
also: fully, faithfully, and truthfully, as in God's presence, we expounded unto you our principles. We made our appeal to the law and to the testimony, and thence defended our conscientious opinions, and we kept back from you nothing that was calculated to assist you in coming to a calm decision upon the subject of your enquiries. Yours, then, in the call for light and aid; yours, in the resolution to join our Society, and yours in the public and solemn offer of yourselves to the discipline of our Church; your own in all its stages, has been that act, which has recently given us the opportunity of welcoming you in the name of our common Lord and Saviour unto our fellowship: and thus, by your own solemn act, and with the cordial assent and consent of the Presbytery, you have been admitted into connexion with the Presbyterian Church in England.

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"Be ye

THE third Meeting of the Elders and Deacons of the several churches in the Presbytery of London, was held in the College-room, Exeter Hall, on the evening of Friday, the 13th of November, at half-past six o'clock. After praise, Mr. Hewitt, one of the Greenwich elders, who took the chair, offered up a very impressive prayer; the other Baisler of Marylebone, Mr. Robb of Londondevotional exercises were conducted by Mr. wall, and Mr. Čotes of River-terrace.

ened. Let not those of a fearful heart be scorned | MEETING OF ELDERS AND DEACONS. as waverers, but let them be confirmed: "Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them; but it shall not be so among you;" let the only superiority aimed at among you be that ye exceed each other in lowliness of mind, and that ye strive to outdo each other in the attainments of holiness. therefore perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace, and the God of love and of peace shall be with you. Whereto ye have already attained, walk by the same rule, mind the same thing; and if in anything ye be otherwiseminded, God shall reveal even this unto you." The Standards of the Church, to which you now adhere, derive all their statements and authority from God's own Word. They are not Ye, Dearly Beloved, have made a deliberate designed to supersede the Bible, which is the only standard of all truth, but to proclaim to our own adherents, and to the world, what in our opinion constitutes Bible truth.

choice, we, as a Presbytery, have performed a solemn act, and thus we have mutually assumed heavy responsibilities. Bear with us while we remind you that it is now the duty of both parties to labour for the confirmation of that union so

happily consummated betwixt us, and to pray that the Great Head of the Church may therefrom win to Himself a richer revenue of glory, and a more fruitful harvest of precious souls.

As your ecclesiastical overseers, to whom you owe subjection, and who are charged to watch for your souls, as they that must give account, the Presbytery of the bounds are prepared to deal with you in all tenderness, forbearance, and love; to sympathize in your distresses, to give counsel in your perplexities, to minister assistance in your difficulties, and to labour with you, and for you, in the promotion of your edification and growth in the Lord; bearing you alway at a throne of grace, and making mention of you in our prayers, that "the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him; the eyes of Four understanding being enlightened, that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints."

And, on your part, Dearly Beloved, let it be ever borne in mind, that there must be the exercise of mach confidence and affection in your intercourse with your ecclesiastical superiors; and that much anity of heart and action is required among yourselves.

Ye are now under authority; your province in ecclesiastical matters is clearly defined in the word of God: "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: and we beseech you, Brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; and to esteem them very highly in love for their work's ake: and be at peace among yourselves." Such is your duty, and such duty cannot be violated without sin. But we would wish you to know, Dearly Beloved, that it is no lordly dominion that the Presbytery claims to exercise over you; but a parental authority, which is exercised for the removal of what is noxious, and for the protection of what is promising, and which tempers all its aetings with kindness and love. Such restraints, therefore, will soon appear to be not burdensome, but joyous and salutary, tending to the preservation of the peace of office-bearers, members, and hearers; and generally to the edification of the body of Christ in your congregation.

Brethren, we bear love to you all-every communicant-every worshipper-every little child that joins you in the sanctuary; each of you and

all of you together, have a place in our hearts and in our prayers. We ask from you a like response of love. Our prayer is for the peace of Jerualem; "for our brethren and companions' sake do we now say, Peace be within thee." And what we ask of you is simply that you believe our professions of love-that you confide in them and that you will give us credit, as a Presbytery, for having one great and engrossing object in our eye, even the glory of God in the prosperity

of Zion. But if, in a state of things so new, it be necessary that a perfect understanding should exist betwixt the Presbytery and the people, much bore is it necessary that confidence and forbearance prevail among yourselves.

Beloved, "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others: et no man seek his own, but every man another's well-being. Be of the same mind one towards another, and let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves." Let not the feeble be crushed, but upheld and strength

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Beloved, we indulge the hope that ye will soon system, that, in the good providence of that God enjoy the practical benefit of our Presbyterian by whom ye have been guided hitherto, ye will speedily be blessed with a full Presbyterian organisation-a pastor according to God's own heart to break among you the bread of life-elders, who by a walk and a conversation becoming the Gospel, will go in and out among you in holy duties-and deacons full of faith and good works, who will watch over the temporal interests of the flock. And our hope and prayer are, that under such discipline, your fellowship with 'Jesus and with one another may grow more constant and more endearing; that your families may become nurseries wherein the olive plants shall be trained for glory, that each individual worshipper may grow in holy beauties, and that the whole congregation "walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, may have rest and be multiplied."

