
the King and me it did, upon the one side trayed by him!! Had I been him, not youth and health and on the other age engines, wheels or racks of any kind, and gradual decay!--It was not mine but should ever have wrung the secret from my the nations will, that married me. I had lips or scarcely wrenched from me a cry not seen the King before the night the of pain!-what, frightened at the sight marriage was; nor shall I ever forget the of a dagger!-I would have bravely died tempest of my soul that then occurr'd. I denying it or been obstinately silent till carried smiles upon my face, but in my death!-no dagger should have alarmed heart-reluctance-hate-antipathy! No me!-(with a sneer of contempt.) wonder is it then that they who thus are De L. Here comes thy accessory.' joined prove faithless to their marriage- (the Queen is going,) Nay stay where thou Vows. There's nothing to be conceived art, unhappy Queen. I am not harsh but that's like the shuddering disgust a woman positive and bid thee stay. feels when married to a man for whom (re-enter Ubaldo and the two guards, with Lothaire she has no love. Nor's there a woman angrily clenching his chains-he does not perceive living placed in circumstances similar to the Queen, but boldly walks into the middle of the mine but would have done as I have?-court and commences speaking.) De L. Did he abet the murder? Lot. Why-why am I brought again Queen. He did,-He instigated me to it. Poor coward! But let it pass-I've within this court? for what is it? is it to done the murder, and am prepared to triumph in my fall? to see the wreck ambition has wrought? and hear the clank hear my doom, prepared to meet a spee dy death! But let him live my lords, 1 of these ignoble chains?Is it for that; beseech you. Take not his worthless life. or is it to gratify a paltry ride, and ver the fallen fortunes boast of one whose fabut let him linger thro' the world convour oft ye've sought when days more temned, despised! De L. No-the law will not admit of prosperous were mine. I ask again, why it. He is as deep as thou art within the am I brought into the court? De L. We have brought thee here to mire of guilt, and must likewise suffer for the crime;-must likewise on the scaf pass the solemn sentence of the law upon fold be exposed to gibes, contempt and the crime thou'rt guilty of. Think not that we exult in it-oh no! we pity thee. ignominious death! UbaldoSee there too-(pointing to the Queen)

Ubal. Sir-(stepping forward)

De L. Bring hither Lothaire. (exit what thou hast done.

Ubalbo and two guards)

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(their eyes mect-the Queen's fixed reproachfully on Queen. Then lead me back to my Lothaire who turns away confused, unable to endure dungeon. I desire to never see the face it)

of my betrayer again, never again hear By thee, Lothaire, and the Queen, the his treacherous voice. My memory calls King was of his life deprived. She struck to mind how I have been deceived by him, the fatal blow, but thou didst instigate her and makes me wish that we had never to the deed. Blood for blood the law demet or else that we had never been born!mands and both of ye must die! -Adultery and murder-both for him, the queen partly swoons staggering back into the support of an officer standing by her) and this is my reward! Night after Ubaldo go-conduct them hence. Keep night I stole into his arms, with tremu- them confined till to-morrow noon, and lous and guilty fear Iowa, but love sur-then bareheaded, barefoot and chained, mounted every fear, and to his amorous lead them publicly along the streets to vows of faith I sacrificed my honor, the scaffold.


Bareheaded, barefoot and chained, didst thou say? was that thy

placed my reputation at his disposal and (here the Queen starts, and rushes wildly to De now I find myself a murderess- little Lara.) thought at first how serious the crime or what would be the consequence! De L. Crime progresses by slow and sentence? sure degrees.

De L. It was.

Queen. But then to think of his in.. Queen. What, walk along the public gratitude! to think that after all I am be- streets unveiled, with shoeless feet, and

hear my fetters clank at every step-must]

I do that?

De L. Yes.

1st M.

3rd M.

When are they to be executed?
To-morrow at noon.-but

[exeunt together.

come let us go into the chapel. The Queen. What, be exposed before the funeral train is coming and near at hand. jeering rabble, whilst followed by a crowd Come of hooting boys, and hear their laughing shouts at my disgrace !-must I submit to that? alas, am I reserved for such a fate?

De L. Such is thy fate :-it is inevitable.

Queen. (with emotions of settled despair) Then let me curse my natal hour and wish that she who gave my being birth had died ere I was born!

(stands motionless, with her eyes elevated, as if in a trance)

De L. Let the great bell be tolled during the night. Go one, and toll it now.) (exit an officer-a short pause ensues, when the silence is disturbed by the loud and solemn toll of the bell, The Queen is startled by it, and gazes wildly around her.)

Queen. Ha! that bell! it warns me of my fate-it tells me of approaching death' De L. It does-it warns ye both; and may Heaven have mercy upon your souls.

