
parent, whose dying struggle he had lately witnessed, was now suffering the pains of that purgatory from which not the most holy are exempt. Oh! for the torch of heavenly light, to show the truth as it is in Jesus-to point to those heavenly mansions he is gone to prepare for all his followers, that abode where those who sleep in him rest from all their labours. No fires of purgatory needed to atone for sins he bore on the accursed tree. How would poor Hubert's heart have rejoiced, as he repeated the ceaseless prayers for the deliverance of his mother's soul from purgatory, had he known and believed the doctrine revealed in the Bible, and the peace in time, and the joy in eternity, which they, and they alone, possess who believe from the heart the record of God's dear Son?

(To be continued in our next.)


SINCE you were last troubled with a letter from me, a change which the world would call important, has taken place. A change which, I must confess, appears to me to carry with it no brighter prospect for the future, nor more certain remedy for the past.

Sir Robert Peel is now no longer Prime-Minister of the greatest nation on earth. He has fallen; naturally, and not unexpectedly, fallen. Dishonesty and prevarication must always expose men in high places, to sudden and lasting degradation, and thus he has met with a fate he so richly merited.

His party too, which has been, since his apparently sudden change, though one long premeditated in more ways than one, so improperly called Conservative, has deservedly split to pieces, and fallen into discredit; both head and party thus receiving the just reward of their inconsistency and total want of principle. They were men ready to be dragged through any measures, however opposed to reason and truth, provided they tended to keep their idol in office, and to contribute to the glory of him whom they had almost deified. Such a state of things was certain not to last; and evidently seems to have been the preparation for opening a wider and more easy field for the friends of Protestant truth to fight the battles of the Lord.

There is, certainly, a redeeming point in the character of the present Administration, which the former one was totally deficient in. The present one tells us openly and honestly what its plans and views are; the former one never did; and invariably endeavoured to keep those who blindly trusted to them, as much as possible in the dark; and every destructive blow, though dealt to the truth, and the discouragement of the friends of truth, by the hands of supposed friends, fell suddenly and unexpectedly on those who were thus unprepared to meet and to oppose it with any degree of success.

I do not hesitate, therefore, to say, that the present Administration under Lord John Russell, is decidedly preferable in the present, or indeed, in any state of the world, if it were alone on the ground, that we know what we have to expect, and consequently may, if we will, be better prepared to meet the dangers that not only threaten, but

appear by the change itself to have arrived at a degree of certainty, hitherto, perhaps, altogether unforeseen by many.

The most natural supposition would appear to me to be, that the anti-Protestant measures intended to have been brought forward by Sir Robert Peel being those identical with the favourite ones of Whigs and Radicals, Papists and Tractarians, of former and present years would, no doubt, when brought out by the present Administration, have an increased degree of support in both Houses of Parliament. The Pseudo-Conservatives, with Sir Robert Peel at their head, still leading the honest Whig, the bold and determined Radical, and the persevering Papist, to the final assault, where the fatal blow shall be struck that is for ever to sacrifice the once glorious constitution of Great Britain.

Let Protestants, however, be watchful and at their post, even at this, the eleventh hour. Let all denominations sink their sectarian differences, lay aside their political jealousies, and in defence of the truth as it is in Jesus, and in direct, open, manly, and honest opposition to Popery, and to Popish tendencies in high places, come boldly forward "to the help of the Lord against the mighty," and I am persuaded that many of those evils and dangers which threaten us all as Protestants may yet be avoided.

Let us seriously-let every man seriously ask himself the question -Whence arise the great, the crying evils of the present day?

The question is easily answered by any observing and thinking man. Popery is the fruitful source of all these evils!!

Popery, either concealed from view, or Popery openly demanding supremacy as a right in these kingdoms, or Popery in our own Church preparing for the embraces of the harlot of Rome, has forced from the hands of a British Parliament-whose hands, be it remembered, were sufficiently strong at the time to have withheld them-such enactments as have already materially endangered the throne, degraded the true religion of the Bible, and exalted the enemies of truth. And behold the sacrifice! Oaths have been set at nought, truths repudiated, and error cherished.

On all such transactions Protestants have too long looked with indifference and silence; while some, seeing the coming day of evil, have only thought of satisfying their consciences by privately sighing and mourning over the blindness and want of religion manifested in the Houses of Parliament, and the dishonesty of many who they have themselves helped to return as their representatives.

This will no longer answer. Protestants must fight the battle at the registries, and at the hustings. Good, tried, faithful, and religious men must be selected; and a healthier state of things must thus be introduced into the House of Commons.

