
that he had taken a list of the minis- | Wednesday, Nov. 9; and that the

ministers at Loughborough and Leicester be a Committee to make the necessary arrangements-Mr. Winks to be the convener; who having ascertained the views of the Loughborough ministers, called the committee together at the College, Oct. 14th, when four of the six Leicester ministers (the others being engaged) were

ters present, and he hoped every
one, whether called on or not, would
feel himself at full liberty to give ut-
terance to his sentiments. After a
few general observations, in which
he alluded to the disappointment he
felt that our aged and venerable bro-
ther, Rev. J. G. Pike, had been
unable to prepare a paper for this
meeting, or even to attend it, he call-present.
ed upon the convener to read a brief
report of the steps which the com-
mittee, appointed at the Hugglescote
Conference, had taken with regard
to the proceedings at this Convention.
Brother Winks then read the follow-
ing paper.

"To the Revival Convention at

"Perhaps it may be expedient for me to state that at the last Association, a case was presented from one of the churches to the following effect:

"Is it not desirable that some attempt should be made to revive and extend vital religion in our churches and-congregations? and as the time at this Association, and at the Conferences, is usually fully filled up with their ordinary business, would it not be expedient to recommend the various Conferences to advise the ministers of each district to meet for humiliation before God, and prayer to him that he would graciously direct to the adoption of such measures as shall result in his glory, and the salvation of the souls of men.'

"Whereupon it was resolved,

"That we recommend the various Conferences to advise the ministers in their districts to arrange for such meetings and services as shall conduce to the revival of religion in our churches and congregations.'

"At the September Conference, held at Hugglescote, it was agreed that the Convention for the Midland district be held at Loughborough, on

Brother Wallis acted as chairman, and the plan published in the Repository for the present month was adopted. The Committee further agreed to request brother Pike, senr., of Derby, to write the paper on "the causes for humiliation and special prayer in relation to the present depressed state of religion," but on corresponding with his father, brother Carey Pike reported that he assigned several reasons why he could not comply. Brother Carey Pike also intimated that in consequence of this, and as the writer was conversant with the state of religion in general, and of our churches in particular, he might prepare the paper, with which suggestion brother Wallis concurred; but the writer felt that he dare not undertake to prepare a document of such importance; and after much consideration he concluded that perhaps upon the whole it would be better to leave the question of the causes of depression to be stated by the brethren now assembled, who might relate what they had observed to have this tendency in their various stations and positions of observation. And again it was conceived that this mode would prevent mere discussion on any particular points which might be set forth in a written document, especially if that document were not prepared by one whose ripened experience and long standing amongst us were such as to entitle his opinions to unquestionable and general confidence. The writer of this brief report therefore hopes that you will

kindly excuse him in not making the attempt. And he has only further to state, that all the brethren who were requested to deliver addresses at the meeting to be held in Baxter Gate chapel this evening, have expressed their willingness to undertake the service assigned to them.


as the excellent of the earth. there were low views of the mediation of Christ, now exalted at the right hand of the Father, ever living there, all fulness dwelling in him, and shedding down blessings on his humble followers. He would only add that many seemed to forget that there were glorious promises yet to be fulfilled. The truth was yet in the word of God, but faith in it seemed to be dead in some hearts. We ought to cherish the cheering conviction that God would fulfil his own word in the spread of the king

"In concluding this brief report, it is respectfully suggested that it will be desirable at this meeting to avoid what might appear as if we were presuming to act in the name of the churches, or as if we had any authority, or wished to have anyhence all resolutions of a business-dom of his Son in the earth. like character might be well avoided, and the conversation take a free course, avoiding also all controversy, Brother Jones of March being callintermixed occasionally with fer-ed upon, said, he was often ashamed

vent prayer by the brethren for the Divine Spirit to guide our deliberations, and bless our souls with his presence. J. F. WINKS, Sec."

The Chairman then called on brother Wallis to address the meeting, who observed, that christians were, or ought to be, witnesses for God in the world. He would mention a few of the things which operated to retard the spread of religion. Low views of the power of prayer. Prayer was not merely a developement of the state of our own hearts, or in its influence beneficial to ourselves only. There was an appointed power in prayer which, rightly used, would bring down blessings on others. "Ask and ye shall receive." "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." For all these things will I be inquired of by the house of Israel, to do them for them." Our prayers must not be preaching prayers, but short and fervent.

