[blocks in formation]

Apologue of the Village, 307.
Apostolical Succession, 446.
Argillaceous Immortality, 398.
Articles, the, and the Muses, 446.
Assumptions, 448.

Athenæum, London, quoted, 396.
Aurungzebe, 240.

Austin, Sarah, Edits Correspondence,
10; Notice of Smith's Preaching, 98.

Aversions and Arguments, 412.

Ballot, the, 68.

Banks, Sir Joseph, 172.

Bentham, Jeremy, 160; Book of Fal-
lacies, 162.

Berkeley, Hon. G. F., 119
Bernard, Sir Thomas, Notices of, 30,


Bible, Beauty of the Style of, 423.
Bishop, a Real, 375.

Sacrifice of, on a Railroad, 350.

Bishop's Courtship, 452.

Bishops, Advice to, 331.

and Patronage, 329.

Saturday Night, 337.

Blair, Hugh, 22.

Blessington, Lady, Conversations,

quoted, 443.
Blind, the, 263.
Bloomfield, Bishop, 65.
Bluecoat Theory, 412.
Blue-stockings, 424.
Bobus Smith, see Robert.
Body, of the, 278.

Bombarding the Asiatics, 410.

Booked, 447.
Bore, a, 412.

Borough System, the, 318.

Botany Bay, Description of, 157-159.
Bourne, Sturges, 305.
Breakfast, a, 409.

Brougham, Henry, 19; Ed. Review,

Barham, R. H., Diary of, quoted, 101, 27; the Court of Chancery, 320.

435, 443.

Barn-door Fowl, 133.

Barrow, Dr., Sermons, 33.

Beach, Mr. Hick, 17; Letters of Smith

to, 18.

Beautiful, Incentives of the, 237; Ac-
tion of the, 239.

Bell, Robert, Life of Canning, quoted,

Brown, Isaac Hawkins, 302.

Brown, Thomas, 21, 27.

Buffoonery, 231.

Bull's Charity Subscriptions, 162.

Bulls, Irish, 232.

Bunch, 48. 54.

Burges, James Bland, 24.


Burlesque, 232.

Burning Alive on Railroads, 350.

[blocks in formation]

Byron, Lord, Notice of "The Exo- D'Epinay, Madame, 154-156.

diad," 24; of Lady Holland, 89; No- De Quincey, Notice of Robert Smith,

tices of Smith in his Poems, 93; 436.

Campanero, the, 168.

Campbell, Thomas, Anecdotes of, 22,
89; Lochiel, quoted, 221.
Canning, George, 10, 160; his Para-
sites, 301; Character of, 309.

Canvas-Back Ducks, 433.
Carlisle, Lord, Notice of Robert Smith,

14; Notice of, 52;
Carlyle, Thomas, 92.
Castlereagh, Lord, 160.
Cathedral Revenue Bill, 329.
Catholic Church Question, 363-378;

see Peter Plymley.

Catholic Toleration, &c., 41-3; 64.
Caucus, 185.

Caution, in Use of Talent, 214.
Ceylon, Inhabitants of, 111.


De Stael, Madame, Delphine, 113.
Diary, Reflections from, 292-4.
Dickens, Charles, Letters to, 407-9.
Digestion and the Virtues, 404.
Dinner in the Country, 420.
Dinner Table Conversation, 450.
Discussing, Habit of, 203.
Disputant, A, 446.
Dogs, 421, 430.
Dome of St. Paul's, 434.
Dort, Chronicle of, 332.
Doubling the Cape, 445.
Doyle, Dr., 367.

Dress and Beauty, 424.
Drunkenness, 289.
Dunces, 448.

Dwight, Timothy, 187.

Channing, Dr., Sermon preached at Dying Speeches, 415.

St. Paul's, 33.

Charades, 233.

Cheerfulness, of, 282.

Chemistry, 135.

Chesterfield, Lord, quoted, 450.
Childhood, Sensibility of, 418.

