
Mr. Mordaunt. She is a good speci- chaperone: she never went out for exermien of your country-women, does great cise except when so accompanied, and credit to Brazil, and would make, I dare she never received any visitor except in say, an excellent English marriage, if she such presence. These arrangements gave were not already engaged,great satisfaction to Alonzo, (he did not "She is really then engaged." enquir- know why, for it was nothing to him,) al ed Alonzo. though he frequently suffered by them. Decidedly to a Portuguese noble-Guard your heart. conscience whis man, this has been published as much as pered to Alonzo. Alas! his heart had es much as possible to keep lovers at a dis- caped but he guarded his manners, and they were the next best security; he tri"Well," thought Alonzo, as she is ed to watch his eyes; he never flirted, he engaged, and I married, there can be no never complimented; in fact, he succeed danger." And that very evening (for the ed so well, that the Countess and Mi lady he understood, was not permitted to Mordaunt appeared to have no suspicion to receive morning visitors) beheld him at but he could not deceive himself, and he the Countess's::: was not quite so sure that he deceived Vi


An intimacy soon sprung up between ola. them, as was natural between persons of Time glided by unheeded the London the same age and station in a foreign season was near its close, when one morn country. There was no one that Viola ing at breakfast, Mr. Mordaunt observed was, or appeared, half so pleased to see "Well, Alonzo, time gets. on, we are now as Dʊn Alonzo. She had always a new in July, and before, the end of October song to sing to him, a new drawing to you must be safely landed at Rio, We show to him, or a new book to recom- must secure your passage m the next mend to him. She was fond of chess, month's packet.':

and many a happy moment did he spend. All this was well known and fully ex while the Countess was engaged at her pected. vet did the intimation astound Alwhist. But never in his eyes was she so pazo. So soon! can it be possible?' facinating as when, passing the black rib The same evening they were en famille bon of her guitar over her shoulder, she at the Countess's: the whist and chess ta accompanied herself in their own beauti-bles were arranged as usual. What ere ful national u elodies: her voice was ex- you thinking of, Don Alonzo, to make such. quisitely sweet and clear; the execution a move as that? inquired Viola: "you finished and graceful. At those moments are a little absent out of spirits this an exclusive affmity appeared to exist be evening.

tween them; although there might be, "I ought not to be so,' said Alonzo, tıy and often were, numerous other listeners ing to rally, "for we have been busy all and admirers, it was his eye only that she day planning and arranging about our sought for approval.: voyage home'

They met frequently at public places, "Indeed! said Viola. Alonzo thought and also at other houses. Viola was a she sighed i certainly she in her turn made beautiful dancer, and he felt proud (he a false move, Soon after a servant enter knew not why, for it was nothing to him) ed with a case of jewels belonging to Vi. of the admiration she excited. Some ola, which had returned from being retimes he waltzed with her, and with a paired: while looking at them Alonzo ob beating heart caught here and there, half served, that she was not a little envied by. a whisper from the spectators The two the London belles for the splendour of her Brazilians an interesting couple, are jewels, they not???.

"How comes it,' said she, "that I never It was thought better that Viola, on ac see you wear any ornaments, not even a count of her peculiar situation, should ring? Our young Brazilian beaux are continue to observe, although in England, naturally so fond of these decorations, the strict form of her own national man- "I assure you,' said Mr. Mordaunt, lookners Immediately after dancing she re-ing off his cards, "Don Alonzo has one turned to the side of the Countess or her of the most superb rings I ever saw-a

single yellow diamond of great value." [sing invitation of Alonzo to accompany Alonzo felt irritated, he scarcely knew him to Brazil: their passage was taken why, and replied in a better sarcastic tone and their preperations well forward. Alquite unusual with him-"Yes, I have a onzo paid his farewell visits, and did all yellow diamond, indeed, that I never wish that was necessary on the occasion, with to see, or to show any one else.' the most perfect composure.

The words were scarcely out of his A passage was also taken for Viola and mouth before he felt their impropriety. her suite in the Lisbon Packet, and the "Draw your card, my lady, if you please,' day was fized for her leaving town for said Mr. Mordaunt.. Falmouth. The day following was deci "Check,' cried Alonzo, and with an ef- ded on by Alonzo for the same purpose, fort looked at Viola, She was leaning on but this he managed to conceal from her. her hand; and her large black, and brilliant The morning before her departure, he eyes, with their long up-turned lashes were called on the Countess. "You are come fixed on his. He started at the look-to take leave of Donna Viola,' said her la why or wherefore he could not imma- dyship. gine. The eyes were withdrawn, and the game continued..