Sir Robert Peel's Relief measure, of 1829, has been suffered to pass by, amongst his other delinquencies, almost in comparative silence; and on it he presumes to rest a great portion of his character as a


This gentlemen, when Prime Minister, was again permitted by this Protestant nation to endow the Popish College of Maynooth, and lavish Protestant money on the extension and support of Popish

error; and on other colleges, of an equally godless foundation, after his own plan; to the management of which even Judas himself would be admissible, had he the spirit to agitate, and followers sufficient to intimidate the craven hearts of such cowardly apostates.

The same Minister permitted-indeed it is a question whether he might not have been the planner also-the permanent establishment of an openly avowed Jesuit College at Malta; while the erection of a Protestant one was obliged to be carried on secretly, and subscriptions raised privately in this country, lest the opposition of this would-becalled Protestant should be called forth against it.

Protestants have again afforded the enemy an opportunity of saying, that they acquiesced in the national endowment of Popery in the Colonies; and the Secretaries of Sir Robert Peel's appointment for those valuable appendages to the possessions of Queen Victoria, were men who certainly rather strengthened the argument than discountenanced it. Believe me, you might as well have a Papist for a Colonial Secretary, or under Secretary, as a Tractarian.

Thus, by silence and a highly reprehensible timidity, have evil councils been permitted to prevail, and the spread of Popery both at home and abroad been encouraged.

Now, such has been the line of policy pursued by our Protestant Queen's late advisers; such is that which their successors are prepared to pursue, if they be permitted.

Other steps, still in advance towards the establishment of Popery, were prepared by these deadlier enemies of the British Constitution, which their successors are prepared to act upon, if suffered to do so by Protestant coldness and apathy. Preparations were made for overturning the Irish Church and transferring its property to the endowment of Popish priests and their Idolatrous Church. The present Administration are ready to carry them out.

But the question remains yet to be answered, shall we be more secure from the passing of such hateful measures under Lord John Russell's Administration?

I would answer, decidedly not. If the indignant spirit of Protestantism be not aroused throughout the country; if agitation and Popish agitators be permitted to drive him on to those measures which, though he feels it at present impossible to attempt, he, at the same time, almost plainly declares for the encouragement of agitation; he is prepared to patronize, and ready to yield, on the very first favourable opportunity.

If Protestants, then, were one half as vigilant as the supporters of Popery; if they were as anxious in support of the truth, which they profess to love, as their enemies are in that of error and superstition, it appears to me, that they were never offered a fairer opportunity of forming a most formidable anti-Popish party in the House of Commons; one which, at least, would be able to check any further progress in England's downward course; and perhaps destroy the sanguine hopes at present entertained by the Jesuit family, both at home and abroad, of England's speedy return to the bosom of the apostate Mother of Harlots.

If, however, on the other hand, this favourable moment be lost, and men of sound Protestant principle, lovers of the Lord, and of his written word, be not returned to the next Parliament, it will be found that the dangers and evils which now merely threaten, will soon ripen into completion, and speedily produce the bitter fruits of anarchy, confusion, and final ruin to this so long blessed and happy land, while it was yet under Protestant Princes, and Protestant laws, and under the pure Protestant preaching and teaching of the unadulterated Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Having now, Sir, thus far presumed to offer my humble but decided opinion, and to explain the convictions of my own mind, upon which, as far as it is possible, I am determined, as an individual, to act, I would, in conclusion, call upon all faithful Protestants, of every denomination, not to degrade themselves, and their holy religion, by again voting for any man who shall refuse to pledge himself to oppose the further progress of the "Man of Sin" in these realms, both in and out of Parliament, and on all occasions endeavour to check that mistaken liberality which has already brought our beloved country to the very verge of ruin.

July 23, 1846.



THE members and friends of the above
Association met on Wednesday even-
ing, July 1, in the Hall of the Asso-
ciation, Whitefriar-street, for the pur-
pose of celebrating the anniversary of
the victory of the Boyne. The Meeting
was originally to have been held in the
Rotundo Gardens, but, owing to the
broken state of the weather, and other
unforeseen circumstances, the place of
meeting was changed to the Hall,
which was very tastefully decorated
for the occasion with shrubs and
flowers, and amongst the latter was a
great abundance of orange lilies.
Several banners, representing Wil-
liam III. on horseback, which were
placed in various parts of the build-
ing, had also a most striking and
pleasing effect. There were also in-
scribed, in gold letters, over the chair
and on the front of the galleries, such
mottos as the following:-" God save
the Queen"-" Lord Lorton and Pro-
testant Ascendancy"—" Earl of Ro-
den and the Orange Institution," &c.
A vast number of Orangemen were

present, who wore their scarfs and insignia of office. The Meeting, which was thronged to excess with a most respectable audience, was most orderly and regular all through, and although great inconvenience was caused by the denseness of the crowd and the heat of the building, the assembly listened with the greatest interest to the entire proceedings, which did not terminate till half-past eleven o'clock.

