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viewed the history of the church, and expressed his joy in its large increase and present peace and prosperity, but most affectionately urged upon the young the value and importance of that religion which from a long experience he had found to be the only source of true happiness amidst the sorrows of life, and which he assured them would be to all who professed it, the sovereign balm for every woe, their solace in death, and their guide to everlasting life. After tea a public meeting was held in the spacious chapel, when appropriate and heart-stirring addresses were delivered to a crowded audience by brethren Middleditch, Lewis of Diss, Lord of Ipswich, and Murch of Sudbury; thus closing a day long to be remembered, and which it is hoped will be eminently conducive to the revival of the church and the glory of God.



On the 12th of June, 1850, the church at White's Row, Portsea, opened their new chapel in St. Paul's Square, Southsea. The Rev. W. Brock preached two powerful sermons on the occasion. The attendance was large, and the collections were liberal. The church and congregation accustomed to meet in White's Row, will in future worship in the new chapel.


This chapel, the purchase of which we announced some time ago, was re-opened for divine worship on Lord's day afternoon, June 23rd, at half-past two o'clock. The Rev. J. Hervey of Bury read and prayed, and the Rev. H. S. Brown of Myrtle Street preached from Ps. cxxvi. 3. The chapel was filled to overflowing, which is hoped to be an earnest of good things for the cause. The Rev. James Smith, late of New Park Street, had engaged to supply the pulpit for the next five Lord's days.


The annual meeting of this association, comprising the following churches, viz. :Aldborough, Bildestone, Botesdale, Bradfield, Bury St. Edmunds, Diss, Eye, Ipswich (Stoke Green), Ipswich (Turret Green), Stradbrooke, and Sudbury, was held on Thursday, July 4th, at Bury, when from the statistics it appeared ninety-seven had been baptized by the eleven churches during the past year, and a clear increase was gained of more than six to each church. In connexion with the usual business of the associated churches, a public tea-meeting was held in the Corn Exchange, of which more than five hundred persons partook, in celebration of the jubilee of the baptist church at Bury, which was formed in July, 1800, when ten persons were baptized and united in church fellowship, three only of whom remain to this day. The Rev. Thomas Middleditch, In the morning, after prayer, by the Rev. now of Calne in Wiltshire, is one of the S. M'All, Mr. Baynes preached from the survivors, and his presence with us added words, "I will make the place of my feet considerably to the interest of our jubilee. glorious." Dr. Hamilton, who had been exIt was peculiarly gratifying to see our vener-pected, having failed through sudden illness, able and esteemed brother after fifty years Mr. Baynes stated at the close of an able of a Christian profession, in such good health discourse, that as they had only been apand mental vigour, and to listen to his in-prised of this on the previous evening, by pressive address, in which he not only re-electric telegraph, he did not think it just to

In Derby Road, Nottingham, a new chapel was opened on Tuesday the 9th of July, for the use of a baptist church formed two or three years ago, and now under the pastoral care of the Rev. J. A. Baynes, B.A.

allow any other than himself to bear the brunt of the disappointment. The evening discourse was delivered by the Rev. A. J. Morris.

One of the local papers, The Nottingham Mercury, says, that the building taken altogether may safely challenge for beauty of design and excellence of workmanship any ecclesiastical edifice within many miles of it. The following is part of the description which that paper gives of the structure:

"The building is 110 feet long and 40 feet wide in the clear between the walls. Owing to the narrowness of the site, the buttresses on the side are curtailed in their proper proportions, and are almost flattened against the walls. At the termination of the label moulds of the window arches are carved male heads. A flight of 15 stone steps leads to the principal entrances to the chapel. The nave is about 86 feet long, which with the side aisles and galleries will accommodate about 1000 persons. The seats are all open benches constructed of stained wood; and they form a novel and pleasing feature in a dissenting place of worship. The baptistery is quite open to the chapel, placed in the chancel at the end of the nave, and is 25 feet by 18 feet. The screen and pulpit are built of beautiful white stone from Caen in Normandy, and are beautifully moulded and enriched with ornamental designs. The pulpit is covered on the ledge and front cushion with blue cloth and gold. The exterior of the edifice is built of Bulwell stone, with Coxbench stone dressings. In the interior the chapel is 55 ft. high from the floor to the roof, and is designed in the Gothic style of the time of Edward II. The roofs are open timbered, with framed rafters. Cluster columns support the chorestry in the nave. The capitals are foliated, and just above them are carved heads of the twelve apostles.

