

bath, 7th, he was sick, and could conduct into their affairs, and give them such instruconly part of the public services. During the tions and consolations as their circumstances ensuing week his sickness increased. Tues-required, for they seemed as sheep without a day, 16th, he was carried on board the shepherd, and looked to me as to an elder "Dove," with the design of seeking medical brother or father, for sympathy and direction advice. Accompanied by Mrs. Newbegin in their sadly bereaved condition. and the assistants Trusty, Williams, and minutes of our meeting, and another to be Johnson, he reached Clarence Cove, bnt held to-night, will be copied out and sent to finding not the aid there which he required, you. the schooner, without coming to anchor, put In conclusion, my dear sir, I beg to exto sea again, and directed its course towards press my earnest desires that your Society Old Calabar, in the hope of obtaining the may very speedily be able to repair the assistance which his case required from the desolations which have been made in your ship surgeons there. In this hope all on mission. It cannot long subsist in its preboard were doomed to the saddest disap- sent state. Every month's delay inflicts an pointment. Scarcely had the "Dove" injury which many months will hardly repair. reached the mouth of the Calabar river, I hope that Mr. and Mrs. Saker may soon when our brother breathed his last. Of return, and with them at least one or two course the idea of proceeding up the river to more well prepared and well proved men, the shipping station was abandoned, and who, not alarmed by the ravages of sickness once more the mission vessel was put to sea, and death hitherto among your brethren in and steered back again to Clarence. The this field, will come out prepared for the second day thereafter, namely Friday, 19th worst yet hopeful of the best, and willing to ult, it was off the Cove, having the corpse live or die as may please God, if they may on board, but being unable to get in, made a contribute in any degree to advance the insignal of distress to a steamer, which hove interests of Messiah's kingdom in these regions sight, and approached the cove. This was of Satanic delusion and utter darkness. H. M. S. Phoenix, having on board H. M. consul-general for these coasts, Mr. Becroft, which took the "Dove" in tow, and brought her into harbour. The same evening the body was respectably interred amidst the unfeigned sorrows of the whole population. The exact nature of our late brother's complaint I have not ascertained. There was not much fever, but he vomited unceasingly, and his bowels could not be effectually moved by any means employed. He was sensible, however, to the last, and during the day before his death gave instructions to the assistants with him for the performance of their duties after his death, which he knew to be approaching.

Yesterday I held a meeting with the deacons of the church here and the teachers from Bimbia and Cameroons, to act as one of your own missionaries would do were there one spared in this emergency-to inquire

It is not likely that Mrs. Waddell and myself can remain here over a week or two. The attention due to our own family and mission duties at Calabar require our return so soon as the state of Mrs. Newbegin and of your mission affairs admit thereof. Every aid in our power to both we shall gladly render, as an incumbent Christian duty.

I remain, my dear sir,
Most sincerely yours in Christian bonds,
HOPE M. Waddell.

P.S. May 4th. I am happy to state before closing this letter, that a great improvement has taken place in Mrs. Newbegin's mind in the course of the last twenty-four hours. She has slept, and awoke refreshed and calm, though bewildered at the horrid dreams of the last two weeks. Her perfect recovery seems now certain and near.

Some few additional facts are presented in the minutes of the church meeting.

Minutes of a meeting of teachers and deacons of the Baptist Mission on the west coast of Africa, Clarence. Held, Fernando Po, on Wednesday, 1st May, 1850.

Present the following:

Joseph Wilson, Deacons of the church
William Smith, at Clarence, Fer-
Thomas Richard, nando Po.
William Trusty, Teachers of Bimbia
George Williams, stations.
Thomas Horton Johnson, of Cameroons

Hope M. Waddell, missionary of the

United Presbyterian Church at Old Calabar, president.

This meeting has been held for the purpose of considering the present state of the mission on this coast, which it has pleased God to afflict by sundry painful providences.

Mr. Saker, missionary here, together with his wife and child, and accompanied by Miss Vitou, sailed from this port on the 12th March last, in the mission schooner " Jane," belonging to the Presbyterian Mission at Old Calabar, bound for England, the mission here being then left in charge of Dr. Newbegin, missionary, who took up abode at

Bimbia. On the 21st of said month Doctor the Rev. Mr. Waddell, at Old Calabar, Newbegin visited Clarence, where he remained, conducting the affairs of the church, till Tuesday, the 2nd day of the April, when he went back to Bimbia in the mission schooner "Dove," which he reached the day following. On sabbath thereafter, the 7th of the said month, at Bimbia he conducted part of the public services, but complained of being unwell. The Dove," which had been sent on to Cameroons, was recalled on the sabbath of the 14th to Bimbia.

