
dɔne; and, also, of our neglect of the good which we might have done. And we would implore both the pardon of our sins, and the acceptance of our imperfect services, in the name of our only Lord and Saviour, JESUS CHRIST.

Our Father, &c.

The grace of our Lord, &c.


O LORD GOD, our Heavenly Father, whose mercies are over all Thy works, and who hast, on this day, supplied our returning wants, we render thanks to Thee for all the bounties of Thy providence; and we desire now to lie down under a deep sense both of our own unworthiness, and of Thine unspeakable goodness.

We adore Thee, especially, for the gift of JESUS CHRIST, Thy Son; through whom we hope for the pardon of our sins, and the gift of everlasting life. We are all sinners in Thy sight; and are exposed to Thy just condemnation; but, though our offences have abounded, yet Thy grace hath still more abounded through JESUS CHRIST.

We desire to confess and lament the sins of the day which is now past. Forgive, O LORD, all our negligen ces, as well as our more manifest offences. Forgive all our evil thoughts, and words, and works. We would

lament every mis-spent hour, and every neglected opportunity of doing good. We lament our want of love to Thee our GOD, and our want of zeal in Thy service. We lament, also, the great imperfection of our charity towards those around us. Thou hast commanded us to love our neighbour as ourselves: but we are contin ually seeking our own interest; indulging our own ease; and consulting our own humour. Help us, we pray Thee, to follow the example of our blessed Saviour; who pleased not Himself; but went about doing good· and hath commanded us continually to deny ourselves, and take up our cross, and follow Him.

We beseech Thee to bless unto us the events of this day. We would remember that all things are directed by Thine unerring wisdom; and that they shall work together for good to them who love Thee. May any trial which we may this day have experienced, teach us more and more to know ourselves :-may every sorrow wean us from this present world: and may every enjoyment be the means of exciting our gratitude to Thee, the author of all good. May the afflictions of others call forth our Christian sympathy; and render us abundant in the exercise of our benevolence.

We pray for Thy blessing on all our friends and relations. Guard them from evil by night and by day; and especially from whatsoever may hurt their souls Establish them in Thy true faith and make them fruitful in good works. Bestow Thy special blessing on the rising generation.

May the children of this family live in thy fear, and maintain Thy cause in the world. May they receive

the truths taught them into an honest heart, and be ever followers of that which is good.

[May the servants of this house bear continually in mind that Thine eye is upon them; may they be faithful in all things; and live in peace one with another.]

Bless our Rulers, and country. Give grace to all ministers of Thy Gospel. Have pity on the poor and the afflicted; and make it the daily business of all our lives to minister to the sorrows and wants of others, and to abound in every good work.

We present these our humble and imperfect supplications, in the name of our Lord and Saviour, JESUS CHRIST.

Our Father, &c.

The grace of our Lord, &c.


O LORD GOD, our Heavenly Father, we beseech Thee now to deliver us from all wandering thoughts, and to enable us to worship Thee in an acceptable manner, through JESUS CHRIST our Lord

We pray Thee, O GOD, to pardon all the sins of this day. We confess, that we have not served Thee as we ought; but we desire to lament both our negligences and our sins, and we would seriously resolve, that, by

Thy grace assisting us, we will endeavour continually to amend our lives, and to walk more conformably to the precepts of Thy holy word.

Pardon whatever pride or vanity we have this day indulged; whatever angry words we have spoken; and whatever sinful thoughts we have harboured in our minds. Forgive our want of sufficient tenderness of conscience in the performance of those duties in which we have been engaged. Pardon, especially, that want of love both to Thee and to our fellow-creatures, which causes us to live so much to ourselves, and to do so little either for the benefit of others, or for Thy glory

We pray Thee, O LORD, to give us hearts more devoted to Thee; and more dead to sin, as well as to all the things of this world. Teach us to know how frail is our life; and how short may be the time of our sojourning here; and how awful may be the account, which we shall have to give of all things done in the body, as soon as we shall be called hence. O let us lie down, night after night, as those who know not whether they may not lie down to rise no more. May we repent daily of our sins;-may we be accepted of Thee through JESUS CHRIST Our LORD: and may we resolve, by Thy grace assisting us, to bring forth all those fruits of righteousness which are by Him to the praise and glory of GoD. O save us from a barren and unfruitful faith; by which we do but the more miserably deceive our own souls. Give us that true peace of mind which they alone possess, who love Thy law: and save us from that hope of the hypocrite, which shall perish when God taketh away his soul. May we be

living a life of purity, and holiness, of watchfulness, and self-denial, and of diligence in every good work.

O LORD, take us now under Thy care, both pardoning our sins, and accepting our imperfect services on the past day.

We implore Thy special protection on the children of this family. Save them from the temptations of this vain and evil world. Watch over them during the weakness and inexperience of their youth, and prepare them for the duties to which Thy providence shall call


And bless with us all others who are dear to us; and make us to lie down in perfect charity with all men.

We ask every blessing in the name, and through the merits, of the great Mediator and Intercessor, Jesus CHRIST Our LORD.

Our Father, &c.

The grace of our Lord, &c.

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