"The style of its gracefully light columns, with their richly carved capitals, and lofty pointed arches, carry the mind back to the period when those beautiful edifices were erected in this country, which have obtained the name of modern, or latter Gothic, of which the Temple church in London is one of the most celebrated examples. The height, both of the pillars and the arches springing from them, in the baptist chapel, are somewhat less than those of the Temple church, still they are sufficiently lofty and delicate in their construction to fill the mind with the finest ideas of the architectural beauty of this description of edifices, and which appear to have attained their highest degree of perfection during the fourteenth century; from which period the architecture of this beautiful chapel, both as respects ornament and construction, may be said to have taken its rise."

The collections on the day of opening amounted to £132 11s. 4d.; to which was added on the following Lord's day, after discourses by the Rev. J. T. Brown, a further sum of £82.



On Monday, June 3rd, Mr. John Morris, Merthyr, was ordained to the pastoral office over the English baptist church in this place, which was constituted a church according to the rules of the New Testament, at the same time. The Rev. T. Davis, of High Street chapel, Merthyr, stated the nature of a Christian church; and after reading over the names of those that were to be united in Christian fellowship, proposed the questions to the church and minister. The Rev. J. Jones of Zion chapel, Merthyr, offered the ordination prayer, accompanied with the imposition of hands; after which the Rev. T. Davis delivered the charge to the newly-ordained minister, and the Rev. J. Jones addressed the church.

In the afternoon the Rev. W. Edwards of Aberdare, and the Rev. J. Jones preached, and in the evening, the Rev. Mr. Price and D. B. Jones, Abaraman. The meeting separated highly gratified by this interesting service,


A small baptist church was formed in this place last autumn, the deacons of which give the following pleasing information: "Through the great kindness of the Rev. W. Butler, M.A., of Christ Church, Crewe, we have been permitted to use one of the National school-rooms for public worship on the Lord's day evenings until now. By the blessing of God we have held together, and we have good grounds to hope the work of the Lord is progressing in our midst. The number of church members is small, being five male and five female. For some time past there has been a desire to raise a house for God, but as our means are not such as to warrant so great an undertaking, we have fitted up a commodious room capable of seating one hundred persons, which was opened the last sabbath day in June. The Rev. H. Barker of Burslem preached two impressive sermons to attentive audiences. On the Monday following (July 1) we held a public tea-meeting, when about 250 friends of all denominations, including many of the church of England, partook of the social repast. Several ministers kindly came from a distance to rejoice with and encourage us, and to help in the service of the evening. We may mention the Revs. J. Harvey of Bury, W. Barker of Burslem, J. Shore of Tarporley, R. Pedley of Wheelock Heath,

H. Cocksey of Andermy, and C. Brigley | (independent) of Crewe. Mr. F. Carter presided. It was a very interesting meeting, and a sweet and happy feeling pervaded the whole; not a jarring note was heard."



In the Circus chapel, Bradford Street, Birmingham, the ordinance of baptism has been administered twice; first, by Mr. Chew's baptizing three disciples, and on July 7th by Mr. Landel's baptizing six more. sabbath afternoon, July 14th, these, with about forty others, who had been members of baptist churches in the town and elsewhere, and who had mostly received letters of dismission, were formed into a church. Brother Swan read the scriptures and prayed, brother Roe read the letters and names of the brethren and sisters who were

to compose the church, and, at his request, they gave to each other the right hand of fellowship. Brother Roe then delivered to them an appropriate and impressive address, and offered solemn prayer for a blessing on the important union. The Lord's supper followed, at which brother Morgan, sen., presided, assisted by brethren Landels, Swan, and Roe. On this interesting occasion there were present a large number of members and deacons from all the baptist churches in the town, who attended to express their sympathy with this new society, and to unite with them in partaking of the memorials of the Saviour's death. A large congregation attends, and several candidates for baptism are expected to be added soon; it is hoped the divine blessing will largely accompany this effort for the advancement of the Redeemer's cause.



An interesting ordination service was held on Tuesday, the 4th of June, in connexion with the settlement of Mr. David B. Joseph as pastor of the church worshipping in the baptist chapel, Bootle, in the immediate vicinity of Liverpool. The engagements of the day were commenced with devotional exercises conducted by the Rev. B. C. Etheridge, pastor of the church at Bolton from which Mr. Joseph had lately been transferred. An able introductory discourse explanatory of the principles of nonconformity as developed in congregationalism was preached by the Rev. John Stent of Soho Street Chapel, Liverpool. The statement on behalf of the church was made by Mr. J. Russell, deacon. The questions were asked, and the ordination prayer offered, by the Rev. C. M. Birrell of Pembroke Chapel,

