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Assignment-Fraudulent preference - Pressure
(Re Irving; Ex parte Fell), 161
Bankrupt in Contempt-Discretion (Re Higson,
West and Co.), 102

Bankruptcy Act, 1869, The, 140

Bankruptcy Bill 1879, 100

Bill of sale-Attestation-Passing of property-

Trustee (Re Messe), 86

Bill of sale-Consideration-Bills of Sale Act

1878-Illegal seizure-Costs-(Re William Dear-

ing), 336

Debtor's property-Transfer of stock-in-trade-
Fraudulent preference-Act of bankruptcy (Re
Thomas Craddock), 336

Digest of bankruptcy decisions in 1878, 48, 66, 86,

120, 138, 160, 177, 195, 213, 230, 250, 268, 286

Re Ball (Ex parte Grainger Permanent Build-
ing Society; Re Forrest), 49

Proof-Bills of exchange-Costs (Re John Peel;

Ex parte The Exchange and Discount Bank

Limited), 29

Registration of resolutions-Second petition (Re
T. C. Vaughan), 337

Seizure-Sale by sheriff-Procedure-Title of

Trade fixtures-

trustee in bankruptcy (Re Townsend), 270

Machinery Disannexing by

order of the court-Order ex parte-Rights of
landlord and trustee of bankrupt tenant
(Re Eli Mathers and Sons; Ex parte Close),

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Trustees in bankruptcy-Sheriff's costs of holding
possession-Liability, 141

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Money Clubs Legality of
(Partridge v. Foster), 234
Partnership- Alteration of firm-Notice - Evi-
dence (Goodwin Warren and Co. v. John Four-
nier and Francis William Cope; Thomas Rey-
nolds and Son v. Same), 269
Pawnbroker-A pawnbroker is indemnified, under
the 25th section of the Pawnbrokers Act 1872, for
the delivery of a pledge to the holder of the
ticket after notice and demand by an alleged
owner, who has not made and delivered a declara-
tion under the 29th section of the Act. Quære,
whether the owner of goods wrongfully pawned is
not restricted to his statutory remedies, and
deprived of his action of trover by the Pawn-
brokers Act 1872 (the Singer Manufacturing
Company v. Clarke), 51

Practice-A solicitor fined for contempt-A judge
cannot be required to take a note under the
County Courts Act 1875, after judgment (Stevens
v. Barclay, the Sheriff of Surrey), 252

Prohibition (Re The Emily), 214

Qui tam actions-Penalties (Brown v. Fox), 196

Railway company-Consignment to railway com-

panies-Liability to feed animals during transit

-17 & 18 Vict. c. 31, s. 7-What amounts to

wilful default? (Part v. Great Western Railway

Company), 141

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Dwelling-house-Occupation of part of house not structurally severed, 394

Andrews Precedents of Mortgages, &c., 96
Anson on the Principles of the Law of Contract,
Archibald's Forms of Summonses and Orders, 226
Baker (Sir Sherston), on the Laws relating to
Quarantine, 190

Bannister Fletcher, on Light and Air, 42
Baxter's Judicature Acts and Rules, 96
Bedford's Students' Guide to Stephen's Com-
mentaries, 61

Candy's Mayor's Court Practice, 6
Castle on Rating, 172

Cavanagh on the Law of Money Securities, 409
Chromograph, The, 409

Davis's Law of Registration, Municipal and
Parliamentary, 372

Dicey on the Law of Domicil, 226
Dron's Treatise on the Law of Property in In-
tellectual Productions, 409

Ford's Oaths in the Supreme Courts of Judicature

in England and Ireland, 25

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Criminal Code Bill, the Lord Chief Justice on the, Railway Acts, principles of construction applic-

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Settlement, the wife's equity to, 243
Insolvency of bank employed to collect money, Solicitor and client, payment of mortgage money,


International law, 298

Jurisdiction of the Court of Bankruptcy over
foreigners, 357

Landlord and tenant, notice to quit, 296

Covenants which run with the land at law, Perpetuites, the rule of, gifts to classes, 432
59, 76, 95

Personal injuries, measure of damages, 382


Specific appropriation of moneys of bankruptcy, 75
Statute of Frauds, Mr. Justice Hawkins and the,

Stoppage in transitu, goods delivered in ship
chartered by purchaser, 278

Support, the right to, 358

Suretyship, the contract of, 58

Title of books, claims of exclusive right in, 189
Uncertificated solicitors, the costs of, 392
Unfair preferences in the administration of assets,

Unregistered securities and limited companies, 260
Vendor and purchaser, covenant in restraint of
use of land, 431

Vendors and purchasers, specific performance of
purchase of underlease, 326

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