
to grapple with the mental agonies of the struggling penitent; and in the hours of physical pain, endure the severe mental discipline of the soul just emerging from darkness and spiritual death; during the fortnight she was confined to her room, she gave most satisfactory evidence of her interest in the blood of Christ, the natural timidity she was subject to in health gave place to a strong confidence in God, and was exchanged for a calm and holy tranquillity of soul in the prospect of the solemn change approaching. Her friends, anxious to know the state of her

mind, and whether any cloud encompassed her soul, inquired if all was well, she answered, "As I have lived so I die, trusting in Christ," and then apparently checking herself she said, "I don't wish to say anything now that may be said of me hereafter." She frequently called upon those in the room to read and pray with her, and the principal parts of several nights were engaged in quoting passages of scripture and reciting her favourite hymus, again and again did she exclaim, Begone unbelief," &c., "Jesus, lover of my soul," &c. &c.


Hopes were entertained by her friends of her recovery, but when they were most buoyant she was calm and, impressed with the conviction of her nearness to eternity, when conversing upon the subject of reconciliation to God through Christ, her soul seemed in an ecstacy.

The farewell she took of her children was

most solemn and affecting, and it is hoped will not be lost, she calmly resigned them into the hands of her Redeemer. Her end was calm, dignified, and peaceful; as she had lived so she died, a genuine Christian, entering into her rest May 4, 1850.

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April 26th, 1850, at Bedale, in the full expectation of eternal life through Jesus Christ, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, aged seventyfive years, widow of the late Mr. William Smith, of the Royal Oak, Bedale, and mother-in-law to the Rev. A. Nichols of Sunnyside, Lancashire; having sustained a long and honourable connexion with the baptist church of Christ at Bedale, Yorkshire, and at last, leaving all her children and many of her grandchildren in the church on earth, of whom a son-in-law and a beloved grandson are in the ministry.



Died on Lord's day morning, May 19th, 1850, at Thrapston, Northamptonshire, in the Hill, for many years a deacon of the baptist seventy-third year of his age, Mr. William church in that town, and for more than half a century one of its most consistent and useful the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ members. To simplicity of dependence on added a lively interest in the prosperity of the and fervent attachment to his cause, Mr. Hill church with which he was associated, and an his fellow members; and by many his earnest solicitude for the spiritual welfare of memory will long be held in affectionate



Died on the 23rd of May, at Milby, near Borobridge, in the eighty-third year of his age, Mr. Joseph Blackburn, who was nearly forty years à member, and thirty-four a deacon of the baptist church at the above place. He lived in the faith and hope of that gospel which supported him in the prospect of death and eternity.



Mr. Wallis, the pastor, says, "The baptist church at Bexley Heath, through rich mercy, by baptism and sixteen by experience have is much revived within the last year; fifteen been received in since March, 1849, making low both as a church and congregation when I a total of thirty-one. The cause was very took the pastorate at the above date, but God, for his great name's sake, has kindly blessed us. To his name be all the glory!


It will be remembered by the readers of this magazine, that in the January number a notice appeared of a meeting held in the above chapel, on Tuesday, December 4th, 1849, S. Morton Peto, Esq., M.P. in the chair; for the purpose of adopting measures for procuring a larger and more suitable place of worship.

Since that period considerable delay has been occasioned by the difficulty of obtaining ground, but the committee are happy in being able to state that a piece of freehold land situated in the high road, has now been purchased. They, therefore, feel justified in making a renewed effort to raise the necessary funds; and purpose to commence building as soon as the sum of three hundred pounds be added to the amount already subscribed.

The present position of the church is peculiarly trying, the chapel in which they have hitherto worshipped being sold to a

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gentleman of the independent connexion, they were compelled to relinquish possession at Midsummer, and must erect a temporary building for their future accommodation until the new chapel is ready for their reception.

Under these circumstances, they feel assured of the sympathy of the religious public generally, and of the baptist denomination in particular. And the committee trust that, with the divine blessing resting on their efforts, they will very soon be enabled to commence this important work.



It reflects but little credit upon Her Majesty's ministers that after advising the Queen to comply with the Address of her faithful Commons respecting the closing of the Post Office on Sunday, and before putting their orders for that purpose in force, the

Chancellor of the Exchequer should have openly invited a public demonstration against the measure.-Patriot, June 24.

From the tone of some remarks which fell from the Chancellor of the Exchequer last night, and from Lord John Russell on a previous evening, as well as from the animus of these instructions, we fear that the Ministry are not acting in accordance with their high moral character-they are conniving at an attempt on the part of the Post-office authorities to render the alterations as troublesome and obnoxious as possible.-Christian Times, June 21.


The Rev. J. Girdwood of Montreal has received a unanimous invitation to become the pastor of the baptist church, New Bedford, Massachusetts, and has accepted it. -Nonconformist.



To the Editor of the Baptist Magazine. DEAR SIR, We will thank you to permit us in your pages to commend the publications of the "Calvin Society" to the attention of your readers.