Liverpool. charge was delivered to the pastor by the Rev. J. Acworth, LL.D., president of Horton College. The Rev. V. M. White, of the Irish presbyterian church, closed the service of the morning with prayer, after which an adjournment was made to the spacious school rooms under the chapel, where a cold collation was provided by the ladies of the congregation free of charge. The rooms were decorated with the flowers of the season, and every provision made that could be desired for the comfort of the company. Upwards of 200 persons sat down to dinner, the Rev. C. M. Birrell occupying the chair. After dinner interesting and appropriate addresses were delivered by the chairman, the Revs. Dr. Acworth, J. Edwards of Wavertree, B. C. Etheridge, V. M. White, S. Manning of Frome, and W. Graham, and by Messrs. T. Urquhart and John Houghton. After a which, owing to the brightness and beauty of short interval for recreation in the open air, the day, all were fully prepared to enjoy, a where tea was provided. In the evening an re-union took place in the school-rooms, able and instructive sermon was preached to the church by the Rev. Richard Fletcher (independent) of Manchester, and the engagements of the day were brought to a termination with devotional exercises conducted by the Rev. W. Walters of Preston. In the course of the day the Revs. R. Kirkus, J. Tunstall of Kirkdale, and T. R. Hoskin of Great George Street Chapel, Liverpool (independent), also took part in the services. work under the most favourable auspices, The young pastor enters on his interesting and we trust that his highest and best hopes and those of his flock as to future prosperity and usefulness, may be more than fully

A most lucid and impressive


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Although from an early age the subject of religious impressions, it was not till the deceased was about eighteen years of age that she was brought to full decision for Christ, and led to cast herself as a helpless and undone sinner upon the mercy of the Lord Jesus by faith, looking for redemption through the blood of the Lamb. Having herself tasted that the Lord is gracious, it became henceforth her aim to seek to lead others to that fountain of living waters whose healing efficacy she had herself experienced. Thus influenced, she devoted herself to the work of tract distributing, visiting, and conversing with the poor of the surrounding neighbourhood on the things which make for their peace; and great was the pleasure that she experienced in her work of faith and labour of love. In the work of sabbath school teaching she had engaged previously. In her twenty-first year she united herself with the baptist church at Old Sampford, her connexion with which she was enabled to adorn unto the end with a walk and conversation as becometh the gospel. One Christian grace prominent in her character was humility, which induced in her a reluctance to speak much of herself and her Christian attainments, exemplifying at the same time in her conduct the words of the apostle, "Let each esteem other better than himself." She was eminently a practical Christian, and with holy jealousy watched over herself as one that must give account. Being naturally of a weakly constitution, she frequently suffered from severe indisposition, especially during the months of winter, and for above a year previous to her last illness, she was much confined by lameness occasioned by an accidental fall from which she had but partially recovered, when in March, 1847, she was seized with fatal symptoms of consumption, which was destined, in spite of every effort used to stay its progress, to con sign her to an early grave; but she was graciously strengthened to meet with fortitude the stroke which from its commencement she believed had received its commission to cut her down, and in it all she recognized the hand of her heavenly Father, and expressed the fullest satisfaction that her lot was at his disposal, feeling that she could there leave it, fully acquiescing in his decision who seeth not as man seeth.

It is a sweet, yet mournful task to the writer, to trace her course in the lingering descent through a period of twenty months down the valley of the shadow of death. Here her light shone with distinguished lustre in suffering the will of God, through the trying scenes of the decay of the earthly house of her tabernacle, exhibiting the same cheerfulness of spirit as distinguished her in health. No murmuring or repining word or

look escaped her, but a smile of sweet tranquillity illuminated her countenance.

A few extracts from a correspondence which she carried on with an absent brother during her affliction so long as decaying strength permitted, will exhibit some view of the general state of her feelings. On one occasion, having then been six months in the furnace of affliction, during which time, as was the case throughout the whole of her illness, she was quite prevented from reaching the house of God, or even leaving her home, she says, " Being alone, yet not alone, I take the opportunity of attempting a little silent converse with you. Although I often on a sabbath morning feel solitary when most of the family are gone to chapel (particularly when the minister is staying with us, as is the case to-day) yet I turn away my thoughts from this, and go to my silent companions, my books, especially the bible, and from thence I draw comfort. What a blessing it is that, although friends may be absent, God is not, but is everywhere present, as well in the abode of the afflicted as in the public sanctuary, where in spirit I often am when prevented from being there in person; but God knows the thoughts and desires of my heart, and can impart tranquillity to the mind under the consideration that he ap points my daily lot; and reflecting on this, I hope I desire to feel passive in his hands, knowing that he does all things well. True, this is a scene of pain and suffering, but the Lord deals gently with me. His strokes are not severe. May they accomplish the desired end, for I know I need the chastening rod." In another letter, alluding to the excessive heat, she writes, "I think I bear it better than might be expected, being supplied with innumerable comforts and mercies from my heavenly Father. My cup runneth over. I have no room to complain but of my sinful self, but Christ is the anchor of my soul." On one occasion, after alluding to the means employed to arrest the disorder, she writes, "What I think of my poor body is this, that it resembles a worn out garment, which at various times has had many patches put upon it, and will bear but few more; but when this is put off, I hope to have a pure and spotless one, in which I shall appear before a righteous God in that happy world where the Saviour is the light thereof." At another time, referring to two Christian friends, who after seasons of protracted suffering about the same time, fell asleep in Jesus, she writes, "Their sufferings are ended, they have entered into rest. Oh, what a change from a world of sin and sorrow, to a world of true peace and holiness! We too hope to have an inheritance there, where we shall see and dwell with our Saviour, who by his sufferings has purchased for us unworthy creatures these infinite blessings." Thus in patient waiting, in a frame of tweet tran