"No I am not, I am come to take leave of you (for I also am on the eve of quitA few evenings after, he was leading ting London) and to thank you for all her from a dance to place her as usual by your kind attention." the side of the Countess; they had to tra- "But why not of Viola?" she will be so verse three or four crowded rooms before disappointed."-said the Countess. they could reach the one where her lady- "It is better I should not." ship was seated at whist; they moved ve- "But what am I to say to her?" inquirry slowly and loiteringly along, seemingly she. in no great hurry, to arrive at their desti- "Precisely what I have just said—that nation. it is better I should not."

"Are you really going to leave us next month, Don Alonzo?"



The Countess returned no reply; and with all good wishes on each side, they To be continued.

and you Donna Viola, what parted.

becomes of you ?*

"I go to Portugal.'

"And there?" said Alonzo in an inqui

ring tone,

"O there we shall not remain long; our A SKETCH FROM SPANISH HIS Brazilian property will require our presence.".

Viola !"


Then we shall meet again,' said Alon The sun was declining on the day suczo eagerly. ceeding to that on which it had shone over "I hope so I dare say, in a few the battle-field of Najara; that field were months.* our Black Prince had with his arms as"Well that is some comfort!-and he sisted the cause of the cruel Pedro of Cas seemed to respire more freely; then after tile. Two horsemen had reached nearly a pause but I shall never again meet at the same moment a stream that wound slowly through a plain skirted by a dense "But Viola, Don Alonzo," she replied mass of trees. The first a sturdy soldier, firmly, "will meet you as she has always whose accoutrements bore evident marks met you; what she has been, she will con- of recent service, dismounted and led his tinue to be your sincere and affectionate panting steed to the inviting element; and friend.' while the animal went knee-deep into the "Thank you, Viola, thank you!-but water to enjoy its refreshing coolness, the pray do not speak another word to me soldier, throwing himself down on the just now. He placed her in her seat, and brink, tore off his helmet and bathed his without looking at her. turned away and sun-burnt temples. The other traveller left the house, likewise alighting, followed the example Mr. Mordaunt had accepted the pres- as regarded the horse, but sought no re

freshment himself from the stream. With- "For the matter of that, you may perdrawing the animal from the water he de- haps be right," answered the man, looking tached a small case from the saddle and inquiringly at his reprover. But the reproduced some dried fruits and a flask of clining position of the cavalier, which wine. He was apparently a young man, shaded his features more completely debut the ample folds of a cloth mantle and fied curiosity. "However, I am not the a slouched beaver with a drooping plume, man to eat my words, even if you were denied the scrutiny of the elder wayfarer. the black lion, or the red tiger himself. "Will you not do as I have done, Sig. We are but man to man, and I am not so nor Cavalier?" said he, "the water will tired of fighting as to refuse a few strokes marvellously refresh you after a long ride, in maintainance of my opinion." With for your Andalusian there seems to have this observation he drew from its scableft some leagues behind since you be-bard a sword still discolored, and indented strode him." with marks of deadly strife. "Truly he hath, friend," returned the "Put up thy weapon, friend," said the other, "I thank thee for thy recommenda- cavalier, rising, "I seek not to offend thee; tion, but I am not affected toward the wa- I am sick at heart with the sight of blood, ter at present;, a moderate draught of and have too lately escaped the sword to wine will better recruit my spirits, and if thrust myself voluntarily on its point. Bethou hast yet far to travel ere night, I side, I am without the means of defence, would advise thee to comfort thee inter- and am therefore not disposed to quarrel." nally as well as externally." And pour-And removing a part of his cloak he exing some wine into a horn he offered it to hibited an untenanted sheath to the eyes of the soldier, adding, "Which way wend- his companion; and at the same time gave est thou ?" partially to view a dress of great richness, "Through the forest," replied the sol-such as that period formed the costume of dier, returning the empty horn with thanks the higher order of Castilians. Either the for its contents, "if your road lies that way dress or the empty sword-case had an inwe may ride together, if you do not pre-stantaneous effect on the soldier. He fer your own thoughts for company. The sheathed his weapon, and looked wistfully forest bears a bad name, but we may get at the now interesting figure before him. through before sunset if we do not delay." "You have been disarmed," said he "I have no fear of robbers," was the mournfully, "in a contest for your life, answer, accompanied with a deep sigh, and you have saved it by flight." "when there are so many dead men at "Not precisely as thou sayest," was hand to plunder, they will not lie in wait the reply, "I have been disarmed 'tis true, for such as might give them some trouble but not in the encounter from which Í in pursuing their avocation. We may have lately escaped, I was set on early travel in safety while the fate of war of this morning by two marauders, who were fers so rich a booty. How many noble doubtless on their way to the field of friends and enemies lie on that bloody slaughter. They were badly mounted, field !" and one of them was thrown speedily by

