


Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works, Frome, and London

BV 459

•R54 1668





An examination of your rare Collection of the works of British Hymn-writers enabled me to constitute the basis of the present work. In the perfecting of my design, I have received from you many obligations. Now that the labour of nine years is consummated in the appearance of this volume, I inscribe it to you, as a token of my esteem.

That the Hymns contained in this Collection, which have cheered myself under the cloud of trial, may prove a source of consolation to you in the valley of years, and may be to both of us a foretaste of the Songs of the Redeemed, is the earnest desire and prayer of

My dear Sir,

Your very obedient faithful servant,



SONG is the eternal exponent of Divine praise. Ere the world was framed, "the morning stars sang together;" the saints shall come to Sion with songs," when the present visible creation has passed away. The chosen people found expression to their most fervent aspirations in the harmony of numbers. The triumph at the Red Sea was celebrated by Moses and Miriam in strains of loftiest poetry. As his heart exulted in the manifestations of Divine goodness, the royal Psalmist breathed forth his incomparable lyrics. Solomon uttered his soulstirring lays, as he contemplated the boundless love of a coming Saviour. In strains of heaven-wrapt imagery, Isaiah celebrates the glory of Gospel times. And when the light of the Gospel dispensation dawned, how marvellously simple and hallowed was that song by which angels sung an incarnate God, a Saviour born!

The Redeemer dwelt in the lowlier vale of human life. He sought not the praises of the unstable multi

tude, whose hallelujahs were so soon to be exchanged for the ejaculations of "Away with Him! crucify Him!" Yet in token that the psalm of thanksgiving and the anthem of praise should be acceptable under the system of worship He came forth to constitute, His virgin mother was inspired to sing of the glory of His reign; and in the immediate prospect of His sufferings, at the paschal supper, He sung a hymn with His disciples. To His people in every age it was to be enjoined that they should "in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs," sing and "make melody" in their hearts to the Lord.

The zeal of the Christian Fathers was manifested in their love of the Divine harmonies. Many hymns of the Latin Church are still treasured as the noblest bequests of the times wherein they were written. During the middle ages, when the Church seemed to have sunk into a profound slumber, the occasional aspiration of sacred numbers proved almost the only sign that the light had not been finally extinguished. Long before the era of Reformation, congregational praise-giving had ceased; yet the hymns used in the choral services testified, to the learned at least, as to the heartfelt worship which alone is acceptable to God.

When Luther had successfully protested against the errors of the Romish faith, that illustrious Reformer be

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