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No one is restrained from exercising several kinds of business or arts.

Nemo punitur pro alieno delicto.

No one is to be punished for the crime or wrong of another.

Nemo, qui condemnare potest, absolvere non potest.

He who may condemn may acquit.

Nemo tenetur armare adversarum contra se.
No one is bound to arm his adversary.
Nemo tenetur divinare.

No one is bound to foretell.

Nemo tenetur informare qui nescit, sed quisquis scire quod informat."

No one is bound to inform about a thing he knows not, but he who gives information is bound to know what he says.

Nemo tenetur seipsum infortunis et periculis exponere.

No one is bound to expose himself to misfortunes and dangers.

Nihil facit error nominis cum de corpore constat.

An error in the name is nothing when there is certainty as to the person.

Nihil habet forum ex scenâ.

The court has nothing to do with what is not before it.

Nihil in lege intolerabilius est, eandem rem diverso jure censeri.

Nothing in law is more intolerable than to apply the law differently to the same cases.

Nihil perfectum est dum aliquid restat agendum.

Nothing is perfect while something remains to be done.

Nihil possumus contra veritatem.

We can do nothing against truth.

Nihil potest rex quam quod de jure potest. The king can do nothing but what he can do by law.

Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum. Nothing is invented and perfected at the

same moment.

Nihil tam naturale est, quàm eo genere quidque dissolvere, quo colligatum est. It is very natural that an obligation should not be dissolved but by the same principles which were observed in contracting it.

Nil debet.

He owes nothing.

Nolle prosequi.

To be unwilling to proceed. Non assumpsit.

He has not promised.

Non decipitur qui scit se decipi.

He is not deceived who knows himself to be deceived.

Non effecit affectus nisi sequatur effectus.

The intention amounts to nothing unless some effect follows.

Non est arctius vinculum inter homines quam jusjurandum.

There is no stronger link among men than an oath.

Non est regula quin fallat.

There is no rule but what may fail.

Non faciat malum, ut inde veniat bonum. You are not to do evil that good may come of it.

Non in legendo sed in intelligendo leges consistunt.

The laws consist not in being read, but in being understood.

Non liquet.

It is not clear.

Non quod dictum est, sed quod factum est, inspicitur.

Not what is said, but what is done, is to be regarded.

Non refert an quis assensum suum præfert verbis, an rebus ipsis et factis.

It is immaterial whether a man gives his assent by words or by acts and deeds.

Non videntur qui errant consentire.

He who errs is not considered as consenting.

Novum judicium non dat novum jus, sed declarat antiquum.

A new judgment does not make a new law, but declares the old.

Nulla impossibilia aut inhonesta sunt præsumenda.

Impossibilities and dishonesty are not to be presumed.

Nullum iniquum præsumendum in jure.
Nothing unjust is presumed in law.

Nullum tempus occurrit regi.

Time matters not to the king.

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Omne sacramentum debet esse de certa scientiâ.

Every oath ought to be founded on certain knowledge.

Omnia delicta in aperto leviora sunt.

All crimes committed openly are consid ered lighter.

Omnia pœna corporalis, quamvis minima, major est omni poena pecunariâ quamvis maximâ

The smallest corporal punishment falls with more weight than the largest pecuniary punishment.

Omnia præsumuntur contra spoliatorem.

All things are presumed against a wrong doer.

Omnia præsumuntur legitime facta donec probetur in contrarium.

All things are presumed to be done legitimately, until the contrary is proved.

Optimam esse legem, quæ minimum relinquit arbitrio judicis; id quod certitudo ejus præstat.

That law is the best which leaves the least discretion to the judge; and this is an advantage which results from certainty.

Optimus judex, qui minimum sibi.

He is the best judge who relies as little as possible on his own discretion. Optimus iegum interpres consuetudo.

Custom is the best interpreter of laws.


Par in parem imperium non habet.

An equal has no power over an equal. Parum proficit scire quid fieri debet si non cognoscas quomodo sit facturum.

It avails little to know what ought to be done, if you do not know how it is to be done.

Patria potestas in pietate debet, non in atrocitato consistere.

Paternal power should consist in affection, not atrocity.

Peccata contra naturam sunt gravissima. Offences against nature are the heaviest, Per rerum naturam factum negantis nula probatio est.

It is in the nature of things that he who denies a fact is not bound to prove it.

Plures cohæredes sunt quasi unum corpus, propter unitatem juris quod habent. Several co-heirs are as one body, by reason of the unity of right which they possess.

Plures participes sunt quasi unum corpus, in eo quod unum jus habent.

Several partners are as one body, by rea son of the unity of their rights.

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Quæ ad unum finem loquuta sunt; non debent ad alium detorqueri.

Words spoken to one end, ought not to be perverted to another.

Quæ mala sunt inchoata in principio vix bono peragrentur exitu.

Things bad in the commencement seldom end well.

Quæ non valeant singula, juncta juvant.

Things which do not avail single, when united have an effect.

Quærere dat sapere quæ sunt legitima vere. To inquire into them, is the way to know. what things are really true.

Quæstio fit de legibus non de personis.

The question refers to the laws, and not to persons.

Quando aliquid prohibetur, prohibetur et one per quod devenitur ad illud.

When anything is forbidden, whatever tends to it is also forbidden.

Quando lex aliquid alicui concedit, concedere videtur id sine quo res ipsa esse non potest.

When the law concedes anything, it concedes that without which the thing itself could not exist.

Qui bene distinguit, bene docet.

He who distinguishes well, learns well.

Qui facit per alium, facit per se.

What a man does by another, he does as

of himself.

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Quod ad jus naturale attinet, homines æquales sunt.


All men are equal before the natural law. Quod alias bonum et justum est, si per vim aut fraudem petatur, malum et injustum est. What otherwise is good and just, if it be sought by fraud or violence, becomes evil and unjust.

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Quod dubitas, ne feceris.

When you doubt, do not act.

Quod est inconveniens et contra rationem non est permissum in lege.

Whatever is improper and contrary to reason is not permitted in the law.

Quod meum est sine me auferri non potest. What is mine, cannot be taken without my consent.

Quod pro minore licitum est, et pro majore licitum est.

What is lawful in the less, is lawful in the greater.

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Si judicas, cognosce.

If you judge, understand.

Si meliores sunt quos ducit amor, plures sunt quos corrigit timor.

If many are better led by love, more are corrected by fear,

Solo cedit quod solo implantatur.

What is planted in the soil belongs to the soil.

Solvit ad diem.

He paid it to the day. Solvuntur tabulæ.

The bills are discharged. Spoliatus debet ante omnia restitui. Spoil ought to be restored before anything else.

Stare decisis et non quieta movere.

To stand by things decided, and not to disturb those which are tranquil. Substantia prior et dignior est accidente.

The substance should be considered as prior to the accidental, and of more weight. T.

Tacita quædam habentur pro expressis. Things silent are sometimes considered as expressed,

Tantum bona valent, quantum vendi pos

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