quillity, she passed through the dark valley fearing no evil, for his rod and his staff comforted her.

About three months prior to her decease it seemed, to all human appearance, evident that the hour of her departure was at hand; still amid intense suffering and weakness, and in the immediate prospect of eternity, her soul was kept in perfect peace, looking for and hastening unto the coming of her Lord. But her time was not yet fully come, and for fourteen weeks more it was her lot to lie in utter helplessness, unable to raise herself without assistance, or to speak but in a faint whisper; still the Master's image shone brightly in his enfeebled servant, and she found strength proportioned to her day: animated by a calm and stedfast hope, although unaccompanied by those ecstatic joys possessed by some, she centred all her hope in Christ, longing for increased conformity to the divine will. It was with great delight that she welcomed the visits of Christian friends to her sick chamber, deeply enjoying their fellowship and communion in the exercises of devotion, and at such seasons smiles of sacred joy would beam upon her countenance, while in feeble accents she would speak of the happiness and society of that better land. As she neared the haven of repose, the billows of affliction beat still more heavily upon her, and during the last three weeks of her life her sufferings were very great; but, as she expressed herself, although too weak to think much, she could still hope, and, animated by that hope, she expressed her willingness to resign the numerous circle of her family, to whom she was most tenderly attached; in faith, anticipating and praying for an eternal re-union hereafter with those in whom she delighted on earth. When, in answer to her almost inaudible inquiry of "How long do you think it will be?" she was told by her beloved attendant that it would be probably but a few hours before her spirit would reach its home, a smile of pleasure pervaded those features on which the cold chill of death was then gathering; and as the close of the conflict drew near, doubtlessly feeling that her time was now come, her lips frequently moved in attempts to speak, but finding herself unable to be understood, by her smiles, like the last rays of the setting sun, she exhibited her possession, unimpaired by the stroke of death, of that peace which passeth understanding. Thus she fell asleep in Jesus, and without a struggle or a groan, her emancipated spirit winged its flight from its earthly tabernacle to the realms of bliss, to bask for ever in the smiles of that Saviour who loved her and gave himself for her, at about four o'clock on the morning of Friday, October 20th, 1848, in the twenty-ninth year of her age, leaving behind her a bright testimony to the power of divine grace, to comfort amid


the trials of life, and sustain in the hour of death.


This beloved brother, more than twenty years deacon of the second baptist church at Brighton under the pastorate of Mr. Joseph Sedgwick, was called to his Father's house on Thursday, the 28th of February last. In the morning of that day he was in his usual health, and read and prayed in the family, which was his daily custom. He afterwards went into the yard, where he was immediately siezed with apoplexy. A neighour observed him to fall by the door of an adjoining stable, and immediately gave the alarm. He was carried into the house, but never spake afterwards, and in a very few hours expired, in the sixty-fourth year of his age.

Mr. Goffe was called at an early age to know the Lord, and was baptized and united to the church at Shipston, in Worcestershire, in 1810. Six years afterwards he went to London, and joined the church in Little Wild Street, where he remained till 1821, when his steps were directed to Brighton, where, with his now bereaved widow, he assisted in the formation of the above baptist church in that town, and where he continued universally loved and respected till the day of his death.

He was a great friend to the poor, a constant attendant on the means of grace, and one who made it his daily study to promote the peace and happiness of both pastor and people. To this it may be added with much propriety, he was held in the highest estimation by his fellow townsmen, who, with a numerous circle of friends both far and near, unite in deploring his loss,


On the 17th of May, in the forty-seventh year of his age, Mr. Harris, formerly missionary in Ceylon, recently minister of the Free Church, Niagara, terminated his course. Having gone to Hamilton from Niagara, to a meeting of ministers, he was there seized with erysipelas and fever. Mrs. Harris was sent for, and was with him during his illness of about eight or nine days. He was carried to Niagara, and buried there with much respect. His last moments are said to have been eminently happy.


Hannah Ellis, the beloved wife of the Rev. Robert Ellis of Sirhowy, Monmouthshire, and the daughter of Mr. David Davies of Cynwyd, fell asleep in Jesus on Saturday,

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