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SCENE 3. The chapel in the convent, represent. ing the altar with a painting of the crucifixion, tapers burning &c. &c. preparatory to the burial of the King-an organ is played, and the funeral procession begins to enter; Officers, guards, no. blemen, ladics, soldiers, monks, nuns, the abbot, De Lara, Bonaventure, mourners, relatives, pill bearers with the corpse of the King, banners, symbols, devices &c. &c., with all the possible grandeur and pageantry of the Gothic ages. The corpse is set down in the centre. The abbot of ficiates at the altar. A funeral dirge is sung by all the characters, at the conclusion of which the pall bearers take up the corpse, aud the cur tain descends,

ACT 5.

SCENE 1. In the prison-a lamp hanging from the ceiling. A sentinel picing before the door. Ubaldo enters, and motions to the sentinel, who bows and exits The Queen enters through a small door at one side.

Queen. Mercy! talk not of that-the sound is mockery! I have no hopes of it Queen. Ubaldo I wish to speak with and it but tortures me to think of it. There thee. Thou art captain of the guard, and stands my ruin-there!-(pointing to Lo-ready at thy will are all prison keys. I thaire.) He cowers beneath my gaze have a strong desire to see Lothaire-I he shrinks from me--(the bell tolls) ha! wish to speak with him before we die; that dismal bell again! (starts uttering a and ask, tho' I've been used to bid, that piercing shriek) see there-the King-thou'lt permit an interview? just rising from the tomb-he beckons Ubal. Willingly would I oblige thee,

me mercy! mercy!

(sinks back exhansted but is prevented from falling,

-the scene closes.)

SCENE 2. An antechamber in the convent. Enter two Monks.

1st M. All's prepared. The tomb is opened the tapers are lighted and the altar is dressed.

madam, but can't. I am strickly charged to keep you apart, by those that tried the crime and sentenced ye, and therefore dare not grant an interview.

Queen. Nay-a few words only shall pass between us, we'll then farewell for ever bid, and part. The judges will not know of it;-and thou canst surely grant so trifling a request.

Ubal. I dare not.

2nd M. 'Tis nearly sunset now. The Queen, Yes-yes! I know thy heart corpse will soon be here--I expect the train is now upon its way. Here comes is of the gentler kind that nature forms— our brother from the city. (enter a 3rd it is not naturally hard; it is not like the Monk.) How now, Antoine what ti-hearts of those that sentenced me. Think of thyself if thou wert placed like ine. dings? 3rd M. The Queen and her paramour Suppose that thou didst wish to meet with are both condemned to death. She ac-one thou loved'st upon the eve of death, knowledges that she was the murderess, and think how hard 'twould seem to be If thou wert doomed to die, thy and it was proved that he was an acces- refused. first desire would be to see thy wife and Feary.

traced upon the walls.

children, and think how it would rend thy SCENE 2. Another apartment in the prison,-lamp anxious heart to be denied the sight of hanging, &c. &c. Lothaire deciphering the names them at that late hour. Would it not? Ubal. It would. (with feeling.) Lot. How dismal, gloomv, desolateQueen. Then think of it, and grant the how like the feelings of my soul! And last request of one who was a queen, but here upon the walls, by the dim light the now imprisoned and doomed to die ere lamp affords, I indistinctly read the names of those that have been here before me,

sets to-morrow's sun!

Ubal. I would indeed, but dare not and from the prison to the scaffold pass'd, for my life. as I shall. Fool that I was! If my ambi-. Queen. I tell thee tho' they will not tion had not made me mad, instead of beknow of it. They've put us in thy charge, ing doomed to feel the axe's edge, I might nor is it likely they mistrust thee. Then have lived in peace till aged grown, and think of it;-be kind to those who have well-beloved descended to the grave. But been 'kind to thee, and bring him here to repentance comes too late. (enter Ubaltake a last farewell of one who loves him do, carrying a torch). How now? why still, tho' he betrayed and brought us both com'st thou with a lighted torch! why to ruin! fling its glaring light on these bare walls? Ubal. 'Twere certain death were I to Uba!. I've come at the risk of my life grant what thou dost wish, and it should to oblige the Queen. She wishes to speak be discovered. My wife and little ones with thee. would then have not the means whereby

to live, would stand in bitter need of my support, and die perhaps of want.

Lot. To speak with me?

Ubal. Yes-wilt come!

