
discover, and of the philosophical teacher to apply. Some subjects treated by Dr. Rush, with great ability, I have left untouched. I consider his Section on Syllabication, one of the most luminous displays of philosophical originality and acuteness, to be found in his work; but it did not appear indispensably necessary to the special object I had in view. I take, however, this opportunity of assuring every public speaker, and every philosophical actor, who may read this preface, that he will fail in his duty to himself and his profession, if he neglects a diligent perusal of Dr. Rush's “Philosophy of the Voice."

I would remark, in conclusion, that if this Grammar contains a correct and comprehensive practical detail of the elements of speech, Elocution, unless it is to be abandoned altogether, must be taught on the plan here enjoined. The graceful effects of speech are dependent on those uses of the voice, which can only be certainly acquired by diligent elementary practice. The student's certain road to eminence is by this path alone. "Sic itur ad astra." My whole ex

perience as a teacher, confirms me in this opinion.


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