

and returns

than as a guest. Three days elapsed ere the 951-987 Lombard was admitted to see the King's face; and, though permitted to return to Italy, promises and pledges were exacted from him, that to Italy. he would appear before the Convention summoned to be held at Augsburg on the seventh day of August, the seventh of the ides of the month, being the Saturday before old Saint Laurence his day.

7 August


or Diet

and Italy

Augsburg, attended

The also by the


from the

Eastern Emperor, and before which Ber

The Assembly possessed the combined cha-952racter of a Parliament, or Placitum, and an Great Ecclesiastical Synod. All the nations subjected of Germany to Otho,-Saxons, Bavarians, Suabians, Lom- convened at bards, were represented by their Nobles. Ecclesiastical Estate was solemnly imposing. The names of the principal Prelates of Germany and Italy, from Mayence laved by the broad Rhine, enger and to the Etruscan hill-forts of Cortona and Arezzo, appear. shew how Otho's mandate was obeyed far and nigh. The representatives despatched by Constantine Porphyrogenitus again bore witness to the interest excited in the Eastern Empire by the affairs of the West. And this constitutional Council, so memorable in European history, is connected with an incident not without importance in the annals of science, for, during the Session a large stone, its magnitude most marvellous, fell from the heavens upon the earth amidst a raging storm-hail, rain, and thunder.

Before this solemn and venerable Senate, Ber


951-987 enger, and his son Adalbert, humbly appeared as suppliants, soliciting King Otho's peace. The prayer was granted, but upon hard terms. Surrendering the Lombard kingdom to Otho, they received the same back again from him, not as an independent Sovereignty, but as a Benefice, of which the successor of Charlemagne, by delivering the golden sceptre, gave them seizin. The father and the son placed their hands between the hands of Otho, and commended themselves to him as vassals, taking the oaths accordingly. Berenger was then saluted as King of Lombardy, but with contracted boundaries; inasmuch as the Conqueror enforced an important cession. Otho retained the Marches of Verona and Aquileia, the best part of the Friulian duchy. This district was placed under the government of Henry of Bavaria, to the end that the high road to Italy should be always kept open and free. Thus did the whole soil of antient Lombardy land of the and its appurtenances, with some few exceptions, grounded upon antient rights or claims, such as allodial Monaco and the doubly dubious republic of the Lagunes, become vested in the Imperial crown, and an integral portion of the Holy Roman Empire; and so continued according to the theory of the "Reichs-verfassung," until the era, still distinct within the recollections of many surviving amidst the present generation, who lived when that Empire was dissolved.

Lombardy, the Crown




§ 9. A period ensued, abounding with events 951-987 equally contrasting and interesting, during which Otho's sorrows were scarcely counterbalanced by his triumphs. It would be my delight to narrate them minutely, but time presses, space decreases, old age advances, and, amongst the details which I reluctantly avoid, I can only glance at some few prominent incidents bearing upon the personages who figure in the History of France or Normandy, or who contributed to the development of the Empire.

952-3 Liudolph's jealousies


sons of


Otho (after


Liudolph's vexation was becoming unbearable. Blooming Adelaide did not disappoint the expec- or his halftations which might be most reasonably enter- the three tained; and, in due time after the nuptials, she oth and brought forth her eldest son. The delighted Bruno, and Husband bestowed upon the child of his new tho II.). love the name borne by his own noble father, Henry, the crowned King. But this first bud of the Sachs Lombardey branch was prematurely blighted, and the wailing rival removed, Liudolph became somewhat more easy-but-alas and alackaday!-not for long. The months during which the heir whilome apparent, but now presumptive, enjoyed the absence of a competitor, were numbered.

More hopes, gossips and rockers, full-fed nurses and knowing matrons, were again congregating in the burthened Queen's apartments. Adelaide did well, and Otho was able to compli

951-987 ment his brother Bruno by bestowing upon the new Nephew the name of the Uncle, who probably lifted him up from the font.


Otho II.: jealousies excited in Liudolph by his


In essentials, all distinctions of rank are obliterated by the opening and the closing events of human life; the bosom as much as the grave, -under equivalent circumstances, the temptations identical. The same mean, sordid, and selfish sentiments are inspired by the chances of succession to the greedy grandame's grimy rag-wrapped guinea, the gilded Coronet, or the golden Crown. We may fancy Liudolph collecting all the cradle reports, and the earnest interest he took in his tiny brother's teething. For the encouragement of Liudolph, the baby Bruno was a dwindler, being evidently destined soon to drop from the bough; but any cheerful anticipations thus arising were again dashed; and a third child was born, upon whom paternal, or perhaps the more prescient maternal, affection, conferred the father's name. Youngest and last of the legitimate children begotten by Otho, the boy prospered-fine and healthy ;-and, unless gained or regained by force, Liudolph might be all but certain that the covenanted inheritance would be denied to him.

Hatred, malice, and every bad passion now raged amongst the Royal family. Liudolph, Conrad, and other nobles were fiercely incensed against Henry of Bavaria. Liudolph headed a


of Otho's



conspiracy against his father, and this sinful act 951-987 pacified his Uncle, who, never fully renouncing his enmity against Otho, readily joined. But if these kinsmen mutually were at variance, they nevertheless merged all differences in their common feeling of dislike and enmity against the glorious King. The dethronement of Otho Confederacy was the object distinctly avowed. So conta- family gious was the discontent-so bitter the antipathy entertained by the Germans against the Italianized Adelaide-that even Bruno, so loudly lauded for learning and piety, is suspected to have been momentarily seduced into the revolt. It is said he invited Conrad, Otho's son-in-law, to usurp either the kingdom of Lorraine, or, as it is alleged, the very Empire. The unnatural war was pursued with so much enmity and energy, that it seems to have been merely by chance that father and son were not brought into actual and personal conflict. Yet, during this most melancholy period, Otho achieved a victory which may almost be considered as having rescued Western Christendom from destruction.

Liudolph's cause was popular, especially amongst the young, and general sympathy was elicited by the apprehension that his claims would be defeated by the new passion which had fascinated his father.

Bruno's culpability may be a dubious imputation, but there is no uncertainty concerning the guilt incurred by the other conspirators.

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