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An Act to make better provision for Local Government in

[13th July, 1899.]



1. The whole of the administrative county of London, Establishexclusive of the city of London, shall be divided into ment of metropolitan boroughs (in this Act referred to as politan boroughs), and for that purpose it shall be lawful for boroughs Her Majesty by Order in Council, subject to and in in London. accordance with this Act, to form each of the areas mentioned in the First Schedule to this Act into a separate borough, subject nevertheless, to such alteration of area as may be required to give effect to the provisions of this Act, and subject also to such adjustment of boundaries as may appear to Her Majesty in Council expedient for simplification or convenience of administration, and to establish and incorporate a council for each of the boroughs so formed.

tion of

2-(1.) The council of each borough shall consist of a Constitumayor, aldermen, and councillors. Provided that no borough woman shall be eligible for any such office.

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(5) Except as otherwise provided by or under this Act, the law relating to the constitution, election and proceedings of administrative vestries, and to the electors and members thereof, shall apply in the case of the borough councils under this Act and the electors and councillors thereof, and section forty-six of the Local Government Act, 1894, relating to disqualifications 56 & 57 shall apply to the offices of mayor and alderman.

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Vict. c. 73.


3-(1.) The first elections of all borough councillors Date for under this Act shall be held on the first day of November elections of one thousand nine hundred, or on such later day, as lors. soon as practicable thereafter, as may be fixed by the Lord President of the Council, who shall also fix a corresponding date for the first elections of mayor and aldermen.

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Dates for

(4) The revised lists of voters in each borough shall revisedlists in each year after the year one thousand nine hundred

of voters.

Transfer to

be printed and signed before the twentieth day of October, and come into operation as the register for the purpose of borough elections on the first day of November.

4.-(1) On the appointed day every elective vestry borough and district board in the county of London shall cease

councils of

powers from vestries and



to exist, and, subject to the provisions of this Act and of any scheme made thereunder, their powers and duties, including those under any local Act, shall, as from the appointed day, be transferred to the council for the borough comprising the area within which those powers are exercised, and their property and liabilities shall be transferred to that council, and that council shall be their successors, and the clerk of the council shall be called the town clerk, and shall be the town clerk within the meaning of the Acts relating to the registration of electors.

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Adaptation 27.- (2) An Order in Council under this Act may of law for make such provisions as appear necessary for adapting

registration of

the enactments relating to the registration of electors electors, by to the provisions of this Act with respect to the powers

(Order in Council.


and duties of the town clerk and overseers, and in particular for applying, so far as appears necessary, the law regulating the registration of electors in a municipal borough outside London.

(3) An Order in Council under this Act shall provide for the revised lists of voters in the administrative county of London outside the city being, in the year One thousand nine hundred, printed and signed before the twentieth day of October, and coming into operation as the register for the purpose of borough elections on the first day of November, and may provide for such adjustment of the lists of voters and registers with respect to any alteration under this Act of parish boundaries as may appear required for the purpose of those elections.

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31.-(3) Nothing in or done under this Act shall be mentary construed as altering the limits of any Parliamentary limits not borough or Parliamentary county.



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33.-(1) For the purposes of this Act the appointed day and day shall be the day on which the members of the

ADDENDA, 1900.


borough councils first elected under this Act come into transitory
office, or such other day not being more than six months provisions.
earlier or later, as the Lord President of the Council
may appoint, either generally, or with reference to any
particular provision of this Act, and different days may
be appointed for different purposes and different provi-
sions of this Act, whether contained in the same section
or in different sections or for different boroughs.

[blocks in formation]

35.-(1) This Act may be cited as the London Short title

Government Act, 1899.

(2) As from the appointed day the enactments mentioned in the Third Schedule to this Act shall be repealed to the extent in the third column in that Schedule mentioned.



and repeal.

[blocks in formation]

48 & 49 Vict. The Redistribution of In section twelve, the words Seats Act, 1885.

c. 23.

"and also the town clerk
for the new borough within
the meaning of the Regis-
tration Acts."


63 & 64 VIст. с. 8.

An Act to remove Electoral Disabilities which may arise in the case of Members of the Reserve, Militia, and Yeomanry Forces, and in the case of Volunteers, by reason of absence on the military service of the Crown. [25th May, 1900.]

1.-(1) A person shall not be disqualified for being Absence of registered or voting, either as a parliamentary or as a

certain persons in


performance of military duties not

local government elector, in respect of a qualification for which any residence or inhabitancy is required, by

reason only that during the whole or any part of the to disquali- qualifying period he has as a member of the Reserve,

fy as


Short title.


of Act.

Militia, Yeomanry, or Volunteer Forces, or otherwise as a volunteer, been absent on actual military service on behalf of the Crown, whether beyond the seas or not.

(2) A person so absent shall not be disqualified by reason of his wife or children having received poor relief during such absence.

(3) The claim to be registered as a lodger may be made and signed, in the case of a person so absent, by any other person on his behalf, and the form of the claim and declaration may in those cases be modified accordingly.

(4) In this Act the expression "a volunteer" shall include any person who is enlisted for temporary service only in connection with any war as a member of the regular forces.

2. This Act may be cited as the Electoral Disabilities (Military Service) Removal Act, 1900.

3. This Act shall apply only to absence during the continuance of the present war in South Africa.

Short title.

Amendment of law as to

63 & 64 VICT. C. 29.

An Act to assimilate the County Council and Borough
Council Franchise in London.

[30th July, 1900.]

1. This Act may be cited as the London County Council Electors Qualification Act, 1900.

2. A parochial elector shall be entitled to vote at the election of a county councillor for the administrative qualifica- county of London in the same manner as a county elector, and subject to the same provisions.

tion of London

county electors.


3. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the expression "county elector" means a person entitled to vote at the election of a county councillor, under the Local Government Act, 1888, and the expression "parochial elector" means a parochial elector within the meaning of the Local Government Act, 1894.

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