
réponses aux questions; et si Madame l'Inspectrice juge à propos d'y mettre quelques observations, le Comité les examinera très attentivement.

Jour et heure de la visite:

1. L'escalier est-il propre?

2. Combien de degrés marque le thermomètre?
3. Les salles ont-elles de l'odeur?

4. Sont-elles bien rangées?

5. Reste-t-il des vêtements accrochés au mur?

6. Les couches sèchent-elles autour des poêles ?
7. Les lits sont-ils propres ?

8. Les paillassons sont-ils mouillés?

9. La cuisine est-elle propre?

10. Les potages sont-ils bien faits?

11. Les berceuses sont-elles propres sur elles?

12. Sont-elles toutes à leur poste?

the questions; and if the Lady Inspectress thinks proper to add any observations to it, the Committee will examine them very attentively.

The day and hour of the visit:

1. Is the staircase clean?

2. At how many degrees does the thermometer stand?

3. Is there any bad smell in the rooms?

4. Are they well arranged?

5. Are there any clothes left hanging up on the wall?

6. Are the children's napkins drying around the stoves? 7. Are the beds clean?

8. Are the straw mats wet?

9. Is the kitchen clean?

10. Are the broths well made?

11. Are the nurses neat and clean in their persons?

12. Are they all at their posts?

13. S'occupent-elles bien des enfants?

14. Ne reçoivent-elles pas de visites particulières ? 15. Ne travaillent-elles pas pour elles?

16. Parlent-elles durement ou grossièrement aux enfants? 17. Mangent-elles dans les salles des aliments qui ont de l'odeur?

18. Répondent-elles avec politesse aux Inspectrices et aux visiteurs?

19. Surveillent-elles les enfants lorsqu'ils sont aux lieux d'aisances?

20. Ne laissent-elles pas traîner des épingles à terre ou sur les berceaux?

21. Les enfants sont-ils bien propres ?

22. La surveillante est-elle à son poste? 23. La lingerie est-elle en ordre?

24. Les registres sont-ils bien tenus?

25. Les mères sont-elles contentes des soins donne à leurs enfants?

13. Do they attend carefully to the children?

14. Do they not receive private visits?

15. Do they not work for themselves?

que la Crèche

16. Do they speak harshly or coarsely to the children ? 17. Do they in the rooms eat any food with a strong smell? 18. Do they answer with politeness the lady patronesses and visiters?

19. Do they watch the children when they are on their chairs?

20. Do they not drop pins on the floor or on the cradles ?

21. Are the children perfectly clean?

22. Is the Superintendent at her post?

23. Is the linen in good order?

24. Are the registers carefully kept?

25. Are the mothers satisfied with the care and attention bestowed on their children at the Crèche ?



THIS charitable institution (situated in the Rue de St. Jacques), for the reception of deaf and dumb children, from eight to fifteen years of age, whose parents have not the means of educating them, is open to public inspection on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from three to five o'clock, and accordingly, on calling on the latter day at the hour appointed, I was politely received, and cheerfully conducted by one of its principal superintendents into a sort of garden, in which I found, under the charge of the "surveillant en chef," himself deaf and dumb, 116 fine, healthy-looking deaf and dumb boys, dressed in blouses, amusing themselves at gymnastic exercises, at bowls, and at a Frenchified description of leapfrog.

A happier, ruddier, and more joyous set of countenances I have seldom beheld, and I was returning to several of them a small portion of the smile or grin with which they had greeted

'National Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.

me, when all of a sudden a drum beat, on which, just as if they had heard its roll, they all instantly desisted from their games, fell into line, and by beat of drum, with which their feet kept perfect time, they marched away, following the drummer-boy, who was also deaf and dumb.

"They cannot be perfectly deaf," I said, "if they hear that drum?”

In reply my guide informed me its roll had no effect on their ears, but created an immediate vibration in their chests, which, although in describing it he had put his hand thereon, he termed "dans l'estomac."

As we were following the young soldiers, "Where are the sixty little girls?” said I. Stopping shortly, he replied, very gravely, "Visitors are never allowed to see them."

[blocks in formation]

"Monsieur," he replied, "parce qu'elles ont des yeux. Elles ne sont pas comme des aveugles. Il n'y a que les prêtres qui peuvent y entrer!" 1

On entering the Salle des Exercices, which I found full of empty benches, and in which I was introduced to an exceedingly intelligent-looking deaf and dumb professor, wearing a long black

Sir, because they have eyes. They are not like the blind. No persons but priests are allowed to go to them.


beard, I was shown a fine picture of the original founder of the establishment, the Abbé de l'Epée, embracing the young deaf and dumb Count de Toulouse, whom he had educated. There was, moreover, a bust of the founder, as also one of the Abbé de Sicard, who, on the death of the Abbé de l'Epée, in 1796, undertook the management of the establishment, which, during the revolution of 1789, had been transferred from a convent of Celestines to the buildings of the Séminaire de St. Magloire, where it now exists.

After proceeding along a passage, my guide opened the door of a large room, which I found nearly full of the boys I had found playing, now as busily engaged in tailoring, under a person for whose benefit, in return for his instruction, they were sewing and stitching with great alacrity.

On my asking this professor of the needle and shears whether his pupils understood him when he spoke to them, he good-humouredly replied, "We have no occasion for many words; they see by my eyes if I am not satisfied." I next entered a room in which about twenty boys were engaged in lithography, the details of which they executed very creditably. Several of their drawings on paper, afterwards to be trans

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