Chimney-Sweepers, 159.
Christian Charity, 261.
Church in Danger, 299.
Claphamites, the, 301.
Classes of Society, 431.
Classical Education, 121-131.
Club Life, 38.

Cobbett, Notice of Netheravon, 18.
Combe Florey, Life at, 61-63.
Common Sense for 1810, 46.
Commons, House of, 425.
Composition, 426.

Conquerors, Use of, 157.
Conversational Cook, 445.
Conversation and Books, 212.
Conversation, Educated, 150.
Cool of the Evening, 447.

Copleston, Bishop of Llandaff, Reply
to Ed. Review, 45; Smith's Reply
to, 131-136; Letters of Ward, 440.

Cork, Lady, 429.

Country House, 431.

Courage in the Use of Talent, 201.

Cranzius and Ernesti, 124, 132.

Crashaw, Epigram of, 221.

Crowe, Mrs., Letter to, 410.

Edinburgh, Visit to, 398.

Edinburgh Review, Early History of,

25; Attack on Oxford, 45; Pas-

sages from, 107-194.

Edinburgh Society, 19.

Edmonton, Living of, 67.

Education, Classical, 121-131.

Female, 136-154.
Popular, 274-5.

Elephant, Anecdote of, 243.

Ellis, George, 309.
Emulation, 207.

England in an Invasion, 304.
Erin go Bragh, 366.
Erskine, Lord, Anecdote of, 39.
Essays and Sketches, 278-296.
Everett, Edward, 72; Letter on, 415.
Facts and Figures, 426.

Fagging System, 16.

Fallacies, 283-5.

False Quantities, 115.

Fearon, H. B., 185.

Female Education, 136-154.
Fireplaces, 423.
Foolometer, a, 337.
Foston-le-Clay, 47-57.

Fox, C. J., Saying of, 337.

Fragment on the Irish Roman Catho-

lic Church, 363-378.

Franklin, Benjamin, 62, 315.

Fraser's Gallery of Portraits, 94.

Crumpet's Ascent to St. Paul's, 333. Frere, John Hookham, 10.

Curates, 338, 340, 341.

Delphine, Analysis of 113.

Demerara, 168.

Magazine cited, 119, 436.

Friendship, of, 281.

Friendship, 433.

Fuller, Dr. Thomas, 102, 259.


Gardener, Scotch, 451.

Illusions, 452.

Gladstone, W. E., 373.

God save the King, 311.

Goderich, Lord, 373.


Immortality of a Book, 116.


Individual Peculiarities and Genius,

Good Man and a Bad Minister, 299. Inflictions on Youth, 284.

[blocks in formation]

Gravity and License, 95-102.
Great Western Railway, 344.
Green, Duff, 71; 359.
Grenville, Thomas, 371.
Grey, Earl, 61; Conduct of the Re-

form Bill, 321; 394, 402.

Habit, Force of, 248; Orbit of, 251;
Superiority to, 251; Effect of, 253.

Half-Measures, 285.
Hallam, Henry, 21.
Hamilton, Alexander, 27.
Handshaking, 426.
Happiness, 434.

Happiness, Past, 248.

Hardness of Character, 286.
Hardships of Public Schools, 154.

Hare, James, 81.

Hawkesbury, Lord, 300.
Haydon, B. R., 36; 73.
Hay-Fever, the, 403.

Heptarchy of the Press, 323.
Hobbes and his Pipe, 248.
Hodgson, Dr., 374.

Holland House, 22, 30; Historical No-
tices of, 86-88; Anecdotes of, 90;
Dinner Party, 395.

Holland, Lady (Saba, daughter of
Sydney Smith), Memoir of her Fa-
ther, 10; Birth, 30; Marriage to
Sir Henry H., 64.

Holland, Lord (Henry Richard Vas-
sall), Notices of, 88; Lady Holland,
89, 103.

Holland, Sir Henry, Notice of, 64.
Holoplexia, 258.
Hook, Theodore, 450.

Hope, Charles, 21.