Doctor Newbegin continued so sick that he required to remove from Bimbia, in order to seek medical advice. For this purpose he, on the Tuesday following, was carried on board the "Dove," by the assistance of Messrs. W. Trusty, G. Williams, and Thos. Horton Johnson, being then unable to move himself. Mrs. Newbegin and the abovementioned assistants accompanied him to Clarence Cove, which they arrived on Wednesday morning. No medical man being on the island, nor in any of the vessels in the Cove at the time, the party proceeded to Old Calabar to seek medical advice from the ship surgeons in those vessels. The schooner came to anchor off the mouth of the river same night at eleven o'clock. In one hour thereafter Doctor Newbegin died. His complaint was accompanied by slight fever and very much vomiting, with continued costiveness, the enema being used with but little effect. He was sensible to the last. As soon as he died, the vessel weighed anchor to return to Clarence. On the Friday following, the 19th instant, the "Dove" was off the Cove, but being unable to get in, made signal of distress to H. M. steam vessel Phonix, which was making the Cove, and which, on learning the circumstances of the party on board, took the " Dove" in tow, and brought her into harbour. The captain and officers of the steamer, and Captain Becroft, H. M. consul-general for the coast, paid every attention which the distressed circumstances of the party on board the mission schooner required, and had the corpse respectably interred on shore the same evening at five o'clock, the funeral being attended by all the inhabitants of Clarence, deeply sorrowing. During this time, and all the following day, the bereaved lady, Mrs. Newbegin, though greatly afflicted, was composed, and able to see the members of the church and other friends, who visited to condole with her, but on sabbath morning, before day, she awoke groaning heavily, and delirious. Surgeon McShane, of the steamer Phoenix, being immediately sent for, who attended and paid every attention which her distressed condition admitted of to alleviate her malady, but without success. It continued and increased. That same day, sabbath, 21st April, the "Dove " was sent off with urgent letters from Governor Becroft and Dr. McShane to

making known the bereaved and most afflicted state of Mrs. Newbegin, and desiring that some members of the mission there, especially one or two of the ladies, would come to Clarence, and afford the aid their Christian sympathy and advice to their distressed sister, and to the mission, so heavily afflicted. On Friday, 26th, the "Dove" got to Calabar. On Saturday following sailed again, having on board Mrs. Waddell, and on Tuesday, 30th, got back to Clarence.

The meeting now held in consequence of the events narrated, is designed to consider what is best to be done for carrying on the affairs of the mission here, and at Cameroons and Bimbia, in present circumstances, and for the welfare of the dear and afflicted sister Mrs. Newbegin.

1st. At Clarence the deacons will keep the church meetings as they were directed by Dr. Newbegin, but not administer the sacrament unless one of the missionaries from Calabar, or Mr. Wilson from the Gaboon, should be present. The infant and sabbath schools will be kept as heretofore. At present there are no teachers for day schools.

2nd. At Bimbia, Mr. Trusty and Mr. Fuller will continue to keep the school and attend to the other duties at the mission, as they have been used to do in time past. Mr. Williams will take care of the stores and mission property, and of Dr. Newbegin's things, in the best manner, and will also pack up and send over to Clarence all the clothes and other things of Mrs. Newbegin as soon as possible. Mr. Christian, who is also there, will be expected to attend to the affairs of the mission there, and also to give assistance when it is required at Cameroons station.

3rd. At Cameroons, Mr. J. H. Johnson and Samuel Johnson, his assistant, will continue to keep the school and meetings as heretofore, and if either should be sick, or require more help in any way, Mr. Johnson can send for J. W. Christian from Bimbia to Cameroons, to come and help them.

4th. The mission schooner "Dove" will for the present continue under the charge of Mr. Hardur, who will employ the vessel in procuring mats and bamboos at Cameroons, and conveying them to Bimbia and Clarence for the roofing of the mission houses at these places, and in rendering such other services as the different stations may require; always making known to the governor, Mr. Becroft, or in his absence to the deputy-governor, Mr. Lynslager, when and where he is about to sail, and in any other matter not here provided, for receiving instructions from them.

These rules and regulations are of a temporary description, and hold good only for the present emergency, and will necessarily be superseded when a duly authorized missionary or missionaries come out with the orders or instructions of the Baptist Mission

ary Society. With respect to Mrs. Newbegin, return to England, it is deemed advisable the deacons and members of the church at that she return thither, as essential when Clarence will continue to pay every attention complete recovery from her present most in their power to her for her safety and afflictive condition.

comfort, and as soon as she may be able to

It is proper to state that we have not corrected the style of the foregoing most touching and simple narrative. The orthography only has been put right. This will account for the peculiarities of expression which now and then occur.