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there was a low appreciation of the privileges of christian fellowship. A low view of prayer will separate us from God; and a low view of fellowship will separate us from the saints, whom we should ever esteem

"Great God thy sovereign power impart," was then sung; after which

of his own timidity, but was encouraged by the order and spirit of the meeting. And yet when he looked around him he was affected by the consideration that since he was last in that place many of the then senior ministers had passed away, and he perhaps was now the senior of the ministers present. The last time he was in that place was at the ordination of brother Lacey, and now he too was gone! He hoped he might exhort the younger ministers and students to work while it was day, for he was often humbled when he thought how little he had done for his Lord and Saviour. With regard to the causes of depression, he feared that in the town where he ministered mistaken views of Divine Sovereignty had done much harm. But the God of providence was the God of grace, and there was a perfect analogy in all his proceedings with men. who will not sow must not expect to reap. We must labour in both cases, and in both cases God will bless us with increase. The fault with us is not the want of places of worship, for we have ample accommodation for all the population; but rather to what some call hyper-cal


vinism, or a sort of theological fatal- | ism, which pervades the minds of many, and bars the entrance of gospel truths. But we must continue to call upon men to "Repent and believe the gospel," that they may be saved, even if mistaken men should call us "legal." But we are not "legal." We depend upon Divine aid as much as they do. He concluded by saying he thought the present meeting exceedingly appropriate to the times, and prayed the Divine blessing might rest on our deliberations.

Brother Preston of Ashby offered an earnest and appropriate prayer. Brother E. Stevenson of Loughborough said the conversation was going on in the right direction. He would mention a few matters which he had thought of. He thought there should be a more direct recognition of religion in our family circles. Divine worship there should never be neglected or thrust aside. If all the talk there is about the passing trifles of the day our children and domestics will not be likely to receive any benefit. We must not only take religion home from public worship, but we ought to take it from home to public worship. Our

social prayer meetings should be well supported. He had no reason to complain the prayer-meetings at Baxter Gate were well attended; but it was remarkable that they were composed of young people chiefly. This ought not to be. The elder were directed to go before the younger, and lead them on, but here the young were the leaders in this particular case. Then there were some in easy or respectable circumstances, who either did not attend at all, or but seldom. Neither ought this so to be; for they could better secure and give the time required. He thought, too, that there was not sufficient attention paid by the members of churches to those who joined with us in public

worship; would it not be well to notice them more-take them by the hand and encourage them? We must not only treat them with cold civility but warm affection.

The Chairman here stated that when he and brother Burns were in Boston, United States, they heard that the prayer-meetings of the Unitarians were attended by some of the leading merchants of that city, who engaged in the devotional exercises with great fervour and animation. He mentioned this just here, that some of our busy merchants and manufacturers and tradesmen might hear of it, and not allow themselves, as evangelical christians, to be exceeded by Unitarians in willingness to devote their time and talents to the service of their God and Saviour.

Brother Winks observed, that although he had not prepared a paper on the causes of hindrance, he had made note of several, which he would mention now, and as briefly as possible, as they might be suggestive, and draw forth remarks from others. With regard to the general question, those of us who remember the great French war would recollect how the expectation of an invasion operated on the minds of multitudes in awakening a vivid apprehension of eternal realities. Peace quieted our fears, and feeling secure, we turned from arms to arts, and from bulletins to books. Since then Mechanics' Institutes, with Libraries and Lectures, were formed; and lately, those everlasting Concerts were drawing away numbers of the young. The great railway revolution, and its excursion trains and facilities for travel or conveyance produced a great change in the habits of the people. Manufactures were improved and increased, free trade was opened, gold flowed in, and business with its bustle and its dangerous competition, claimed attention and energy. Prosperity followed, and with it refinements,

amusements, and indulgences, not sinful, perhaps, but questionable. The love of many waxed cold. Spiritual exercises were not relished. The world was uppermost. Genteel schools for children were sought, and mixed marriages often broke up religious connections. Enlargement of political liberty and municipal honours had, in some cases, operated unfavourably. The advocacy and support of societies, of themselves virtuous and praiseworthy, like the Temperance cause, had, it was to be feared, drawn off the energies of some from the higher objects of the Gospel. Then, with regard to our own Connexion: the statistics in our "Minutes" for several years past shewed but little increase, and many reports were desponding. It was true that emigration had drained many churches, and the renewed and increasing influence of the Established Church had been felt, especially in some of the villages, but yet he believed no ministers preached the Gospel more plainly, faithfully, and scripturally than ours did; and generally our people fill up their places on the Sabbath-day. How was it, then, we did not prosper as we did some years ago? Some of the general causes he had mentioned had hindered us as well as others. The fact is, we want more spirituality of heart and mind. Each must cultivate personal spirituality, and take it to the social prayer-meeting, each bringing his own lighted brand to feed the flame. Revivals will begin in the prayer-meetings. But they should be well conducted. Some pray too long, and about anything they can think of. This should not be. Five minutes is enough for each, with two verses between. This morning, in about half an hour, five of our young friends so opened this meeting. He would mention another matter. Many of our young people did not seem to know why

