guard again challenges a comer. 'Tis Rhetius, my tried captain, who hath returned from his post in Greece."

A slight start was the only evidence that Glycon knew aught of Rhetius-for The possessed the power to smother his passions within his breast. The emperor continued:


Hyala!-Glycon caught the sentence and stood aghast. Hyala!-Domitian uttering that name? It could not be-he had not heard aright-and he bent his head, and stilled his very breath to listen.

"Didst thou not find her in all as worthy the kisses of the mighty emperor as I had depicted?" said the heartless parasite.

"More-more," exclaimed Domitian, his eye kindling, and his voice fervent at the memory of her beauty. "Her breath was as sweet as the fragrant gales from the groves of the far east; and her ruby lips woed the kiss I hastened in rapture to bestow. Here-here is thy reward. She must come again."

"She shall, mighty emperor. May thy subject ask how received the girl the caresses of her great master?"


Coyly, coyly, my Rhetius-she shrunk and wept; and made me burn the more with the fire of love. But I conqueredI conquered. Remember, she must come again. Where got thou her?"

"In Greece, She was a peasant girl of my province. I won her love that I might bring her to thee."

"I thank thee-I thank thee! and now farewell. Bear thou this word to the darkeyed Hyaly; that Domitian loves her. Per Jove! She is a goddess! Farewell!"

Rhetius left the apartment, loaded with the price of his mistress; a casket of the richest gems; and Glycon came again be fore his monarch; but he looked n ot as before. There was a flush upon his face, a withering fire in his eye, a quiver on his lip, and drops of sweat upon his brow,

that told how mental agony had mastered almost turned his brain, and hastily inqui even the careful soldier. His fingers ring of the guard the direction, he rushed played upon the handle of his sword, as if towards the apartment of Rhetius, im they longed to clutch it; he towered to his pelled by passion, unknowing what end full height, and the steel plates that cover- he would attain. He paused not at the ed his breast rose and fell, and slightly door-the guard dared not oppose the rattled with its heaving. He did not, could entrance of so powerful an officer, and he not speak. was soon within the chamber. Rhetius was not there, but a quivering yet melodi. ous voice broke on his ear.

"Rhetius, is it thou?"

"Thou mayst go, my Glycon," said Domitian--in his reverie on the beauties of Hyala, blind to the emotion of his soldier. "Thou mayst go; assured of my There was no reply, and Hyala stole love for thee; let me see thee to-morrow." softly forward and lifted her eyes to scan Glycon only bowed as he departed, and the comer. She saw him, knew him, and as the door closed behind him he grasped was blasted by the sight! She did not ut his sword with convulsive energy, while ter a sound, but her gaze was chained on the breath came hard through his teeth. his, and the blood retreated to her heart, leaving her an icy statue. With a slight



Another, a softly moving, cringing crea- cry, as he mastered his thronging feel ture was not long after this in the cham-ings, Glycon grasped her by the shoulder ber of Domitian. It was Matho, whom and drew her from the room. Sustained we have met before. and carried onward by his giant strength

"My lord, a prize have I for thee--a she almost unconsciously moved along. being so beautiful and bright, and young, Accustomed to such sights, the servitors that she seems one of the daughters of only glanced at them as they went by, heaven sojourning on earth, a being who whispering, perhaps, to each other, a cashas been kept from the world, pure as the ual remark; and thus they emerged gushing fountain." from the palace, into the wide and splenDomitian, while Matho thus discoursed, did gardens. Glycon went on, without listened with a joy increased by every new epithet of praise.