The Rev. ALEXANDER J. MONTGOMERY, who, on his entrance with the Rev. T. D. Gregg, was greeted with enthusiastic cheering, was called to the chair by acclamation.

The Rev. T. D. GREGG then gave out the hymn, "From all who dwell below the skies," which was very effectively sung by the whole Meeting. The Rev. Gentleman then offered up appropriate prayers, after which,

The Rev. CHAIRMAN addressed the Meeting. He said that he considered it the highest honour that his fellowChristians could confer upon him, to place him in the chair upon that occasion; he could attribute it to no merit on his part, but only to the fact that he had been consistent in the maintenance of his religious and

political principles, a consistency in which he trusted, with God's help, he would ever continue. (Cheers.) It was one of the most sacred and solemn duties incumbent on them to commemorate such victories as those which they that night celebrated as the anniversary of the era of their civil and religious liberty, both of which were now in jeopardy. (Hear, hear.) They were bound to defend their civil liberties, for it was on them, humanly speaking, that their religious freedom rested. (Hear.) It was now a question whether the British nation was to maintain those liberties, or to be degraded beyond any nation on the face of the earth. Yes, the British empire was to be the theatre of the great contest between light and darkness which was taking place, and which was only to terminate by the downfall of the latter, by the restoration of the Jews, and by the Lord Jesus being enthroned as the Supreme Ruler over all. (Applause.) It was to the victory gained at the Boyne Water, that was to be attributed the past glory and prosperity of the British Isles, and it was to that victory that their future welfare, whatever it might be, should be traced. (Cheers.) In contending for the principles then rendered triumphant, they were contending for the liberty and happiness of every Roman Catholic in the country. (Loud applause.) He had, some time since, presented the Association with a work of the Rev. Dr. Croly's, called, "Protestantism the Pole-star of England"-and indeed it was the pole-star of the world as well. (Hear, hear.) In that work was given an account of the state of England, which was either prosperous or the contrary, according as Protestantism was encouraged or damaged. They had been so betrayed that there could be no dependance placed on man; Governments and senators had deceived them. He expressed how shocked he had been at reading the Archbishop of Dublin's statement of the Bible(groans) that our translation (the authorized version) was not the Bible. He (the Chairman) did not think that the Word of the Almighty should be confined to one language. (Applause.) At the building of the tower of Babel,

God caused language to be confused and multiplied to defeat the wickedness of man, and it was necessary, to meet the wants of men, that the Bible should be translated into those languages which they could understand. (Hear, hear.) He impressed upon them the fact, that national happiness was inconsistent with national misconduct; and that individual correctness and faithfulness led to national prosperity; and then called on them, in their own spheres, to use their influence for the promotion of truth and scriptural knowledge among the people. The book which he alluded to showed that the maintenance of Popish principles had brought disaster on the country. While the Whigs were in power this was manifest everywhere, both at home and on the Continent; but the rise of British influence in both places, when Sir Robert Peel came into power, it being supposed that he would maintain Protestant principles, was very great. The time had now come when the maintenance of Protestantism depended on the individual exertions of Protestants themselves. (Hear, hear.) He (the Chairman) believed that it depended more on the influence and workings of that Association than any other. (Cheers.) He told them that while, in their intercourse with Roman Catholics, they should be kind and obliging, they should offer the most determined opposition to their false principles, and to those false teachers who taught them, and who were far more criminal than their flocks, (Hear.) They should also support all the Protestant institutions of their country-their Church Education Society as the only Society which teaches the prin ciples of the national Church, which he maintained were the principles of the Bible; and this they would be convinced of on the perusal of "A Comparison of the Liturgy of the Church with the Bible," by Baileya most admirable work, which he would have the pleasure of presenting to the Society. (Cheers.) He would also recommend Bickersteth's "Divine Warning to the Church" to their best attention. They should support the Church Missionary Society, and the Irish Society. (A Voice" And the

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