we were dissenters, or more, why we were General Baptists. Our fathers were careful in this matter; but it is not so now, or the sale of brother Wood's History of the General Baptists would not have been limited to one-third of the edition. Some, too, in our large towns are very loose in their attachment to us; a better opening for their business, or more fashionable company, will draw them away to places where the death of Christ for all men, and the profession of faith in him by baptism are not preached. Again, if there should be a want of due care in admitting members, we may be hindered rather than advanced. We must be more wakeful and vigilant. The influence of the Establishment is increasing-not the old orthodoxy or modern puseyism, for they will both die out, but the influence of the Evangelical party. Many respectable people loved to go to "church," and come away again quietly. Such a system suited their taste better than our system. But we must not flinch from our principles to please men. Our independent self-government sometimes takes a wrong course, resulting in divisions which are injurious to our reputation, though overruled for good. In large towns where are several churches, there might be seen sometimes a kind of "shopkeeping" rivalry which was unseemly. It was not so in this town. Here, a few sabbaths ago, the members of both churches met under this roof to break bread in peace and love. But he had spoken too long. He would only add, that whatever the state of things around us might be, Eternal Realities remained the same. We must preach Christ's Gospel to sinful dying men, depending on the Holy Spirit to bless all our efforts for the glory of God and the good of men.

Brother Hunter of Nottingham observed that he had not been long in the meeting before he felt the happy

influence which pervaded it. He thought, however, that there had been something of timidity manifested. We ought to speak out, firmly yet kindly. The things referred to by brother Winks might have had an external influence upon us as s upon others, but he thought the main obstacles were internal and amongst ourselves. He feared there was a growing spirit of worldliness among some of our members, among whom social meetings were not of a religious character. He had been present at a social party of christian professors, where several ministers were present, but we all separated without prayer; and on his inquiring why, he was told that it would have been regarded as rudeness to propose it. He made no apology for expressing his conviction that the standard of christian perfection, as found amongst us, stood low in some cases. Piety ought not only to be found in the house of God, but in the parlour, and in the counting-house, and in the market-place. Ten thousand blessings would follow in the train of deep vital piety. We should seek to be fully conformed to the image of Christ our Lord and Master. We should not be content with less than being "filled with all the fulness of God." This was our calling and privilege. Yet how many were content with but a small degree of communion with God! He was quite aware how far he came short, yet he followed after; and he hoped all our ministers, elders, deacons, and members would aim at a higher standard of christian attainment. Petty ambition and a paltry love of power was also manifest in some places;-a spirit directly opposed to the plainest directions of holy writ. And what do such gain by pushing themselves forward? Nothing that is worth having; and the injury such conduct inflicts on the cause of Christ is incalculable. The recent disputes

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among the Wesleyans have done our people no good. Surely we are democratic enough, when a boy or girl of fifteen has an equal vote with a man or woman of threescore. There ought to be more honour given by the young to the aged, with more deference to their opinions. It is always a bad sign when the aged are not respected. He would only add, that he agreed with the last speaker, that we must continue to preach Christ's Gospel faithfully and fearlessly. He would; and without apology to any man. He rejoiced that this meeting had been convened, and he prayed that God would bless it to all our souls.

Brother Staddon of Quorndon suggested that perhaps some of the deacons or elder brethren present would offer a few remarks. He thought it desirable. But as none responded,

Brother Kenney, of Burton-uponTrent, stated how much he sympathized with all that had been said, especially with some of the remarks of Brother Hunter. We ought to speak the truth in love. He very much feared that religion had lost its hold on many minds. If it were asked why we are not as we once were, it might be replied, "The fault is with ourselves. We have been too worldly, or too remiss." He had no cause to complain. He had the happiness to be with a people who prized the prayer-meetings; and yet there were a few whom he no more expected to see there than the most unlikely characters. But why should not our meetings for prayer be attended by as many as attend on public worship? Nay, would it not be a better test of the life of religion among a people? He feared, with Brother Wallis, that many formed a low estimate of the power and efficacy of prayer, making it only a secondary thing, to be attended to by some of the members, and the inquirers only. These notions ought

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