Horned Cattle and the Lion, 336.
Horner, Francis, 20; Notice of Smith's
Preaching, 25; Notice of Lectures,
35; Recollections of, 387-391.

Howick, Lord, 306.

Hoyle, Charles, Poem Exodus, 101.
Humour, Nature of, 227-231.
Hunt, Leigh, Notices of Holland
House, 86.

Inglis, Sir Robert, 371.

Insects of the Tropics, 175.

Instinct and Talent, 241; Change of

Instinct, 242.

Irreligion and Impiety, 400.
Irving, Edward, 402.

Washington, Original Anec-

dote of Luttrell, 443.
Jameson, Mrs., Notice of Sydney
Smith. 10; Character of his Wit, 85.
to Lady Blessington, 446.
Jeffrey, Francis, 26; Marriage, 46.
and the North Pole, 417;

Lines on, ib.
Jeffrey's Analysis, 393; Hints to, ib.;
His Adjectives, 400.
Jekyll, J., Witticism of, 429.
Jenkinson, Lord Hawkesbury, 300.
Johnson, Samuel, quoted, 102.
Joinville, Prince de, 370.
Joke in the Country, 426.
Judge, Taylor, and Barber, 186.
Kay, Annie, 50, 55.
Key, Sir John, 446.
King of Clubs, the, 38.
Kinglake, Dr., 317.

Kingsley, Rev. Charles, quoted, 262.
Knowledge, Rewards of, 206; Pleas-
ures of, 216.

Labour and Genius, 195.
Lamb, Charles, 97.
Landseer, Sir Thomas, Anecdote, 102.
Langford, W., Anniversary Sermon,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Luttrell, H., Smith's Notices of, 440; New Zealand, Bishop of, 444.
Epigram by, 441; Witticisms of, Nice Person, a, 285.

Noah, M. M., Anecdote of, 191.
Noctes Ambrosianæ, 94.

443; Account of, ib.

Niebuhr's Discoveries, 422.

Lynch, Judge, 193.

and Lady, 52, 60.

Lyndhurst, Lord, 321.

Macaulay, T. B., 43; Tribute to Hol-

land House, 91.

Smith, 120.

-, an Illustration from

-, Sayings of Sydney

Smith on, 438-9.
Mackenzie, Henry, 22.

Mackintosh, Sir Æneas, 82.

——, Sir James, Character and
Anecdotes of, 379-386.

[blocks in formation]

Statesmanship, 312.

Practice of Sydney Smith,

Melbourne, Lord, Character of, 334.

Methodism, Articles on, 119.

Microcosm, the, 10.

Military Glory, 187.

Modern Changes, 295.

Noodledom, 143.

Noodle's Oration, 164.
No-Popery Outcry, 183-4.
Notes and Queries, cited, 316.
Novel by Sydney Smith, 443.
Occupation, of, 279.
O'Connell, 326, 365, 369.
Old Age to be Passed in the City,
404, 414

Olier, Miss, Birth and Character, 9;
Mother of Sydney Smith, 15.

One-Book Man, 425.

Opera, Invitation to, 409, 414.
Oratorio, an, 399.

Oxford University Education, 121-136.

[blocks in formation]

Monk, Dr., Bishop of Gloucester, 65, Peel, Sir Robert, Letter to, 352, 370.


patris, 120.

Partington, Mrs., 64, 315.
Passions, the, 253.
Paying in Turbot, 394

Pennsylvania, Public Debt, 353.

Perceval, Spencer, 297, 299, 300, 302,
310, 311.

Percival, R., Account of Ceylon, 111.
Persecutions, Catholic and Protestant,


Montrand and Talleyrand, 437.
Moore, Thomas, Sydney Smith's Me-
moir, 10; Notice of Robert Smith,
13; Anecdote of Newton's Studio,
75; Anecdotes of Smith, 84 98; of
Holland House, 90; Poetical Com- Peter Plymley, Passages from, 297-

pliment, 93; Letter to, 401; Diary,


Petition of Sydney Smith to Congress,

quoted, 437, 445.

