
which it was carried by Demofthenes and Cicero ; and their productions which have come down to us give the most satisfactory proofs that they were confummate mafters of their art, and that they excelled in it, not lefs by the extent and variety of their knowledge, than the brilliancy of their genius. In our own times, we fee the effects produced by rude and unpolished eloquence upon the minds of the common people in the harangues of crafty demagogues, and the fermons of itinerant enthusiasts: it is evident, therefore, what a powerful inftrument of perfuafion it may be, when placed in the hands of well-educated perfons, who to all the advantages of abilities, voice, and action, which ignorant fpeakers may poffefs, unite the guidance of rules, and an acquaintance with the beft examples *.

Nor will a knowledge of the principles of Rheto ric, upon which the chief beauties of compofition depend for their grace and effect, be of inconfiderable ufe to the hearer or reader, as well as the Speaker. It will enable them to understand the principles of compofition in general, whether in verfe or profe, and to form a right judgment of its merits.

If objections be ever raifed againft eloquence, confidered as a faculty, which may be made the in

For the principal topics of this chapter, I am indebted to that rich storehoufe of knowledge, the Encyclopædia Britan mica, article Oratory; and likewife to Ariftotle's Rhetoric, Cicero de Oratore, de Inventione; and Quintilian.


ftrument of evil as well as of good, it is obvious that fimilar objections may be urged against the exercise of the faculty of reafon, as it is too often employed to lead men into error. But no one would think of bringing a ferious argument from this abufe of the intellectual powers against the improvement of our understandings". Reafon, eloquence, and every art moft effential to the comfort of life, are liable to be mifapplied, and may prove dangerous in the hands of bad men; but it would argue an excefs of levity to contend, that upon this account they ought to be neglected. While the orator employs his talents, and practices the rules of his profeffion, in the pursuit of that end for which it was originally defigned, the perfuading men to good and virtuous actions, and the diffuading them from every measure that is dishonourable and vicious; nothing can be more excellent in itself, or more useful to fociety.

Eloquence is the art of speaking and writing with elegance and dignity, in order to pleafe, inftruct, and perfuade. Elegance confifts in the purity and perfpicuity of language. Purity may be acquired by studying the most excellent authors, converfing with the best company, and the frequent practice of compofition. Perfpicuity confifts in making ufe of clear and intelligible expreffions, in avoiding ambiguous words, affected brevity, long and perplexed periods,

"See Quintilian's admirable chapter, An utilis fit Rhetorice, lib. ii. c. 17.

and confufed metaphors. If a compofition be perfpicuous, the fenfe of it will strike the mind, in the fame manner as the light of the fun does the eyes, even if you do not look attentively at the fun itfelf". Dignity arifes from fublime thoughts, and noble and elevated tropes and figures.

It may be thought unreafonable to fetter the mind by fyftems, and reftrain the flights of eloquence by rules. But it is evident from experience and obfervation, that rules may greatly affift genius, provided they point out the right road, without confining the learner to a single track, from which he is told it is unlawful to deviate. They are undoubtedly neceffary before practice: gives that ease, which may enable him to trust to his own well-regulated exertions, and to proceed without a guide.

To enumerate the various rules of Rhetoric would require too minute a detail; and they will be beft learnt from thofe writers, who both in ancient and modern times have obtained great reputation by their works upon the fubject. Such are Ariftotle, Cicero, Quintilian, and their faithful followers, Blair, Campbell, and Fenelon. To afcertain the leading principles relating to eloquence in general, it may be fufficient to confider the fubject under four diftinct heads.

[blocks in formation]

1. The fources of argument.

II. The different kinds of style.

III. The ornaments of a compofition.

IV. The arrangement of the different parts of a compofition.

V. Propriety of delivery and action.

I. The Sources of Argument.

The bafis of all eloquence is invention. This faculty, ftrictly speaking, relates to difcovery rather than creation, and must be understood to fignify new affociations of thofe ideas which had been previously stored in the mind. It is this which enables the speaker to form fuch topics as are neceffary for the statement, explanation, and illustration of his fubject, with a view to conciliate the minds of his hearers, and engage them in his favour. A liveliness of imagination, and a quicknefs of thought, are great affiftants to invention; and they who poffefs these gifts of nature. are found to be rarely at a lofs for reafons to defend truth and detect error. Of this prime faculty the most eminent orators and poets were in full poffeffion; and we find that fo far from giving us any caufe to complain of barrenness of invention, they display the abundant produce of intellectual fertility. This remark is particularly juftified, among other inftances, by the examples of Homer, Plato, and Cicero.

Accurate learning and extenfive knowledge, the profpects


prospects of nature, the discoveries of art-the aids of education-and the refults of experience and obfervation upon mankind, are the proper funds to fupply this faculty with its requifite ftores. Hence are furnished the various topics, whether external or internal, which are applicable to the different kinds of causes, whether demonftrative, deliberative, or judicial, and which are treated of at large by the Rhetoricians, and particularly by Ariftotle and Cicero. The judgment muft ever be active in the right application of the affiftance, which genius and extenfive knowledge can bring to every particular fubject; whatever is trifling or fuperfluous must be rejected; and nothing admitted into a compofition that is not fully to the purpose, and calculated to answer the end originally propofed,

11. The different kinds of Style.

Style is the manner in which a perfon expreffes himself by means of words, and it is characteristic of his thoughts. It is the defcription or picture of his mind. As eloquence derives its chief excellence, beauty, and fplendour from style; it is of the greatest importance to the orator to be well acquainted with its various kinds.

Every country poffeffes, not only a peculiar language, but a peculiar ftyle, fuited to the temper and genius of its inhabitants. The Eaftern nations are remarkable for diction, which is full


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