Already, beloved, would we have you to look

forth, and to wait, with longing, for the little cloud that will be to you the herald of "showers of blessings:" Jacob is now small and despised; but there is a loving heart and a mighty arm patiently, and ye shall see the salvation of the interposing to exalt him. Fear ye not; wait Lord; even in waiting upon him ye shall renew your strength; and cherishing a spirit of simple faith and of devoted love, on you will descend the blessing from the Lord, as the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended from the mountains

of Zion.

Dearly beloved, we bid you farewell, "commending you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified."

And we rest,

Your brethren in the bonds of Christ Jesus, D. FERGUSSON, Liverpool. JOHN GARDNER, Birkenhead.

Liverpool, Nov. 13, 1846.


MOST DILIGENT BISHOP. And now I would ask a strange question, Who is the most diligent bishop in all England, and passeth all the rest in doing his office? I can tell you, for I know him well, and methinks I see you now listening and hearkening that I should name him. Will ye then know who it is? I will tell you. It is the devil. Never absent, never out of his diocese, he worketh unceasingly. Where the devil is resident, and hath his plough going, there, away with books and up with pictures,

away with Bibles and up with beads, away with the light of the Gospel and up with the light of candles, yet at noon-day. Where the devil is resident and may prevail, up with all superstition and idolatry, censing, painting of images, palms, ashes, holy waters, and services of man's invention; as though man could invent a better way to honour God with than himself hath appointed.-Sermon of Bishop Latimer.

In the course of the conversation which ensued, the attention of the Meeting was called to some glaring instances of Sabbath desecration in the neighbourhood of London, and the members of different Sessions gave in succession much interesting information respecting the present state and prospects of their congregations. The consideration of the Meeting was in an especial manner called to the importance of Sabbath and day-schools in mentioned some interesting facts, showing connexion with these. One of the speakers how much Sabbath-schools had been a means of attaching young men to each other and to the congregation to which he belonged; that these Sabbath-schools had been in existence for fifteen years; that some of the first scholars were now members of the Church; and that even in other cases where the Sabbath-school instruction appeared for a time to have been lost in a religious point of view, some of the parties seemed still to appreciate the benefit they had received, as evinced by their having lately brought their younger brothers and sisters to attend the school. The advantage of young men's Associations was also pointed out, and some gratifying statements made in regard to these, and the propriety of all undertakings being begun and carried on in a spirit of prayer was forcibly dwelt upon by one of the youngest members present.

It would have been desirable had the

Meeting been more numerously attended; every one present seemed to regret the loss sustained by the brethren that were absent

it was known that the absence of some was from another Meeting of a kindred character occasioned through indisposition, and of others having been fixed for the same evening; the

latter should for the future be avoided.

These Meetings have been held only three times in the year, to prevent even the appearance of their being burdensome, or their interference with other duties, and in expectation that no trivial matter would keep members from attending. The next Meeting will be held on the second Friday in February; and it would be well if, in the interim, the brethren would exhort one another to be present, a word from the ministers to their Sessions might also be in season in aiding our object, so well calculated to promote religious improvement and good feeling among the office-bearers of our


FAITH.-Happy man, whosoever thou art, thou canst look by an eye of faith at the Gospel as the charter of thy liberties; at the condemning law as cancelled by thy Surety; at the earth, as the footstool of thy Father's throne; at heaven, as the portal of thy Father's house; at all the creatures in heaven and earth, as an heir is wont to look at his Father's servants, and which are therefore his, so far as he shall need them, according to that "all are yours, for ye are Christ's, and

Christ is God's."—Arrowsmith.


But I am departing from what I meant to TORY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN be the main subject of this paper, namely, to trace the history of one of the old Presbyterian congregations in Yorkshire, and to inquire, Where is she now?



To the Editor of the English Presbyterian Messenger.

Is it not singular, Mr. Editor, that the English Presbyterian Church has no congregation in the large county of York, where in the early part of the last century, Presbyterian congregations were numerous, and where the pious Lady Hewley consecrated her influence