About seven or eight years ago this society was formed, for the purpose of effecting a wider circulation of the writings of Calvin throughout the church of Christ in these kingdoms.

it would be a reproach to our times if this noble enterprise were allowed to languish and fail, when so large a mass of medieval and modern trash, of a professedly religious kind, is issued from the press and extensively circulated.

The works of Calvin now in the course of publication by this society, are specially recommended by the following considerations:

1. They are not a reprint of old translations, which are very uncouth, and otherwise faulty; but they consist of new translations, which have been made by competent persons.

2. They are got up in admirable style, The paper, type, and execution are what every lover of Calvin's writings could wish them to be.

3. They are surprisingly cheap. Four volumes, each on an average containing 500 pages, are furnished for the sum of one pound.

The works of such a man need no recommendation of ours; but we may, perhaps, be allowed to remark, that the general correctness and scriptural character of their theology, together with the broad and comprehensive view of divine truth which they give, afford an admirable safeguard against some popular errors of the age; while, at the same time, their felicitous elucidation of sacred writ, their masterly style of reasoning, and the 4. They are issued in a way which renders spirit of holy unction by which they are per- their purchase easy. Four such volumes as vaded, must commend them to the approba- we have just described are issued every year; tion of all the friends of taste and devotion. and thus, for a trifling annual outlay, a A large portion of his works consists of ex-library can receive so valuable an addition. positions of the word of God, and they are thus well adapted to ministers, students, and all who desire to "behold wondrous things out of his law."

5. "New subscribers" (we quote from an address of the society) "may still be admitted on the original terms, and obtain all the works, on transmitting the contributions; And yet, we regret to know that this or parties may take one or more year's books society has not been adequately sustained by at a time, and pay up the remainder of the the religious public, and is therefore strug-subscriptions at convenient intervals." gling with difficulties. We are apprehensive that this edition of the works of so eminent a reformer, divine, and commentator-one of the brightest of the "burning and shining lights" of his age-has not received from our own denomination the support which might have been fairly anticipated. We feel that

These works can be obtained through the medium of any bookseller; but the best method of procuring them would be by application to the depository of the society at Messrs. Sutherland and Knox's, booksellers, 23, George Street, Edinburgh; or to Robert Pitcairn, Esq., F.P.A., Calvin Office, 9,

Northumberland Street, Edinburgh; from | portion of the devotional exercises, a part of
whom any further information may be ob-

We remain, dear Sir,
Yours cordially,

F. A. Cox, Hackney.
JAMES WEBB, Ipswich.


To the Editor of the Baptist Magazine. MY DEAR SIR, I am glad to see that you are calling attention incidentally to the practice of the translators of our English bible, in translating the same Greek word by different words in English. Your labours are appreciated both in the east and in the west; and your lists have been re-published in Calcutta and in the States. Allow me to suggest that in due time you proceed to notice the converse practice of translating different Greek words by the same English term. A specimen will explain my meaning: " ordain," in our New Testament represents various words in the original.

In Acts x. 42, xvii. 31-The original means determined.

In 1 Cor. ii. 7-fore-determined. In Acts xiii. 48; Rom. xiii. 1; Gal. iii. 19; 1 Cor. ix. 14-ordain, with the idea of setting in order.

In Acts xvi. 4-decided.

In Eph. ii. 10 (as translated in Rom. ix. 23)-prepare.

In 1 Tim. ii. 7 (as in 2 Tim. i. 8; Acts xiii. 47, xx. 28)-appoint.

In Heb. v. 1, viii. 3-constitute or establish. In Jude i. 4-to write up in the face of men, i. e., denounce, or to write concerning a thing before hand.

And in Acts i. 22; and Rom. vii. 10; there is no corresponding word at all in the original.

I am not prepared to maintain that the meaning I have given in each case is perfect; but if it serves to show the difference between the words in the original, my end is gained.

Yours very truly,

J. A.


To the Editor of the Baptist Magazine. DEAR SIR,-Will you permit me through the medium of the Baptist Magazine to beg the thoughts of some of your able correspondents on a subject which has long agitated my mind, and that at a time the most undesirable, disturbing the holy calm which the worship of God is calculated to inspire. It is with regard to the hymns proper to be used in the public services of the sanctuary.

We are in the habit (and I think justly so) of considering the songs of Zion to be one

the worship we offer to God, through the
only Mediator, the Lord Jesus Christ, and we
are commanded to sing with the heart, and
with the understanding also. But can it be
consistent with this view to sing hymns
addressed to sinners, which are neither
prayer nor praise?

It not unfrequently happens that after a
solemn address from the pulpit to uncon-
verted sinners we have a hymn of this
description given out—

"Sinner, O why so thoughtless grown?"


Hasten, O sinner, to be wise."

I cannot, as an individual, feel it right to stand up and sing to sinners. If I am right in my feelings on this subject I should be glad to awaken in the minds of other Christians an inquiry also, but if I am wrong I shall be very thankful to be set right.

I cannot but think there are many hymns in our selections that are of a directly contrary order, that are perhaps equally inappropriate for public worship, such as convey the ardent feelings of deep piety and holy longing for deliverance from this sinful world, very sweet and refreshing for private devotion, but not suitable for a public mixed assembly, and yet frequently so used.

