
The minnit it's proved to be thoroughly wanted,

Thet a change o' demand makes a change o' condition,

An' thet everythin' 's nothin' except by position;

Ez, fer instance, thet rubber-trees fust begun bearin'

Wen p'litikle conshunces come into 'wearin',

Thet the fears of a monkey, whose holt chanced to fail,

Drawed the vertibry out to a prehensile tail;

So, wen one 's chose to Congriss, ez soon ez he 's in it,

A, collar grows right round his neck in a minnit,

An' sartin it is thet a man cannot be

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Thet we're the original friends o' the nation,

All the rest air a paltry an' base fabrication;

Thet we highly respect Messrs. A, B, an' C,

An' ez deeply despise Messrs. E, F, an' G.

In this way they go to the eend o' the chapter,

An' then they bust out in a kind of a raptur

About their own vartoo, an' folks' stone-blindness

To the men thet 'ould actilly do 'em > kindness,

The American eagle, - the Pilgrim thet landed,

Till on ole Plymouth Rock they gi finally stranded.

Wal, the people they listen and say, "Thet's the ticket;

Ez fer Mexico, 't aint no great glory to lick it,

But 't would be a darned shame to go pullin' o' triggers

To extend the aree of abusin' the niggers.'

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They've run us a hundred cool millions in debt

(An' fer Demmercrat Horners ther's good plums left yet);

They talk agin tayriffs, but act fer a high one,

An' so coax all parties to build up their Zion;

To the people they're ollers ez slick ez molasses,

An' butter their bread on both sides with The Masses,

Half o' whom they 've persuaded, by way of a joke,

Thet Washinton's mantelpiece fell upon Polk.

Now all o' these blessin's the Wigs might enjoy,

Ef they'd gumption enough the right means to imploy;

That was a pithy saying of Persius, and fits our politicians without a wrinkle, Magister artis, ingeniique largitor venter. — H. W.

Fer the silver spoon born in Dermocracy's mouth

Is a kind of a scringe thet they hev to the South;

Their masters can cuss 'em an' kick 'em an' wale 'em,

An' they notice it less 'an the ass did to Balaam;

In this way they screw into secondrate offices

Wich the slaveholder thinks 'ould substract too much off his ease; The file-leaders, I mean, du, fer they, by their wiles,

Unlike the old viper, grow fat on their files.

Wal, the Wigs hev been tryin' to grab all this prey frum 'em

An' to hook this nice spoon o' good fortin' away frum 'em,

An' they might ha' succeeded, ez likely ez not,

In lickin' the Demmercrats all round the lot,

Ef it warn't thet, wile all faithful Wigs were their knees on,

Some stuffy old codger would holler out, -"Treason!

You must keep a sharp eye on a dog thet hez bit you once,

An' I aint agoin' to cheat my constitoounts,"

Wen every fool knows thet a man rep


Not the fellers thet sent him, but them on the fence,

Impartially ready to jump either side An' make the fust use of a turn o' the tide,

The waiters on Providunce here in the city,

Who compose wut they call a State
Centerl Committy.
Constitoounts air hendy to help a man

But arterwards don't weigh the heft of a pin.

Wy, the people can't all live on Uncle Sam's pus,,

So they've nothin' to du with 't fer better or wus;

It's the folks thet air kind o' brought

up to depend on 't

Thet hev any consarn in 't, an' thet is the end on 't.

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Thet her own representatives du her quite brown.

But thet 's nothin' to du with it; wut right hed Palfrey

To mix himself up with fanatical small fry?

Warn't we gittin' on prime with our hot an' cold blowin',

Acondemnin' the war wilst we kep' it agoin'?


We'd assumed with gret skill a commandin' position,

On this side or thet, no one could n't tell wich one,

So, wutever side wipped, we'd a chance at the plunder

An' could sue fer infringin' our paytented thunder;

We were ready to vote fer whoever wuz eligible,

Ef on all pints at issoo he 'd stay unintelligible.

Wal, sposin' we hed to gulp down our perfessions,

We were ready to come out next mornin' with fresh ones;

Besides, ef we did, 't was our business

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But an M. C. frum here ollers hastens to state he

Belongs to the order called invertebraty,

Wence some gret filologists judge primy fashy

Thet M. C. is M. T. by paronomashy; An' these few exceptions air loosus naytury

Folks 'ould put down their quarters to stare at, like fury.

It's no use to open the door o' success, Ef a member can bolt so fer nothin' or less;

Wy, all o' them grand constitootional pillers

Our fore-fathers fetched with 'em over the billers,

Them pillers the people so soundly hev slep' on,

Wile to slav'ry, invasion, an' debt they were swep' on,

Wile our Destiny higher an' higher kep' mountin'

(Though I guess folks 'll stare wen she hends her account in),

Ef members in this way go kicken

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An', ez fer this Palfrey, we thought wen we'd gut him in,


go kindly in wutever harness we put him in ;

Supposin' we did know thet he wuz a peace man?

Doos he think he can be Uncle Sammle's policeman,

An' wen Sam gits tipsy an' kicks up a riot,

Lead him off to the lockup to snooze till he's quiet?

