
without giving her notice of such a proceeding, but this was never done in his office; that he wished to know the cause of litigation, for which he was employed. Mrs. Mortimer related every occurrence that had taken place between herself and the Baronet, when Mr. Batch asked permission to see her accounts, Sir Timothy Flight's letters, &c. to which she had no objection; and the following day he called on her, and saw all the papers, bills, receipts, &c. upon which he waited on Sir Timothy Flight to say that he had seen the letter, &c. that he advised him to have every thing settled, as assuredly the balance was in Mrs. Mortimer's favour. The Baronet replied that he had just had a letter from Mr. Abraham Modish, who desired that he would swear to a debt of four hundred pounds, and that he would make out an account to that amount. Mr. Batch told Sir Timothy, that having seen the letters, accounts, &c. he should not do him justice to accept of such an

affidavit, unless that he could prove to him that he had some just claim on Mrs. Mortimer; to which he said that he would swear immediately to that sum. Mr. Batch declined receiving the affidavit; and upon Mrs. Mortimer hearing what had passed, she again took active measures to interest the public to contribute to the relief of herself and helpless infants. In the middle of the night she was much alarmed at hearing a violent knocking at the door, and a man's voice demanding admittance to the person who lodged there. Mrs. Mortimer and her friend were dreadfully frightened; for they thought that sheriff's officers were come, and they entreated that the door might not be opened; but when they discovered that it was Mr. Plumb and Mr. Pedestrian, they arose, and admitted them. These gentlemen had come from the Baronet to tell Mrs. Mortimer that if she would permit Mr. Pedestrian, and another gentleman, to read his letters,

and see the accounts, if they said that they were really his hand-writing, and that she had been ill used, every thing should be immediately settled, provided that she did not solicit the attention of the public to what had passed, as she proposed. Mrs. Mortimer gave the same answer which she had before done to Mr. Batch, and the next day the gentlemen came, and saw the correspondence, &c. &c. Their opinion was, that if Sir Timothy Flight had any consideration for his own honour, he would immediately settle every thing, as they thought that Mrs. Mortimer had been cruelly persecuted. Mr. Pedestrian said that he was sure the Baronet wished every thing settled; but he said, if Sir Timothy did, Mr. Abraham Modish and Mr. Chissel would be angry with him. Mrs. Mortimer desired the gentlemen to inform Sir Timothy, that as he employed Mr. Batch for his solicitor, she would apply to Mr. Mount, and that whatever those gentlemen thought

proper, she would abide by; and provided that they could not settle it to the Baronet's satisfaction, then it might be referred to Serjeant R-, who was then in Brighton.

She now once more flattered herself that every thing would be settled, and that she should be able to have a home for her children, and exert her abilities for their support; instead of which, she was informed that Sir Timothy Flight had sworn to a debt of one hundred and thirty pounds; upon which she wrote to him, expressing that she knew what he had done, saying that she was sensible he was compelled by his solicitors to act as he then did; that she knew he was in their power; but she begged him to be. lieve that she was always ready to prove herself his sincere friend, by extricating him from their clutches, for Mrs. Mortimer really felt for Sir Timothy. She was told by his opposite neighbours that be walked to and fro in his room, wring

ing his hands, and crying dreadfully, and that the virago who resided with him threw things at his head. Thus this accomplished and amiable young man was miserable and sacrificed, by falling into the hands of wretches who took advantage of his nervous sensations to keep him at variance with his respectable relations and plunder him.

no answer.

Mrs. Mortimer determined to leave Sussex immediately, and was preparing for that purpose, when a man entered and said he had a warrant for her. It was in the evening, and being dark, she requested to know for what, but received Candles were brought, when she discovered the person who brought it to be Mr. Snip, a taylor in St. James'sstreet, who had abused her so unmercifully the night she was driven out of Brighton, and who swore he would cut the traces if they offered to take her out of the town. She really turned quite sick at seeing this man, and dreaded to

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