An answer to this Query will be very thankfully received by a constant reader of your Magazine, and




The three orphan children of our late brother Moore need the kind consideration of those who respect his memory. are two boys, one aged ten and the other nine, and a girl aged about six, left among Christian strangers strangers at Sydney indeed, but strangers on whom they have no claim arising from knowledge of their father, or of his persevering and ill-requited labours. They are remaining with the benevolent friends who received him in his debilitated state and soothed his last hours, and it will be probably best for them that they should continue where they are; but it affords us pleasure to say that the committee who raised the fund for Mr. Moore's passage to Australia, when this was thought to be the most promising means of saving his life, are making efforts on their behalf. Mr. Bowser of Catharine Court, Tower Hill, is ready to act as treasurer; and we trust that these fatherless and motherless children will be graciously remembered by Him who has all hearts and all resources at his disposal.

We are informed by the Rev. Thomas


Price of Aberdare, Glamorganshire, that he has been requested by the Committee of the Baptist Academy, Pontypool, to visit London on behalf of that institution, and that he intends to do so in the course of the present month.

It has been our custom for some years to present our readers occasionally with "Collectanea." The articles inserted under this head have generally been derived from periodicals conducted by brethren of other denominations, whose information on matters of general interest we found to be superior to our own. When there has been internal dissension among them we have seldom adverted to the fact; as, for instance, in the recent May meetings, when it was resolved, after much discussion, that the Christian Witness and the Penny Magazine should be no longer regarded as the official organs of the Congregational Union; respecting which we said not a word. But the recent attacks on Mr. Noel and Dr. Price, members of our own body, and principally we believed because they were of our body, we considered it right to notice or permit to be noticed in our pages. It never entered our thoughts that to quote from another magazine laid us open to the charge of conspiracy. Last month, however, we took a paragraph from a small periodical edited by four well-known baptist ministers in Yorkshire, relative to the treatment of Dr. Price by the British Banner-a newspaper which we are not in the habit of seeing-prefixing to the extract this sentence :-" From our small but respectable baptist contemporary, The Church,' we quote the following passage, because it relates to a subject on which many of our readers will wish for some information, and respecting which our personal knowledge is incomplete." This fact was followed by the appearance of an advertisement in the Patriot to the following effect: "The British Banner of Wednesday next, June 19th, will contain an Address to the Baptist Churches, with their pastors and deacons, upon articles which have just appeared in certain Baptist Periodicals, relative to the recent controversy on the subject of infidelity and the Eclectic Review. Let every baptist read both sides of the question: Strike, but hear!' Five Postage Stamps addressed to the British Banner Office, 69, Fleet Street, London." Accordingly, on the appointed day, a leader appeared in that paper, headed, "THE CONSPIRACY." It charges the editors of the Church and the Baptist Magazine with "a flagrant falsehood, a deliberate calumny, impacted successively in the columns of two periodicals devoted to the instruction of a Christian denomination." It declares that "the web of malice is woven with a double woof, and the decoction of hemlock has its mortal pungency indefi


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nitively augmented." It says that "a lesson of malice has, by these Masters in the School of Defamation, been thus set to music for them" [their readers]; "and it is but too probable the bulk of their disciples will sing on as they are bid, asking no questions." In another part of the paper is the advertised Address, which occupies more than five columns. It speaks of "a lesson of spite and hate," unblushing falsehood," and cunning malignity." These are specimens of the phraseology which the editor of the British Banner, the Christian Witness, and the Christian's Penny Magazine, applies to ministers of long standing in Yorkshire, as well as to ourselves; to them, for recording their opinion of certain publications, to us, for quoting it. There are some other paragraphs belonging exclusively to the editor of this Magazine. He has given offence by saying, "the fullest account of the baptist annual meetings in London that we have seen this year, has been given in The Christian Times." This, the editor of the British Banner has partially quoted; but he has suppressed the words "The Christian Times," putting a dash instead of them, that his readers might not know what paper was referred to; and he has altered the former part of our sentence, putting in two words of his own, so as to make it nonsense! Now, if any of our readers think that this is a style of writing that ought to be encouraged, let them by all means send the "Five Postage Stamps." As to ourselves, we have done our duty by Dr. Campbell. Five years ago we cautioned him respecting the consequences which would ensue from his habit of misquoting. When he had greatly misrepresented our language, we said mildly, “All this we deem incautious; but if he should persevere in this style of quotation in controversy, some day or other he will meet with an opponent who will take a harsher view of the case, and express it in other terms."* The correctness of this anticipation he has already realized, but as yet, alas! there is no amendment. In the same article, we ventured to intimate to some of our correspondents, whose ardour we thought it necessary to restrain, that we had had for some time a settled conviction that it was not the destiny of the editor of the Christian Witness to be. written down by any other pen than his own. And, now, as all further warnings would be out of place, and the united efforts of his friends to save him have proved unavailing, we can only say, Let him go on; the faster he writes the sooner he will destroy the remains of an influence which he misuses, and the more impressive will be the lesson that his history will teach to the Adonijahs of a coming generation.

Bap. Mag., April, 1845.

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