
began in the aspect of affairs. The sky became darker and more threatening, and after a time a peculiar rain of ashes began to fall. This was of a grey color, and soon the ground and streets were covered with it. For several hours there was a gentle fall at one time coarse and large as a pin's head, at another as thin and fine as dust. Some of each kind I have now in my possession, taken up from one of the suburbs of Batavia shortly after it fell. Both kinds were submitted to a Dutch analyst for examination, and to him I am indebted for the names of the component parts. He tells me that the two showers were identical except that the second fall of ash was much finer than the first. It consisted principally of siliceous sand, with sulphuret of iron, phosphates and silicates of lime and magnesium, while the whole had a strong sulphuric smell.

While this rain of ash continued thick darkness enveloped the city. Traffic and business were suspended. Gas was lighted everywhere in the hope that the darkness would soon pass off, but still it continued for several hours. The abject terror of the poor natives, cowering down in the most helpless way, was quite a sight to behold. These followers of Mohammed, clinging tenaciously to their fatalistic creed, calmly said, "It is Allah," and resigned themselves to their fate. In times of difficulty and danger the natives of Java, and indeed the whole of the Malay archipelago, are some of the most helpless and useless people under the sun. The Chinese, on the other hand, took a very different view of matters. Unfet tered by any fatalistic notions, they plainly showed their belief that while there is life there is hope. Whether this is one of the moral sayings of Confucius I know not, but, with all their faults, the Chinese are certainly a practical and painstaking race. On this occasion they accordingly gathered together all their valuables and cleared out of the city with as much despatch as possible. There are twenty-five thousand of them in Batavia alone, and a large proportion of these soon beat a hasty retreat. Some made for the railway station en route for the interior of the island; some took to their boats on the canal, and many crowded themselves into their gaily painted vehicles known as kahars, and drove away as fast as two Sandalwood ponies would carry them.

The Europeans also thought it wiser to suspend business on account of the darkness and to leave the city for their suburban homes. The buildings which they use in Batavia for offices are very old, and

though roomy and convenient for their purpose they would easily be overthrown in the event of an earthquake. About noon, therefore, on that eventful Monday (August 27) there was a steady outpour of merchants from Batavia, and the city was soon wearing a deserted appearance. It was well that it did so, for a more start. ling event had yet to come.

Suddenly, without any warning, a tidal wave (caused, as we shall afterwards see, by the disturbances and upheaval of the island of Krakatoa) made itself felt in the city. The Dutch capital has no harbor, and the only approach to it is by a long canal nearly two miles in length, lined on either side by massive brick walls. In this channel, leading from the roadstead to the city wharves, the water rose at an alarming rate and burst over the adjoining land. This was the first intimation at Batavia of the terrible wave which (as we discovered later on) was the messenger of death to so many thousand inhabitants on the western shores of Java. Its effects in the city were quite bad enough. Although this great torrent of water had travelled nearly ninety miles it dashed up the Batavian canal with great power. In spite of distance, its fury was not then fully spent. In the streets of the capital, adjoining the canals and wharves, the water rose to a depth of several feet, and the people had to run for their lives. Not long afterwards I steamed down the canal in a launch, and saw the destruction which had been caused. In several places the massive brickwork lining the sides had been swept away, leaving huge gaps in the masonry of many feet. The surrounding country also had been seriously inundated, great pools of water being visible everywhere. Fortunately the loss of life in Batavia was very small, and must have been confined to the natives who are always to be found along the banks of the canal. A little village on the coast, a short drive from the capital, was less fortunate, however. There was nothing there to break the force of the rushing waters as they dashed in all their fury on the northern shore of the island, and the country round being very flat, a serious loss of life occurred. The huge tidal wave broke over the native kampong (or village), and several hundred bodies were subsequently reported by the government resident of the district to be lying dead in the market-place.

Such were the events in the city of Batavia and its suburbs on that memor able Monday. As soon as the wave had spent its fury on the coast, the worst was

over. The shower of ashes ceased, and the darkness cleared off. Weaker and weaker grew the distant shocks, and at last they died away altogether. Traffic was once more resumed along the ashstrewn streets, which now had a grey coat ing some three or four inches in depth. On all sides trees were to be seen with broken branches, weighed down and snapped off, by the great pressure of the ashes which had rested upon them. The fowls which had gone to roost at midday, when the darkness was at its worst, again came forth to begin their day a second time.

Such an appeal may, perhaps, draw forth the remark that men of wealth in

England are notoriously generous, and that men of high social position are never wanting to take the lead in works of genuine charity. These remarks are true in one sense, but untrue in another. It is true that large sums of money are always forthcoming on the occasion of any special appeal to the generosity of the British public, and that the voluntary subscriptions annually contributed to works of charity in this country are larger than in any other; it is also true that there is hardly any institution in the kingdom An air of thankfulness pervaded all which cannot show its list of aristocratic, classes. There was a dim foreboding and often royal supporters; but it would that a terrible calamity had occurred in not be in accordance with facts to assert some part of Java, and the anxiety was that men of wealth and of social position universal. All, however, was wrapped intake as active an interest in works of obscurity, for the telegraph wires were philanthropy and of charity as they do, broken and no information could be had. And it was not till some considerable time after that the startling news reached Batavia telling how an immense volcanic wave more than a hundred feet in height had devastated the whole north-western coast, sweeping away entirely Anjer and several other towns, and engulfing quite fifty thousand people in a watery grave.