pause or hesitation, toward a nook, at some distance, with the same dreadful agony depicted on his countenance-and never did he bend his head to glance at the almost paralyzed being he was drag ging along, who now, nearly exhausted. scarce trod the earth beneath her, It was a quiet and lovely spot where Glycon paused: a grove encircled it, and a marble fountain played ceaselessly in its centre-its tinkling waters alone breaking the stillness that hallowed the scene. Beneath, the greensward spread out like an inviting carpet-wooing the feet to tempt its softness. Beside this fountain stood Glycon with his sister. For a few mo ments he held her as he had come, withoút motion, as if he needed time to col lect his wild and bewildered senses, and make sure of the stern purpose within his Glycon strode through the broad gal- soul. Then he drew his hand across his leries of the palace, hardly conscious of brow, and with a faint groan looked upon his course; and his emotion grew more poor Hyala at first, the victim of her vivid and maddening as he went on. He own innocent heart and then the be was governed by a wild determination to trayed of the wretch who had first taught execute immediate vengeance. Hyala--- her even the name of sin. She was not his sister---what was she now? The thought now the fair creature who laughed in the

"Who is she, Matho?" interrupted he; "where? is she here? Hast thou already procured her for me? Speak! What callest thou her?"

"Livia--and she is the daughter of a proud senator. Force alone will get her. O, how celestial are her charms!"

"A senator! Curses light upon him and his order! Get her! here is my signet; and slay the senator if it be necessary. Shall I have her to-morrow, Matho?" asked he, in eagerness, laying his hand on the Informer's arm.


Yes, my lord, and I dare to crave a boon. When thou hast done with her, shall Matho possess her?"

"Yes, yes. I will give her to thee."




sunlight of her native Greece; though few If ever man died of love it was Edward Morton.

could rival the beauty that yet robed her features. Alas! the sorrow of blighted hope, of dread humiliation and shame was gnawing at her heart. Glycon smoothed away the dishevelled hair from her brow, and gazed into her eyes. With a quick gasp, she closed the aching lids as if the sight of him were pain.


Hyala❞—at length he said, in low husky tones, "I loved tbee. Thy mother doated on thee-and I have seen her watch thee when thy spirit was glad smiling in her joy, that the gods had bestowed upon her such a child. Thy father was proud when the villagers asked for the welfare of his beauteous daughter, and he, too, blessed Jupiter for the gift of thee. Thou wert the victim of a Roman! Thou preferdst the kiss of a Roman villain, to virtue and the love of thy kindred-and now!-Hyala-Hyala where wast thou last night? Ha! thou shrinkest, and thy breath grows quick. Guilty one!-0 ye gods-that ever such shame should be thine-that Glycon should blush for the sister of his affection! What is fit for thee? Each day of thy life is heaping loads of ignominy on thee and me, Hyala, thou must die!"

His right hand grasped his weapon, and it gleamed in the air. His arm trembled, as if he had scarce courage for the deed; his face was blanched to snowy whiteness, and his body rocked to and fro. He lifted the sword to strikeit was a useless motion. The hands of Hyala convulsively clasped together-a sudden and fearful change came over her features; her fingers parted-the arm of Glycon bended beneath her lifeless weight and he laid her upon the earthsenseless-motionless-dead!

He stooped down by her side and kissed her brow-and then taking a long, still look at her face, he severed a lock of her dark hair with his sword, thrust it into his bosom, and strode away. He bade some of the slaves in a few words to bury her where she lay-and ere long, the clods were the covering to the sad girl's bosom-and the fountain played alone-its bell-like dreppings sounded the only requiem of the departed.

(Concluded in our next.)

The lady to whom he became early attached was marriage and was never seen to smile afterwards. married to another. Morton was present at the The lady, it is said, was unhappy in her union, and did not survive it many years. Morton died at Corfu. A portrait of the lady was found in his portfolio, wrapped up in the following lines:

I saw the wedded-thou didst go
Within the sacred aisle,
Thy young cheek in a blushing glow,
Betwixt a tear and smile.
Thy heart was glad in maiden glee,
But he it loved so fervently

Was faithless all the while;

I hate him for the vow he spoke-
I hate him for the vow he broke.

I hid the love that could not die,
Its doubts, and hopes, and fears,
And buried all my misery

In secrecy and tears;

And days pass'd on, and thou didst prove The pang of unfrequented love,

E'en in thy early years;

And thou didst die, so fair and good!
In silence and in solitude!

While thou wert living, I did hide
Affection's secret pains;

I'd not have shock'd thy modest pride
For all the world contains;
But thou hast perished, and the fire
That often check'd could ne'er expire,
Again unhidden reigns,

It is no crime to speak my vow,
For ah! thou canst not hear it now.

