



8vo., cloth antique. 3s.


"He writes like a scholar, a man of genius, à conscientious Christian, and a very sound Independent.

It is a book deserving of good circulation, and is the only book on our church matters written in an interesting manner for several years past. Book societies and vestry libraries will all find their account in ordering it."-The Christian Spectator.

"It is refreshing to find a writer who can soar to the third heaven of transcendentalism, with fingers not too numb with the keen airs which prevail up there, to open his valve and drop down to the level of earth-treading humanity. The plainest mind may follow him when he insists that the union of several denominations would exalt the character of embodied Christianity, would economise resources and save expense, would concentrate and strengthen collective influence. But apart from these schemes for interdenominational unity, we must not let Mr. Lewis go without expressing a wish that the excellent, probing chapter, which he devotes to the Church of England, could be presented in a detached form. It is one of the best, if not the best, exhibition of canonical obligation and auricular responsibility that the modern press has given. We would like to see even a high and dry Churchman, to say nothing of evangelicals, make a fair trial to get out of it."-The Patriot.

"The very novelty challenges for the author the praise of originality. The work is well written, and carries the reader along without fatigue or decline of interest. A large infusion of scientific knowledge will enhance its value to many readers."-The Baptist Magazine.

"Whether the writer has so far succeeded in the demonstration as to bring all his readers over to his conclusions or not, there will be but one opinion as to the remarkable ability and spirit of fair play which every page displays.

The conception of the work, to say the least, is strikingly original, and the method of working it out developes great ingenuity, extensive reading, and accurate scientific culture. The man who can produce such a book as this, should have, if Independency as it is, is worth anything, a leading position in the denomination to which he belongs.' The Homilist.

"Mr. Lewis is a scholar and a gentleman; and, consequently, in his handling of this subject, he has not been betrayed into making rash and inaccurate assertions; and he has not indulged in impertinent vituperation of those who may conscientiously differ from him. The plan of the work is entirely original, and every argument employed shows the scholar and the thinker. On these accounts we predict for it the careful attention of the most thoughtful men of the age; and a wide circulation amongst advanced Christians who keep abreast of the religious literature of the period."-The Cambria Daily Leader.

"Such is the author's thesis, and he has worked at it with considerable vigour and ability.". The British Quarterly.

"Mr. Lewis, in the introduction to this very able and interesting book, states his purpose to be the development of a new argument in favour of Independency and religious freedom.' All this is, as we have said, most profuse illustrated by physical phenomena, and in such a way as to make us form a very high estimate of the writer's varied information and high culture. hand over the book to our readers, bespeaking for it a thoughtful and candid attention.”—The Freeman.


"The book deserves to be carefully read and studiously pondered."-The Dial.

"An effective attack on subscription in the Church of England."-The Athenæum.

"The book indicates a studious and well-informed mind." -The Irish Congregational Magazine.

"It is one of the most masterly and scholarly works of the present age, justifies the author's high reputation as a scholar and a man of science, and will be found of immense value to every enquirer for the truth in ecclesiastical matters. The argument is new, and every sentence is full of meaning."-The Free Press.

THE COAL PIT TRAGEDY: OR, A WARNING CRY FROM A LIVING GRAVE. 3d. "This is a masterly discourse. The reflections are as sage like as they are Christian."-The Homilist.

THE REV. H. FISH, M.A., AND WESLEYAN METHODISM: A Critique ; 36 pp., fcap. 8vo. 2d. “The critique throughout is distinguished by a courteous and catholic spirit. Would that we could say as much for his opponent !"-The Free Press.

“In the mean time we recommend them to purchase Mr. Lewis's pamphlet, which is well and temperately written... We earnestly recommend it to all the lay members of Wesleyan Methodism."-The Voice of Truth.

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