The Committee are anxiously seeking for a passage for Mr. and Mrs. SAKER, as well as for another servant of Christ, to resume the work thus in God's providence so painfully interrupted. It is expected that Mr. SAKER will be able to sail in a few days to his destination, and he will doubtless bear with him many fervent prayers that his life may be spared, and that a work which has borne hitherto decisive marks of divine approbation in the conversion of many of Africa's degraded children, may be permitted to go on even in the midst of great afflictions and death. The views of our brother SAKER respecting the mission, and his devotion to this perilous service in the cause of our Redeemer, are expressed in the following passages from a letter addressed to the Committee on hearing of the decease of Mr. Newbegin.

And let me refer to the fact, that although the field is without an European, the work of the Lord goes on. H. Johnson, for two years alone has laboured at Cameroons. Fuller nobly stands at Bimbia, and at Clarence the natives maintain the ground we occupied.

I have a fear that some of you who wishing to result in the glorious and happy well to Africa will be discouraged, and I change you long to behold. On the conthink you ought not to be. Let us review tinent it is difficult to say what has been some of the facts. Ten years since you done. Souls have been brought to God, commenced the work. You sent many churches formed, and actually now the willabourers, and expended much treasure. Of derness is being transformed into the garden those sent out, God has gathered to himself of the Lord. Thompson, Sturgeon, Fuller, Merrick, and Newbegin; Prince, and Clake have been driven from the field, and a small company of West Indians have fled, terrified with the toil and suffering. This suffering and loss of life shows that the sacrifice you have made is large. But ought we to have expected less? Bloodless victories are not common. In common life we do not expect results without corresponding labour and expense. Sometimes we have to wait long for the results we seek, but in this mission God in his providence permits us to look at something accomplished before this last affliction falls on us. Let me refer to these results. There are now living in Africa about one hundred souls hopefully converted to God. In nine years past forty may have died, leaving the pleasing testimony that they are gone to a better land. They are saved, instrumentally through you and your agents.

There are eight native teachers now engaged, more or less, in efforts for the salvation of souls. They are not all supported by you, but they are what they are through

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All this stands against so much suffering and so many deaths; and will any say that the sacrifice equals the results?

And we must not forget that all who die are self-devoted, and God has accepted their offering, and by it wrought all that we see accomplished.

Brethren, I think you will feel with me that we must not be discouraged. God afflicts us; let us humble ourselves before him, and try to bring to his service purer and more devoted sacrifices.

I think that the past all tends to show us that we must not rely on European agency. At present it is impossible to do without it; but as you have sanctioned the principle of sustaining the mission by native agents, I shall go to Africa, and devote my remaining days to the preparation of natives for the work of the Lord.

I need hardly say that I think one missionary ought if possible to go with me.

You will doubtless conclude that I ought to return to Africa immediately; I can only say, I am ready.

In deep humility let then our trials be spread before the mercy-seat of God. Our brethren who thus give themselves over to death will surely have our warmest sympathy, our most affectionate remembrance, as well as our frequent appeals for their protection and blessing to Him who hath said, "Lo I am with you, even unto the end of the world."

The Committee are not without hope that help will soon be on the way to Africa, and that Mr. SAKER will have one, if not more, co-workers there.

Mr. SAKER wishes the following letter to be inserted. It will be useful to our friends generally in making up parcels for Africa, to know what articles are most useful.

Foot's Cray, July 16th, 1850.


nut. Also of a friend, by the Rev. B. W. Noel, for a few books to H. Johnson of Cameroons. Also of Mr. W. L. Smith, Den

I must not omit to acknowledge the kind-mark Hill, and Mr. Bossy of Woolwich, for ness of the many and dear friends who take personal favours. a deep interest in our labours and bereavements in Western Africa. Although it has pleased our heavenly Father to afflict us heavily, and to take to himself so many of our dear and valued brethren, he has nevertheless given so many and manifest indications of his presence and blessing, that our friends fail not to sympathize with us in all the mingled emotion of our hearts. They weep with us in our sorrows, and rejoice in the cheering prospects which animate us. That the sable sons of Ham are being subjected to the dominion of Jesus is to them most joyous; it is the consummation for which they have prayed.

Their sympathy in our suffering and bereavement is to me exceedingly encouraging. I am greatly comforted by the remembrance of their great affection and constant prayers to God for us. To all who are thus aiding us in our affliction and labour, I beg to offer the expression of warmest affection and gratitude.

With a grateful heart I acknowledge the kindness of the committee of the Religious Tract Society, in granting a donation of twenty-four reams of paper for printing our scripture tracts; also for a donation of books, value £5, for our library.

Also of Mrs. Goldsmith, for ten pounds' worth of bibles, and to the British and Foreign Bible Society, for doubling the quantity, by supplying the bibles at half price; the proceeds to be appropriated to the printing of the Isubu and Dualla scriptures.