Thou sleep'st beneath thy lowly stone,
That dark and dreamless sleep;
And he, thy loved and chosen one-
Why goes he not to weep?
He does not kneel where I have knelt,
He cannot feel what I have felt,

The anguish still, and deep,
The painful thoughts of what has been,
The canker worm that is not seen.

But I as o'er the dark blue wave
Unconsciously I ride,

My thoughts are hovering o'er thy grave,
My soul is by thy side.
There is one voice that wails thee yet,
One heart that cannot e'er forget

The visions that have died,
And aye thy form is buried there-
A doubt-an anguish—a despair!

SHORT AND SWEET.-"I cannot speak in publicthe other night, at a public meeting, who had been never done such a thing in my life," said a chap called upon to hold forth, but if any body in the crowd will speak for me, I'll hold his hat.

A Scene during the Plague in the largest houses, there descended a

Milan, 1630.

graceful female form, her appearance denoted that if the first bloom of youth had

Through the very heart of this frightful passed, its prime had not. On her sweet desolation, Renzo made his way; nor faded and obscured, but not destroyed---of countenance were traces of loveliness paused, till uncertain which of two roads to take. He was about to turn down the cruel suffering and mortal languor; yet, one indicated to him, when there issued withal, there shone pre-eminent that beaufrom it a horrible confusion of sounds, ty, at once soft and majestic, so peculiar above which was clearly distinguishable to Lombardy. She moved towards the the sharp, appalling tinkle which proceed. Convoy, her step was slow and painful, ed the pest carts; he shuddered, yet went from tears, but bore evidence of having but not unsteady---her eyes were free on, with difficulty threading his way shed so many that their source was dried through the street broad as it was. Three of these horrible vehicles followed one up; there was in her grief a something upon another, and now stopped. The tranquil and profound which indicated a scene which followed might not inaptly soul keenly sensible to, yet fully competent be compared to a corn market; there was to struggle with it. Yet was it not her a hurrying to and fro of persons and bur- appearance only which in the midst of so dens, sacks filled and emptied of their much misery pointed her out as an object contents. *Monatti hurrying into the of peculiar commiseration and awakened houses, others coming out, tottering be- on her behalf the feeling which had been neath the burthens they carried on their weakened or extinguished in almost every shoulders, which they deposited with little about the age of nine---dead, but attired heart. She held in her arms a little girl precaution on one or the other of the carts; some in their red liveries, others without with the most scrupulous'nicety; her flax this insignia; and a still greater number en locks were minutely parted on her distinguished by one more revolting, with forehead; her robe was of the finest texjerkins and plumes of various colors, as ture and dazzingly white: in short, one if to denote that this fearful public calami- might have fancied that the tender hand ty were to them a festival. From win- fete which had long been promised, and of a mother had arrayed her for some

dow to window there issued at each mo

ment a sepulchral sound, which scarce was now accorded as a reward. Neither resembled the human voice, though it ar- was she held in a reclining posture, but upticulated "Ina Monatti!" then with a right as in life, with her litte cold breast sound yet more sinister there arose above supported against the one which had the sad wailing, a sharp voice in reply thought she slept, were it not for the lite nourished her infancy. One might have "adess' adesso!" With these there mingled heart-rendering lamentations, and enhand, white and rigid as marble, which treaties to make speed, to which the Mo-hung so heavily, so inanimately by her natti replied with impatient oaths. Renzo pursued his way endeavoring to bestow no more attention on the obstacles in his path, than was necessary to avoid stumbling

side; for the little hand which rested on its mother's shoulder with an adandon ment which betokened the slumber of death---yes, she who so tenderly supported over them; till, at length, his shrinking the little unconscious being was her moth gaze fixed on a sight of peculiar and toucher! did not the resemblance between ing misery--a sight which, whilst it prompt- those two lovely, pallied faces attest the ed, rived, the soul to contemplate. He fact, the anguish of the one which still stood transfixed to the spot as it were bore faint evidence of life, must have inspell bound. Down the steps of one of contestibly proved it! A turpid Monatto advanced, and extended his hands to re*Thus were denominated the men to whom was as- lieve her of her burden; yet, was there signed the laborious and perilous task of removing an involuntary hesitation in his manner, a dead bodies from the houses, the roads, and the Lasort of tender respect. The mother shrank and poor; as well as to conduct those suffering under back but betrayed neither displeasure nor the disease to the Lazaretto, and superintend the burn- disdain. ing of infected apparel.