We could scarcely believe in the city the terrible tidings of events which had happened so near to us. The towns de stroyed were sixty miles distant from Batavia, and Krakatoa itself ninety miles, so that the volcanic wave must have travelled nearly thirty miles before it burst upon the shore and did its deadly work.

In subsequent papers I shall tell more of what took place on those two days in August on the Java coast, and describe as well a visit I made shortly afterwards to the ruined towns and villages. Such a scene of havoc and desolation it rarely falls to the lot of any one to witness, and once seen such a sight can never be forgotten.

From The National Review. AN APPEAL TO MEN OF WEALTH.


IN an article recently published in this magazine I ventured to make an "Appeal to Men of Leisure" to devote some portion of the time at their disposal to the furtherance of works of philanthropy and charity. The favorable reception accorded to my remarks, encourages me to make a further appeal on behalf of similar objects to men of wealth and position.

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for instance, in the pursuit of politics, or
of mere luxury or amusement, or that they
spend on the former as large a proportion
of their income as they do on the latter.
Now, although it may be thought, and
very possibly really may be, utopian to
expect the average man of wealth to ex-
pend upon his less fortunate fellow-crea-
tures as much as he spends upon his own
amusements, I certainly am quixotic
enough to believe that a much larger pro-
portion of men would be found capable of
such madness, if in their youth they had
been brought up to consider the wants of
others; if, instead of being led to under-
stand that philanthropy and charity were
right and proper subjects for the consid-
eration of parsons and women,
but were
beneath the attention of men of the world,
it had been pointed out to them that there
was no nobler work than the relief of hu-
man suffering, and the elevation of man-
kind, whether viewed from the Christian
or the humanitarian point of view; if it
had been shown them that exceptional
opportunities for engaging in this work
had been placed within their reach, that
the mass of mankind were constantly en.
gaged in a never-ending struggle for bare
existence, and that questions affecting
their social well-being were of vastly more
importance to the people than the most
exciting topics of political or even of in-
ternational warfare, except in so far as
the latter, by raising prices, still further
increased for them the difficulties of liv

I do not think that many persons who are in the habit of watching the currents of public opinion will disagree with me when I say, that social questions not only hold a vastly more important position in



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Let the poor man and the rich, the working man and the man of leisure, join hands in works of general utility and philanthropy, and there will be an end to class hatred. "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." The poor man will not begrudge the wealth which he sees is being used to good purpose; he will recognize, without anger, the ad. vantages which education, wealth, leisure, and social advantages have given to his fellow-workers of the upper classes, and, respecting the unselfishness which prompts the latter to devote their advan tages to the benefit of mankind in general, will freely accord the honor which he might have been tempted to withhold from the possession of mere wealth or social position unsustained by personal merit. I appeal, then, to the wealthy, and the socially distinguished, to throw themselves into all movements of a non-political character, which are calculated to insure the happiness of the people, and by this I mean not happiness only which is the outcome of physical content, but that also which results from a good conscience and a well-regulated life.

the public mind than formerly, but that | take for his motto, "Not alms but a
they are annually encroaching on the do- friend" - a friend who should use his
main of pure politics, and that no states wealth and his education, not to pauper-
man or party will, in the near future, beize, but to elevate and encourage, to dissi-
able with impunity to leave them out of pate prejudice, to soften hatreds, and to
calculation. Indeed, I would go so far as bridge the yawning chasms of society;
to say, that the political party which has for is it not true that separation begets
the courage to grapple firmly with such ignorance, and ignorance hatred?
social questions as the housing of the
poor, the regulation of the hours of labor,
the State direction of emigration, the pre-
vention of adulteration, the reform of our
poor-laws, the sanitation of our public
cities, the establishment of a government
department of health, with a minister at
its head of cabinet rank, the reform of our
sanitary laws, the increase and better
payment of inspectors of nuisances and of
factories, and the appointment of a real
and not of a sham public prosecutor, whose
duty it shall be to defend the individual
against all action, whether corporate or
private, calculated to injure the public
health that the party, in short, that is
bold enough to break loose from super
stitious worship of the doctrine of laissez
faire, and recognizes that the happiness
of the people is the true end and aim of
its existence, will obtain a lengthened
monopoly of political power. Even sup-
posing all this to be desirable, I hear the
reader say, why appeal to wealthy men?
What have they to say to it? Why not
rather, in these democratic days, descend
into the streets, and address your appeal
to the masses with whom now rests the
fate of ministers? That is just what I
want you rich men of England to do! I
do not so much care that you should in.
crease your subscriptions to charitable
objects (though this might often be done
with advantage), as that you should use
the great influence you possess in the
cause of the happiness of the greatest
number. I want you to show the poor
man (what I know to be the case) that he
is not forgotten by you; that you are
alive to his sorrows, that you sympathize
with him in his troubles, that you respect
him for his honest struggles against pen-
ury and want, that you admire him for his
patience; that you willingly acknowledge
that moral worth is superior to all social
distinction; that you recognize wealth as
a talent which has been given you from
above, and that your greatest pleasure in
life is to use it for the good of your less
favored brethren. If wealth descended
oftener into the streets, there would be
less animosity between capital and labor.
Sympathy would soon produce love, and
self-sacrifice reverence. Let the rich man

From The Estates' Gazette.