SCENE 3rd. In the prison the same as the scene 1
The Queen seated at the table in a reveric of thought

gainst her forehead. Her musings are interrupted
by the entrance of Ubaldo and Lothaire. (Exit
Ubaldo.) The Queen rises and approaches Lo-

her elbow resting on the table and her hand a

Lot. I will, since she desires it. I little Queen. Nay, plead not as an excuse expected this request from her-but-lead that which is scarcely possible. No-but the way; I'll follow thee. (exeunt.) bring him here without delay, that I may take my leave of him, my last adieu! Go; for pity's sake, go bring him. Go, go. and let me be obliged to thee. (Ubaldo unable to resist her persuasions, exits. After he has gone the Queen draws from her bosom, with a peculiar smile of satisfaction a small phial.) This drug that in my besom I have kept, shall poison the contents of Queen. I have sent for thee, Lothaire, yonder bowls,-(pointing to a couple of tho' once resolved to never see thee awine goblets upon a table in the centre of gain. I could not conquer my desire to the a artment.)-and by the subtle draught speak with thee, and on the captain of of one of them my soul shall wing its ev- the guard prevailed to grant this stolen erlasting flight. The public shame, that interview. What I have said was said in they who tried the crime have sentenced haste, for I am one whose passion and feelme to undergo, I never can submit to, and ings are of the warmest kind, and in one self-destruction is the only means by which moment I may do that I shall be sorry for I can avoid it. I've sent for him, ostensi- the next. Forgive me then.

bly to bid farewell and shake the hand of Lot. Nay-rather let me forgiveness. friendship e'er we part, but in reality that ask for being so false to thee. The unexhe may see me die!-Before his sight I'll pected sight of that polluted blade, so suddrink the poison, and thus prevent the denly produced within the court-proshame that they have doom'd me to. And duced when I supposed it in the earth he-if in his breast a spark of manhood where I had buried it-entirely unnerved yet remains-will drink the wine within me with the shock, and I, not knowing the other bowl, and unreluctantly die with what I did, confessed our crime;-our


(She retires, and the scene closes.)

crime, of which too late the error we perceive for irretrievably we're lost!

Queen. What's done cannot be helped.

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Over the past 'tis useless to regret,and recol-that I am fearful of-but the degradation, lection can't repair the deed. (the bell tolls) scorn, contempt and disgrace attending it. Hark! hear'st thou the tolling of that muf- What, be a public sight--exposed-dis fled bell! How sad it sounds amidst the graced !-no, no! the poison first! (raisilence of the night! It toils for us;-i sing the bowl.)

bids us be prepared:-a few short hours. Lot. Nay-nay-raise not the fatal is ail the time we have left to live. Be goblet to thy lips. For Heaven's sake, holl—(pointing to the goblets upon th ta- hold! (attempting to take it from her). bie)-von silver goblets that thou see'st Nay, thou shalt not-let go of it.

Queen. Too late-'tis done! I've drank of it--and all with me will soon be at

are filled with wine-and here's a pois (she succeeds in swallowing a portion of it just as onous drug, wi hin this little vial, which he dashes the goblet from her hands.) shall attaint the liquor there; and which when drank or even tasted of, shall thro' the veins iustil the blight of death. See emptying the contents of the vial into each of the bouls)-here in the wine I pour the fatal drug and mingle them.

Lot. But, for what purpose is this!
Queen. For self-destruction!

Lot. Is it possible?

peace! (shudders; her face becoming very
pale.) I feel the poison in my veins-it
freezes me--cold-cold-shivering-
(sinks back insensibly into the arms of Lothaire,
who appears very much alarmed and agitated).

Lot. Oh, fatal deed! she is dying!What ho, there-Ubaldo!-But see, she revives the blood is rushing to her

Queen. Why wonder at it? Am I not cheeks again. doomed to walk barefooted thro' the Queen. (starting up) And-now-the streets?-chained too! a public specta- poison burns within me! it mounts into cle! Yes-such is my sentence, and ra- my brain like Ætna's fire! my very heartther than endure it I have resolved to strings seem to crack and kindle with the swallow poison! The reason that I sent blaze! tis all on fire-it rages-flames! for thee, was not to bid farewell only, but ha!

to let thee see me die, and, take my ex- (a reaction takes place; she becomes ghostly pale and her voice weak) ample. Behold! All is cold again-my chattering teeth (takes one of the goblets from the table and is in the resemble icicles;-and in my rattling act of raising it to her lips but is prevented by Lo- throat, with hollow voice, as if the sound thaire laying his hand upon her arm.) did issue from a tomb, death bids me come! (sinks exhausted into the arms of Lothaire again).

Lot. Nay,, put down the treacherous bowl. Thou surely canst not mean to drink the poison?

Queen. I do and will!

Lot. Alas, she raves! Is there no help at hand? does no one come? What ho, Ubaldo! Ubaldo!

Queen. (wildiy, and with vehement ges

Lot. Nay, nay--attempt it not. At this date hour when another death than sui- turcs) See there-see there-the Kingshroud! Behold! and in his outstretched see where he stalks-clothed in a bloody hands he grasps the sheets on which he

cide is near, drink not the poison, I charge thee. Our fatal doom is near enough--and

why accelerate the dreadful hour?

