
illusion: deception (p. 302)
imaginable: conceivable (p. 79)
immediately at once (p. 226)
impartially equally, fairly (p. 151)
incessantly uninterruptedly (p. 302)
inclination: wish, desire (p. 44)
incredible: unbelievable (p. 159)
indignant: angry (p. 102)
indulge to favor (p. 219)
infirm weak, fceble (p. 49)
ingenious: clever, gifted (p. 97)

innocent: guiltless, harmless (p. 284)
instance example (p. 69)
instruct to teach (p. 219)

interfere: to bother, obstruct (p. 84)
interrupt: to stop, halt (p. 307)
invigorate: to strengthen (p. 292)
invisible: unseen (p. 211)
irksome tedious, tiresome (p. 307)

jagged: rough, sharp (p. 260)
jaunty gay, jolly (p. 124)
jewels: gems, precious stones (p. 44)
jocund: gay, jolly (p. 105)
judgment: decision, opinion (p. 151)
jungle a thick forest (p. 57)
justification: excuse (p. 159)

laudable: praiseworthy (p. 189)
laurel emblem of victory (p. 151)
lea: meadow, open field (p. 69)
levee social gathering (p. 189)
luggage baggage (p. 159)
luminous clear, bright (p. 307)

malignant: evil, hating (p. 302)
maniac: insane person (p. 307)
margin: edge, border (p. 63)
mariners: sailors, seamen (p. 39)
matronly: motherly (p. 74)
mead: meadow (p. 147)
meagre small, slight, thin (p. 248)
meditate: to think, reflect (p. 297)
melancholy sad, sober (p. 79)
men-of-war: war-ships (p. 25)
mercy: kindness, compassion (p. 19)
metropolis: principal city (p. 25)
mightily powerfully, strongly (p. 97)
minaret: a slender spire (p. 57)
miraculous: wonderful (p. 39)



moderate to keep down (p. 44)

moil toil, hard work (p. 124)
momentary: very brief (p. 302)
monarch: king, emperor (p. 124)
monstrous: huge and horrible (p. 39)
moor to tie fast (p. 292)
mosque temple (p. 57)
mournfully sadly (p. 84)
multitude: crowd, throng (p. 312)

narrate to tell, relate (p. 44)
naughty bad, mischievous (p. 102)
neglect: carelessness (p. 159)
negligence: carelessness (p. 159)
nestlings: young birds (p. 69)
nice dainty, particular (p. 74)
nimble active (p. 279)

obliged: compelled (p. 49)
occasionally: now and then (p. 219)
occupy: fill, hold (p. 92)

odorous strong smelling (p. 219)
offend: to insult (p. 74)
omnipresent: everywhere (p. 307)
opportunities: chances (p. 284)
optical visual (p. 302)

palate taste (p. 49)

paleness (p. 307)
palpitate to tremble (p. 211)
particular careful (p. 184)

pensive thoughtful, sad (p. 105)
perilous dangerous (p. 307)
perplexity: doubt, difficulty (p. 39)
placid quiet, peaceful, still (p. 219)
plumage feathers (p. 211)
pomp: splendor (p. 124)

portrait: likeness, picture (p. 170)
pounce to spring upon (p. 44)
precious dear (p. 159)

precipice: steep rock (p. 44)
previous: former (p. 292)
prodigious: wonderful (p. 39)
profound: deep (p. 25)
promenade: walk (p. 285)
prone: flat (p. 219)
provisions food (p. 39)

quantity: amount (p. 49)
quarrel: dispute (p. 92)

range to wander freely (p. 33)
rapidity speed (p. 39)

rapture wild joy (p. 285) recede to go back (p. 297) recognize to know again, remember (p. 264)

recollection: memory (p. 90) reel to spin round (p. 211) refresh to strengthen (p. 184) regal: kingly, royal (p. 124) region realm, place (p. 33) registered: noted (p. 159) rehearsed: practised (p. 219)

remarkable: unusual, notable (p. 226) renown fame, honor (p. 211)

repentance: remorse, regret (p. 39)
repose: rest (p. 268)
reprieve pardon (p. 159)

[blocks in formation]

sacrifice to offer up (p. 189) saluted

greeted, spoke to (p. 49) savory fragrant (p. 292) score twenty (p. 25)

scowl: frown (p. 219)

scruples right principles (p. 279)
scud to race, hurry (p. 109)
seaboard: seacoast (p. 292)
sensation feeling (p. 189)
sentry guard (p. 159)

sever: to separate, cut off (p. 151)
severity: sternness (p. 348)
sheen: gleam, brightness (p. 63)
sheer straight (p. 254)
shingly gravelly (p. 142)
significant important (p. 292)
silence quiet (p. 33)

sinewy wiry, tough (p. 268)

solace: comfort, consolation (p. 336) solitude: loneliness (p. 105) spectator: onlooker (p. 312) sphere: a globe, a place (p. 92) sprightly gay, lively (p. 105) spry active, quick, alert (p. 92) spurn: scorn (p. 279)

stanch firm, strong (p. 109) stern rear (p. 292)

stifle to choke, smother (p. 285) stokers: firemen (p. 170) straightforward: honest (p. 159) strain: a song (p. 147) substantial: solid (p. 90) sufficed: satisfied (p. 39)

sullen: cross, frowning (p. 109) summon: to call (p. 226)

swamp: to sink, submerge (p. 170) sward: turf (p. 124)

talents abilities (p. 92)

terrified: frightened, alarmed (p. 74) terror: fear, fright (p. 178) thorpe village (p. 142) threatened: warned (p. 74) torrents: floods (p. 170) tractable

obedient, docile (p. 248) transport: to carry, convey (p. 292) treacherous: false, traitorous (p. 124) tremendous: very great, terrible (p. 102)

tremor: fright, fear, terror (p. 226)
triumph: victory (p. 211)
tumult: confusion (p. 307)

upbraid to reproach, blame (p. 39) undaunted: unafraid, brave (p. 211) urchins small boys (p. 74)

vacancy: emptiness (p. 302) vacant: empty, idle (p. 105) valiant: brave, courageous (p. 102) vanish to disappear (p. 254) vanquished: defeated (p. 161) vehicle wagon, or car (p. 25) venture to dare, to risk (p. 90) vexation: annoyance (p. 189) victual: food (p. 219) vigorously strongly (p. 248) violent: fierce, rough (p. 19) vivid bright, brilliant (p. 279) voluntarily willingly (p. 189) volunteer to offer (p. 297) voyage: a trip at sea (p. 39)

wanes: passes (p. 147) wealth riches (p. 33) wrench to twist (p. 19) wroth angry (p. 109)

wry crooked (p. 279)

Printed in the United States of America.

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