WE referred a week or two ago to the Leasehold and Building Land Enfranchisement Bill, the latest of a series to which the House of Commons has been treated during the last two years. then pointed out how preposterous is the proposal in that bill, that the tenant of a leasehold property should have the right to purchase the freehold at twenty-five years' purchase of the ground rent. Since those observations were printed, remarkable confirmation has occurred of the justice of the arguments we urged against hasty and ignorantly conceived legislation such as that aimed at by the authors of this, and for the matter of that of every other bill designed with the same object which has yet been presented to Parlia ment. It is a confirmation which practi

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erty would have been forced to accept
£375 for that which, in the open market,
has commanded not far short of treble
the amount a few doctrinaire politicians
consider it ought to be worth. Again, it
is not very long since a ground-rent of
£26 in the Whitechapel Road, with only
twenty-three years to run, realized the
remarkable price of £1,500, or fifty-eight
years' purchase. Instances of this kind
could be multiplied, and many will readily
occur to our readers. It is not alone in
London that figures like these are ob-
tained. Ground-rents have come to be
regarded as one of the most valuable and
unfluctuating forms of real property, and
wherever they exist they command prices
which, always high, are naturally highest
in thickly populated centres. Every prac
tical man is familiar with circumstances
in which twenty-five years' purchase of
the ground-rent would be even more ludi-
crously inadequate than in the cases we
have mentioned. In London alone there
is a very large number of houses held
upon long leases at ground-rents which
are really less than nominal. Upon the
Bishop of London's estate, at Paddington,
for example, ground-rents are exceedingly
low, and we believe it would not be im.
possible to find upon that property houses
rented at over £100 per annum, burdened
with ground-rents of less than £5.
the event of the bill with which we are

cal men do not need; but it has to be remembered that those who will have at some, probably not very distant day, to decide upon these measures, or some of them, are not, save perhaps some few exceptions, practical men, although some amount of technical knowledge is absolutely essential to a clear understanding of this important subject. During the last fortnight various sales of ground-rents have taken place, at which figures far in excess of twenty-five years' purchase have been obtained. Last week, for instance, an eminent firm of auctioneers sold three ground-rents in succession, each of which obtained a higher price than the five backers of the bill — Mr. Daniel Grant, Mr. | Inderwick, Mr. Spencer Balfour, Sir Thomas Chambers, and Mr. Firth deem adequate for property which they seem to consider of so little account as groundrents. In one case the auctioneers obtained £31,720, or twenty-six years' purchase, for a ground-rent of £1,220 in Eastcheap, with the long period of sevennine years to run. In view of the remoteness of the reversion, that is, of course, a long price; but no one who has had much to do with the purchase and sale of groundrents would suggest that there is anything excessive in the figures. The fact that twenty-six years' purchase can be obtained for an important piece of property like this, when the lease has more than three-quarters of a century to run, sug-dealing becoming law, it would consegests the question: what price will the ground-rent command in fifty years time? Certainly fifty, and not improbably sixty years' purchase. In another case, a ground-rent of £76, with reversion in twenty-eight years, commanded £3,100, or nearly forty-one years' purchase. An even more striking case was the third, in which £9,300, or thirty-one years' pur chase, was paid for a ground-rent of £300, in Great Tower Street, with the relatively long period of forty-nine years to run. This week's list of sales at the Mart supplies further evidence to the same end. A ground-rent of £35 a year at Stratford, with reversion in forty-nine years, was sold for £1,010, or nearly thirty years' purchase. A good idea of the value of a ground-rent when the lease is running out is given by the result of another sale held on the same day by the same firm. A ground-rent at Stratford of £15 a year, with only twenty years to run, fetched £900, or sixty years' purchase. Now, if the Leasehold Building Land Enfranchisement Bill were law the unfortunate owner of this valuable bit of prop

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quently be possible for a tenant to compel his landlord to part with the freehold at one and a quarter year's purchase of the rack rent! It is not merely a profes sional axiom, but a rule of common sense, that the fewer years a lease has to run and the sooner the reversion to the rack. rental falls in, the greater the value. Yet none of the Leaseholds Enfranchisement Bills allow for this higher value. Henry Broadhurst's original bill, provid ing as it does that it shall not apply to leases which are running out, and that purchase money shall be fixed by the county court as between a willing vendor and a willing purchaser, is obviously much to be preferred to this most dishonest and confiscatory projet de loi. We should, however, be very much surprised to learn that there is any notable body of public opinion in favor of any such measure, whatever its details. These various bills are merely a part of the factitious agita tion got up by Mr. Henry George, and necessarily have a most depressing effect upon the property market at the present time.

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