and her wealth to advance the cause of evan

The congregation of Swaledale, in Yorkshire, may be considered one of the most ancient among the Presbyterian Dissenters in the north of England, and was founded by the pious Philip, Lord Wharton, lord of this and the neighbouring manors. Having been instrumental in adding to the population of this Dale, by the introduction of a number of gelical Presbyterianism in the northern coun-poor and ignorant people who were employed ties. There are indeed in this county nearly in the lead-mines, and there being no place twenty congregations most of which have of worship within six miles, his Lordship existed since the days of Nonconformity, and fitted up a chapel, which was occasionally were liberally endowed by our Presbyterian supplied by his chaplains, and afterwards ancestors; but alas! how is the gold become more statedly by some of the ministers who dim! Ichabod is written on their portals; were ejected by the Act of Uniformity. About and, although they retain the name, for the the year 1690, he gave to the cause Smarbarsake of the endowments, yet they have de- Hall Chapel, situated in the centre of a popuparted from the good ways of their fathers: lous neighbourhood; and although it had they deny that worthy name in which they been enlarged and repaired at different times, gloried and found their consolation, and have yet it was become so ruinous and really danno longer any claim to the denominational gerous to the crowds which resorted to it, distinction, since Presbyterian order has not near the beginning of this century, that a been observed among them for nearly a cennew place became absolutely necessary, and tury. Singular it is, that scarcely any evan- accordingly one was erected in 1809, capable gelical Presbyterians are to be found in the of accommodating 500 persons. The congrecounty. In Whitby, indeed, there has existed, gation had been reduced to the lowest state, for nearly fifty years, a congregation in conand the place had been shut up during half nexion with the United Secession Church of of the year, when the Rev. John Allason was Scotland, over which Dr. Young has most invited, in 1806, from Uppingham, in Rutland, worthily presided for more than forty years, to become assistant to the Rev. D. Simpson, and where the late Rev. Peter Thomson, (who died in 1808,) and he was ordained to afterwards of Leeds, commenced his brief but the pastoral office at Swaledale New Chapel, The chapel was brilliant ministerial career in 1799. In Leeds, on 5th September, 1811. too, an attempt was made to form a Presby- well attended in the summer seasorf, but in terian congregation in the same connexion at consequence of the poverty of the people, a the beginning of this century, where Mr. considerable debt remained on the place. We Thomson laboured for a brief period after his should like to know what has become of it. removal from Whitby, but he was taken We do not recognise it in the lists of Indein the morning of his days, when his light pendent congregations, and we sincerely trust was beginning to shed an influence around, it has not merged into Socinianism. Its and to redeem the much abused name of poverty, indeed, was likely to secure it from Presbytery in England. An abortive attempt this fate. The following are the names of was made to maintain the cause after his the ministers who have successively laboured decease; but his successor possessed not his here. We regret that we cannot furnish any energy and commanding talents, and after a dates, or other particulars regarding them; few years the attempt was abandoned, and but if they were faithful ministers of Christ, the congregation, in 1809, passed over to the "their witness is in heaven, and their record Independent connexion. May not much of

this want of success be attributed to the



judice engendered in the English mind, by associating Presbytery with Socinianism, or, in cases where this unfounded prejudice could not be entertained, by the appearance of the church of another country setting up its standard merely to gather around it the sons of Caledonia, who had migrated to England's plains, instead of taking its stand as an indigenous plant, which there is nothing in the nature of things to prevent? Why may not Presbyterianism be equally adapted for the soil of England, as of Scotland and other countries where it has taken deep root. There needs only an energetic working out of the system, by native instrumentality; and now that the "Presbyterian Church in England" has renounced her nominal connexion with Scotland (for it was never more than nominal, much as she wished it to be otherwise), which tended to fetter her exertions among the native English population, may we not expect that, by the Divine blessing, she will lengthen her cords and strengthen her stakes, and break forth on the right hand and on the left

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* The only other Presbyterian congregation in York shire that we know of is one in Hull, commenced a few

years ago by the Scottish Secession; but from the circumstance of its minister having lately resigned his charge, we are induced to think that the cause has not been prosperous.

is on high." How many other congregations
are there, with their successive generations of
faithful pastors, who deserved to be had in
everlasting remembrance; but their memorial
has perished from the earth! How desirable
it is that another Calamy should arise, to rescue
their names and their acts from oblivion!
Rev. J. Holland, who removed to another

Rev. J. Taylor, died here.
Rev. J. Burgess, removed.
Rev. T. Gardner, died here, after labouring
upwards of fifty years in his Master's

Rev. J. Benn, his son-in-law, died here also.
Rev. A. Meanly, removed.
Rev. D. Simpson, died, 1808.
Rev. John Allason, ordained (as stated
above) in 1811, is the last of whom we
have had notice as ministering in this

It may be proper to state, that Lord
Wharton, by a deed dated July 12, 1692,
appropriated an estate near York as a per-
petual fund for the purchase of 1050 Bibles,
with other religious books, yearly, to be given
to the poor children of certain parishes in
which he had property. Is this fund still
applied according to his Lordship's benevolent
intentions? We should like to hear more
about it.

G. B.


Succession of Ministers at Garrigill and
Weardale, afterwards incorporated with
Alston Moor.

was settled here about the end of the seven-

teenth century; preached at different houses in the neighbourhood in the times of persecution; and, towards the close of his life, officiated in a newly erected chapel at Garrigill, where he died about 1703. He bequeathed 30%, the interest of which, along with the greater part of his library, was to be appropriated for the benefit of his successors in office. He was succeeded by

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from Galashiels, [Query, Was he son of the Rev. Gabriel Wilson, of Maxton, the friend of Boston?] He ministered here more than twenty years, and then returned to Scotland.