"You come then from Najara," said his untutored steed, Before he could rethe soldier. He paused, but his compan- gain his seat I had plunged my good sword ion appeared not to heed him. "Aye, into the shoulder of my other opponent, many a bold knight sleeps his last beside where finding it not easy to withdraw, I as brave a vassal. Heaven preserve the left it to be extricated by his companion, Count of Trastamare and his gallant bro-seeing others approach whom I judged to ther. Methinks this black lion may tar-be of their fellowship. From the fleetness nish his laurels by thus abetting the cause of my horse I did not fear pursuit. But of our red tiger. He has been ill advised come, friend, if thou wilt bear me compato set his Ich Dien at the disposal of such ny, thou must mount, for I would be in a faithless and murderous tyrant as "Burgos before nightfall."

"Art thou not ill advised, friend, to "Have with you then, Signor, I am alspeak so freely of thy betters to a stranger. so for Burgos; by the mass, but I shall be We have been but a few minutes acquaint-welcome there."

ed, and yet thou utterest treason."

And crossing his horse, the travellers

were soon plunged in the obscurity of the man. I should be satisfied if I could know adjacent forest. For some time they were that he has even my luck. Had it not silent, the younger, from painful reflection, been for this good horse I might by this the e der from speculating on what those time have been pining in a dungeon, or very reflections might be. The path be- what is more likely, killed out of the way. coming narrower, and somewhat unsafe But I caught the animal just in time to from the increasing darkness, and the roots save myself from being taken prisoner. of trees which stretched unearthed across He is a generous beast and has borne me the little frequented path, they were obli-, well; not so fleet as yours, perhaps, Sig. ged to proceed more leisurely. A trifing nor, but quite as enduring, for I have made matter will sometimes suffice to check or a long circuit, knowing the country well, change the current of thought, and the ea- and choosing to avoid the frequented roads. valier, taking up the discourse as though Peace to the soul of his former possessor, no space had intervened, " And thou wilt though he may have been an enemy." be welcome at Burgos," said he, "will it "Amen!" said the younger rider, and be for thyself or for thy news that thou again urged on his horse as they turned wilt be welcome?" into a broader track, which soon termina

"For myself more than for my news, ted in a public road. It was more than though there may be some who will be usually thronged. There were many wea well enough content with that. But when ry soldiers who appeared to have escaped I talk of welcome, Signor, I mean the from the rout of the preceding day; some greeting I shall receive from my wife and few wounded had been saved by the hulittle ones; and the old people too, for I manity of their comrades, and were ream young enough to have parents still turning to their homes disabled and dispir alive." He was stopped for an ins' ant by ited. Occasionally a horseman rode rapa sigh which escaped from his companion. idly past his less fortunate companions in "The oid man will be sorely grieved to arms, and all seemed making towards the hear of this defeat." city, which at no great distance presented "Wherefore will he grieve," asked the its spires, scarcely tinged with the last rays of the setting sun.


"Because he has a sort of fatherly regard for the sons of the lady.Leonora." "Dost mean Leonora de Guzman ?" interrupted the junior traveller.


"What is thy name, and where dost thou dwell in Burgos ?" said the knight. My name is Gaspar Matteo, and —, but why should you inquire?" returned "Even so, Signor. Ah! poor lady, well the other, "you have not been over wildo I remember her when she used to walk ling, Signor, to let me know aught of your in the garden of her palace with her chil, self?"

dren; my father was gardener, and often As thou wilt," said the cavalier, haughwould she stop to talk to him about the tily, and at the same moment gaining a fruit and flowers; so helping my father path that rather led from than to the city, occasionally, I knew the lady well, but the he added, " a happy meeting to thee with children were young; many years have thy friends." And turning his horse quickpassed since then. Count Henry I have ly down the road he was out of sight alseen at Burgos and in the field, but his most before his companion could be aware younger brother I should not know; of his intention. He drew up his horse irwish I could say brothers, but this tyrant resolute how to proceed, and vexed that as I must call our lawful sovereign, has no his answer, which.had been meant in jest, bowels for his kindred. Marry, he plunges should have been taken in earnest. He a dagger into a human being as ruthlessly considered; however, that he might not be as I should stick a knife into an oyster, able to overtake the hidalgo, and perhaps and thinks no more of ordering a head to might offend if he did.. This doubt combe chopped off than I should of decapita- bining with his natural anxiety to embrace ting a mushroon. Can you tell me aught, his family, determined him on proceeding Signor, since no doubt you were at Najara, to his home. "A happy meeting to thee of the noble Sancho? I trust he has es- with thy friends," that was courteous, cercaped from the clutches of his royal kins- tainly, and with a sensation of interest for

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