Queen. Along the streets with shouts,

died! Sec-see-he calls me to him! he

mercy! mercy!

huzzas and public clamorings, I'll not bids me come and points to hell! mercy! parade!-No-and here's the only way (her voice fails and she staggers with weakness. Lo to escape--by poisoned wine, and death thaire springs forward, and prevents her from falling that's premature. (raises the cup). as she expires. Deeply agitated, he calls the captain Lot. Nay-dash at once the goblet of the guard by name, several times and very loudly) down-commit not suicide, but think of Lot. Ubaldo! Ubaldo! (calling)-She's this no more. The hour of death will dead--dead! alas!—and I am left, a soon be here, and where will be thy sense withered leaf, alone and desolate amidst the world! of shame when on thy neck the sharp edge of the axe decends? 'Twill sever the guard]. [looking anxiously out and calling for the captain of

head and body at one blow, and we shall Ubaldo within there! Come, come take scarcely feel the change from life to death. her from my arms, or I shall sink with Queen. 'Tis not the stroke of death horror and affright!

[enter Ubaldo, hastily.] ́

Ubal. Who calls?-alas! what ails the Queen? she is not dead?

Lot. She is next to her breast she

four aged friend, in laste-from him we'll learn the tidings. (enter Montalt) How now, Montalt? what means this clamour ? what has happened?

had concealed a vial with poison in it: tain of the guard permitted an interview Mon. As near as I could learn, the capshe drugg'd the wine in yonder bowls between the Queen and Lothaire. She with it, announced the resolution she took poison and died upon the spot-the formed of dying, and raised the cup captain fled, and the guards who discovI stepp'd her hand at once and with per-ered it succeeded in capturing Lothaire. suasion begg'd her to refrain;-but suddenly she raised it to her lips, and drink for the execution immediately. He shall De L. Come then-orders shall be given ing deep of its contents, expired as thou dost sce, within my arms. (a noise with loudly-and awake the sleeping citizens not live another hour. Go, ring the bell,— Ubal. Thy voice, when calling for me, ther guard) Come, friends; we'll go our that they may witness it. Go. (exit onohas roused the guards-they are coming.selves, and see that Justice has her due. Quick! Lay down the corpse and hurry back with me to thy cell, or I shall be discovered.

in.) Hark! what noise?

Lot. (aying down the corpse.) It is too late to do so, or I would. They are in the passage. But here's a private corrider-fly thou thro' it-fly, for thy life depends upon it and leave me to my fate! Away at once or thou'lt be seen-stand not hesitating-thy only hope remains in flight!

Ubal. But my wife and little childrenwhat will become of them!


SCENE 5. The place of execution. An elevated seaf. fold with steps leading up to the platform. The executioner standing by the block with the axe in his hand. The bell tolling and citizens one after another enter from all sides.-Enter in regular filc, guards, officers, noblemen, torchbearers, De Lara, Bonaventure, Montalt, St. Pierre guards, and Lothaire chained. The others range on ither side of the stage, leaving the prisoner in the centre. St. Pierre advances to him. He kneels, takes th crucifix, kisses it, returns it to the abbot, and ascends the scaffold. Upon the platform he shakes hands with executioner as an acknowiedgement of no existing enmity between them-afterwards lays his head upon the block and is decapitated by a The exccctioner holding up the bleeding head exclaims, "So perish the ene mies of France!"

Lot. Heaven will protect them. Fly thou-preserve thy life-it is thy duty single stroke of the axe. Awhile in distant lands exile thyself, and after years have rolled around thou canst return to them; but as it is, if thou dost stay tho'rt sure to perish. Übal. Farewell

Lot. Forever! (they hahe hands.) Ubal. Not forever I hope. Perhaps we may meet again.

Lot. Not in this world.-But away (Ubaldo hurries off by a privvie passag.) Ha! they're at the door! I have no hope for mercy at their hands, and will defend myse f till overpowered.

[a body of gusrds burst into the room. His efforts to defend himsel are useless, for he is immediately vauquished by numbers, and dragged off.]

Scrne 4. An apartment in the palace. [Enter De Lara and Bonaventure, accompanied by several guards.

De L. What means this stir? what can have happened? Go one of you and bring me word. (exit a guard.) Here comes

De L. Justice is satisfied!

The Corsair's Death,
What hell-illumined barque appears
Upon the midnight wave?
What fiend her course infernal steers,-
What madden'd fn ies rave?

No port she seeks-she seeks no shore-
But reckless on she goes;

Her decks imbrued in human gore,-
Her crew mau's worst of foes.

With demons manned-accurst of heaven-
Who murder at her helmn:
Onward by furious blusts she's driven,
Till death's broad waves o'erwhelin.
Down, down she sinks, while curses dread
Despairing lips proclaim;

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