Moral Philosophy - Passages from 353.

Lectures, 195-255.

Morgan, Capt. E. E., Correspondent
of Smith, 71-2; Portrait of Smith,


Morley, Countess of, 413.

Philips, Sir George, Notice of, 73.
Pictures, Smith's Purchase of, 425.
Pilpay, Fable from, 360.

Playfair, John, 22.

Plymley Letters, 40, 297-313.

Murray, John A. (Lord Murray), 21, Pope, Parody on, 429.


Musæ Etonenses, 11.

Napier, Sir Charles, History quoted,


New Song to an Old Tune, 70.

Porson's Review of the Sovereign,

24; Epigram, ib.

Portrait of Sydney Smith, 404.

Practical Joking, 448.

Praise, 434.

Preferment at Court, 401.

Prescott, W. H., 435.

Newton, Gilbert Stuart, Portrait of Prancing Indenture, 108.

Smith, 75.

New Zealand Attorney, 422.

[blocks in formation]

Private Cellars and Public Houses, Sewing for Men, 430.


Professional Education, 121-131.

Ptochogony, a, 339.

Puns, 85, 124.

Public Eye, the, 330.

Public Houses and Drinking, 179.

Public Schools, 154.

Puseyism, 411.

Seymour, Lord Webb, 20.

Sham Sydney Smiths, 432-3.

Sharp, Richard, Notice of, 35.

-, Mot by Luttrell.

She is not Well, 364.

Shillaber, B. P., Mrs. Partington, 317.

Shyness, 245.

Siddons, Mrs., 432.

Simon of Gloucester, 333, 343.

Pybus, Catherine Amelia, wife of Sign of the State in Difficulty, 394.

Smith, 23.

[blocks in formation]

Rogers, Henry, Notice of Smith's
Lectures, 37.

Samuel, Notice of Robert
Smith, 14; Anecdote of Lord Hol-
land, 16: of Lady Holland, 89;
Dining-room Anecdote, 101 and
Note; 394; Witticisms of Smith,
435; Anecdotes of, ib.; Epigram
on Ward, 441.

Romilly, Sir Samuel, Tribute to, 273.
Round Man in the Round Hole, 206.
Rousseau and D'Epinay, 153.
Rumford, Count, 30, 35.
Russell, Lord John, Smith's Descrip-
tion of, 65.

Simond, Louis, Notice of, 46.

Simonides, Danac, 11.

Singleton, Archdeacon, Letters to, 64-

[blocks in formation]

Smith, Robert (father of Sydney), 9,

[blocks in formation]

Science, Claims of, 129.

Scotland and the Catholic Question, Justice of the Peace, 56; Visits

[blocks in formation]


Smith, Robert (Bobus) at Eton, 10;
at Cambridge, 11; Verses "Ex
Simonide" ib.; Marriage, ib.; in
India, 12; in the House of Com-
mons, ib.; death, ib.; tributes to, 13.

Smith, Sir Sidney, 9, 59, 382.
Smith, Sydney, Association of the
Names, 9.

Smith, Sydney: Birth and Family, 9;
School-Days, 15; in Normandy, 17;
at Oxford, 17; enters the Church,
ib.; at Netheravon, ib.; at Edin-
burgh, 18; Projects the Edinburgh
Review, 25; Sermons at Edinburgh,
29; in London, 30; Chapel Preach-
ing, 30-2; Character of Sermons,
33; Charge of Plagiarism, ib.; Lec-
tures on Moral Philosophy, 34;
Plymley Letters, 40; in Yorkshire,
43; Controversy with Oxford, 45;

France, 57-60; at Bristol, ib.;

Canon of St. Paul's, 61; Combe

Florey, 61-3; Reform Speeches, 64;

Letters to Archdeacon Singleton,

64-66; the Ballot, 68; Letters on

American Debts, 69-72; Death,
74; Personal Appearance, ib.;

Characteristics, 75-79; Intellectual

Habits, 79-81; Wit and Humour,


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