Wy, the war is a war thet true pay riots can bear, ef

It leads to the fat promised land of a tayriff;

We don't go an' fight it, nor aint to be driv on,

Nor Demmercrats nuther, thet hev wut to live on;

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Jortin is willing to allow of other miracles besides those recorded in Holy Writ, and why not of other prophecies? It is granting too much to Satan to suppose him, as divers of the learned have done, the inspirer of the ancient oracles. Wiser, I esteem it, to give chance the credit of the successful ones. What is said here of Louis Philippe was verified in some of its minute particulars within a few months' time. Enough to have made the fortune of Delphi or Hammon, and no thanks to Beelzebub neither! That of Seneca in Medea will suit here:

"Rapida fortuna ac levis Præcepsque regno eripuit, exsilio dedit." Let us allow, even to richly deserved misfortune, our commiseration, and be not overhasty meanwhile in our censure of the French people, left for the first time to govern themselves, remembering that wise sentence of Æschylus,

*Απας δὲ τραχὺς ὅστις ἂν νέον κρατῇ.

H. W.

Who is it dares say thet eagle

our naytional

Wun't much longer be classed with the birds thet air regal,

Coz theirn be hooked beaks, an' she, arter this slaughter,

'll bring back a bill ten times longer 'n she ough' to "?

Wut's your name? Come, I see ye, you up-country feller,

You've put me out severil times with your beller;

Out with it! Wut? Biglow? I say nothin' furder,

Thet feller would like nothin' better 'n a murder;

He's a traiter, blasphemer, an' wut ruther worse is,

He puts all his ath'ism in dreffle bad

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Deen productive of more good or evil, I shall not here enter at large. The two faculties of speech and of speech-making are wholly diverse in their natures. By the first we make ourselves intelligible, by the last unintelligible, to our fellows. It has not seldom occurred to me (noting how in our national legislature everything runs to talk, as lettuces, if the season or the soil be unpropitious, shoot up lankly to seed, instead of forining handsome heads) that Babel was the first Congress, the earliest mill erected for the manufacture of gabble. In these days, what with Town Meetings, School Committees, Boards (lumber) of one kind and another, Congresses, Parliaments, Diets, Indian Coun cils, Palavers, and the like, there is scarce a village which has not its factories of this description driven by (milk-and-) water power. I cannot conceive the confusion of tongues to have been the curse of Babel, since I esteem my ignorance of other languages as a kind of Martello-tower, in which I am safe from the furious bombardments of foreign garrulity. For this reason I have ever preferred the study of the dead languages, those primitive formations being Ararats upon whose silent peaks I sit secure and watch this new deluge without fear, though it rain figures (simulacra, semblances) of speech forty days and nights together, as it not uncommonly happens. Thus is my coat, as it were, without buttons by which any but a vernacular wild bore can seize me. Is it not possible that the Shakers may intend to convey a quiet reproof and hint, in fastening their outer garments with hooks and eyes?

This reflection concerning Babel, which I find in no Commentary, was first thrown upon my mind when an excellent deacon of my congregation (being infected with the Second Advent delusion) assured me that he had received a first instalment of the gift of tongues as a small earnest of larger possessions in the like kind to follow. For, of a truth, I could not reconcile it with my ideas of the Divine justice and mercy that the single wall which protected people of other languages from the incursions of this otherwise well-meaning propagandist should be broken down.

In reading Congressional debates, I have fancied, that, after the subsidence of those painful buzzings in the brain which result from such exercises, I detected a slender residuum of valuable information. I made the discovery that nothing takes longer in the saying than anything else, for as ex nihilo nihil fit, so from one polypus nothing any number of similar ones may be produced. I would recommend to the attention of viva voce debaters and controversialists the admirable example of the monk Copres, who, in the fourth century, stood for half an hour in the midst of a great fire, and thereby silenced a Manichæan antagonist who had less of the salamander in him. As for those who

quarrel in print, I have no concern with them here, since the eyelids are a divinely granted shield against all such. Moreover, I have observed in many modern books that the printed portion is becoming gradually smaller, and the number of blank or fiy-leaves (as they are called) greater. Should this fortunate tendency of literature continue, books will grow more valuable from year to year, and the whole Serbonian bog yield to the advances of firm arable land.

The sagacious Lacedæmonians hearing that Tesephone had bragged that he could talk all day long on any given subject, made no more ado, but forthwith banished him, whereby they supplied him a topic and at the same time took care that his experiment upon it should be tried out of ear-shot.

I have wondered, in the Representatives' Chamber of our own Commonwealth, to mark how little impression seemed to be produced by that emblematic fish suspended over the heads of the members. Our wiser ancestors, no doubt, hung it there as being the animal which the Pythagoreans reverenced for its silence, and which certainly in that particular does not so well merit the epithet cold-blooded, by which naturalists distinguish it, as certain bipeds, afflicted with ditch-water on the brain, who take occasion to tap themselves in Faneuil Halls, meeting-houses, and other places of public resort.-H. W.]

No. V.



[The incident which gave rise to the debate satirized in the following verses was the un successful attempt of Drayton and Sayres to give freedom to seventy men and women, fellow-beings and fellow-Christians. Had Tripoli, instead of Washington, been the scene of this undertaking, the unhappy lead. ers in it would have been as secure of the theoretic as they now are of the practical part of martyrdom. I question whether the Dey of Tripoli is blessed with a District At torney so benighted as ours at the seat of government. Very fitly is he named Key, who would allow himself to be made the in strument of locking the door of hope against sufferers in such a cause. Not all the waters of the ocean can cleanse the vile smutch of the jailer's fingers from off that little Key. Ahenea clavis, a brazen Key indeed!

Mr. Calhoun, who is made the chief speaket in this burlesque, seems to think that the light of the nineteenth century is to be put out as soon as he tinkles his little cow-bell curfew. Whenever slavery is touched, he

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