He was the last minister who officiated alternately at Garrigill and Weardale. He was a native of Scotland, and for nine years a student at the University of Glasgow, where he studied both physic and divinity. He was settled at Great Salkeld and Plumpton in 1750 or 1751,-removed first to Ravensdale -afterwards to Garrigill, where he ministered thirteen years-and finally to Mixenden, in Yorkshire, where he ended his days, leaving a widow, for whose benefit a work of his on "Sacrifices" was published, by subscription, after his decease.


from Scotland, was here for six or seven years, (during which period a new chapel was erected about 1754), and was afterwards minister of the parish of Cumbertrees, in the presbytery of Annan.

JOHN DEAN, son of the Rev. Adam Dean, of Huddlesceugh, after being here for about three years, removed to North Shields.


was born at Great Salkeld, September 16, 1737,-educated at Edinburgh on Lady Hew ley's foundation,-licensed to preach in 1760, and soon after settled at Penruddock, whence he removed in 1763 to Garrigill, where he re mained for thirty-eight years; and then finally removed in 1800 to Great Salkeld and officiated there and at Plumpton till dis abled by increasing infirmities. He died in 1830, aged ninty-three. When he left Gar rigill, the cause had nearly dwindled away and would perhaps have been lost, had it not been for the exertions of Mr. John Dickenson of Alston, formerly of Garrigill, who engage the Rev. William Norris, sen., to preach Alston and the neighbourhood, and by hi the remnant of the old congregation at Ga rigill was incorporated with the new intere at Alston.

WILLIAM NORRIS, SEN. He was ordained with a view to itinerate the northern counties, as an agent of the Societas Evangelica of London, in Mr. Par son's Chapel, at Leeds, December 25, 1798 Settled at Alston in 1803, where a chapel wa erected the following year, and was instr mental in raising a considerable congregation Removed in 1808 to Boroughbridge in York shire, where he died March 1, 1842, a eighty-two. He was succeeded at Alston by

his son,

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THE Presbyterian Church at Wooler is not
of such ancient date as some neighbouring
congregations. Its first minister was the Rev.
Archibald Wallis, or Wallace, whose son be-
came minister, first at Lowick, and then at
Nenthorn, near Kelso, and whose grandson,
the Rev. E. B. Wallace, is now Free Church
minister at Barr, in Ayrshire. But little can
be gathered about Mr. Wallace. He was
probably of Scotch birth and license. The
first entry in the baptismal register of the
Church is August 28th, 1749. The last en-
try in Mr. Wallace's handwriting is dated
June 8th, 1755. Mr. Wallace died at Wooler,
and was succeeded by the Rev. Patrick
He is spoken of as a faithful
godly man, but very ignorant of worldly mat-
ters. The church in which he preached was
called the Wester Meeting House, in order
to distinguish it from another Presbyterian
church in Wooler, also connected with the
Church of Scotland. Mr. Crichton seems
to have died in 1776. After his death a Mr.
Grieve was chosen minister, but soon avow-
ing Baptist views, he was obliged to leave.

The next minister was the Rev. James Kennedy. He was a native of Roxburghshire, and had been engaged in teaching at Alnwick before he was elected minister of the West Chapel, Wooler. He remained in his charge about thirty years, highly respected and beloved by his people. He was a godly, active, evangelical minister. He died in the

end of 1807,

under God, to carry on the work which they | derstanding. He was always the minister,
had begun. If he was not remarkable for never the mere companion or friend. God's
his pulpit gifts, he was highly respectable, people revered him, and God's enemies could
and faithfully used all the talents wherewith find no occasion against him, except concern-
the Lord had intrusted him, to the glory of ing the love of his God. He never stooped
his Divine Master. His temper was kind, to court popular favour. The ministerial
and his manner was winning. He was most character never suffered in his hands. He
diligent in every point of the work of the never contradicted in week-day practice what
ministry, which he had received of the Lord he proclaimed in Sabbath exhortation.
Jesus, to testify the Gospel of the Grace of
God. His labours were blessed, both among
the higher and lower classes in his congre-
gation; and in regard to those that be-
lieved not, the evil of rejecting Christ lay
on their own heads. Their pastor could truly
say, "God forbid that I should glory save in
the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ," and with
equal truth, "To me to live is Christ." No
one could accuse him of unfaithful preaching,
or an unholy walk. He was strict in disci-
pline, and testified against sin, wherever found,
in high or low. A proprietor in the neigh-
bourhood left the Church of England, and
attended Mr. Mitchell's ministry. When his
son came of age, his birth-day was kept by
great rejoicings, and, among other follies, an
ox was roasted whole. This took place on
the Sabbath. Mr. M. took occasion to preach
plainly against the sin of Sabbath-breaking,
with especial reference to this flagrant case.
The squire accordingly left his church, in
wroth against his faithfulness. Not many
years after Mr. Mitchell was settled, mea-
sures were taken for the erection of a new
church, the former one being old and incon-
venient. The present building, for which Mr.
M. collected largely among friends both in
Scotland and England, was accordingly
erected. It was finished in 1818. Sermons
were preached at its opening by the Rev.
Messrs. Cuppe, then of Legerwood, now of
the Free Church, Donne, and Hunter, then
of Swinton, now of Edinburgh. Though
it cannot boast of architectural splendour or
beauty, it is a neat, commodious, substantial
building, in a pleasant retired situation. The
former church, now turned into houses, stood
on the street of Wooler.