zaretto to the pit which formed cne vsst tomb for rich



"No," she exclaimed in a soft low voice, 'you must not take her from me yet; I, myself must lay her on her bier: take this," and she placed a well-filled purse in the hand which the Monatto had extend-| A maiden sat in her desolate chamber. ed; "promise me," she continued, "pro- The roses that had decked her form at the mise me that you will not remove the gay assembly were fading and lay scatmost trifling article from this precious tered-around beneath her feet. The jewform, that you will not suffer any one else els were cast carelessly upon the table, to do so; but lay her in her grave just as and the gala dress was laid aside. Despair she now is." was written upon her lofty brow, and the The Monatto placed his right hand on solitary tear that trickled down her pale his breast, then with obsequious civility, check bespoke the presence of deep and the result of the ne'er till then felt emotions fearful sorrow.

which subdued his hardened nature, rather There was but one being upon whom than of the unexpected boon he had re- Edith Tunnacliff could look and feel that ceived, busied himself in clearing a space his love was worth possessing; and, ere on the cart for the little corpse. The mo- she knew it, her whole heart was gone. ther imprinted a long kiss on her child's But she felt that her feelings were not rebrow, and laid her softly down, as though ciprocated, and that the individual, upon on a bed to sleep; she then arranged her whom she had silently and secretly besnowy garment in graceful folds around stowed her affections, viewed her with inher. Farewell, my Cecilia," she mur-difference, or gazed upon her as he did. mured, "repose in peace! ere another upon the devotees of fashion by whom he day has dawned we shall follow thee, and was surrounded. This was the cause of then we shall all be together forever; her appearance and emotions when we meanwhile, pray for us, and I will pray first saw her in her chamber.


for the other dear ones who have gone be- She moved-it was the first time for fore!---farewell!" She then carefully some moments. She leant her brow upon spread a cover lit of fine white linen over her small white hand, and gave vent to the rigid little form, and turning to the her sorrows.


Monatto addressed him in a voice yet "I cannot, for my life, divine the cause more low and unearthly; "Monatto," she of Manly's conduct. Whenever I enter said, "you will re-pass at Vespers, forget the room, however gay he may have been, not to enter, and ascend to the front cham- a cloud seems to steal over his brow, and ber on the right of the first floor, you will he sits down in some corner, gloomy and then have to take me, and not me only, discontented. It is my presence that af my last earthly treasure is dying also." fects him thus? What is there so terrible Thus saying, she returned slowly into in me that causes such a revulsion of manthe house, and in an instant after appeared ner? And why do I love him? Do I love on the balcony holding in her arms her him? Yes, I feel it; and I feel too that it youngest darling, still breathing it is true, is not reciprocated. This is too foolishbut, with the stamp of death on its little too silly for a woman. It might have face. Pressing the little sufferer to her done years ago, but now it is wrong. Yet breast, and trying to hush its mournful I cannot resist it. It comes upon me with wailings, the still youthful mother stood the blast of a whirlwind, and I cannot contemplating the unworthy obsequies of withstand its approach. I feel it within her first-born, till the pest cart moved on me tearing my frame in pieces, and buryand was finally lost to sight. Then she ing my heart beneath its ruins. And he too, disappeared, and with an expiring ef- does not love me-if he did my present fort of strength, she laid her infant on the feelings would be right, but now they are bed, stretched herself beside it, and breath- wrong. I feel that they are so, and I ed out her pure soul at the same moment must conquer them, though it rend my its little spirit also winged its flight to heart asunder." realms superna!!

With a look of conscious dignity Edith arose, and, brushing back the curls that

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