Also of friends at Boro' Green, for bookbinding materials, value £5. Also of the friends and sabbath schools at Eynsford and Foot's Cray, for contributions to purchase new type. Also of H. Woodfall, Esq., of Foot's Cray, for a valuable press screw and

Warmest thanks to the beloved friends who are preparing garments for the children in our schools, and adult females in our congregations. Many friends who have sought information, desire me to say that the articles of clothing most valuable are shaped cotton dresses (for Clarence), and long loose dressing gowns (for the continent). Neat shaped dresses for children, calico underclothes for women and children, neat plain clothing for infants, caps and bonnets, boys' clothing of all sorts, especially shirts. Tunic coats, and pinafores made of brown holland, are much valued; the latter formed with bands, to button round the neck and waist.

It is preferable to make all the common garments for the continent to button round the neck, and not draw and tie with a tape.

Many friends are inquiring what articles will be most valuable to us in Africa. The following are much needed.

Ironmongery of all sorts, especially carpenters' tools.

Locks, bolts, hinges, latches.
Axes, adzes, saws, nails.
Knives, hoes, shovels.
Pins and needles.

Paper, pens, ink.
Memorandum books.

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From one scene of death we turn to another, having yet more fearful accompaniments, and spreading far wider its elements of sorrow. In the fearful catastrophe which took place at Benares on the evening of the 1st of May, our esteemed and long tried missionary, Mr. SMALL, was called to witness the sudden death of his beloved partner in life. Mr. SMALL, with our brother, Mr. SMITH, and his wife, were wonderfully preserved, though not without many bruises. By the kindness of Mr. THOMAS we are favoured with a copy of a letter from Mr. HEINIG, which gives lengthened and harrowing details of the terrible event. He writes from Benares, under date of May 7th.

I have no doubt you have heard reports of the awful calamity that has recently occurred at Rajghat. On Wednesday, the 1st May, afternoon, about three or four o'clock, a powder magazine fleet arrived at Rajghat, consisting of thirty-five boats, filled with 3000 barrels of powder, several guns, and other ammunition. The conductor had gone up with his wife and family to Seerole, to spend the rest of the day with his mother-in-law. We have for some time past appointed Wednesday evening for spiritual singing, when a great many of our Christian friends meet. Mr. Small had been spending the day with us, and Mrs. Small, together with Mr. and Mrs. Smith, joined us in the evening. We spent a very happy evening; the hymns that were chosen were very spiritual, and the tunes selected very harmonious. Mrs. Small made some appropriate remarks on the hymns that were sung, and seemed thoroughly to enjoy the meeting. After family worship as usual, at half-past nine we separated.

Mrs. Small that there is a much larger fire on the river than there was two years ago; upon which she also got up, and came to look through the jhilonil. At this moment Mr. Small went to the bedside to put on some of his clothes, when a tremendous explosion took place, which threw Mr. Small down. He heard a dreadful noise over him; it sounded like the whole house falling down upon him. He got up, and hastened to find Mrs. Small, for they were in total darkness, the light in the adjacent room having been smashed to pieces. In going to the window he stumbled over Mrs. Small. He called her, but no answer. He put his hand to her face, and found it streaming with blood. The awful truth was then revealed to him, that her spirit had departed. At this moment the second explosion took place, which threw him under the bed, by which he was wounded on his eye and head. It is a great mercy that his sight is spared. His neighbour, Mr. Gordon, and Dr. Ballentine, sent to inquire about them, and when they heard of the awful calamity, they came and assisted Mr. Small in removing the corpse to their house.

At about eleven o'clock we were roused from our sleep by a fearful noise, resembling eight or ten cannons fired at once, the force of which burst our doors open. A few The explosion shattered everything before it. minutes after another fearful report followed, The house is entirely destroyed, and there is but as it ceased, we composed ourselves scarcely an article of furniture left whole. again to rest. In about half an hour we The jhilonil door, where Mrs. Small was received a letter, written by a friend at standing, as well as all the rest of the doors, Rajghat, giving us the awful intelligence that were completely smashed to pieces, part of Mr. Small was severely wounded, and Mrs. which door struck her on the head, broke Small killed, and that we should send to the the skull, and pressed the whole head quite doctor immediately. The news completely flat. She had also received several other stunned us. Mr. Shurman and I hastened wounds on the body. The magistrate came to the spot, where a most appalling scene to us, saying that the shore looked like a presented itself. Mr. Small met us near his battle-field, strewed all over with dead bodies. house, and informed us that a powder maga- After a few hours I returned to give direczine had exploded. He then led us into the tions about the funeral, and then hastened house, and showed us the desolation that back to Mr. Small, when the daylight prehad taken place. He now narrated as fil-sented an awful scene of desolation and lows: "About eleven o'clock the Punka misery. The high shore at Rajghat has been people gave an alarm of fire, which roused them from their sleep. Mr. S. got up and looked through the jhilonil, and said to

destroyed a good way inland. On each corner were large, strong buildings, one belonging to a nawab, and two to a rajah, all

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