Increasing infirmities on Mr. Mitchell's part rendered necessary the appointment of an assistant and successor. In 1830, the Rev. James Bryce, then minster at Stamfordham, near Newcastle, was chosen. Five years afterwards, Mr. Bryce received a call to the quoad sacra church at Gilcomston, Aberdeen. In his place the Rev. Thomas Gray was elected. Shortly after his settlement, Mr. Mitchell died in a good old age. His end was peace. He had just lived to see the Evangelical party swaying the counsels of the Church of Scotland. He passed into that world where all is peace, before the commencement of that contest between the Ecclesiastical and Civil Courts, which terminated in the Disruption. In the autumn of 1843, Mr. Gray obtained a presentation to the living of Kirkurd, Peebleshire, vacated by the secession of the Rev. W. Paterson. After a vacancy of some months, the present minister was ordained by the Presbytery of Northumberland over his own flock, and in their presence, on the 28th February 1844. The oldest communicant had not witnessed an ordination among that people.

Mr. Mitchell was careful to get faithful men to assist him at communion seasons, and maintained a friendly footing with the evangelical ministers, (few, alas! in number), on the other side of the border. With Moderatism he had no sympathy, and held no communion. He would have rejoiced, had he lived to see the number of faithful men that now in Roxburghshire and the Merse preach "Christ and him crucified." No one would have more gladly hailed the Free Church as a blessing to Scotland, and not least to those districts where it borders on England.

He encouraged missionary operations. He lived through the day when missions to the Heathen were ridiculed, and lived to see the time when the Church of his fathers awoke to her Lord's parting command, "Preach the Gospel to every creature.". In all schemes for the advancement of Christ's kingdom, he took deep and prayerful interest, and was in strumental in developing a similar interest among his flock.

After a vacancy of some months, the choice of the congregation fell on the Rev. James Mitchell, This venerable man had been in early life tutor to Sir Walter Scott. A characteristic notice of him will be found in the autobiography of that gifted man, which constitutes the first part of his recently published life. An equally characteristic notice of Sir Walter, and his father's household, drawn up by Mr. Mitchell, will be found in the third chapter of Lockhart's Life of Scott. Mr. Mitchell had enjoyed the countenance of Lady Glenorchy, and had been chaplain in her household. He was first minister at South Shields, and was afterwards settled in the second charge at Montrose. He resigned his charge there on account of some difficulties in regard to carrying out discipline in the church. Through the kindness of the late Rev. Dr. Davidson of Edinburgh, he obtained a hearing at Wooler, and was the nearly unanimous choice of the congregation, His conversation was remarkably edifying, He came thus, in middle life, to the pastoral Few have better carried out the apostolic charge of a congregation accustomed, in the rule, "Let your speech be alway with grace, time of his predecessors, to faithful evan-seasoned with salt." He largely possessed gelical preaching. He was a man calculated, I that " peace of God which passeth all un

The circumstances of his time did not admit of his carrying out his Presbyterian views, as doubtless he would have wished. But no one can doubt, that he would have joyfully hailed, had he been spared to witness it, the better organization of our Church within the last few years.

It may be necessary to the completeness of this brief sketch to state, that the ministers, whose history we have traced, had, properly speaking, no manse. A pleasantly situated house, near Wooler, was rented for them. The lease expired shortly after Mr. Mitchell's death. A manse is now erecting in the immediate neighbourhood of the church. The other church in Wooler, of which mention was made in the commencement of this paper, had a succession of Moderate ministers. To it reference is made in the Memorial of the Northumberland Class, given in the "Messenger" for November 1845. Wearied with the frequent removal of their ministers, the congregation obtained, in the beginning of this century, a pastor from the Relief Church. With that communion they have since remained in connexion.


CHRIST'S CARE. Suppose a king's son should get out of a besieged city, and leave his wife and children behind whom he loves as his own soul; would this prince, when arrived at his father's palace, delight himself with the splendour of the court and forget his family in distress? No! but having their cries and groans always in his ears, he would come post to his father, and entreat him, as force of his kingdom to raise the siege and ever he loved him, that he would send all the will Christ, though gone up from the world save his dear relations from perishing. Nor and ascended into his glory, forget his children for a moment that are left behind him.-Gurnall.

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Several communications are unavoidably postponed from want of space, or from having been

received too late in the month.

