
951-962 952-3

Conrad and

erates in

vite the


951-997 Conrad and Liudolph, taking the lead, concurred in an act of treason, not only against Germany, but the Christian Commonwealth. Doubting the confed- whether they could make head against Otho, the desperate animosity of his kinsmen induced them to invoke the Magyars, and to bring upon their own people the enemies who prided themselves in deserving the epithet bestowed upon Attila, "The Scourge of God." At this period Zulta Duke or King of the Magyars, Zulta, who fixed the circling boundaries of the kingdom. As if the desire of conquest and the prospect of plunder were not sufficient to set the savages in movement, large gifts in money were transmitted to Zulta by Conrad. And the foul misdeed, which might perhaps be doubted, at least as to the full extent, if we had no other voucher than the French and German Chroniclers, is proved incontestably by the statement of the anonymous historian, who, simply designated as the "Notary of King Bela," is the only authority for the primeval periods of Magyar history. This insane instigation brought on the great inroad of the &c.(See Magyars into France, Burgundy, and Italy, and the miserable desolation which we have already noticed as having ensued shortly before the death of Louis d'Outremer.

952The Magyar invasion of France, Burgundy,

p. 619.)

Conrad's subsequent repentance, in which he was consistent till his death, shows how deeply he felt his guilt. But Liudolph's angry feelings

hardened him against the truth. It was he, who 951-987 had sinned most deeply, not merely toward his 954-955 Father but as a public enemy. For Liudolph furnished the Magyars with the guides, who enabled them to effectuate their desolating invasion.

The Pacification of

955Liudolph's humiliation


The melancholy feud between Otho and his 954nearest of kin, having raged during nearly three Arnstadt. years, a pacification was concluded in the Diet of Arnstadt: and the incidents which accompanied the restoration of peace, were not without a touch of sweetness. Whilst Otho was chasing in the forest near Sonnen-feld in Thuringia, between Cronach and Coburg, a locality whose name bespeaks the connexion thereof with the antient Teutonic belief,-a supplicant, bare-headed, bare- and Conrad's footed, cast himself upon the ground before the Royal Huntsman. It was Liudolph, humbly appealing to his Father's mercy. As for Conrad, he was deprived of his Duchy, and all other the possessions derived from Otho's bounty; nothing left to him beyond his paternal inheritance. The bold, the generous, yet stiff-necked warrior submitted meekly and contentedly to this impoverishment and humiliation. His heart was wholly changed; and he henceforward desired life, only that he might be spared until he could testify his repentance.

But the mischief could not be undone. The Magyars cared nothing for the reconciliation between King Otho and the recreants who had



951-997 sought their alliance, and were determined to 955-962 accept the invitation they had received, to its fullest extent. The attack upon Northern France was only their first campaign.

955Fraudulent embassy despatched to Otho by the Magyars.

955The great

§ 13. Not long subsequently to the Pacification of Arnstadt, certain Legates or Ambassadors, despatched by Zulta, appeared most unexpectedly before Otho, professing friendship, nay, obedience. Otho at once guessed the truth;they had come to spy out the state of the Country. -Indeed, the device was very clumsy, inasmuch as there was no one previous time or era, when amicable relations had subsisted between Teutscher and Mogor, and, there was no call now for any alteration of sentiment. Otho treated the cunning intruders with civil contempt; and, having been well feasted, they received some inconsiderable gifts, and were sent away.

Scarcely had Otho thus freed himself from them, when intelligence arrived, transmitted with great alarm by his brother Henry, that the allies whom Conrad had set in movement, were come. The Barbarians were pouring into the land. Magyar in The Magyar Hordes, when they re-entered Germany, were more fiercely determined upon rapine than ever before.-Botund the son of Culpun, Zobols the son of Eleud, and Ircun, or Urcun, the son of Eugee, were, according to the Mogor chronicles, the chief Commanders:-Magyar scholars must decide as to the accuracy of their un


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couth names. The desire of avenging the shameful 951-987 death inflicted upon Lelu and Bulzu exacerbated their native fury. Wasting the country as they advanced, they halted to the east of the river Lech, not far from Augsburg, the residence City.

Otho rallied his vassals and subjects, preparing most energetically for the conflict; and the Germans of every rank and degree ought to have been thankful that such a national Chief had been raised up to be their Leader during this most arduous and justifiable war ;-truly justifiablefor it was wholly defensive.

The Magyar multitudes were enormous. The main body, according to report, numbered a hundred thousand, and from the full stream of the Danube to the haunted Hartzwald and the sylvan Schwartzwald, the whole country was darkened by the swarms of the fiendish foes.-The Magyars boasted, that, unless the Earth should open her mouth and swallow them, or the sky fall and crush them, all Germany must become theirs.

The Mag

yars attack

but are

Being probably well acquainted with Otho's 955plans, for the Magyars were craftful in gaining Augsburg, intelligence, they attacked Augsburg; nor were repulsed. they repulsed but with great difficulty. Otho had appointed his muster to be held near that City. Thither he marched his troops, the Magyars pestering them like hornets all the way.

scantiness of Otho's forces.

The scantiness of Otho's forces was remark- Comparative able, and testifies how shamefully the treasonable


951-987 family dissensions had debased the national spirit. -The army, embodied scarce ten years then since, for the purpose of satisfying a silly rivalry, -the proud army which had been routed before Rouen,-mustered two-and-thirty Legions; but, in this extreme urgency, only one-fourth of that number, to wit, eight Legions, could be raised. And yet the invasion of Normandy was a wanton aggression, whilst, in the present time of peril, all the Germanic tribes ought to have been incited to the utmost exertions by the righteousness of their cause.-No provocation had been given to the Magyars by the Germans; but simply for the protection of their land, their liberty, and their faith, was their conflict waged. When Conrad joined the joined the army, universal Enthusiasm cheers resounded from the ranks as he rode by, such confidence did they place in his valour. Their joy, however, at Conrad's approach, was a sorrow to him; their eager jubilee bespoke the danger into which he had brought his native country; and dolefully did their greetings fall upon his ears, deepening his contrition for the evils he had caused.

955Conrad joins the army

excited by his presence.

The Magyars


The Magyars were advancing towards the ganization of "Lech-feld,"-a district so denominated from

skilful or

Otho's army.

the river by which it is watered,-evidently intending to occupy the tracts to the eastward of the stream. Otho forthwith marched in a parallel direction, but on the opposite side. Three Legions of Bavarians, and a fourth of

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