It is particularly requested that all communica-
tions intended for the Editor be addressed, "To
the Editor of the Presbyterian Messenger, 16,
Exeter Hall, London."
Advertisements, business Letters or Parcels,
and Money-orders (payable at Charing-cross
Post-office), to be addressed to Mr. JAMES
PENNYCOOK BROWN, Agent for the Presbyterian

Church in England, 16, Exeter Hall.

Copies of the Messenger, stamped or unstamped, may be ordered through any Bookseller or Newsman.

The Messenger presents an eligible and suitable

medium for Advertisements. Terms-ten lines and under, 5s., and 3d. for each additional line. 17. for a column.

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A. Morrison,
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SYNOD FUND....................

16, Exeter Hall,

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ing to apply for aid, it appears to be the duty | be transmitted to the Secretary or Treasurer of
Presbytery (before reporting the case to the
of the local Committee appointed by the the Committee by the Deacons' Court or Associa-
Home Mission Committee) to inquire parti- all those congregations applying for or receiving
X. That Presbyteries be enjoined to see that in
cularly into the circumstances and capabilities aid, Deacons Courts, or Committees for managing
of the congregation, (and, if need be, to visit the pecuniary affairs of the congregation, be as
it,) and report the result, along with the
soon as possible instituted; which Courts or Com-
attested schedule of queries, if they consider, sive charge of all moneys accruing from pew-rents,
mittees of management shall take sole and exclu.
after due examination into the case, it is de-church-door collections, or other sources, for the
serving of assistance.
sustentation of the ministry; keep regular ac-
counts of the same, and report quarterly their
receipts and disbursements, and the increase or
decrease of income during the preceding quarter,
to the Secretary or Treasurer of the Home Mis-
sion. That said Courts or Committees, of which
the Trustees of the congregation shall be ex-officio
members, shall exhibit to the Presbytery of the
bounds, once a quarter, their accounts duly made
the Presbytery, they shall be authorized to apply
up; and on the same being audited and passed by
to the Treasurer of the Home Mission for the
quarter's payment of the grant condescended upon
as available for their congregation, which money
shall be paid to the minister by them.

Rules IX. and X. also require special atten-
tion; for except a congregation has an active
and efficient staff of office-bearers, neither its
spiritual nor financial concerns can be in a
healthy condition. The quarterly statements
connected with these rules also require special
attention from Presbyteries; and, if not
satisfactory, means should be taken to draw
forth the resources of the congregation.
A little attention to these points will save
much unnecessary correspondence. These
observations are made from a sincere desire
to lend a helping hand in carrying out an
important undertaking.


I. That it is extremely desirable that no
ordained minister of the Synod, having the charge
of a congregation, should receive a stipend of less
than 1007. per annum, together with a manse or
house for the accommodation of his family.

II. That, in order to carry out this important object, the stipend of ministers under 1001. per annum be supplemented out of the Home Mission Funds, subject to the following regulations and


III. The Home Mission Committee shall diligently inquire, through the local Committee appointed by the Presbytery of the bounds, into the circumstances and condition of the congregation Presbyterian Church in England. requisite information certified by the Presbytery, applying for assistance; and after obtaining the


WE beg to remind Ministers, Kirk Sessions, and Associations that, at last Meeting of Synod, it was resolved, that the financial year should close on the 31st December; and they would respectfully request, that all arrears of subscriptions should forthwith be got in, and that where collections have been made, they should be immediately remitted, so that the whole may be published in the accounts for the year.


As there appears to be some misapprehension in reference to the Supplemental Fund, it may be useful to reprint the Regulations, and call the special attention of Presbyteries and applicants to them.

The object of the scheme, while it is intended to insure the minimum stipend of 100%. to each minister, is also intended to draw forth and stimulate the latent energies of the congregation. There would appear to be an impression that office-bearers have nothing more to do but to make up a statement of the receipts without reference to the capabilities of the congregation, and then apply to the Fund for the deficiency.

Now, it must be quite evident that such a course, if persisted in, instead of elevating the moral and religious tone of a congregation, and endeavouring to place the minister in an independent position, will only lead to all the evils attendant upon a state of torpor and inactivity.

are authorized to make a grant to the congrega-
tion, either subject or not to such an additional
sum being raised by the congregation as may be
fixed upon by the Committee; which, together
with the grant made, shall make up 100. And in
the event of a congregation not fulfilling the stipu-
lations made with the Committee, it will be
optional whether to withhold the grant in whole
or in part until the conditions are fulfilled.

IV. That it be an instruction to the office-
bearers of congregations, which have no manses,
applying for aid, as soon as possible to raise funds,
and erect, free of debt, a suitable house for the
minister. But the Committee are not to allow the
rent of a dwelling house, or the interest of debt
upon a manse when built, to be charged against
the funds of tho congregation.

V. That in no case shall any minister be allowed
to participate in the benefit of the Fund, whose
time and labour are not exclusively devoted to
his pastoral work.

a congregation receiving aid from the Home Mis-
VI. That in all cases, when a vacancy occurs in
sion Fund, all previous stipulations are to be
regarded as having terminated; and where assist-
ance is required, a new application, prior to the
appointment of a minister, must be made to the
Committee, in conformity with Rule III.

VII. That no new mission station be sanctioned
by Presbyteries where assistance is required, or
likely to be so, from the Home Mission Fund,
without the concurrence of the Committee, or the

sanction of the Synod, or its Commission.

VIII. That Wigan, in Lancashire, and Haltwhistle, in Northumberland, be exceptions to the Rules and Regulations herewith; and always, excepting the rights and powers of Presbyteries, that it be left to the discretion of the Committee what arrangement to make with these congregations, as with any other special cases or circumstances that may occur. The Committee to report specifically on all such cases to the Synod.

IX. That in order to raise funds for the carrying out of this important object, Presbyteries be again From what we understand, there is a de- aate joined to see that Associations are immer cided improvement going on in the economics bounds, in support of the four schemes of the of some congregations, and with activity and Church, and where it is possible, that Deacons he energy on the part of office-bearers the same appointed to superintend them; and that, at might be the case throughout the Church. least every quarter, a statement be given in to the We would call especial attention to Regula-Presbytery of the amount raised for the different tion III. In the case of a congregation wish- which, as far as relates to the Home Mission, to

XI. That immediately after the rising of the Synod, the Committee be empowered to receive applications, and as soon thereafter as possible make grants subject to annual revision."


OUR readers are aware that for a considerable time past the attention of our Church has been directed to China, as their first field of missionary operation. From all the information recently received by the Committee of Foreign Missions, it appears that there is every encouragement to enter at once upon the work. After being closed for ages, a great door and effectual has been opened up for missionary effort in China. The ground thus laid open must be occupied by the will be overrun and pre-occupied by the Church of Christ without delay, otherwise it emissaries of Antichrist. Rome is pouring in her Jesuit Missionaries at every point. Meanwhile, however, from the information of which the Committee are in possession, they would be prepared at once to fix upon a definite locality, with every prospect of success, could properly qualified labourers be found for this most interesting field of missionary enterprize. From the nature of the work, and in accordance with apostolic example, they are anxious to send out two labourers-the one an ordained missionary, the other duly quali fied to act as his coadjutor in missionary work. One qualified to act as a medical missionary would be preferred; but this would not be deemed indispensable. Is there no one preHimself? Can none of our friends aid the pared to offer himself to do the Lord's work in a field of labour so visibly opened up by Committee in their present enquiries? Any communication on the subject will be gladly received, and may be addressed to the Convener of the Committee, the Rev. James Hamilton, 7, Lansdowne-place, Brunswick. square; the Secretary, the Rev. William Cousin, 13, Pelham-place, Brompton; or the Treasurer, James Nisbet, Esq., 21, Bernersstreet, London.


ON the 10th of November, the foundationstone of a new Presbyterian Church, at Newcastle, was laid by the Right Hon. Fox Maule, M.P., in presence of the Mayor, the Sheriff, and a large concourse of the most influential inhabitants of the town. We give the Report of the proceedings on this interesting occasion, and we congratulate our Presbyterian friends at Newcastle upon the auspicious manner in which they were throughout conducted. Those who know Newcastle say, that, during the last fifty years, there has not been such an assemblage

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of worth, piety, and respectability in connection with any religious object. It was, indeed, delightful to see men of all parties and denominations uniting in behalf of this good work, and wishing every success to the undertaking. We also congratulate our brother, Mr. Blackwood, on this important event having taken place during the year that he fills so ably the office of Moderator of the Synod of our Presbyterian Church in England. We may add, that the steady support and uniform kindness shewn by Mr. Fox Maule to the Presbyterian cause, will not lose their reward; and if there be any value in the hearty esteem of his countrymen, and the fervent prayers of Christian men, these are secured by such appearances as that made by him on the present occasion.





Amount already advertised LIVERPOOL, ST. GEORGE'S MANCHESTER, Salford


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LONDON:-London Wall ........................


John Knox's

5 7 5


3 15 9

250 36 2 6


THE Treasurer of the Association has to acknowledge the receipt of 17. Os. 6d., collected by the children attending the Sabbath-school, York-street, Westminster.


A RESPECTABLE Minister in the north, in transmitting to the Treasurer of the College Fund the contributions from his congregation, makes the following excellent remarks, which indicate a spirit both among pastor and people worthy of all imitation :

"I send you the enclosed in favour of the College Scheme. You will see it is more than last year. It is the amount received from collection and association. I make it a matter to be fully understood and acted upon, that all who are admitted to the full privileges of God's house, shall contribute something for the promotion of the Lord's glory, in the extension of his cause and kingdom. We had only forty members on the roll when I came, now we have nearly one hundred, yet they are all poor, some of them very poor; but having tasted that the Lord is gracious, I find them willing to honour Him with their substance. At each communion season I call in the collectors with their cards, and what is 1150 gathered within the quarter, I add to the publio collection of whatever scheme comes within that quarter; and then start them afresh the next quarter, and so on. If you oo knew our congregation as to numbers and means, you would wonder how they do so much on behalf of all the schemes. But the true secret is, I have them all giving weekly as the Lord enables them. I find as the Gospel makes its way to the heart and conscience, liberality makes its way among the people in favour of Christ's cause. May it prove an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to God."

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Robert Stephenson..

St. George's, Southwark

Chelsea Church


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8 6 8


1 7 5


Robert Muter, Esq......... (ann.) 5 0

John Fraser, Esq.

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1 10 0

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2 10 0 6 8 9 6 0 0

2 1 9

4 09


13 0

1 15 0 1 0 0

£262 1 Treasurers.


THE Treasurer has to acknowledge receipt from the Church at BIRMINGHAM............................ £8 10 5 ALEXANDER GILLESPIE, Treasurer.

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Presbyteries' Proceedings.


THIS Court held its ordinary Monthly
Meeeting at 16, Exeter Hall, on the 10th
November, the Rev. Josias Wilson, Mode-
rator, in the chair.

It was unanimously agreed that, before any other business should be taken up, a small Committee be appointed to prepare drafts of a letter to the afflicted relatives of the late lamented Mr. Patrick Maxwell Stewart, M.P.; and of a resolution to be entered on the records of this Court, expressive of the feelings of the Presbytery in reference to the dispensation which has bereaved this Church of one of its best friends. The following Committee, viz., Messrs. Hamilton, Lorimer, Chalmers, and Nisbet, were then appointed, and they retired to prepare said drafts.

In the meantime, Mr. Joseph Wilson, preacher of the Gospel, having been called, appeared and delivered a discourse, which was sustained, and he was received as a Probationer within the bounds of the Presbytery.

The above-named Committee then returned. Mr. Chalmers read the draft of a letter of condolence addressed to Lady Shaw Stewart, which was unanimously approved of 1 2 6 by the Presbytery, signed by the Moderator in the name and in the presence of the Court, and ordered to be transmitted to its destination. Mr. Chalmers also read the draft of 36 6 9 the following Resolution, which was approved

4 15 6


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High in his all-wise but unsearchable providence to remove from this world Mr. Patrick Maxwell Stewart, M.P., this Presbytery would record its sense of the heavy loss sustained by the Presbyterian Church in England in common with the Free Church of Scotland. And whilst commemorating the zeal and talent with which in public and in private, in season and out of season, he was ever ready to advocate the cause and promote the interests of this Church, the Presbytery would not forget that uniform urbanity and warmth of heart which endeared him in private as much as his glowing eloquence gave him ascendancy in public. And whilst in the many Institutions and Societies to which his presence and counsel were so important, his removal has created a blank not soon to be supplied, this Presbytery would convey their sympathy to those loved and affectionate relatives, in whose case still more tender ties are severed. And whilst treasuring up the example of diligence and energy exhibited by their lamented friend, they would impress on their own minds and on those of their people the solemn and emphatic lesson taught by this sudden removal, 'to work the work of God while it is to-day.""

The Clerk reported that, in terms of his instructions, he had given Presbyterial certificates to those students whose examinations during the summer had been approved of.

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Mr. Nicolson stated that the Committee appointed for the examination of students had discharged the duty intrusted to them and that they had it in their power to give a very gratifying Report to the Commission of Synod of the proficiency of the students whom they had examined.

Mr. J. Hamilton (on behalf of the congregation at Brighton) begged that the Presbytery. would be pleased to supply the Brighton pulpit with sermons for three successive Sabbaths, beginning with Sabbath first. Mr. Gillespie urged compliance with this request, aud suggested that the Brighton pulpit should be supplied by members of the Presbytery. Messrs. M'Lymont, Wilson, and Chalmers were appointed accordingly; and they were requested to conduct the prayer-meetings on the Monday evenings respectively.

Professor Campbell called the attention of the Court to the instructions of Synod in reference to the elders, deacons, and weekday meetings in each congregation (see page 32 of the Abstract of the Minutes of Synod, April, 1846). And the Presbytery instructed that official information on such matters be sent to the clerk, before next meeting of Presbytery.

A Petition from a party in Birmingham, complaining against a sentence of the Kirk Session of Broad-street Church, by which he had been suspended from Church privileges, and craving that the Presbytery would be pleased to investigate the case and reverse the said sentence if they should see cause, was produced and read; said Petition was accompanied with relative documents which had been transmitted by the complainer himself, and which were also produced and read.

The Presbytery were strongly impressed with the want of meekness, candour, and Christian charity which was indicated by the complainer's communications to the Kirk Session of Broad-street, and they refused to disturb the deliverance of said Session till they had evidence of the said complainer having withdrawn and retracted said communications.

Mr. Chalmers stated, on behalf of the Kirk Session at Birmingham, that the Presbyterian congregation there were now in circumstances

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